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My Eternal Soldier

Page 20

by Krystal Shannan

  Heat from the steaming water in the shower was fogging the bathroom. The moisture hanging in the air was pleasant and soothing to my anxious mind. The idea of Killían dying and leaving me to wander the earth alone again had my stomach in knots. I didn’t know much about his people…about his kind. Just that he had lived with the Drakonae in the Veil.

  “Let me wash away your worries, Eira.” He wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me close. “Just let me love you.”

  I stepped away from him and into the down-pouring rainfall inside the shower. The hot water pounded against my skin, and a sigh of contentment slipped from between my lips.

  “You should take your clothes off and join me.” My gaze flickered to the open crotch of his pants where his cock was swelling again.

  Drawing my fingers down my stomach, I slid them between my labia until my fingertips touched my throbbing clit while my other hand kneaded one of my breasts.

  Killían’s groan was music to my ears. More of my anxiety faded away as another climax began to swirl and build in my core. Even for a vampire, my senses were extremely heightened, and my body temperature was unnaturally high. I didn’t know what to make of it. I just knew I needed to feel him against me again. Inside me.

  Moments later, his naked body was pressed against mine, and his scent overwhelmed me. I wrapped an arm around his neck and pulled him lower. My fangs descended into his flesh, and I growled as the sweet taste of his blood flowed into my mouth.

  His body stiffened in my grasp for a moment before he relaxed and enjoyed the experience. I didn’t need much, just a sip to take the edge off of whatever was throwing my body out of whack.

  I pulled away, slicing just the tip of my tongue on my fangs and spreading my blood into the two open puncture wounds. Seconds later, the flowing water from the shower washed away any trace of his blood and the bite marks, as if they’d never been there at all.

  “Thank you,” I purred into his ear as his mouth nibbled along the side of my neck.

  “Anything for you, my love.” He grabbed a loofah from a basket in the corner and poured soap over it before touching my shoulder. The soft scrubber and the silky soap was sinfully delicious; the tropical coconut flavor permeated the air, reminding me of tanning oil and Caribbean sun, something I hadn’t been able to enjoy in over fifty years thanks to that stupid Instinct drug that started the downhill slide that destroyed the United States.

  “Happy thoughts,” Killían’s husky voice rumbled. He pushed my body beneath the falling water again and then closed his mouth over one of my hard nipples. Every tug and scrape sent energy rippling through my body straight to my sex. My body temperature had continued to rise, and I felt the strangest shiver spark through my chest.

  My mouth opened, and water trickled in as I again struggled to stand under the onslaught of his mouth on my nipples. The loofah was gone, and his bare hands now slid up and down my hips, smoothing the water over my skin and washing away the slickness of the soap. He loosed the nipple he was torturing and straightened, pulling me flush to his body. His hard cock pressed into the softness of my stomach, and the flutter of excitement rippled through my sex.

  “I need you right now,” I said, peering up at his blue eyes through the falling water. “I don’t think I can stand it much longer.”

  A flicker of surprise danced across his features, raising an eyebrow and curving the edges of his mouth upward. “I can help with that.” His hands slid down my ribs, and his palms cupped my ass, lifting me up and slamming me down on his erect cock.

  I wrapped my legs around his waist and moaned into his chest, trying to keep from biting into his mouth-watering flesh again. The scent of his sweet blood called to me, but the pulsing of his cock between my legs had my full attention.

  He shut off the water and carried me through the bathroom, across the bedroom, and then paused at the bedside.

  I leapt from his arms and lay across the center of the bed, spreading my legs wide, inviting him to climb on top. My hair soaked the sheets beneath me, sending another strange shiver down my spine.

  I shouldn’t be cold. The sensation was something foreign to me.

  Killían’s warm body covered mine a moment later, and I forgot why my fluctuating body temperature was worrying me. He slid his hard cock into me torturously slow, dragging it in and out until I wanted to scream. I wanted to come again so badly my legs were trembling on either side of his hips.

  He caught my thighs and pulled them up, resting my calves over his shoulders, allowing him to hit my core harder and deeper.

  “Ahhhh,” I moaned. My hands closed around the wet sheets beneath me, and I rocked my hips in time to each thrust. Gods, he felt good.

  His hands kneaded my breasts, and then he rolled my nipples between his fingers.

  “I need.” Words wouldn’t form. It was like I couldn’t catch my breath. But I didn’t need air. Nothing about what was happening to me made sense, except that everything felt so good. Felt so familiar. Like when we had been together millennia ago.

  White-hot pain tore through my chest, and I choked down a scream that would’ve awakened everyone in town. Then a climax tore through my body. My contractions milked Killían hard enough to bring him to his release moments later. He groaned and sunk down over my body, slick with sweat and panting for breath.

  “Gods, Eira. W-what did you d-do to me?” he asked, kissing along my shoulder.

  My chest ached, and then it happened.

  Thump thump.

  At first, I was sure it was his racing heart I was hearing, but then there was a competing pattern.

  Thump thump. Thump thump. The sound. The vibration. The feeling of a heartbeat was coming from my chest. Something I hadn’t experienced since that fateful day on the beach over thousand years ago.

  “Killían,” I said, my body quivering. “I… why…”

  “What is it, love?” he murmured into my shoulder. A second later, his hand was flat on my chest, and his gaze could’ve burned a hole through steel. “Your heart.”

  “I-I know.”

  “It’s beating,” he said, his voice no more than a hushed whisper.



  “Hey, sweetie,” Raven purred from behind the counter as I entered Rose’s Cafe.

  The little golden bell tinkled above my head, making me grit my teeth. Why she had the damn thing was beyond my comprehension. It’s not like anyone in Sanctuary needed a bell to hear a door open.

  “Are you okay? You’re not your usually sparkling self.” She made a vague gesture to my face, and I frowned.

  My face was the spitting image of a worn-out dishrag. I felt like crap, too. I didn’t need to be reminded. Nothing was helping. Ever since Killían and I had bonded through the Elvin marriage spell two months ago, I’d grown worse and worse. I never slept as a vampire, and now all I wanted to do was sleep and eat. But blood wasn’t helping, either. I needed it to survive, but it wasn’t making me feel better.

  My heart thumped ominously in my chest, and I sighed, slipping into an empty bar stool at the front counter.

  “I don’t know what it is.”

  “Where’s Killían?”

  “He’s reading in the Blackmoor’s library. Trying to find any references to Elvin magick that might have made it out of the Veil. I slipped away.” I rolled my eyes and propped elbows on the counter to rest my chin on top of my hands.

  “Meaning, he doesn’t know you’re out of the room yet.”

  “He’s constantly babying me. I’m not an invalid. I’m just…” What was I? No one seemed to have a clue. Not even the Sisters had said anything past their first comment about this being a blessing. How the hell being sickly and under the weather counted as a blessing was beyond me.

  “Sticky bun?”

  I scrunched my eyebrows and glared at the little punk-rock-purple-haired Pixie. I’d certainly been known to eat the buns with Diana on occasion. But I didn’t need to eat food. Usually when I ate
it was to make the people sitting with me feel more comfortable.

  The tiny woman smiled at me and winked. “I swear, there’s magick in these buns. They make everyone feel better.”

  “Fine. I’ll eat a sticky bun.”

  “Good,” she said, disappearing into the kitchen.

  The bell on the front door rang again, and several male Lycans strolled into the cafe.

  I met the first male’s intense gaze and could feel his scorn like a branding iron on my skin. What the hell was his problem? My top lip curled in response to the widening grin on his face. The cafe was empty save for me, Raven, the Brownie in the kitchen, and one other Lycan male I didn’t recognize sitting at a table in the far corner with a cup of coffee.

  “Why she made you a Protector makes no sense to me,” the approaching male said, his voice a mixture of disgust and taunting. “You don’t look like you would hold up against a bunny rabbit, much less a Djinn.”

  His pals laughed nervously and slapped him on the back, verbally agreeing with his assessment of my ability, yet still concerned about my response — smartly still aware of the fact that I was a vampire.

  My pulse surged in my chest. I sat up straight and wiped my clammy palms on the fronts of my jeans. Gods, I was as pathetic as he was describing. Unbalanced and an emotional wreck. Still, he should’ve known better. Protector or not, I was still going to kick his ass for being a douchebag. And all of theirs for the fun of it.

  Raven reappeared through the swinging kitchen door, sticky bun in hand, and slid the plate of gooey deliciousness in front of me. The smell of the sugar and cinnamon filled my lungs, and something inside me surged to life. Bloody hell, that dessert roll smelled better than a pint of Drakonae blood. My stomach rumbled like I hadn’t eaten in years, and the irritating Lycans were completely forgotten.

  “What can I get for you boys?” Raven called out from behind the counter.

  They advanced, flanking me on either side. Their Lycan scent overpowered the warm dessert on my plate, and I felt my lip curl up again in irritation. Why? Why couldn’t they just leave me the hell alone? I hadn’t asked for the special position of power in the town. It had been shoved in my face.

  A rumbling growl started low in my chest, warning them away, but they didn’t appear to be listening. Instead, the asshole laughed again and sat next to me on my left while his buddies slid into the empty stools on my right.

  “Eira, what’s—” Raven’s voice pulled my attention away from the rank odor seeping from the wolves on either side of me. They were literally making me sick to my stomach and pissed off with each consecutive breath they drew.

  My fangs descended, and I moved before she could finish her question. Grabbing the first asshole by the collar of his shirt, I slammed him hard against the floor and pressed my knee against his chest just firmly enough to make taking a breath difficult, but not hard enough to crack ribs…at least not yet.

  “I do not appreciate your rudeness.”

  He snarled, struggling beneath my hold. I felt his friends’ hands close around my shoulders and arms. This was going to be ugly. My anger turned to hunger and clawed its way to the forefront of my mind. Lycan or not, they were going to bleed for pissing me off. I’d never promised not to hurt a wolf, just the Mason Pack wolves.

  “Get your hands off of her,” a deep voice bellowed from across the dining room.

  I’d completely forgotten about the other Lycan. My heart raced, and I shuddered through the urge to sink my teeth into the male I had pinned below me.

  The men behind me moved off, and the other Lycan approached slowly, his hands outstretched so I could see he held no weapon. My vision was clouded by my rage, and I snarled angrily, hissing a volley of curses his direction in five different languages.

  I heard Raven scurry from the room, probably to find Rose. Gods, what was wrong with me? I never attacked people without just cause. Brawling wasn’t my style. Why hadn’t I just walked out?

  Glancing down at the douchebag for a moment and then over at the approaching Lycan--his hands were partially raised in a peaceful gesture--I took a ragged deep breath and leapt away in one smooth movement. Jerkwad scrambled to his feet and opened his mouth to speak, but a snarl from the dominant male cut him off before a single word could leave his mouth.

  I didn’t need the oxygen, but I continued to drag in one breath after another, inhaling and exhaling until I could feel my pulse start to slow.

  “Listen, Eira.” The Lycan spoke softly.

  “I can hear just fine, thanks.”

  He smiled and shook his head.

  Why the hell was he smiling at me?

  “Deeper. Listen deeper. Like the flutter of wings.” His gaze dropped to my stomach.

  I stopped breathing and froze in place. Not only could I hear it. I could feel the flutter deep inside my abdomen. My hands slid protectively over my belly, and I gazed up at him, sure that the shock on his face was equally mirrored in mine. I was a vampire. This was impossible.

  Raven and Rose came barreling into the dining room, but neither spoke. Even the four Lycans who’d started the whole shit storm stood silently next to the door. A moment later, the French door burst open, and Killían stepped inside.

  “Eira, I felt you—” The words died away, and he glanced around the silent dining room before his eyes met my gaze and then fell to where my hands protectively covered my abdomen. “What is it? What’s wrong? Are you hurt?”

  I shook my head. The realization of what the Sisters meant when they called what had happened to me a blessing slammed into my gut, and I dropped to my knees with a cry that sounded half like a scream and half like an exultation of praise to the gods.

  Killían was at my side a moment later, pulling me into his lap.

  A baby. I was pregnant. It wasn’t possible, and yet I could feel the life inside me. I could feel the kickass little heartbeat fluttering away like the wings on a hummingbird. Somehow it was possible. Somehow I’d been given a chance to have something I thought I lost with my humanity so many years ago.

  “We’re going to have a baby,” I whispered into his ear.

  His chest clenched, and his arms tightened around me. I couldn’t see his face, but I could smell the salt from the tears welling in his eyes.

  “We’re going to have a baby?” he asked, repeating my words as a question. “We’re going to have a baby.”

  The second time it wasn’t a question. This time the words came out with pride and excitement and loving adoration for the tiny life we had yet to meet.


  I hope you enjoyed MY ETERNAL SOLDIER!

  If you did, I would be thrilled if you left a review.

  MY WARRIOR WOLVES, the next book in Sanctuary, Texas will be released in December 2015.

  Thank you for spending time with me in my world. I hope you will continue to visit.


  Krystal Shannan

  Other Books By Krystal Shannan

  Sanctuary Texas, in series order...

  My Viking Vampire

  My Dragon Masters

  My Eternal Soldier

  My Warrior Wolves (Dec 2015)

  Vegas Mates, in series order…

  Chasing Sam

  Saving Margaret

  Waking Sarah

  Taking Nicole

  Unwrapping Tess

  (Somewhere TX) VonBrandt Family, in series order…

  To Save A Mate

  To Love A Mate (July 2015)

  Pool of Souls, in series order…

  Open House

  Finding Hope

  Stand Alone

  Morgan’s Match


  You Can Find Out More @

  Krystal Shannan goes to sleep every night dreaming of mythical realms with werewolves, vampires, fae, and dragons. Occasional a fabulous, completely human story slips into the mix, but powers and abilities usually crop u
p without fail, twisting reality into whatever her mind can conceive.

  As a child, her parents encouraged her interests in Ancient Greek and Roman mythology and all things historical and magickal. As an adult, the interests only grew. She is a child of Neverland and refuses to ever stop believing in fairies. She is guilty of indulging in and being a Buffy the Vampire Slayer groupie as well as an Angel fan. For those of you unfamiliar with the world of Joss Whedon, you are missing out!

  She also makes sure to watch as many action and adventure movies as possible. The more exciting the better. Yippee-Ki-Yay..... If you don't know the end of that phrase, then you probably don't like the same movies.

  She enjoys reading romance in all genres, but especially paranormal. Her favorite book is ACHERON by Sherrilyn Kenyon. But really, if it has a 'Happily Ever After', she's on board!

  Krystal writes stories full of action, snark, magick, and heart-felt emotion. If you are looking for leisurely-paced sweet romance, her books are probably not for you. However, for those looking for a magickal ride, filled with adventure, passion, and just a hint of humor. Welcome home.




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