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URBAN: What A Thug Wants

Page 51

by Shantel Johnson

  As soon as my thoughts took off, we pulled up to a tall glass building. The headquarters for Divine Design was even better than I could have imagined. I was greeted with a warm welcome at the door and the lady who I had talked to on the phone led me to the conference room. She asked if I wanted a glass of water, but I respectfully declined. I didn’t want to have to excuse myself from the meeting.

  At two o clock exactly Mr. DeVito walked into the room and sat at the other end of the long table. His secretary stood behind him.

  “Well hello Chantel. I didn’t expect to see you today.” He looked up at his secretary and she looked nervously into the distance.

  “So what brings you here exactly?”

  “Well,” I conjured up every ounce of courage I had, “I have some papers for you.”

  I held up the papers that confirmed that I was pregnant and his secretary came to grab them, then dropped them off in front of him. He looked over them silently and then looked up at me.

  “What is this?”

  Before his calm demeanor aroused me, but that day it frustrated me.

  “What the hell does it look like?”

  He shot a glance up to me and I stared back into his eyes.


  “Yes Sir?” she jumped.


  “Yes Sir.” She scurried away.


  That day was probably one of the worst days of my life. That is also the day I lost all respect for Andrew. When Henrietta left, he wasted no time coming to my side of the table and throwing the papers in my face. I didn’t budge.

  “Chantel, you were on the pill when I fucked you. It’s not mine.”

  “I was not on the pill and it is yours.”

  “Then why did you lie to me?”

  “I didn’t”

  “Okay fine, you weren’t on the pill, but if you throw it back like every other Jersey hoe on the first night, then I am positive that it is not mine.”

  I stood up from my chair.

  “Call me what you please, Andrew, but you weren’t saying that when you were screeching at the top of your lungs.”

  His face was flushed.

  “Listen, how much do you want?” He reached into his pocket.

  “I don’t want your money.”

  “Damn it Woman! Get out of my building. I’ll have a check sent to you. I just don’t want to see you or that kid again. You are only another number to the other hoes I don’t give a fuck about. Get over yourself. You were a hook up. A good time. You are useless to my company, and you aren’t going to make my life any easier with this bull shit!”

  I knew fueling his anger would do nothing to help my situation, so I got up and walked out of the door. I thanked Henrietta for her hospitality. The evils within a person really do come to the light. My heart was heavier than when my mom died. I went to the hotel room and packed my bags. I tried calling Brenton, but there was no answer so I took an early flight home.

  When I got to Brenton’s house no one was there. So I got into the bed and fell asleep. When I woke up I decided to search for a place to work and live. There was still no sign of Brenton or his mother, and he wasn’t answering his phone. After finding a few places and contacting the managers, I got in my car and drove to the park. I loved going to the park. It helped me clear my mind.

  I sat on the park bench and relaxed. I took deep breaths of the air around me and watched the little children play on the swing sets and slides. I patted my stomach and smiled.

  “One day Reality. One day.” I said out loud.

  “You’re naming the kid Reality?” A woman’s voice said.

  I snapped out of my thoughts and looked up. There stood a tall pale one with skinny legs. She had on a knee length blue skirt, a cardigan, a scarf that draped over her head, and dark shades.

  “I am actually.”

  “Is it really my husband’s kid?” The woman took off her shades. It was Andrew’s wife.

  My eyes widened.

  “Unfortunately, yes ma’am it is.”

  She looked like she would bust out into tears at any moment. I patted the bench beside me.

  “Have a seat.”

  She sat down and we had a long conversation. She mostly talked about how she had always known he was cheating on her and she would let it slide and pretend like it was nothing. She also admitted that the blocked number was hers. She had found my number in Andrew’s jacket pocket and decided to give it a call. She was going to threaten me, to keep me away from him, but she couldn’t seem to bring herself to formulate the words. She rambled on and on about how she had wanted so badly to kill someone and how she had made a plan for that someone to be me, but when she heard that I was pregnant, she couldn’t carry it out. She had two kids of her own with Andrew. Two boys. He often played in the yard with them, but never seemed to offer much time for her since the last one.

  We sat on the bench and talked for a good hour and a half before she forgave me, and gave me numbers for some good companies to call for a job. I thanked her and sent her on her way. Within the next thirty minutes I was back at Brenton’s house. This time he was home, but his mother wasn’t.

  “What’s up baby doll? You aren’t supposed to be here for another hour or so.”

  “Yea, I came in last night. Andrew didn’t take it so well.”

  “Aw, that’s okay. At least you gave him a chance to be in the kid’s life.”

  “Yea, where’s mama ‘Gomery?”

  “Oh,” his face flushed, “Bingo.”

  I looked directly into his eyes and took a step closer.

  “Brenton Theodore Montgomery. Are you lying to me?”

  He held his breath and in one heap of air he admitted, “Mama moved to Tennessee about a year ago to be with her new boyfriend, I’m down here recovering all the stuff from the apartment that will be thrown away otherwise, and I have been watching over you this entire time, because Rasheed called me one day and told me that he was going to turn himself in and he needed someone to look after you.”

  He closed his eyes as I held on to every word.

  “So, you lied to me?”

  “Tel, don’t say it like that. I didn’t lie because I wanted to, I lied to protect you.”

  “Not a damn way that’s true either. Who the hell was the girl that called your name that night when you said it was your mom? Why the hell didn’t you answer your phone all night and day? What the fuck is going on Brenton?”

  He looked as if he had seen a ghost.

  “I’m going to need you to chill the hell out, and sit ya ass down.” He pointed to the couch.

  I did as I was told.

  He went into a detailed story about how when my mom died she left two notes. One for him and one for Rasheed. They had been communicating back and forth this entire time about how much to pay me in order to keep the apartment and maintain my lifestyle. They talked about everything I did and who I was visiting. When Brenton stopped trying to get in contact with me, it was because Rasheed knew it would make me come to the bar and look for work and it was the best way for him to look after me. When Rasheed decided to turn himself in, it was so that I could be with Brenton. The girl was the apartment manager who needed Brenton for final paperwork, and he hadn’t answered his phone because he was taking care of last minute plans with Rasheed.

  “I love you baby doll, and I would never do anything to hurt you.”

  “I love you too, Brent.”

  “No. Chantel.”

  “What do you mean?”

  Without saying a word his lips were drawn to mine. Like a magnet we were drawn together and like glass my heart shattered. I had never felt the way I did in that moment before. I kissed him back and in seconds his hand was holding me down onto the couch. He pulled down the already low cut top of my shirt and fondled my swollen nipples.

  “Brenton! I love you too.” I called out. I never even deciphered that in my mind. That I could love lanky old Brenton Montgomery. He was
my one true love, my soulmate.

  That night we made love in his bed. It was the first time since prom night that I had felt him inside of me. I loved the way he catered to my every need. Every position he put me in, he made sure I was comfortable. He even asked before he did things like pull my hair and play with my clit.

  “May I?” He would say, and I would shake my head yes.

  “No Chantel,” He would respond, “I need you to use your words, tell me that I can.”

  “Yes,” I would moan or whisper, and he would pleasure me.

  He kept the perfect speeds and massaged the ins and outs of all the right places. That one night with Breton Montgomery was better than any night I could have had with a billionaire.


  I decided to have a water birth with little Reality. I felt little to no pain at all and Brenton was there for comfort the entire time. Reality was born with no defects at all. His skin was the color of his godmother Tracey’s. He had light blue eyes and red orange hair. His smile could light up an entire room and I loved him more than I could imagine loving anything.

  Andrew sent me a check for $340,000. I put it all in a bank account for Reality and decided that I would use it for him. Mrs. DeVito sent me another check for $50,000 and a note that read, “I am here for you.”

  I had moved up to New York with Brenton. His home was beautiful and big enough for the three of us. All of Brenton’s clients were amazing people. One of them even found me a job. I was a secretary at a local business. I did the usual secretary stuff. I answered phones, wrote down appointments, and made coffee. It wasn’t the best job, but I was making it.

  Tracey had become a very close friend of mine. She moved to New York to be closer to her girlfriend. Who would have known? She loved coming over to take Reality away and let Brent and me dream a little.

  Things were finally getting on a path that I could deal with. I really enjoyed being with Brenton and Reality. It always felt like we were one big happy family, in fact, we were.



  Shantel Johnson

  © 2015 Sensual Ink Publishing

  Table of Contents



  Chapter Three: RODERICK

  Chapter Four: CEENA

  Chapter Five: AUGUSTINA

  Chapter Six: RODERICK

  Chapter Seven: CEENA

  Chapter Eight: AUGUSTINA

  Chapter Nine: CEENA

  Chapter One


  I hear you be the block

  But I'm the lights that keep the streets on

  Notice you the type that like to keep them on a

  Leash though

  I'm known to walk alone

  But I'm alone for a reason

  Sending me a drink ain't appeasing

  Believe me

  Come harder this won’t be easy

  Don't doubt yourself trust me you need me

  This ain't a shoulder with a chip or an ego

  But what you think they all mad at me for…

  Beyonce’s “Upgrade You” was playing on the radio as I made myself into a diva for the grand opening of my very own boutique in midtown Atlanta. I sang along to the lyrics as I put on my jewelry and fluffed out my short locks. I had recently decided to cut off my hair to say goodbye to the old life, and hello to the good life as a business owner. I named my boutique Queenz Fashion to represent for the women in the business world and also to represent my hometown.

  “Damn, Bae! You’re looking delicious over there.” My man of the last eight years commented on my look as he approached me from behind.

  “Thanks, my love.” I smiled at him as I turned around and wrapped my arms around his neck. “I just hope everything goes according to plan today.” I shook my head praying that everything turned out okay for my opening. I would hate to be the laughing stock of Atlanta as soon as I get here..

  Recently Roderick and I moved from our hometown of Queens, New York to begin a life in a more affordable state. I have always wanted to go into business for myself designing clothes that everyone will love all the way down to the last seam. Since Atlanta is becoming the top city to make money in, Roderick and I decided we would take our shot and make a name for ourselves there. We have only been in the ATL for six months and have low-key heard the hate coming from a lot of boutique owners in the area. Whether they are ready or not, I am coming and coming with force.

  Roderick rubbed my shoulders and gave me a peck on the lips. “Don’t sweat small stuff. No one has a stronger hustler’s mind than a true New Yorker. We came here to conquer and make money. We didn’t come here to take out other businesses. The way I see it, we can all get money together somehow.”

  “You’re right. It’s not like we all sell the same things. My style is more Vintage, everything from the past comes back into style, so I take that style and give it a little of today’s edge.” I convinced myself.

  “Well, we have about an hour and a half before opening so how about we um, take advantage of this time and have a little quickie?” Roderick pulled me closer and began kissing on my neck, my weakest spot.

  Bzzz.Bzzz.Bzzz. My phone was buzzing since it was on vibrate. “Stop it, I have to go answer the phone, silly.” I playfully pushed him off of me as I went to retrieve my phone off of the dresser. I noticed it was Marisa, the event coordinator, for my grand opening. Immediately I tensed up.

  “What’s wrong? Is everything okay? Please tell me that I am not going to be embarrassed today?” I threw question after question to Marisa.

  I heard giggling from her end. “Calm down, silly. Everything is going great and in order. I was just calling to see what time you were making your grand entrance because people are starting to arrive.”

  Instantly, I relaxed. “Well, I can be there in about …” I paused as Roderick started undressing me and kissing down my back and shoulders. “In about, um…” I stopped again, being distracted by the good feeling Roderick was bringing to me. He rubbed his fingers down my chest to my stomach and down to my pleasure zone. “Fuck it, give me an hour. I will be there.” I hung up the phone and started taking off my self-made dress.

  “I knew you wanted this pipe-down.” Roderick said as he carried me to the bed. Kissing me passionately on my lips, he moved down to one breast at a time and began licking and sucking on my tender nipples. I rested my head back on the pillow and let him take me to ecstasy.

  One thing about our lovemaking, Roderick always caters to my needs first. Today was no different even though we were pressed for time. That has been the case for our whole relationship; he always treated me as if I came first in his life.

  I was introduced to Roderick when I was twenty-seven, he was thirty. We both had this mutual friend that kept trying to hook us up in the past but we just never found the time to actually follow through with it. That was until one night this mutual friend, Byron, who also used to be my ex but became my best friend when he discovered he was just not that into women, said he wanted me to come over and help him decorate his new living room. I didn’t know he had also invited someone else to also help him.

  At first I didn’t know that it was the same guy whom Byron was trying to match me with, instead, I thought it was his date for the night, so I was trying my best to hurry and exit before I saw something I was not trying to see. After a while, we were all talking and having a good time, and that is when Byron made the announcement that everything was all set up and that in actuality this was the date he had been trying to set up for us. Roderick and I looked at each other, and that’s when we knew that we were set up. I am glad that Byron forced us into that date because I probably would still be lonely today if it had not been for that arrangement. Ever since that night, Roderick and I have been each other’s one and only.

  “Baby, that feels so good, but you have to hurry up. It is almost time
to go.” I moaned as he ate his way to my heart. After climaxing over and over again, we finally recovered and showered together so we could still be on time for my event. I don’t know what I would do without the love and support of my man. Eight years of complete satisfaction. Trust me when I say it is rare to find a black man with no kids, baby momma’ drama, not involved with the streets, and who has a job, a car, and can still be faithful to one woman. That is what I got when Roderick was brought into my life. Handsome, chiseled and strong jawline, brown skin piece of heaven he was. My life is officially complete, my man, and my business.


  Sitting in Augustina’s Showroom, a storefront boutique I opened up almost five years ago, I admired all of the hard work I put into my emporium. Not many people can say they are truly in business for themselves. I happen to be one of the ones that can say this.

  I was always into fashion and modeling growing up. So once I paved my way as a runway model for a lot of celebrity shows, I decided to take the fashion world by storm and design my own clothing line and sell them at affordable prices. So far, so good; my clothes are high fashioned and a lot of celebrities support me like Toya Wright, Tiny, and Joseline from Love and Hip Hop. It is crazy how you become something overnight.


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