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URBAN: What A Thug Wants

Page 14

by Shantel Johnson

  Lionel started to panic. Giselle was probably calling him because she needed him but he ignored her. He could feel the guilt creeping up. What if something happened to her? What if she was hurt? Ms. Rita said Giselle wasn’t home but Lionel didn’t know how good was the word of a woman who was always on drugs.

  “Giselle?” He said into the phone the second she picked up his call. “Where are you?”

  “I’m right behind you.” He turned around and saw that Giselle was hiding around the corner of the hall. He felt relief wash over his body. As he walked over to her and got closer, he couldn’t help but notice that she had been crying

  “What’s going on?” He asked her but she shook her head.

  “I don’t want to talk about it.”

  “Did she hurt you?” He looked at her face.

  “I don’t want to talk about it.” She repeated.

  “Did she hurt you Giselle?”

  “She cut most of my clothes. She told me that I thought I was better than her.”

  “This bitch is trippin.”

  “I don’t want to go back.” She sobbed and fell against him.

  “You’re going to crash at my place again.”

  “You sure it won't be a problem?”

  “Nah, it’s all good.” He gave her a wide smile and she started to feel better. “But there is something we have to do first.”

  “What’s that?”

  “We got to go shopping.”

  Kings Plaza was filled with shops. Lionel treated Giselle like a Queen. He really made the day feel great. It was the second time he’d done that with her and she could feel herself falling for him. She knew she had to stand firm and strong, but he wasn’t making it easy by being a nice guy. Every store that she went to, he just stood back and let her shop. When she tried to hesitate on the purchase, he would just fling it on the counter and pay for it. She finally got the message didn’t hold back on the purchase. They went and shopped at many stores and at every one of them, he paid in cash.

  “How are you feeling now?” He asked as they boarded a taxi. They were on their way back home. Lionel loved spoiling Giselle. It was something that he wasn’t used to but something he could do again.

  “I’m feeling 1000% better, thank you.” She kissed his cheek and he felt himself get erect. He couldn't believe one simple peck on the cheek could do this to him.

  “You’re welcome.” He took out his phone and started to play mobile games. He had to distract himself. Antwon told him that she was legal enough to do anything but he just couldn’t get past it. But if she kept kissing and hanging around him, he knew it would only be a matter of time before he broke that rule.

  They were now in their building. He helped her carry some of the shopping bags. When they arrived at the front of his apartment, there were in for a surprise, it was Renee. She was still a little mad at Lionel, but she missed him. Quick sex aside, he was somewhat like a friend to her. She just wanted to get a quick word in with him. Maybe if she talked it out with him rationally, things would go much smoothly. She admitted to herself that she got mad at him without much of an explanation. But when she saw him chummy with Giselle, she didn’t feel like being rational anymore.

  “Who the fuck is this?” She asked with her arms crossed. She looked Giselle up and down. She then looked back at Lionel who just shrugged his shoulders.

  “Bitch, when your ass left the way you did, it was over. The fuck you coming back here for?” He meant every word.

  “So I can’t come here and talk to you?”

  “Bitch, have you lost your mind?” He made his way to the door. He took out his keys, but Renee slapped it out of his hand. “So you have lost your fucking mind.” His nostrils flared. “You really pissing me off Renee.”

  “I’m just asking you a simple question and you’re ignoring me.” She fumed. “Who the fuck is this?” She pointed at Giselle. “Have you been fucking this bitch the whole time? Is that why you can never get me to cum?”

  Giselle stepped back on that note. She remembered seeing them arguing the other day, but she didn’t really hear what either of them said. She was too busy looking for her new foster home. Now seeing Lionel talk to a female disrespectfully up close, she started to lose her interest.

  “Yeah this bitch must be the reason why you could never make me fucking cum.”

  “If you so mad, then why are you here?” He threw logic at her but she wasn’t having it. She just stepped to Giselle’s face.

  “Have you been fucking my boyfriend?” She asked Giselle. Giselle shook her head.

  “I have nothing to do with this.” She informed the enraged woman.

  “Oh, you don’t?” Renee reached into the bag and pulled out one of the clothing articles. “Then whose dress is this?” She swung back to Lionel. “Is this your dress?” She asked him. “I don’t think you can pull off a strapless though.”

  “May I please have my dress back?” Giselle asked in a meek voice.

  “What?” Renee snickered.

  “My dress.” Giselle tried to get it back but Renee didn’t let her.

  “Stop it bitch.” She turned her attention back to Lionel. “Leo, how you trying to play me.”

  “I’m not a bitch! Now give me back my fucking dress!”

  Giselle’s words seemed to come out of nowhere. They echoed and bounced around the hallways.

  “Who the fuck you think you’re talking to?” Renee dropped the dress. Lionel quickly picked it up. He was about to jump in when he saw Giselle gesture to him to stay out of it. She was ready to fight her battles.

  “You bitch! You just going to come here and act a damn fool. The man said he doesn’t want you. Just fucking let it go and act like you got some class.” She crossed her arms across her chest. Renee didn’t hesitate to lunge for her. Giselle luckily moved out the way and forced her to hit the wall. Giselle stood next to Lionel. “You better get your ass on. Nobody is here for your fucking bullshit.” She stood her ground. Renee looked back at Lionel and saw that he wasn’t going to do anything.

  “This ain’t over bitch. I’m going to get you and you too Leo.” She pointed at them both and slinked away.

  “Damn, baby. What you just did was really brave.” He patted her on the back.

  “Can we go in? I’m so scared.” She was shaking.

  Lionel let her in the apartment. He helped her calm down and saw she was a bit high strung. It was now clear that she was afraid the whole time but she didn’t let it stop her. He smiled to himself.

  “I got to give her props.” He mumbled as he watched her.

  Chapter 6

  “You ever thought about your future?” Giselle asked him as they walked home from her school. It had been weeks since the incident in the hallway. Somehow these two ended up in a version of a relationship. They had no sex like friends, but the emotions they had for one another, wasn’t friendly. Every other day Lionel would pick Giselle up from school. He would stop his business with Antwon and go to Giselle.

  “My future? What you mean?”

  “Like what do you want to do with your life. What do you see yourself doing?”

  “I thought we talked about this already?”

  “We never talked about you. So what about you? What are your plans for the future?”

  “I guess you can say that I’ll see.”

  “You’ll see? If you don’t plan for the future, you won’t have one.”


  “I just think that you can be more than a drug dealer.” She told him.

  “You do?”

  “Yes. You’re smart.”

  “What makes you think I’m smart.”

  “Okay.” She laughed. “You can try hiding it under your slang but you think things out. You’re really smart.”

  Lionel looked at her and started smiling. He couldn’t think of anyone besides his mother that asked about his future. Not only did she ask about his future, but she believed he had one.

  “Hey! I
f it isn’t the homie.” Antwon came up behind them.

  “What are you doing here?” Lionel cut his eyes at his grinning friend.

  “Nothing. Well when you cut things short with me, I thought I’d follow you.” He looked over at Giselle. “I can see why you did. Nice to meet you.” He flirted with her. “You are beautiful.”

  “Thank you.”

  “So,” When Antwon licked his lips, Lionel knew to pull him to the side.

  “What’s up with you?” He asked him. “What you doing over here?”

  “I already told you.” He looked back at Giselle, who was now waiting down the block for them. “Damn, she really is a bad bitch.”

  “Oh boy.”

  “Is it me or does she look like another version of Beyonce. I mean this girl is fine!” Antwon let out a whistle. “Look at that body. How the fuck are you keeping your hands to yourself? If I had a girl like that….shiiiiiiiiiit.”

  “Can I have some time with her alone?”

  “What for? It ain’t like you trying to fuck the girl.”

  “I’ll see you later.” Lionel walked back to Giselle. Antwon shook his head and walked back over.

  “I’m about to leave but I didn't want to leave without telling you two things.” Antwon smiled.

  “And what is that?”

  “One is goodbye and the other is to this party, I have going on tonight.”

  “Tonight?” She started to think about it. She would love to see what the New York City night life was like, but she couldn’t see herself partying with Antwon. She could tell what his intentions were. “Lionel, are you going?”

  “I don’t know.” He didn’t like the way Antwon was looking at Giselle. He cut eyes at him, but Antwon didn’t care at all.

  “Well, I’ll go if Lionel goes.”

  “Then I guess I’ll see you both tonight.”

  Lionel stood outside of Giselle’s apartment. He was about to knock on the door but he knew that Ms. Rita might go crazy. Instead, he sent her a text letting her know that he was waiting right outside her door. He leaned against the hallways wall waiting for her. When five minutes passed, he thought that maybe she didn’t feel like going. He thought that maybe she just wanted to stay home. He then got another thought. Maybe she never came out because something happened with her and Ms. Rita. He went to knock on the door again but then it cracked open.

  His mouth nearly dropped to the floor. Giselle was in the same dress that Renee grabbed that day. She wore high heels and her hair which was normally wavy, was very straight. She was stunning. When she smiled at Lionel, he felt himself get erect again. He waited until she looked away and then started to readjust himself in his pants.

  “Sorry for taking so long. I had to duck and dodge Ms. Rita.” She laughed. “If she saw me dressed like this…” She didn’t even want to continue. She didn’t want to think of anything negative. “You look great.” She complimented him. He was wearing slacks and a nice shirt. He knew the club had a dress code and he didn’t want to cause trouble. Usually he would give the bouncer a few extra dollars and just get in, but since he was going with Giselle, he thought of taking the safe approach.

  “Thank you.” He looked at her again. He could feel the blood rushing to the head downstairs. “You look good too.” He walked ahead. “Let’s go.” He made his way outside. “I want to get to the club quick.”


  “I can’t keep you outside that late.”

  “I’m not a baby.” She pouted. “Besides, I never got to party in NYC. To be honest back at home, I partied too. So this will be interesting to see.”

  “Fine.” He stopped making eye contact. The less he looked at her, the easier it will be to keep his hands off of her. “Okay, let’s go.”

  The cab ride was short and in silence. Once again, Lionel tried to rely on the old method of distracting himself with his cell phone. He couldn’t look at Giselle. She was naturally beautiful but this time she was a bit extra. He didn’t know if he could handle it. Even sitting in the cab with her seemed to be a task. He could smell her perfume and it was just as enticing as she was. She tried to fill the cab with small talk but Lionel wasn’t participating. He was going to try his best to stay away from her.

  When they arrived at the club, the long line was the first thing that they saw.

  “Damn.” Lionel looked. “We should have gotten here early.”

  “It’s okay.” She could tell by the tone of his voice that he was annoyed. “It’s not a big deal. Besides, it’s a nice night out.” She breathed in the night air and exhaled loudly. Lionel chuckled.

  “Are you always looking at the upside of things?”

  “Considering how crappy my life has been, I don’t want to dwell so much on the negativity.”

  “That’s a good policy.” Lionel smiled.

  They walked towards the end of the line. Just when they were going to get to the back of the line, they heard laughter. Giselle and Lionel looked up and saw Renee there with her friends. They were pointing and laughing at them.

  “Just ignore them.” Lionel pulled Giselle away.

  “Stupid country bitch.” She cursed at Giselle as she walked away with Lionel.

  “What?” Giselle turned around. “What did you say?”

  “Don’t pay attention to her.” Lionel suggested.

  “Or what?” Renee snapped. “You’re going to not make me cum?” The friends and some of the people in the line laughed.

  “How do you expect him to fuck you with how much your pussy stinks?”

  “Oh!” The people around them said.

  “What?” Renee stepped forward. “What did you say?”

  “I’m only telling the truth. It’s hard to fuck a bitch with a smelly pussy.” Giselle scoffed.

  “She ain’t lying.”A guy added and people laughed some more.

  “I’m going to fuck you up.”

  Renee walked up to her. She pushed Giselle. Giselle stumbled back and moved forward. Lionel jumped in between them before they could start fighting. Renee shoved him, but he just got in the middle again. He didn’t want Giselle getting in a fight. He’d already seen what Ms. Rita could do to her.

  “Ladies.” Lionel huffed. “Calm down. Calm down.”

  “It’s your fault Leo. You fucking piece of shit.” Renee shoved him.

  “Calm down.” He was trying to move away but Renee wasn’t having it.

  “Yo! Keep it cool.” Antwon walked up. He saw his friend in the middle of some drama and he wasn’t going to let Lionel have all the fun. “What’s the problem?”

  “The problem here is that this girl has a smelly pussy and she is mad at the world.” Giselle laughed and then lunged at Renee. “It ain’t that he can’t make you cum, it’s that he can’t fuck you long enough because of the smell.”

  “Whoah!” Antwon laughed. “You got yourself a live one kid.”

  “Yo, help me break this up.” Lionel was still holding back Renee.

  The men finally stopped the fight. The bouncers came to find that everyone calmed down.

  “What’s going on?” One of them asked.

  “Ayo, let me and my people in.” Antwon slid $200 in the bouncer’s hand.

  “Ya got any weapons on you?” This man was shaped like a football linebacker.

  “Nah, I’m good.” Lionel admitted.

  “I got a little something, but I’m not looking for trouble. I’m just trying to get my drink on.” Antwon informed the bouncers. The two bouncers looked at each other and then let them up the line. Just before they were away from Renee, Giselle looked at her and said, “You should be in the pharmacy getting some Summer’s Eve to clean that pussy.”

  They got inside of the club and Antwon made sure they went straight to the V.I.P area. It didn’t take them long to start buying champagne bottles. It is funny how a New York City minute could pass. In one second they were all outside fighting and now they were having the time of their lives in the club.

iselle was having a great time. Her and Lionel were dancing with each other. He didn’t know if it was the club, the champagne, or just Giselle, but he couldn’t keep his hands off of her. When he danced with her, he held her tight and pulled her in closer. He was trying not to be erect, but it couldn’t be helped. Her body was pressed up against his, her perfume was in his nostrils, and her skin was so smooth.

  “Yo come here.” Antwon pulled him away from Giselle. “Let shorty breathe for a minute.” He joked. “I see you over there enjoying yourself.”

  “Yeah.” Lionel was still looking at Giselle. She was dancing on her own with her eyes locked on him. She was moving seductively and he was licking his lips.

  “Hey.” He snapped his fingers in front of his friend Lionel. “You a’ight?” He asked him but Lionel still wasn’t paying attention to him. “Go on and get out of here.”

  “What’s up?”Lionel finally snapped back in place.

  “Go and have sex with her. You trippin.”

  “Yeah.” Lionel finally stopped denying himself. “I got to.”

  “And you can’t bring her to your mama house.”

  “She classier than that.”

  “Yeah, she ain’t no Renee.” Antwon looked over at her. “Nice hotel?”


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