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Celestia is Falling (A Croft & Croft Romance Adventure Book 1)

Page 6

by Morgan Kelley

  Holy Moses!

  This man was sexy as sin.

  “Please tell me that you’re still training him, Agent Croft,” she gently teased. “Or did I somehow give you the impression that I couldn’t possibly be the one running this show because I’m a girl?”

  Agent Croft glanced over at his partner and wished he had made the introductions instead of allowing the error to occur. What a way to start. “Special Agent Briggs meant no offense Sheriff Starling. He simply jumped to the wrong conclusion.” He turned to Briggs and continued, “She’s in charge, Curtis.” Croft lifted a brow, signaling to the younger agent to fix it.

  “I left my shiny sheriff’s star back at the office with my uniform, Agents.” Emma was still trapped, staring at the man before her. He was tall and… amazing.

  Briggs turned bright red at her comment, and fortunately, for him, no one noticed. “I’m sorry. I just assumed that he was…” He was cut off by his partner before he dug the hole any deeper.

  Agent Croft stepped in, taking over. He put out his hand and shook the deputy’s, introducing himself. Then his focus was solely for her as he waited for her response.

  “Again, Sheriff, we apologize for the misunderstanding,” added Croft, still holding out his open hand, waiting for Emma to take it. Since seeing her, he had been looking forward to this moment. Why he wanted to touch her, it was beyond him. This woman called to something deep inside. He grinned in victory as she reached over to accept his offering.

  Emma stared up into his face, getting lost in his eyes. They were the most off-settling color gray she’d ever seen. Agent Croft was a ruggedly handsome man and with the combination of his eyes, they made him staggering. It was something about how they appeared more of a silver color with an icy finish to them that gave them a uniqueness she’d never seen. His black hair wasn’t cut too close to his head, but instead was long enough to run fingers through it. For some reason, she was compelled to reach out and touch the little flicks of gray and slide her hands through the deep richness. It took a great deal of self-control to refrain.

  Talk about embarrassing! That absolutely couldn’t happen. Agent Croft had to be a good six inches taller than her, and Emma was feeling dwarfed beside him. Everything about him screamed pure masculinity. The man was solid, and she wondered what he’d feel like beneath her wandering hands. Emma began to flush with heat, and she doubted it was from the sun.

  Well, holy shit! This was an interesting turn of events.

  Emma had plenty of relationships in her life, but never had the men caught her attention quite this quickly. Senior Special Agent Croft made her heart pound in her chest and fired up everything in her body.

  When her hand touched his, the pricks of electricity shot directly to her core as a tidal wave of warmth rush over her and threatened to pull her under, causing her to drown.

  Croft stood there holding her hand, unsure how long they’d been connected. He’d lost track of time, when he found himself staring deep into her eyes. They were emerald green and set off the features of her face. It was hard to believe this woman was the sheriff of the town. From her tipped up nose, to her delicate features, the man in him immediately wanted to protect her. Call it chauvinistic, but the testosterone surged and Croft didn’t want to leave her side.


  It was the craziest thing he’d ever experienced in his life. He’d never believed in instant attraction until that moment. In that second of a heartbeat, he found himself lost in the slight woman before him. The warmth of her hand abated the cold that had taken root in his life many years ago. Croft knew then, he needed to know more about her.

  Emma turned her head to break the spell and regain her concentration. It was insane to be drawn to a complete stranger like this, and yet she was. Finally, when she located her voice, Emma answered, “It’s quite all right, Agent Croft. It happens all the time. No one expects me to be the sheriff. I blend in with the deputies.”

  He didn’t buy that for a single second. She stood out and drew his attention. Croft couldn’t tell her how many men were in the field with them.

  “It probably has to do with not wearing a uniform.” Emma slowly pulled her fingers reluctantly from the senior agent’s hand.

  Croft wished he could come up with some excuse to keep her hand in his. He never wanted the contact to end.

  Emma knew it was time to focus on the situation at hand. Being around the man was making her nervous and oddly at ease all at once. “Gentlemen, I assume you received the report before you left town?” she asked, and when they nodded she continued, “The family stated that the victim left her house with her cell phone. As of yet, we haven’t been able to find it. It wasn’t in the vehicle, purse, or the clearing. I came here last night and tried searching with a flashlight, but it was too dark and I gave up.”

  Something about the idea of her wandering around in the dark where a killer had been drove up Croft’s blood pressure. “That was either very brave or incredibly stupid, Sheriff,” he stated, waiting for her reaction.

  The deputies, who were protectively standing around her, tensed at the man’s audacity.

  Emma simply stared at him, her face completely blank and giving him nothing in return.

  Croft was impressed. The woman had a deep well of control. He began to wonder if anything could stir her up. “What if the killer came back here last night? They do more often than not, return to the scene of the crime for souvenirs. You could have found yourself in a very bad situation.”

  She wasn’t going to let the FBI rattle her. “Well, Agent Croft, first of all, it’s my job so whether or not you deem it stupid or dangerous, doesn’t negate that I have to still do it. Second of all, there was a deputy here with me,” she added, pointing at Deputy Marshall. Then as if to emphasize the situation, she placed her hand on her gun. “Lastly, I’m fairly self-sufficient when it comes to keeping myself safe. I wouldn’t worry about it,” she paused and tapped her chin. “Hey! Maybe that’s why I’m sheriff and not prom queen. Damn those job qualifications.” Emma turned and continued talking to the men, not wanting to think about how she did intend to come to the clearing alone. Again, was the reminder she was being watched while she was here.

  Croft grinned at her back. He liked a woman who had guts, and Sheriff Starling appeared to have more than her share. Already, she was challenging him and that spoke of her character and tenacity.

  “As I was saying, the phone was never found. Megan Landry’s family insisted she never left home without it, and this seemed like the logical place to look for it. This was where the body was found.” Emma stood just off center to the blood stained grass and scanned the area. Something still wasn’t feeling right to her.

  “Anything else that you got from the family that’s going to give us a jumping off point, Sheriff Starling?” inquired Briggs, pulling out his tablet and entering everything she’d just told them.

  “The only other thing I could get from the family was that the victim was relaxing in sweats and got a call. Instead of just getting in the car and leaving, she went and got changed. By that, I mean Megan Landry got all ‘girled’ up. You can’t tell from the photos because her garments were hacked to pieces, but there was a frilly little mini skirt, a silk shirt, and lacy undergarments.”

  Briggs entered that too, while Croft continued to stare at the woman, measuring her up.

  Emma paused before continuing, “I don’t know about you two gentlemen, but when a woman is meeting a love interest she changes into her best sexy things.”

  Croft could feel his body getting warm as he pictured her in incredibly racy things. He let the fantasy linger a few more seconds before he shut it down. It had been a long time since he daydreamed about a woman.

  Ages in fact.

  Emma pulled out her phone, pulling up the report and emailed it to the agents. “The undergarments the victim had on were expensive. We pulled the name and brand from the tag. They weren’t the everyday things. We traced the items
to a boutique in Philadelphia.”

  Briggs got the email and added the details to his report. “I’ve driven by that place. It’s exclusive and only sells women’s lingerie,” he said, staring at the links she included, showing them what the woman had been wearing.

  “As you can see, they are definitely not the lounge around the house types of things.” She glanced back up at the senior agent, and she could see the wheels turning in his head as he processed the information. What she wouldn’t give to be in his mind.

  Croft’s eyes never left the woman’s face as he suddenly wondered if the sheriff liked lacy erotic things. Then he dismissed the thought as quickly as it had arrived. This wasn’t the time or the place.

  Emma pulled her hair back into a ponytail, trying to get some relief from the heat and sun.

  His eyes tracked every single motion with intense interest. What the hell was wrong with him? This wasn’t like him to have his mind wandering while on an assignment. He prided himself on being a by the book agent, but he couldn’t help it. From the minute he arrived in the clearing with his partner, he’d been off balance.

  Damn it!

  Sheriff Starling was turning into a distraction. As the woman continued with her verbal report, Croft couldn’t help but continue to check her out. She was definitely taller than most women he tended to be drawn to, but the sleekness of her body had him intrigued. She looked more like a dancer than a cop. Everything about her was delicate and distinctly feminine, but once she spoke, there was toughness behind it and that called to him too. He got the distinct impression that despite the adorable splattering of freckles across her nose, she was a tough, capable sheriff. He was getting the impression that she had definitely done some time on the street elsewhere. The way she gave a report, the way she spoke, and her ‘cop-like’ actions gave her away. Croft dragged himself to the present conversation in order to finish hearing about the victim’s belongings and any other evidence.

  “Doctor Brooks doesn’t believe there was any sexual assault. He did a kit and nothing so far.”

  Croft finally spoke, “What do you think?” He wanted to get her assessment on the situation. That and he wanted into her mind.

  “When I arrived on the scene and observed Megan’s body, I found her undergarments intact. In my opinion, I don’t believe she was sexually assaulted. Why would a killer rape her, and then put her panties back on when he planned to hack her apart? It simply doesn’t fit for me, especially since this killing looks more like an angry attack than a rape gone wrong.”

  Agent Croft tended to agree.

  “Besides, the blood stains that were on the silk lined up with the drips that were running down her body. I doubt the killer decided to fuss with them in the dark.” Emma could feel his eyes on her, and she still avoided his stare. The last thing she needed was to fall into the silvery depths. “The killer left us a note. I believe you received a scanned copy sent to your office. Let’s be realistic. When it comes to DNA and technology, we don’t have the facility to handle a serial killer.”

  Briggs glanced up from his tablet. “It sounds like you’re doing pretty well so far.”

  Emma’s eyes flickered over to him. “Agent, let me forewarn you about me. I can smell ass kissing a mile away, and it pisses me off. My deputies can attest to that.”

  Deputies Ridge and Marshall began laughing. They’d all tried that route and were shot down fast.

  Agent Briggs flushed. Yeah, he was trying to make up for his faux pas earlier. She nailed him on it.

  Croft grinned. The woman was smart, aware, and tough. This was going to be one hell of an adventure. He could have come to Briggs’s rescue, but the man should know better and learn to read people. It was their job to observe and learn.

  “If we’re going to be working together, then let’s get one thing perfectly clear. I’m far from arrogant. I’m woman enough to admit that we’re in way over our heads. If it comes down to my ego or saving another victim, I’ll let the FBI take the credit and glory. We don’t even have a coroner to do an autopsy,” she paused before continuing. “I know that we need your help.”

  Agent Croft spoke up, “What are we looking at, Sheriff? Tell me what it is we have to work with, so I know what I need to call in as back up.”

  Emma thought about it. “The victim’s body had to be sent to the next town’s hospital. We’re a small community and this has never happened here before. Celestia is generally peaceful and quiet. I can guarantee that the evidence wasn’t handled improperly, since I was the one who collected it and sealed bags for the FBI. Unfortunately, Agent Croft, I’m the only one who has had any experience in the past with homicides.”

  He understood. They’d worked many cases in small towns with the same situation. Croft had a mobile team that could head there with a call.

  “My top priority was to make sure the evidence wasn’t destroyed or tainted.”

  “We appreciate that.” Croft’s curiosity was piqued at the woman before him. Before the day was over, he was going to find out more about her--either from her--or through official contacts at FBI headquarters.

  Normally, he would have done the background research on the head investigator, but time constraints had kept him from getting around to it. There was some great relief that she wasn’t just some sheriff from a backwoods town after all. The woman obviously had a vast wealth of experience. It was obvious from the way she conducted herself in this investigation. Emma Starling was clearly educated and had the veneer of big city all over her. It would make his job so much easier.

  “Where exactly was the car located, Sheriff Starling?” questioned Briggs, drawing Emma’s attention away from his partner temporarily.

  “Over alongside the entrance to the clearing. It’s sealed and locked up behind the impound lot, Agent. We have it waiting for both you and Agent Croft. As soon as I finish up here, I’ll take you back into town and show you both where you can find it. Then you can check out any evidence that I have locked up in my office vault.”

  Emma started to pull off her rubber gloves and stopped when she heard one of her men call out her name. She turned to watch Deputy Reese jogging over to her. She gave him her customary smile.

  “Hey, Em! You were right. We searched the surrounding woods and we found the footprints. That bastard was waiting here for Megan Landry. That’s why we didn’t find more tire tracks leaving the scene. He came into ‘The Crossing’ on foot.” He stared at the two agents and nodded in greeting. “Do you want to take a look and bring the Feds?”

  Emma knew her suspicions were right. “Yes, I’m coming right now. Let me just get the kit,” she replied as Reese jogged back across the clearing. Immediately, Agent Briggs followed her deputy to the prints.

  When Emma glanced over, Croft was carefully observing her. “Yes, Agent?” she inquired, absently brushing aside a stray curl.

  “I’m simply curious how well someone needs to know you before they can stop calling you Sheriff Starling?” Normally, he wouldn’t mix personal with professional, but this entire situation felt momentously dissimilar. He wasn’t able to compare it to anything he’d ever experienced before.

  The question caught her off guard. She was pretty sure he’d ask her about her past experience to get a baseline on her knowledge. The last thing she expected was him wanting to be friendly. Something about the question warmed her and chilled her simultaneously.

  “I guess that depends on whether or not that was your intended question, Agent.” Emma stared up into those mesmerizing eyes again, risking falling into their depths. “Something tells me that wasn’t what you really wanted to know. Like I told your partner, I can smell bullshit a mile away.”

  Croft grinned wickedly. “You’re absolutely right, Sheriff. I wanted to see if he’s the only deputy that calls you by your name.” He couldn’t believe he was even going there. His mouth and brain seemed to be having a war, and stupidity was winning. This was dangerous ground and Croft knew it. “The man was really frie
ndly with you. Are you a couple?” Croft didn’t even bring up the fact that the other deputy was staring at her like a lovelorn puppy too.

  She cocked her head, never breaking eye contact. “Does that matter to the investigation, Agent Croft?” Emma countered, surprised that he actually said what he was thinking. This was unlike any FBI agent she had worked with before. Usually, there was a shroud of secrecy and that annoyed her. It was refreshing that the man said what he thought, not pulling any punches. “Do you think it would bias how I handled things in my office? Or how it affected my abilities with this investigation?”

  “No, Sheriff Starling, I get the impression you handle things just fine.” Croft was irritated at himself. One for even asking her that question, and two for letting her get under his skin in such a short time. Now, he had two mysteries to solve in his mind. Why this woman drew his attention, and if he was going to have to kick another man’s ass to get closer to her.

  What the hell was he thinking?

  Emma started towards her deputies and the field. “Good answer, Agent Croft,” she stated, hiding the grin. She could hear his irritation that she managed to eluded his question.

  This was far from over. It looked like he was going to have get some more answers for himself about her. Glancing down at his watch, it had only taken the woman thirty minutes to get to him. Maybe he needed a vacation when this was all over. When it came to the job, women always ranked second. He was FBI to the core, and that identity slipped out of place when he met the sheriff. He practically stormed away from her, to give himself some space to analyze the entire situation.

  Seeing the flash of temper on his face, Emma knew she needed to stop him. “Agent Croft wait up! I apologize for being so short with my answer. I’m unaccustomed to personal questions about myself. It puts me on edge.” She offered a smile, when he finally stopped and faced her. “I rarely give out personal information to anyone, including my deputies. I believe in privacy.”


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