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Moonlight Mist: A Limited Edition Collection of Fantasy & Paranormal)

Page 60

by Nicole Morgan

  Pushing the call button on his desk, he waited for the expected beep. “Pull the car around. Now.” He headed out of his office, the researchers poring over ancient paper lifting their heads to see whom it was that stirred the quiet air around them, then quickly returning to their studies once they realized it was him. As if they were on the edge of getting yelled at for not working. With a quick nod, he reached the elevator, hit the little glowing button, and waited. He knew that he could just materialize wherever he needed, but he liked the humanness of doing thing the more natural way. It was his own way of keeping his humanity. Some, like the ass that had his woman, thought it made him weak. He thought quite the opposite.

  His woman? Where the hell had that came from?

  The heavy steel doors opened, and he stepped in and pushed the L button for the lobby; after the doors shut, he felt the box start to move. It was a bit disconcerting, but he took a deep breath, and before he could fear being locked in, the doors opened, and his car was there in front of him. Once safely inside he looked forward and pushed the glass window down with the little button on the side. “Take the same route. Stop in the same place. But. Cut the engine. And wait.” Tonight, she would be his. No matter what. Tonight, he needed her.

  Each mile seemed to take hours, even though he knew it was only minutes. With each one he became stronger, his need for Kathryn grew. When the engine cut, he was primed and ready. He didn't have some brilliant plan. He was just doing literally the first thing that came to his mind. Materializing in the room he had seen her in earlier he sucked in his breath when he saw her laying there like a precious princess on the bed.


  Chapter Nine

  Kat lay in bed asleep. At some point, she began to dream. Inhaling, the dream became so vivid she could almost smell him. She had noticed his scent last night. Pure male, musky and exotic spice. In the dream, he came to her, offering her heart's desires. Rolling across the bed quickly at the sound of his voice when she realized this was not a dream. She stood, the bed separating them. She noted that she no longer felt tired or weak. She actually felt stronger. “Whatever your plans are, you can forget it. Tussand probably already knows that you’re here and is just waiting to come in and kick your ass or burn you at the stake or just stake you in general; whatever the hell happens to things like you.”

  She had wanted to stay strong, put up a brave front, but when he began to move around the end of the bed towards her, she took a step back. Holding up his hands but never stopping his approach, he said, “Tussand can try to stop me if he wants, but I assure you the outcome of the battle may surprise you. I am not here to hurt you, Kathryn. If I am correct, getting out of here is exactly what you need.”

  One step closer. His eyes seemed to become impossibly bluer than they were, almost a clear crystal, as he watched her. She felt gentle waves, almost like a breeze blowing in her mind and realized quickly what he was doing. She had no idea if it would work or not as she began singing 100 bottles of beer of on the wall in her head. “Get out of my head! Has no one ever taught you it’s rude to creep on other peoples’ private thoughts?” He took another step towards her, and she forgot the words to the song. Being this close to him was playing tricks on her mind. “I don’t know what you are or what spell you’re working on me, but it isn’t going to work. Trading one hell for another isn’t in my plan.”

  One step closer. His lips curved into a sexy smile and his eyes seemed to spark in the light.

  “It isn’t like I could leave here even if I wanted to.” She shifted and lifted the gown to expose the tattoos around her ankles which had managed to hold her all these years. She saw his eyes look at them briefly before traveling higher. They widened a bit, and she looked down, realizing that had managed to expose the edge of the birthmark on her thigh. She dropped the edge of her nightgown, allowing it to fall back to the floor.

  One more step and he was there. He reached up, tucking strands of hair behind her ear. “I’m not in the habit of sneaking into females’ rooms in the middle of the night. Nor do I take a woman against her will and hold her, although for you, I may make an exception to that rule. Something is going on, a pull between us. Don’t tell me that you don’t feel it. Only I can free from here. Tussand and his simple party tricks can’t stop me.”

  Knowing there was plenty more that he wasn’t saying, she was about to ask when she was distracted as his hands drifted softly over her skin, or did she imagine the tingle of electricity as he knelt in front of her? He commanded, “Lift your nightgown.”

  Her mouth dropped open at his command, and it took her a moment to regain her senses. “Well, Lord Vanzetti, let me tell you about me. I am not in the habit of allowing men into my bedroom and then hiking up my skirt or nighty, as it may be, for them to get their kicks. Not even with a pretty please with sugar on top. So, why don’t you do us both a favor? Take off, hit the pharmacy on the way home for some KY, and you and your right hand go home and have a good ole time.”

  Did he just growl? Vanzetti grabbed her ankle and lifted her foot, placing it on his thigh as his other hand tossed her nightgown up over her knee. Her skin began to tingle as he wrapped his hand around her ankle; the tingle became a warmth and then a burning fire. She refused to show fear, refused to cry. Her teeth were clenched, jaw aching. She could feel beads of sweat begin to dot her brow as the pain became unbearable, ready to cry out when it disappeared. Looking down the tattoo was gone with it. He placed her foot on the ground before picking up the other and repeating the procedure on the opposite side before again standing in front of her, strong hands caressing her shoulders. “I am sorry that caused you pain. Sometimes pain is unavoidable. Now, if you are ready, we should go. Tussand would have felt me release the magic that held you here. I’d like us to leave before he follows.”

  Quickly, she weighed her options: stay with psycho Tussand and deal with his late-night visits or take her chances with the stranger. This was her way out, the freedom that she had dreamed of. She had to take the chance. She could play this game just a little longer and she would finally be free. The air in the room began to shift, and she wrapped her arms around his waist. “Just so you know, I have a right knee that is aching to meet your balls. Don’t try anything. Just lead the way.”

  The sound of Vanzetti chuckling had her tingling with anticipation. His arms wrapped around her, pulling her tightly against his chest. She took one last look around the room that had been her home, her prison for so long. As it began to fade the last thing she heard was Tussand’s laughter.

  Chapter Ten

  When the world righted around them, he slowly released her from his grasp and watched as she looked around at the open living area. After thinking about her situation, he realized she was not there with Tussand as his significant other; hell, not even a willing participant. The magical chains that had held her were strong, he had only met one other person that had been strong enough to wield them. She was there as a prize, and the way he was treating her seemed more like bait really. But that thought he was not sure of.

  “Nice place. But I’ll be going.”

  Her steps were quick taking her to his front door. Waiting, with a small smirk and slowly walking behind her, knowing she was going nowhere, he watched silently. When she opened the door and went out, he waited just inside.

  “What the ever-loving hell? Where am I?”

  “An island off the coast, it’s mine, and no one really knows It exists or is inhabited. So, he can't find you here. At least not right away.” He saw the shiver at his words on her skin. The temperature was warm, so he knew that didn't cause it. “I will not let him hurt you. I promise you that.” If she only knew that just the thought of anyone causing her harm was nearly sending him on a murderous rampage, she wouldn’t be so calm. Holding out his hand he stepped closer, amazed at her trust, be it hesitant or not as she placed her hand in his.

  “Let me give you a tour.” He started walking down the path toward the fenced
-in pastures; a few horses trotted up to see if he had a treat for them. Picking up a carrot from the bucket he handed one to her before holding one out to the horse in front of him. “Promise they won't bite. They are very gentle. This is my escape. I guess you could say my piece of humanity left.”

  She fed the horses, but he could see the wheels of her mind turning. “How is this different, you don't have tattoos on my ankle, but you have me kept here where I cannot go anywhere? You're still trapping me.”

  Walking on toward the beach he heard her footsteps behind him; his body had been on fire since he had found her. The desire to grasp her in his arms, strip the beautiful clothes from her body, and taste every inch of her body was the strongest thing he felt right now. But he didn't, out of respect for her. Not because he didn't want it; he could imagine the way that soft skin on the juncture of her neck and shoulder would taste, the saltiness of her skin. Her pulse called out to him like an old church bell, beckoning him to the walls of sanctuary.

  “See those boats?” He pointed down to the boats lined at the docks. “Those will take you to the mainland. Just keep the sun at your back.” He turned and started walking back to the house. He prayed she would follow, he didn't know if she would, but he hoped. She would not last a minute out there alone; Tussand would find her and God knows what he would do. But he could tell she had to be there because she felt she wanted to. Trapping her would not work. He needed her. But it would be a cold day in hell before he admitted that, he would rather go back to the pain that was being away from this woman.

  When his hand reached the door of his home, he looked behind him and saw only empty space, walking in he left the door open behind him, just in case and walked to the back deck. He couldn't watch her go away in a boat. He would stare out at the sea and wait.

  Chapter Eleven

  Kathryn stayed outside watching as the waves crashed against the rocky shore. She couldn't explain the reason why Alexei had said to trust him, and for some reason, she wanted to. That thought alone bothered her more than anything. Trust is something meant to be earned. Alexei had gotten her away from Tussand, but she learned early on no one did things without reason. He had to have an agenda of his own. There was also the fact that no one just up and took things from Tussand. Anything that was taken was brought back with a vengeance. She had been there, had seen that more than once. The wind picked up, blowing hard against her; a shiver rippled through her as she looked down at the boats. Did Alexei know that she couldn't swim? Was that the reason for bringing her to an island?

  "I didn’t survive years with Tussand just to have an hour of freedom then drown in the ocean."

  Looking back up towards the house she saw the door standing open, drawing her to it, almost begging her to come inside. What the hell was it about that man that made her skin tingle? She was torn between taking her chances with the ocean or on what waiting in the house. Before she left, she needed to know precisely what Alexei's game was. She would stay until she found out exactly what that was.

  Making her way back inside, she had no problem finding where he was. She just seemed to know the way to him. Across the ceramic tile floor through the foyer, a great room full of windows, the large glass doors stood open; just beyond them there he was. He lifted a bottle of beer to his lips as his head turned, almost as if he had sensed her coming to him. God, those were perfect lips. Her birthmark suddenly tingled as she walked out of the door to stand by his side. He seemed to tower beside her. She knew that she should be afraid, but she was anything but. Taking the bottle from his hand, she took a drink of his beer.

  "I think you owe me some answers, Lord Vanzetti. Didn't seem right leaving and not having them. You can start with what the hell are you and how were you able to break the spell that Tussand had holding me there."

  Taking one more drink before handing him back his bottle, she leaned against the railing of the deck. "I'm a vampire." The words had barely left his lips when Kat interrupted, "Oh great, you're just like him, another bloodsucker."

  Suddenly he was in front of her, one hand on either side of her hips on the railing. His eyes seemed to bore into hers as he smirked. "Vampire, yes. Like him? Not even close, Kitten. Tussand does everything for show. He likes everyone to think he is all powerful. I have no need to prove my strength to others. I know exactly what I am, exactly what I can do," he must have seen the question in her eyes, "which is anything I want."

  Kat would have rolled her eyes if she wasn't so affected by his standing so close. The muscles in his arms flexed as he gripped the railing. The scent of exotic spice, ocean air and the beer seeming to twist her thoughts. Focus, you idiot! "Dude! Kitten? Seriously, is that what you think of me? Let me explain something. I just went through years of hell in that mansion. I am no one's kitten."

  Alexei leaned in, his lips just a breath away from the pulse in her neck as he inhaled her intoxicating scent. "I can feel it, your strength, but you can’t hide from me. I can also feel your fear. You put on the front very well, Kitten. Someone else may see you as a vicious fighter. I'm not so easily fooled. I can read you, so much easier than others. It’s like I can see inside you, I see the true you, the kitten. Soft, gentle, in need of protection. I will give you that."

  He knew that she was unable to stop herself from exposing her neck to him; it was an unconscious response. She leaned up and whispered to his ear, "Don't ever underestimate me, Lord Vanzetti."

  “I would never dream of it, Kitten.”

  Chapter Twelve

  Suddenly, his world became immensely smaller; the only thing present was the desire to have her. Not just in his presence but to truly have her. To make her his in every way, feel the pulse of her blood as it made its way through her veins. His arms encircled her body, pulling her to him as his lips found the sensitive spot on her neck, the one that he could feel the pulse of her life running through. His fangs and cock both ached at having her this close. There was a war waging over which would take her first, and he didn't honestly care which would win. The ocean outside, gone, the scent of the salt in the air, gone. Only one thing existed to him--her. Overwhelming need surged through him and in a single swift movement he had her lifted in his arms, and his powerful legs were taking them towards his bedroom.

  The door opened without a touch, his mind swinging it wide, the candles that had been around the room for decoration surging alive. He laid Kat down on the bed and with a smooth motion waved his hand over her body, all her clothes disappearing. He took in her body, starting at her toes, long toned legs, perfectly rounded breasts, and pouty lips. Slowly he started placing gentle kisses on the inside of her calf. The touch of her soft skin burned against his lips, driving his need for her higher and higher. He wanted to be deep inside her, thrusting over and over. But he channeled that need to take her into each touch. He wanted her... He wanted to please her. He wanted to take her.

  The fire that built inside of him surged as he made his way up her legs and when he reached the marking on her thigh, his breath sucked in quickly, and his cock became a rock. The design was shimmering, as if pulsing with his cock, matching its every beat. Giving in to the overwhelming desire that took control his tongue snaked out and licked the mark. Heat surged through him, blinding light flashed and instantly control was gone. Lifting up he saw a matching desire and need in her eyes.

  “Please, Alexei.”

  He lifted up and his clothes disappeared, before sliding over her body, her legs spreading and making way for him.

  “Yes, Kitten.”

  One quick movement and his cock was buried deep inside her; he felt her fingers on his back, slicing his skin with their sharp tips. But he didn't care if she shredded his back; the feel of her tight channel pulsing down on his cock was exquisite. His heart started to beat madly in his chest, something he had not experienced in years. Pulling out just enough that the tip of his hard shaft rested on the edge of her sex, as he thrust deeply again he let go, gave into the pulsing pull of the blood under
the thin cover of her skin, and bit down onto the thick vein on the side of her neck. With each thrust she met him, in turn, he matched them with sucks of her thick life-giving essence. The taste of her blood was pure, something he had not tasted in centuries. And the need to suckle from her was just as compelling as the need to thrust inside her sex. With each thrust, he found the desire to make her his stronger and stronger, and ironically, he felt more alive with each thrust. His hand roamed over her body as he drank from her, taking in each inch of her, memorizing the feel of her skin. Releasing the vein on her neck, he licked it gently before taking her face in his hand as he continued to thrust.


  Chapter Thirteen

  Kat knew that she was fucked, literally and figuratively. Never in her life had she met a man and within hours found herself in his bed. One minute they were out back and the next they were in his room. She could have argued, probably should have, but the truth was she didn’t want to. Now she found herself lost in him. His cock buried deep inside her, his fangs at her neck taking her into him, she no longer felt her body was her own. This was what she lived for, what she needed more than air. “Oh God, Alexei. Don’t you stop, I swear, I’ll stake you.”

  He merely issued a gruff chuckle. “I couldn’t stop now even I wanted to, Kitten, not until you realize that you’re mine in every way.”

  He sat up, his hands lifting her ass as he continued to thrust inside her. The birthmark on her leg began to pulse with the speed of their thrusts, increasing, a burning pain that only served to strengthen the intensity, creating a frenzy. Nothing existed, only their bodies as one, the sound of their skin slapping together, their pulse beating as one, their breaths as one. What she could only describe as strands of magic seemed to circle around them, caressing her skin. She knew he felt the same as he commanded, “Open your eyes Kitten, watch me, watch us. This is what was meant to be. Let yourself go, surrender to us, to me.”


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