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Stately Pleasures

Page 7

by Lucy Felthouse

  It soon became clear what Ethan’s intentions were. He followed her into her bedroom and shut the door – which seemed pointless given the only other person currently in the house was Jeremy. Then he twisted her round so she was facing him and leant down to kiss her. His technique was just as delicious as she remembered – passionate, thorough, and perfectly capable of making her knees weak all over again.

  Within seconds, Ethan pulled away, leaving her gasping. He then herded her towards the bed and bent her over it. She heard the unmistakable sound of a zip, then the tear of a foil wrapper, the snap of latex, and he was inside her. Her walls stretched easily around him, and unintelligible sounds burbled from her lips as he began to move.

  He reached around to trap her swollen clit between his fingers and thumb. He then rolled and pinched it relentlessly as he fucked her from behind. It was all over very quickly – they’d both been teased to the maximum in the schoolroom and Jeremy had been the only one to climax. So it was no wonder they both came so quickly, collapsing in a heap on Alice’s bed.

  There was no cuddling this time – Ethan heaved a huge sigh and stood up, dropping the condom into the bin beside the dresser, and putting his clothing back how it should be.

  ‘I’m really sorry, sweetheart,’ he said, giving her an apologetic glance, ‘but I fucking needed that, and you look like you did too. We really must discuss contraception later, because I’m desperate to feel you properly around me. But anyway, I gotta go. We have to open up soon, and I think I need to change my underwear and squirt on some more deodorant. You little minx.’

  He tipped her a wink and left the room. Alice stared incredulously after him, wondering what the hell just happened. But a glance at the clock on her bedside table reminded her that she didn’t have time for wondering. The only thing she had time for was getting herself cleaned up and going downstairs to begin her working day.

  How she was going to concentrate on work with an abused arse, mouth, and pussy, she didn’t know. Her only consolation was the fact that Jeremy and Ethan would feel as distracted as she did. She hoped.

  Chapter Nine

  Several days passed, and Alice was feeling on edge. Since the schoolroom encounter, followed by Ethan fucking her over the bed, there had been no sexual advances from either man, or any more challenges.

  They’d spent time together, of course, both in a professional and a domestic sense. They were living together, after all. Conversations they’d had made Alice feel much more at home. She would have the privacy she required; in other words, neither Jeremy nor Ethan would enter her room without permission. They had the mealtime rota sorted out too. Alice wasn’t surprised to discover the cleaners Jeremy hired for the Manor also took care of the private quarters. If she was totally honest with herself, it was just another perk to living there. All she had to do was keep up her end of the cooking rota, and take care of her own laundry, which she was more than happy about. The thought of the two men handling her underwear – in a non-sexual sense, of course – gave her the shivers. And as for her washing their smalls … no. Just no.

  They had also visited a private clinic – at Jeremy’s expense – to be tested for STIs. Alice knew she was clean, but she could hardly expect Jeremy and Ethan to get tested and not her. Unromantic and unsexy as it was, it was only fair that they were all checked out. Then they could continue their games without fear of health recriminations. She’d used the contraceptive injection for years as it was; loving the convenience of it, not to mention the fact that it meant she didn’t have periods or the related mood swings. Now, it seemed it was going to be more useful than ever, as she could be having sex with Jeremy or Ethan, or both, at a moment’s notice. She’d never have to turn them down because it was her time of the month.

  Their test results from the clinic had arrived that morning. All three of them, as she’d expected, were clean. And something told Alice that this information would jump-start their sexy games once more. Only now, they could be even more spontaneous. Well, as spontaneous as a planned-out list of kinky sexual challenges could be, anyway.

  It had been a busy day at Davenport Manor, so Alice had eaten dinner – a delicious pie and mash combination, courtesy of Ethan – then gone up to her room for a nice, relaxing bath before pulling on her comfortable pyjamas and curling up on her bed to read. She was so deeply engrossed in what she was reading that the knock on the door made her shriek and drop her book. Pressing her hand to her thumping heart, she took a couple of breaths to calm herself, then called, ‘Come in!’

  The door opened and Ethan stepped in. Clearly, he’d showered recently, as his hair was wet. But it wasn’t that which really drew Alice’s eye. It was the fact that the only thing he was wearing, aside from trainers, was a pair of jeans that did wonders for him. They encased his muscular thighs, emphasising their power, and she suspected that his rear view looked pretty damn delicious too. She was suddenly hyper-aware of her totally unsexy pyjamas.

  He flashed her a smile, and she had to resist the temptation to squirm on her bed. Ethan’s smile could do that to a person – his straight white teeth, luscious lips and those dimples. Damn. On top of that, when he smiled, his whole face lit up; his mischievous-looking eyes crinkled at the corners, and he looked adorable and sexy at all at once. Alice wasn’t sure how that was possible, but somehow he achieved it.

  Running a hand through his hair, he took a step towards her bed, the grin leaving his face. He looked down at what she wearing. Alice felt heat creeping up her chest and neck, and her cheeks began to flame too.

  ‘Cute,’ Ethan said. She searched his face for signs of sarcasm, but saw none. ‘Anything underneath?’

  She shook her head. Hell, no. She never wore anything underneath her pyjamas. That was the whole point of pyjamas, surely? They meant you didn’t have to sleep naked, but weren’t encumbered by knickers or bras. She actually heaved a happy sigh every day when she took off her bra. The size of her breasts meant that going without one was absolutely not an option, but bras were such a pain in the arse. Or tits, to be more precise. Some were too big, some were too small, some had straps that slipped down, others were too tight around her body. Shopping for them was a nightmare. She’d been measured by several different shops and specialists, and nobody could seem to agree on her size. Therefore, she always tried them on in changing rooms, jiggling around to make sure her boobs stayed where they were supposed to be. Only if they passed that test would she actually fork out for them. And that was another thing that pissed her off – the price. Large sizes never came cheap – and you’d have to be damn quick to get any in a sale.

  ‘… dining room.’

  She’d been so intent on her internal rant about bras that she hadn’t listened to a word he’d been saying. The last two words alone meant nothing, and his quizzical expression indicated that he was waiting for her to say something.

  ‘S-sorry,’ she said, slipping a bookmark into her book – she’d have to find the page she’d lost later – and putting it down on the bed, ‘I wasn’t listening.’

  ‘Too right you weren’t. You were miles away. What were you thinking about?’

  ‘Um, bras.’ She saw no point in lying. Hopefully the peculiarity of her answer would make him forget that she hadn’t been listening to him. She didn’t know if it was on the cards that evening, but she didn’t want to earn herself a spanking.

  A tiny line appeared between his brows. ‘O-kay. Anyway, as I was saying, I’ve come to collect you and take you to the dining room. And your outfit is just fine. You got some slippers too?’

  Their conversation felt like something out of The Twilight Zone to Alice, but she nodded and slid off the bed, reaching underneath it to grab her slippers. Thankfully they weren’t too embarrassing – just black slip-on things with white spots on them. She wouldn’t mention the big fluffy ones that she had stashed in her wardrobe ready for winter. Pulling the spotty slippers on, she took the hand that Ethan held out and followed him through the house,
out of the private quarters and into the public area. She had to jog a little to keep up with his long strides.

  When they arrived in the dining room, she wasn’t surprised to see Jeremy already waiting there. He gave her a warm smile and looked her up and down.

  ‘I see you were all ready for bed. Sorry about that. We won’t keep you long. Please, sit.’ He indicated a chair that had been pulled out of the immaculate display around the table and moved to an empty area of the room. She sat down, her buttocks spreading across the seat. The edges dug into her flesh.

  ‘Good,’ he continued. ‘Now, I must inconvenience you and ask you to stand again. Remove your clothes, then sit.’

  Alice couldn’t help the tremble in her hands as she moved to undo the top button of her pyjama top. She’d never been completely naked in front of the men before, and she wasn’t really looking forward to it. What if they went off her when they saw her lumps and bumps all displayed at once? Figuring there was nothing she could do about it either way, she stripped, dropping her clothes into a pile to one side of the chair, then settled back down into the seat.

  It was even more uncomfortable now, without the layer of protection her clothes had afforded. She knew the back of the chair was all carved wood with lots of pointy things, so she purposely didn’t lean on it. Discomfort on her bottom and the back of her legs was quite enough, thank you.

  However, it seemed Jeremy and Ethan had other plans. They walked up to her, side by side. Jeremy reached into his pocket and pulled something long and dark out of it and handed it to Ethan. Alice thought it looked like a scarf. She didn’t have to wait long to find out. Jeremy pulled another long, dark item from his pocket; as if they were synchronised, the men knelt down, grabbed one of Alice’s arms each, and tied her wrists to the back of the chair. They then stood and took a step back to examine their handiwork. She was now pulled tight back against the chair, and she could clasp her hands together. So she did. She suspected it might help her deal with what was going to happen next.

  Because she knew this was challenge number two. It had been a while since she’d looked at the list, so she couldn’t remember all the details, but she did know that this task wouldn’t be quite as painful as the previous one. Though given the way the sharp angles of the chair were digging into her, she was beginning to think it was pretty close. It was certainly going to be no walk in the park.

  She felt a tug at her bonds to make sure they were secure, then heard Ethan’s voice behind her. ‘You remember the idea of this task, don’t you? You’re tied to this chair, and Jeremy and I will be playing with you however we wish. You are forbidden to come, and if you start to move around too much or don’t do as you’re told, we’ll tie up your legs too.’

  She nodded. That was the part she’d remembered. About not being able to come, and not moving. She wasn’t sure exactly what they were going to do to her. Maybe it wasn’t specified on the list. Perhaps they were just going to make it up as they went along. A shiver rolled across her skin, and her nipples stood to attention. Whether it was the chill or arousal causing it she couldn’t be sure, but Jeremy, who was standing in front of her, noticed.

  ‘Ha. She’s got stiff nipples already. Horny bitch. Gorgeous tits, though. I think I’ll just …’

  With that, Jeremy dropped to his knees once more and shuffled in front of her. Wrapping a hand around her left breast, he pulled as much of it as he could into his mouth. The warmth of his lips and tongue felt divine against her skin, and when he began to suckle at the tip of her tit, she knew it was going to take a colossal amount of willpower for her not to come during this task. She was already feeling pretty damn horny, and at the moment she had just one man playing with her chest. When the manpower – and therefore the number of hands, fingers, and mouths – doubled, she knew they’d be teasing her relentlessly, pushing her to the very edge of climax, then denying her. Bastards.

  It wasn’t long before Ethan moved from behind her chair and stood beside it. He reached down and began to caress her right breast, idly at first, then with more vigour. He grasped her hard nipple between his thumb and index finger and pulled it away from her body, then let go. The bouncing flesh slapped back down against her torso, and Alice looked down to see her right nipple standing out from her body like some kind of antenna. If it had been erect before, there were no words to describe what it was now.

  Her gaze flicked left, to the dark-haired man still making a meal of her other breast. Jeremy was clearly very fond of playing with boobs because he licked, nibbled and suckled at her flesh with an enthusiasm it was impossible to fake. That enthusiasm, not to mention skill, was translating to immense amounts of pleasure for her. She closed her eyes, enjoying the delicious sensations that rushed through her body, confident in the fact that she never had, and probably never would, come through breast play.

  A warm mouth closed around her right nipple. Her eyes flicked open. She couldn’t not watch, now. There were two totally gorgeous men sucking her tits, and the thought crossed her mind that perhaps she’d fallen asleep the night of her interview at Davenport Manor and had just been having an incredibly vivid – and kinky – dream ever since. She hoped not.

  A stinging pain from her right nipple brought her back to the present, and assured her that she most definitely was not dreaming. Ethan really had just bitten her. She sucked in a breath, and felt a trickle of juice seep from her pussy, down her perineum and to the surface of the chair below. She was leaking onto the furniture! The ancient, authentic, irreplaceable furniture. Jeremy was not going to be pleased. But then this had all been his idea, so this was his fault. He should have thought of all that before he decided to tie a naked woman to an old dining room chair and pleasure her to within an inch of her life.

  As delicious as it was to have the two men playing with her chest, the insistent throb from her clit and the ache of her pussy made her long for something more. Something inside her. She knew it would be much harder for her to stop herself coming if she was penetrated somehow, but she was growing so horny she didn’t really care. Despite being told she’d have her legs bound if she moved too much, she shunted her hips forward a little, bringing her pussy closer to the front edge of the chair. Hopefully one of the men would take the hint.

  It made sense that it was Ethan. Both men were right-handed, and it was much easier for him given the position they were in, kneeling side by side in front of her. He pulled away from her breast, making her areola crinkle in the chill which was emphasised from the saliva he’d left cooling on her skin. Then he slipped his hand between her knees, skimming her right thigh as he crept his fingers closer and closer to where she wanted them most.

  In the meantime, Jeremy had stopped suckling her and was pinching and slapping her pendulous breasts, clearly a ploy to allow him to sit back and watch what Ethan was doing to her. Or, more specifically, how she was reacting to what Ethan was doing to her. His gaze remained firmly on her face, an almost-evil grin stretching across his lips. She tried hard to return his stare, but as Ethan’s fingertips slipped between her swollen labia and began to stroke up and down her saturated slit, she rolled her head back and closed her eyes in bliss.

  ‘Remember: don’t come.’ Jeremy said.

  ‘Mmm-hmm!’ was all she managed as she pressed her lips together tightly, holding in the gasps, moans and groans she would let rip in an ordinary sexual situation. But there was absolutely nothing normal about this. Not for her, anyway.

  Deliberately avoiding her clit, Ethan continued to rub the sensitive skin of her vulva, lulling her into a false sense of security. There’s no way she’d come if he wasn’t touching her clit.

  Suddenly, two thick fingers slipped inside her slick cunt. She gasped, then bit her lip immediately, not wanting to make too much noise. Silence hadn’t been on the “forbidden” list, but the more she kept herself in check, the less likely she’d be to move around too much. And she definitely didn’t want her legs to be tied up too. Her arms were bad enough. And
now she was thinking about it, she felt much more acutely the beautiful yet sharp carvings of the chair back digging into her skin. Her thighs and bottom had gone a little numb, so the edges of the chair’s seat didn’t feel quite so unforgiving any more.

  As if he sensed her drifting away a little, Ethan pushed his fingers deeper inside her pussy and bent his thumb up to press the sensitive bundle of nerve-endings at the apex of her vulva. If he continued stimulating her clit, painfully swollen as it was, she’d come in no time. And then she’d really be in trouble. She didn’t know if that would be classed as a failure of the challenge – invalidating their agreement, and screwing her career prospects – or whether they’d just keep repeating any challenges she failed until she completed them successfully. Either way, she didn’t really want to find out. She was a perfect-first-time kind of a girl, and she planned to continue that trend.

  The soft pad of Ethan’s thumb rolled over her clit, mercifully not pressing too hard, or moving too fast. If he carried on like that, she might be all right. She’d come eventually, of course, but with any luck Jeremy would deem the challenge complete before then, and she would be able to rush upstairs, lock the door, and finish herself off.

  Jeremy continued to touch her body. His nimble fingers stroked her neck, her décolletage, her breasts, her tummy, her hips. He then slipped a hand behind her and grabbed as much of her right buttock as he could, given the way she was sitting. Digging his fingers into the ample flesh, he sent jolts of mild pain rushing through her body, where they centred on her groin. Great. Between them they really were pushing her to the very brink, however subtly.


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