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URBAN: What A Thug Wants

Page 48

by Shantel Johnson

  Reminiscing on the dark times always made me look for a brighter future. I was never like the other kids in school. I was smarter, I was optimistic, and I had ambition. I was determined to make it out of Newark. My future was going to take me far. It was going to be a future that hopefully included the new Divine Design that just opened today. Divine Design is the hottest apparel store poppin’ right now. Which is why I have no idea what it’s doing in shitty old Newark. I wish I could have made my way down there to meet the CEO, but working on my feet all night long had me some kind of tired and there was no way I was getting out of the bed to stand in a crowd of people. I’ve always loved fashion and I really want to get out and do something with my passion, but I’m waiting on the right time. I gotta get my money right first. No shame in my game. I’m broke, I ain’t poor. My mama taught me that being broke don’t last forever, being poor is eternal.

  “I’ll go by there to apply tomorrow,” I decided as I pulled into the parking lot of ‘The Iron Dragon’. That is the name of the bar where I worked. I checked my phone for the time. Shit, it was 6:30 that is when I was supposed to be clocked in. I quickly grabbed my bags and got out of the car. I ran into the building and clocked in at 6:32. Good thing Rasheed wasn’t around, he’d be all over my black ass about being two fucking minutes late. I turned to go put my jacket and bags in the back office, checking my phone once more, before turning it off for work.

  “You’re late,” I heard and I jolted up from my phone.


  “Oh, hey Rasheed.”

  Rasheed was the owner of the bar. He was in his late 40’s. He had owned the place for the past 15 years and it was probably the safest place to be after dark. He kept his establishment clean. There was a strict no smoking policy and only beers and wines pre-approved by him and his most trusted employees were allowed to be sold. Rasheed was a stickler for the rules and with his mafia look, anyone in their right mind wouldn’t dare break them. He always wore dark shades, even when he was inside, and there was never a day where he didn’t dress to impress. He said it was in the occasion that someone important walked in to negotiate business, but no one ever did.

  “Come on Chantel, you know how I am about you all being on time. Please don’t waste my time ma.”

  I hated upsetting him. I knew he had a soft spot for me, and it hurt me to know that I was hurting him.

  “It won’t happen again,” I assured him as I put my stuff down in his office.

  “Alright lady, get out there,” he sighed

  “Yes daddy,” I joked as I walked down the hall swishing my hips from left to right. I knew he would be staring, and I knew it would turn him on. He would forget everything that just happened and I could show up even later the next time.


  The night was going by pretty slow. A few people who wanted to beat the Friday night rush kept us busy for a bit, but there was a big game later on, and a big game meant big crowds, but with big crowds, came big tips, especially if you know how to do your job like me. Not having any close relations with any of my coworkers made the job simple. I wiped down the bar and made sure all the TV’s were on the right channels, then I sat around until about 7:45 when the rush began. After about an hour, the game had everyone at a pretty high energy level. The bar wasn’t that big to begin with, so with the grill going, and voices cheering the heat in the place was almost unbearable. I pulled my hair up and out of my face. The blue diner dress I was wearing gripped every curve on my body from where balls of sweat rolled down my skin. The only area that wasn’t occupied with screaming sports fans was the V.I.P room and since everyone seemed content that’s where I went.

  When I opened the door, cool air rushed out and smacked me. I quickly closed the door behind me so that I wouldn’t lose anytime, and I plopped down on the couch. The V.I.P room was probably my favorite place in the bar. There was enough room to comfortably seat ten people. Directly in front of the mahogany doors was a large wood fire place, to the left was a sitting area with a tan, U shaped couch, and to the right was a conference table, with the most beautiful, white glass chandelier hanging over it.

  After I cooled off I headed back out to the main room. The game was almost over and it was almost time for me to get off.

  “Chantel!” Rasheed boomed.

  I turned quickly to his call, “Yes Sir?”

  He motioned me over and I quickly made my way in front of him. He would never stop productive work unless it was a do or die situation.

  “There is an Andrew DeVito at the door,” Rasheed began, “I’m going to show him and his staff to the V.I.P room, and then I’m going to get Tracey to get off her ass and take care of the customers out here. You go to my office, change your clothes, do your hair, and make sure Mr. DeVito is taken care of. Ya hear me?” He questioned.

  DeVito. I had heard that name somewhere, I just couldn’t for the life of me remember where. Whoever he was, he was doing me a big favor by coming, and I was going to make sure he was taken care of. I nodded to Rasheed in agreement and headed back to his office.

  Chapter 2

  It wasn’t very often that anyone actually bought the V.I.P room out, and it was an even smaller chance that Rasheed would have any of us change into the V.I.P uniform while serving guests in there. However, he did do so when he thought he was going to make a business deal with someone. So this “Andrew DeVito” guy must be important.

  As soon as I got to the office and locked the door behind me, I unzipped the tight waitress dress and let it fall to the ground. Rasheed’s office was probably my second favorite spot in the bar. I often found myself sitting in there after my shift was over, meditating on the sweet smelling incense that he kept burning. His office had everything from a bathroom to a mini refrigerator. If I ever lost my house this would be the first place I’d go.

  I went into the bathroom and hastily freshened up. The cool water felt amazing against my warm skin. After I finished, I went back out to the free standing wardrobe to get the V.I.P room outfit. I didn’t think it was anything special. Just a bit more formal than our regular waitress dresses. I pulled the outfit out and placed in on the desk. I grabbed the black fishnet stockings and slowly pulled them over my thick thighs. I stood up and adjusted my boobs in my black laced bra so that they were sitting nicely and then pulled the pearl, chiffon shirt over my toned arms. I grabbed the knee length, black pencil skirt and shimmied it over my wide hips. I tugged a little more and let it rest right above my belly button making sure that the shirt was tucked in. I stood up and slid into the suede black platform heels waiting for me at the end of the desk. I went to the mirror and took my hair down from being tied up and the long curls fell perfectly to my shoulders. I fluffed it and shaped it so that there were no fly away strands. I checked my ass in the mirror. I loved the way that the skirt fit perfectly over it. I checked to make sure that my tits were perked. Then looked into the cabinet for a bright red lipstick. After applying just the right amount, I grabbed my clothes from the floor, shoved them in my bag. I then headed to the V.I.P room to cater to the needs of Mr. Andrew DeVito and his staff.

  Chapter 3

  Andrew DeVito. 30 year old billionaire and CEO of Divine Design. Of Course I knew the name, I wanted his job! He was the man that I lusted over every night before bed. On the way into work, I wouldn’t have been able to imagine seeing him since I had missed the meet and greet that was held at the new store earlier that day, and there I was, little Miss Chantel Wilson sitting across the table from him! Every part of me wanted to jump across it and get completely naked with him on the couch, but I restrained, because who does that?

  After I’d served Mr. DeVito and his staff their drinks and food, he offered me a seat, and I’ll be damned if I passed up an offer that great. Rasheed probably wouldn’t have been too happy about me sitting at the table like that, but Rasheed wouldn’t be in here, and frankly I was enjoying being included in a group of professionals.

  Everything Mr. DeVito did amaze
d me. When he ran his fingers through his dark blonde undercut, I melted like a kid in a candy store. When he lifted his fork to his mouth, and the little half grin that brushed across his lips from time to time made my panties a little wetter. Every move he made mesmerized me and every feature that was Mr. Andrew DeVito made me tingle with excitement. His brawny build cut through his navy blue suit like a razor blade on a beard. I was in my own little world gazing at his peaches and cream skin. “This is the perfect opportunity for me to live my dream, get out of Newark, see the world, be somebody,” I thought. And I was ready to do whatever it took to get me there.

  After a few more hours of joyous celebration from opening the newest store, and boisterous laughter, Mr. DeVito and his colleagues finally settled down at around ten o clock. Many of them had early flights out scheduled for the next day, so slowly but surely they began to leave one by one. I had gotten up and began to clear the table. I brought the dirty plates to the back, and tried to collect all of my thoughts to find a way to bring up job opportunities with Mr. DeVito. I was so nervous about doing it, that I decided I should just wing it, otherwise I was bound to screw shit up.

  By the time I made it back, Mr. DeVito was the only guest left in the room. He was on the couch, and he looked stunning, even when he was doing nothing but staring into his phone. The glare from his device glowing under the dim light in the room lit his eyes like stars in the night. They were a vibrant shade of baby blue. They were electrifying. He looked so calm, and happy, so I decided to take it as a chance to get into the game.

  “So, Mr. DeVito, why did you decide to open a store in the sticks of New Jersey? You know this isn’t the best area to put a high end fashion establishment, right?”

  He looked up from his phone and smirked. Damn he was fine. “Actually, I do know how unfriendly Newark is. However, Atlantic City is a great place to escape the hot beaches of Miami.”

  I laughed, “Because everyone wants to escape Miami,” I turned away from him and leaned over the table to wipe it down. I could feel my skirt slowly ride up my thighs and a nervous vibe fell over the room.

  “Chantel, right?” My name rolled off of his tongue with such ease.

  I turned to face him, “Yes Sir,” his face was flushed and he was on the edge of his seat.

  “Uh, did you pick out this outfit?” he choked out as he stood up.

  I looked down, “Not exactly, if I had, it would flatter my shape a bit more,” I replied as I slid my hands across my torso and down my thighs.

  My eyes shot back to meet his gaze. He quickly looked away and checked his watch.

  He reached into his jacket pocket, pulled out a card and walked toward me. He grabbed a pen from the cleavage of my shirt and my nipples immediately jumped from the sweet smell of Andrew DeVito being so close. He scribbled some numbers on the back of the card and handed it to me. He clicked the pen with his lips and slipped it back onto the center of my blouse.

  “Text me when you get off work. I’ll give you the address and room number to my Suite and maybe we can talk over an opening within my company tonight that you may be interested in.”

  My heart wanted to jump out of my body and kiss the ground that this man walked on, but I couldn’t show him that, it would be distasteful. So I simply nodded and replied, “Certainly,” instead, and with that, he was off. I looked at the time. It was eleven o clock. I had an hour left and not once did it cross my mind that maybe midnight was too late for a meeting.

  Chapter 4

  I finished cleaning the V.I.P room as fast as I could, and shot to Rasheed’s office to change my clothes. I rushed in without even thinking to knock and kicked the shoes off that gave me about four more inches.

  “Slow down mama! What’s going on?” Rasheed asked from his desk. His eyes were bloodshot like he had been crying, but they weren’t wet. It was very unusual, but I didn’t put much thought into it. There was only room for my night to improve.

  “I need to go home, opportunity is knocking!” I stripped out of the V.I.P outfit, and tugged behind me where my underwear had ridden up in between my cheeks.

  He laughed, but his eyebrows were filled with concern, “You have thirty more minutes, ma! Where the hell are you rushing off too?”

  “Thirty minutes? Good, I can take a shower here, then,” I decided as I grabbed a towel and sponge from the shelf, then disappeared into the bathroom.

  There was no way I was telling Rasheed about meeting DeVito after ten o clock pm in his hotel room, and I definitely wasn’t about to mention that it was for a job. He loved me too much to let me go that easily; and as good a businessman as Rasheed was, he wouldn’t think twice if one day I’d asked him to fuck. He told me so himself in my interview. “Baby girl you’re a dime,” he said, “give me the say so, and I’ll have you by my side running this place overnight.” Sure, it was creepy as hell, he was old enough to be my dad, twice, but it worked for me in times like this. I could get away with leaving right now if I wanted, but the shower here was so much better than the one at home. So I took advantage of it.

  I let the steaming water rush through my long strands of hair, down my ample breasts, over my plump bottom and back down the drain. It reminded me of the cycle my life has been on since graduation. I grabbed the sponge and lathered my body in cherry blossom scented body wash. The scent was so enthralling I could almost taste it, like I could almost taste the job that Andrew DeVito was going to offer me. I smiled at my wishful thinking. I was finally going to make enough money to “escape TO the hot beaches of Miami,” if I wanted to. I giggled at myself and let the soap bubbles fall off of my body along with the rest of my troubles.

  I turned the water off and grabbed my towel. I dried every inch of my body and applied lotion to my skin. I pulled my hair into a high bun and reached into my bag for the clothes I’d brought for after work. It was nothing special. A pair of black and white joggers, a white tank top, and black sneakers. I looked at myself in the mirror once more and pushed my boobs up. It wasn’t the best interview outfit, but it would have to do if I was going to get all the way to Atlantic City in a reasonable amount of time. I took a deep breath. If I wasn’t ready now, I’d never be ready.

  I grabbed my stuff and shoved it in my bag and headed to the time clock to clock out. I typed DeVito’s number into my phone and shot him a text.

  Mr. DeVito, this is Chantel Wilson, from the bar you visited tonight. I hope I’m not disturbing any sleep you may be getting. I’d like to come over and talk work if that is okay with you!

  I felt ballsy. Excited. Noticed. This is you Chantel, texting the fucking CEO of Divine Design! I rushed to my car and threw my things into my backseat, then eagerly waited for a reply.

  1 Renaissance Way, Atlantic City. I’ll have someone waiting for you.

  That was all he replied. A very professional man. One that I didn’t want to keep waiting. I put my phone down, cranked my car, and sped the entire way there.

  Chapter 5

  “Ah, Miss. Wilson,” a deep voice cranked as I walked through the door. A tall, average sized Hispanic man stood in front of me. He was dressed in all black and he had the same dark shades on that Rasheed wears.

  “Right this way, Andrew has been waiting on you,” He smirked.

  The man led me to the elevator and said not another word before he knocked on a tall door at the end of the top floor hallway.

  “Who is it?” A familiar voice called.

  “Your guest,” the man called back in a playful, high-pitched voice.

  In little to no time at all the door swung open, and there he stood with that cute smirk on his face. He had changed into a white V-neck, and grey sweat pants. Not the most professional outfit, but he was in his hotel room at twelve in the morning, so I couldn’t really blame him.

  “Thank you, Kenneth,” he directed his attention toward me and stepped to the side for me to come in.

  “Miss. Wilson,” he pressed.

  Whatever the opposite of “my heart stopp
ed” is, is what happened when he said my name, but I dared not show it in a business meeting. I should have brought my jacket. My nipples were piercing against my bra again, but I guess it was too late now.

  The suite that Mr. DeVito was staying in was three times the size of my studio apartment. It had everything a home should have; a bed, a kitchenette, a sitting area, and a bathroom. It even had a balcony Jacuzzi. There was a maroon, white and gold theme to the room. There was a huge painting of a lion behind the beds headboard. “How badass is that?” I thought.

  “Please, take a seat,” he said as he closed the door behind me.

  I walked over to the white loveseat and did as I was told.


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