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His to Protect (APS 1)

Page 10

by Alice Cain

  Adrian stood back to admire the beautiful view for a moment before moving to the drawer where he kept his toys. He rummaged through until he found the brand new butt plug he'd put in there only a few days ago.

  Quickly unwrapping the packaging, he moved into the connecting bathroom, washed the plug thoroughly, and then reached for the lube. By the time he stepped back into the bedroom Tyler was quivering and the scent of his arousal filled the air, but he hadn't moved from the rather uncomfortable position Adrian had left him in.

  "Perfect," Adrian whispered as he ran his hands all over Tyler's ass and thighs. Fuck, he was tempted to spank him again just so the man wore his marks, but they didn't have time.

  Tyler jolted away from the cold lube when Adrian pressed the plug against his anus, but he quickly settled when Adrian wrapped his hand around him and held the man still. Moving carefully, Adrian worked the rather large plug into Tyler's tight little hole. Adrian's own cock protested the entire time, leaking pre-cum onto his skin and throbbing painfully inside the confines of his previously loose jeans, but the end result was definitely worth it.

  As soon as Adrian had the plug in place, he pressed a quick kiss to Tyler's taut butt cheek, and then pulled the man's clothes back up. Tyler's eyes were glazed with passion when Adrian helped him back into a standing position and then turned him around.

  "Just while you're feeding Logan," Adrian promised. "As soon as you're finished I'm going to drag you in here, bend you over, and replace that plug with my cock. You're going to come from the first hard, deep thrust. Not before." Adrian grinned when Tyler nodded slowly. Damn, the man was truly sexy when he was this turned on. "Do you understand me, sweetheart? No coming until I'm inside you."

  Tyler bit his lip but nodded his understanding.

  "Come on, little sub," Adrian said as satisfaction swelled through him. "Time to feed a vampire."


  Tyler struggled to hold himself together. Fuck, he'd been aroused enough to not be able to think straight even before Adrian had shoved that massive plug up his ass. Right now he wasn't sure he'd be able to let Logan bite him without coming like a horny teenager.

  The slap on his butt sure as fuck didn't help.

  "Not until I say so," Adrian whispered in his ear.

  Tyler nodded, desperate not to disappoint the man he was quickly falling in love with. Holy cow, he was totally fucked. It was really going to hurt when Adrian finished training him as a sub and then found him a new Dom.

  That thought alone managed to bring Tyler's arousal down a notch. How could he be falling in love with a man he'd met less than a week ago?

  "I can…um…find s–someone else," Logan said, apparently sensing Tyler's distress. "I know this is going above and beyond best friend's duties."

  "No," Tyler said, reaching for his friend's hand. "Please don't think that." It was clear that the changes Logan was going through were messing with his confidence in their friendship. "Logan, I'm happy to do this for you." Tyler couldn't help but grin when he thought of the side effects. There wasn't any way he could ignore the plug stretching his ass or forget the promise Adrian had made to fuck him senseless once he was done feeding Logan. "I'm actually finding the side effects quite pleasant."

  Derek made a snorting sound and both Logan and Tyler looked over to see Adrian shaking his head in amusement.

  "Time to feed, little vampire," Derek said. "You two keep talking like that and I'm going to need help with a boner too."

  Tyler could feel his face heating with his embarrassment. He should have remembered that nothing was private when it came to paranormals. They all apparently had fabulous hearing.

  He took comfort in Adrian's embrace and didn't object when his lover lifted the sleeve of his T-shirt up to give access to the same spot on his arm that Logan had bitten last time. The actual bite hurt, but the rapture quickly followed. Almost before he realized Logan was finished, Tyler was lifted into Adrian's arms and carried down the hallway.


  Adrian was having trouble keeping his own thoughts straight. He wanted to sink hard and fast into Tyler's ass, but he also wanted to claim him, to bite him, to create a mating link like they did in the Lupinville pack.

  But it didn't make any sense.

  The Alateeka siblings weren't ordinary paranormals. They didn't fit in with the others of the same species because they were one-off creations of Anaedra's. The only thing Adrian had in common with other werewolves was the fact that they could turn into a wolf-shaped animal. Everything else about the Alateeka siblings was completely different.

  Yet none of that stopped him from following through on his promise. He bent Tyler over the padded foot locker, dropped Tyler's jeans to his knees, and tore open the zipper on his own. He barely had the butt plug out before he was cramming his own cock in.

  Tyler grunted as Adrian filled him, and it was only the brief reminder that Tyler was human that allowed Adrian to grasp his own sanity. He leaned over, wrapped his arms around Tyler's chest, and slowed their frantic movements. It wasn't until his fingers encountered warm slippery fluid that he realized Tyler had done exactly what Adrian had ordered when he'd pushed the plug in—he'd come from Adrian's very first thrust.

  Holy fuck, the realization sent a surge of power through him, his teeth again elongating as the need to bite Tyler overwhelmed him. He wanted… He needed. He had to claim… The primal force of it was exhilarating. He even had his fucking teeth at the man's throat before he could stop himself.

  If Tyler hadn't moaned in pain, if his legs hadn't quivered and his knees given out, Adrian had no idea what might have happened, but sanity returned in a rush. The last thing he'd meant to do was hurt the man.

  Adrian carefully pulled out, and then eased Tyler onto the bed.

  "I'm sorry," Adrian said as he ran his hands over Tyler trying to find the source of his injury. "Where did I hurt you?"

  "You didn't," Tyler said, sounding shocked. "I've got a cramp in my butt cheek."

  "A cramp?" Adrian asked without comprehending.

  "Yeah," Tyler said with a soft, pain-filled laugh. "Sorry to break the mood. I've never had a cramp in my butt muscle before. It's really painful, and not in a good way."

  Finally the lust in his brain cleared enough for Adrian to understand what Tyler meant. He rolled his lover onto his stomach, eyed the tense muscle critically, and then set to work gently massaging away the pain.

  When Adrian was satisfied the muscle was back to normal, he ran his hands up and down Tyler's back, butt, and thighs, massaging everywhere to make sure the blood still flowed correctly.

  "It's okay now," Tyler said, trying to roll over.

  "Are you sure?" Adrian asked as guilt assailed him again. Werewolf aside, he was also a highly trained Dom. He should have been more aware of his sub's body, not distracted by his own unexpected needs.

  "I'll be better when you start fucking me again," Tyler said, lifting up and rolling over onto his back. He bent his legs, grasped his knees, and exposed that beautiful hole to Adrian.

  He knew he should step away. He knew he needed time to understand what the hell was happening between them, but he couldn't deny Tyler anything when the man leaned up on one elbow, grabbed Adrian's cock, and urged him to lie over him.

  Still a little unbalanced by his own selfish behavior, Adrian leaned over, grabbed more lube and pushed a huge glob into Tyler's ass. The man grinned patiently when Adrian then liberally re-coated his own cock. Hell, it was overkill. He knew that, but he wasn't going to risk again that he might hurt Tyler.

  The loving that followed was sweet, and deeply emotional, full of soft sighs and gentle words. Even the orgasms they shared were truly satisfying. It was everything Adrian had ever wanted. The beginning of something permanent, the foundation of a relationship he needed more than his next breath, and the creation of a love he'd never expected.

  Adrian closed his eyes in despair when his cell phone rang and duty called.

  He want
ed everything Tyler represented, but it was the absolute last thing he had time for.

  Chapter Twelve

  "Okay," Lilly said as she came into the room. Gavin and Brody were with her. "Long story short, we're looking for one of our own employees."

  "Brian Coppers," Brody added as he handed over a large print of the guy's security ID photo. "Age twenty-seven, computer whiz, evil genius, and apparently"—Brody shuddered theatrically—"unafraid of running through raw sewage to escape his pursuers."

  Adrian screwed his nose up just at the thought. He usually enjoyed a good chase—what werewolf didn't?—but that was one pursuit he was glad he hadn't been involved in.

  Gavin grunted in agreement, but left the room a moment later. He didn't bother explaining, but judging by the grins on Brody's and Lilly's faces they knew where he was going. Considering he'd headed straight to Logan's room it wasn't exactly a discreet move.

  Shaking his head, Adrian tried to get the conversation back on track. "Do we have any idea why Brian did what he did?"

  "As far as we can tell he was trying to impress a girl."

  Adrian shook his head in disgust. That was the biggest problem with humans. They let their emotions make decisions for them. Adrian sure as hell didn't want or need the type of connection that would interfere with his decision making or have him doing idiotic things in the name of love.

  He stubbornly ignored the pain in his chest as he thought of the human currently sleeping in one of the guest rooms. Tyler would likely be hurt when he woke up in a different room after the unexpectedly emotional sex they'd shared, but it was necessary to give the man some distance. Tyler was a sub in training. That was all. It was unhealthy for either of them to be developing a need for the other when the arrangement was meant as temporary. It would be better if Adrian found a new Dom for Tyler sooner rather than later. Now that Gavin was here to protect Tyler and Logan, Adrian planned to drop by Santutegia and talk to a couple of the Doms about alternate arrangements for Tyler. Yes, that was exactly what he should do…as soon as he was finished here.

  Lilly gave Adrian a strange look, but finally continued with her explanation.

  "A few months ago, Brian approached one of the vampires he knew through his work with us and asked for a favor. He said his girlfriend had been in a car accident and begged for him to change her into a vampire too."

  Adrian nodded. It wasn't unusual for the humans who worked with them to make such requests on behalf of family members. It was how they'd ended up with three teenage vampires running away from home and causing all sorts of problems in Lupinville. If there was one thing more angsty and hormone-driven than a newly made vampire, it was a newly made vampire who'd still been a human teenager when they'd been changed.

  "So the vampire agreed, changed her successfully, and then threw his hands in the air and walked away when she wouldn't listen to a damn thing he said."

  "And he didn't think to report this to us?"

  Lilly shook her head. "He didn't really consider it that big a deal. The woman was twenty-five when she was made, so he expected things to settle down pretty quickly."

  Adrian rolled his eyes. Rogue vampires were liable to get everyone around them killed by terrified humans. How could a sire walk away from a fledgling they'd created when the risks were so damn high for everyone? Clearly, just like some humans, some vampires were not meant to be parents.

  "Anyway," Brody said, taking over the conversation, "It looks like Jane Wilkins was only ever Brian's girlfriend in his own mind. She claims she didn't even know he existed until she woke up as a vampire, but she was happy to use him until a donor she liked better came along. Interviews with people who knew them both suggest they had no actual relationship."

  "She claims she had no idea what Brian was doing," Lilly added.

  "And for the most part that's probably true since she left him a couple of weeks after she was changed," Brody added. "But we've got her on the 'suicide.'"

  Lilly nodded. "Brian asked for her help with a 'friend' of his. Jane was fascinated to learn that she could compel humans. And, unfortunately for her, she was a little too proud of her success at talking the guy into killing himself to remember she was admitting to a crime."

  "You got that all on tape?" Adrian asked. Both Lilly and Brody rolled their eyes at his reminder. Thanks to technological advancements like high definition recording, vampires now showed up on tape. The image was blurry and kind of see through, but it was adequate for their purpose. They didn't really need it. The only higher power they kind of answered to was Anaedra, but it felt right to be able to explain their decisions. Power without responsibility could quickly corrupt a person's thinking, so Alateeka Protection Services had added video evidence to their investigations many years ago, so neither Lilly nor Brody was likely to forget it.

  It was only Adrian's distraction causing him to ask stupid fucking questions. Considering Lilly's temper, he'd do well not to piss his little sister off—especially when he probably deserved her wrath for inadvertently suggesting she didn't know how to do her job.

  "Do we have any idea where Brian might be headed?"

  "Unfortunately no," Gavin said as he walked back into the room. "But of more concern is the fact that the game is still up and running, and still accepting credit card payments for the final quest."

  "I don't think I like the direction this is heading."

  "You shouldn't," Brody said with a grimace. "Brian was the guy we'd go to when we had a computer issue. Chances are he's using highly sophisticated passwords and firewalls. We don't have any contacts who know computers better than he does, so our chances of taking it down are close to zero."

  "And while it's up, vampires will keep being attacked while they sleep."

  Adrian ground his teeth together. About a year ago he'd gone looking for a computer expert who'd come to his attention, but Adrian had found the kid's father, realized the man's distress and concern for his son's safety, and backed off. He'd checked on Ricky Abelson to make sure he was safe, and had found the boy with not only one, but two werewolf protectors from his father's pack. Satisfied that the young man wasn't at risk from other paranormal beings with less-than-honest intentions, Adrian had decided to approach the young man in a few years when he was older.

  Unfortunately this situation pushed his schedule up more than a little.

  "Ricky?" Lilly asked as if she'd read Adrian's mind.

  Brody shook his head, clearly disagreeing with them both. "He's just a kid, barely nineteen. He's probably still trying to adjust to his dad dating a werewolf, and I'm pretty sure he doesn't even know he's under the Lupinville alpha's protection."

  "Brody's got a point," Derek said as he again leaned against the doorway to the medical room. He looked a little better, but it was clear that he still shouldn't be up. Of course, Derek was never one to be left out of a family argument.

  "And what about justice for William?" Adrian asked as his temper sparked to life. Brody and Gavin seemed to back off, but even as injured as he was, Derek stepped into the argument without hesitating.

  "William would never have asked us to risk a young human's life to save his own."

  "Ricky's skills put him at risk. Asking him to help with this or not won't change that."

  "You know that isn't what I meant," Derek said in a forceful tone. "Dragging the kid into an investigation is a far cry from protecting him. William wouldn't have wanted that."

  "No," Adrian conceded, "William wouldn't have asked for anyone's sacrifice to save his own life, but he would have done anything he could to save the lives of others." Adrian shook his head tiredly. He really didn't want to involve Ricky, but while the computer game was still running, vampires would continue dying. "All I'm going to do is contact him, ask him to disrupt the program enough to make it stop working, and then get the hell out of his life."

  "What about his protectors?"

  "I'm hoping they'll understand that we're not a threat to him."

"I wouldn't be so sure about that," Derek said tiredly. "Last time I was down that way, I got the impression one of them was Ricky's mate."

  That wasn't what Adrian needed, but it was good to know that Ricky had a paranormal mate. It meant he had a protector willing to die for him, if that's what it took. Of course, that didn't do anything to make Adrian's job any easier.

  "Derek, if you know another way to do this, by all means speak up."

  Derek shook his head. "I wish I did."

  "Okay, that's settled then," Anaedra said as she suddenly appeared in the room.

  The immediate change of location wasn't really surprising. When Anaedra wanted something, she was more than capable of making it happen, so Adrian found himself standing on the doorstep of an old brownstone house surrounded by two very upset wolves.

  He held his hands up and away from his body trying to show that he wasn't a threat. He was more worried about drawing the attention of the humans in the area than he was about actually fighting off both of them—even if one was an alpha—but he hadn't come here to fight. And besides, Ricky was more likely to be willing to help them if Adrian didn't injure the friends protecting him.

  "I'm not a threat," he said, even as the door opened behind him. The smaller wolf bolted past Adrian to put its furry body between Adrian and the young man who'd opened the door. "I'm not here to hurt anyone, but I need Ricky's help."

  "Jordan?" Ricky asked in bewilderment as his gaze bounced between the wolf at his feet, the wolf on his porch, and the wolf in human form trying to keep everyone calm.

  The young man narrowed his eyes when his gaze finally settled on Adrian.

  "You're Adrian Alateeka," Ricky said curiously. "Why on Earth would you want my help?"

  Okay, so that was a little unexpected. They'd never met, and even if Ricky's father had described Adrian to him, it seemed a rather big leap to be able to identify him so easily. Perhaps Ricky had been keeping as close an eye on them as they were on him, especially if he'd noticed the digital trail when more than a year ago Alateeka Protection Services had been searching for the creator of an unusually powerful algorithm.


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