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Stately Pleasures

Page 14

by Lucy Felthouse

  Jeremy noticed her shocked expression. ‘Come on, Alice. It’s not that terrible a punishment, really. And you do deserve it.’ He chuckled.

  Nodding meekly, she tamped down the resistance that threatened to burst out of her. Especially since it was just a knee-jerk reaction. She didn’t mind, really. It was quite kinky, in fact, and as she continued to observe the two men wanking over her, her pussy grew swollen, juices coated the insides of her thighs and her clit throbbed. The urge to touch herself, to masturbate along with the men, was enormous. But she’d been forbidden to do so. Alice gritted her teeth in frustration. Why did they have to be so damn sexy, and arousing?

  The speed at which their fists shifted up and down increased. Her gaze raked up their delicious bodies in turn, alighting on their faces. She could tell by their expressions and the tension in their muscles that both of them were getting incredibly close to climax. Seconds later, Jeremy began to make noises deep in his throat and Alice arched her back, thrusting out her chest, ready to catch his spunk. The groans grew louder, then were echoed by Ethan’s. Alice closed her eyes.

  Almost as if they’d choreographed it, Jeremy and Ethan fell silent, except for the soft swishing of skin against skin, and the slight clicking sound of the quickened strokes on their uncircumcised cocks. She heard hastily sucked-in breaths, then, finally, stripes of warm ejaculate landed on her skin. Alice let out an involuntarily gasp, then pressed her lips together to stop herself making any more noise and getting into further trouble. It seemed both men had had testicles full to bursting, as the amount of warm, sticky liquid coating her tits and décolletage seemed never-ending.

  Eventually, though, their orgasms waned and Alice opened her eyes to be greeted by a vision of two red-faced, gasping, sweaty men. She stifled a grin. There was no question that they’d been in charge of the situation, but knowing she was the one to make their cocks hard, to make them come, filled her with a sense of power so extreme she felt like her head was going to pop. Unfortunately, her clit was experiencing a similar feeling. Obeying, as she always did, the order not to touch herself meant she was left feeling unfulfilled, and still desperately horny.

  ‘Wow,’ she said, her need to escape, to relieve herself, spurring her on to break the silence. ‘Are you feeling better, boys?’

  Clearly not quite back on earth, the two men said nothing, instead reaching down to help her up. Ethan bent to grab their discarded shirts and used them to wipe Alice’s chest and breasts. She smiled her thanks. When she was clean, she gave Jeremy an expectant look.

  Reading the request in her expression, he nodded. ‘You can go, Alice. Thank you. That was …’ He didn’t finish his sentence. Shrugging, he gave a wry smile. The sense of control still coursing through her body making her bold, she gave a saucy wink, bent to collect her clothes, and walked towards the door.

  Just before she left the room, she looked over her shoulder and said, ‘Any time, gentlemen.’

  Then, before her newfound bravery gave out, she scurried naked – breasts and bottom bouncing – back to her room and locked the door behind her. She shoved her clothes into her wash basket, went straight into the bathroom, and switched on the shower. She pulled the tie out of her hair as she waited for the water to reach the desired temperature. After a few seconds, she stuck her hand beneath the spray and nodded in satisfaction before stepping into the tub and pulling the curtain across.

  Letting out a loud sigh of contentment, Alice tilted her head back, the pressure of the water pounding her into a state of blissful relaxation. She turned so the spray was directed at the area of her body that needed it most. Although Ethan had given her a thorough wipe-down, he clearly hadn’t got all the come off, as smears of it were drying on her skin and making her itch. She grabbed her sponge and scrubbed at it until she was satisfied every trace of the sticky stuff was gone. Then she put it back and set about washing and conditioning her hair, followed by soaping up and rinsing her body.

  It was only when she reached between her legs to make sure she was soap-free that she realised how swollen her clit still was. Damn, she’d have to do something about that. Jeremy may not have given her express permission to masturbate in the shower, but he hadn’t said she couldn’t either. And how would he know, anyway? As long as any sound she made was drowned out by the running water, it didn’t matter.

  Throwing caution to the wind, she pressed her finger to her clit, jumping as a fresh jolt of arousal zinged through her body. She thought for a moment how much she’d prefer it if Jeremy or Ethan were doing this to her, then cast the sentiment aside. Needs must, and all that. And right now, what she needed was to come.

  Despite the fact she’d washed, her pussy was slick once more and she spread the juices over her bud and manipulated it the way she loved best, stroking and pinching the sensitive flesh. Her orgasm approached swiftly and before long she was stuffing the fingers of her free hand into her mouth to stifle the sounds she made as she was engulfed by immense pleasure.

  Alice’s shudders slowed as her release waned and she laid her hands against the wall behind the shower head, enjoying the hot water sluicing down her back as she waited for her breathing and heart rate to return to normal.

  Finally, she felt able to move and she stepped out of the shower, dried off, plaited her hair so she didn’t have to bother drying it, and pulled on her pyjamas and dressing gown. She really wanted to snuggle into bed with a book, but it was still early and a grumble from her stomach reminded her she hadn’t eaten yet. Happily, she remembered it was Jeremy’s turn to cook, which was a bonus, because she sure couldn’t be bothered.

  On arriving in the kitchen, she discovered Jeremy couldn’t be bothered either. He smiled at her and brandished a set of takeaway menus. ‘My treat. As it should be, since it’s me who’s crying off the cooking. What do you fancy?’

  Casting her gaze over the sight of the two men whose wet hair and change of clothes told her they’d showered too, she sat down at the breakfast bar. Resisting the temptation to give a rude reply to Jeremy’s question, she took the menus from him and quickly sifted through, then handed one for takeaway pizzas back to him. ‘Any toppings you like, I don’t mind. But make sure you order sides.’

  Jeremy flipped the menu over and looked for the section for side orders. ‘Which ones?’

  ‘All of them, I’m starving! And I’m sure between the three of us, we’ll eat them all.’

  Giving a nod, Jeremy turned to Ethan. ‘That all right with you, old chap?’

  ‘Yep. You know me, I’ll eat anything. Tell ’em to make it snappy.’

  Half an hour later, the three of them were sitting around the coffee table in the living room, digging into their food with gusto. It wasn’t sophisticated, and it definitely wasn’t romantic, but Alice still couldn’t help her mind wandering down that path as she surreptitiously glanced at the men sitting on either side of her. She loved their company, felt comfortable with them, and hated the fact their companionship – and the kinky benefits that went with it – wouldn’t last for ever.

  A lump appeared in her throat, and she tried not to draw attention to herself as she blinked rapidly to try and prevent the prickling sensation behind her eyelids turning into full-blown tears. Fuck, what was the matter with her? She was behaving like some soppy love-struck teenager.

  The moment the word entered her consciousness, she zoned in on it. Love. She wasn’t in love – or falling in love – was she? If so, who with? Again, she sneaked glances at Jeremy and Ethan and experienced similar feelings of extreme fondness, not to mention sexual attraction, for each of them. Therefore, if she felt the same about both of them, then she couldn’t be in love with one of them, could she?

  Relief washed over her. That was all right, then. Love would be a complicated thing to contend with when the time came for her to leave the Manor. She’d stick with extreme fondness and sexual attraction, thanks. It would still hurt when she left, but she’d get over it.


/>   Chapter Seventeen

  Alice jumped when the knock came at her bedroom door. She’d been about to go for a shower after a busy day, and before she was due to go and make dinner for the three of them.

  Pulling her dressing gown on and tying it tightly around her waist – which, she realised, was pointless, given that it could only be Jeremy or Ethan who had come to her room, and they’d both seen her naked more times than she could count – she moved to open the door. It was Jeremy. He’d been out somewhere that day, for a meeting she presumed, and was still wearing his suit. He’d taken off his tie, though, and his hair looked a little messy, as though he’d been running his fingers through it. Alice couldn’t help but notice how sexy he looked – there was just something about a man in a suit. And Jeremy wasn’t just any man. Yum.

  A couple of seconds later, she realised she hadn’t actually spoken to him yet. She cleared her throat. ‘Hi, Jeremy. Good day?’

  He raised an eyebrow and gave her a smirk, then returned the favour by looking her up and down too. She tried not to fidget beneath his scrutiny. Finally, he moved his gaze back to her face. ‘My day was fine, thank you. Am I interrupting something?’

  ‘N-no. I was just going for a shower. Can I help you with something?’ She didn’t mean work, and they both knew it.

  Jeremy smirked again. ‘Well, you can forego your shower. For now, anyway. Ethan and I have another task for you and I think you’ll need a shower more afterwards than you do now.’

  ‘OK. I’ll just get dressed.’ She turned into the room, but he grabbed her arm and twisted her back to face him.

  ‘Don’t bother, Alice. We both know it’s pointless. Just put something on your feet.’

  He released her, and she did as he said, shuffling into the nearest footwear she could see, which was a pair of flip-flops. Jeremy gave a nod, then indicated she should follow him. Her flip-flops slapped loudly on the wooden floor of the corridor, and she cringed. The sound was annoying already – Jeremy would probably be very irritated by the time they got to their destination. Wherever that was.

  She was a little surprised when they arrived at the kitchen in their living quarters, until she saw Ethan sitting at the breakfast bar. They were clearly just picking him up on the way. Alice waited for him to get up and come with them, but he didn’t. He merely nodded at the two of them, then spoke to his friend. ‘Everything is ready.’

  Alice frowned, then saw the items perched at the end of the breakfast bar. Rope, and … she gasped. They’d totally thrown her with the location, but now she’d seen what was on the table, she knew exactly what was going to happen next. And she had to admit, she wasn’t particularly looking forward to it. The fact that it was in their private kitchen, as opposed to the main one in the house, didn’t change the fact. The only possible bonus was that she wouldn’t have as far to go to get back to her room afterwards. She wished she hadn’t answered the knock on her door in the first place. She should have pretended she was in the shower and she hadn’t heard it.

  Sighing, she resigned herself to her fate. Ignoring him would have made no difference. She’d have to complete the task at some point, so she might as well get it over and done with. A shiver raced across her skin unbidden, and she looked up to find both men staring at her. Ethan got up, moved around the table towards her, and slipped his arm round her shoulders. ‘It’ll be OK, Alice. We’ll look after you, you know that.’

  She gave a small smile and nodded, because she knew he was right. They would look after her – they always did. But it didn’t change her feelings towards the task. She still wasn’t looking forward to it one bit. Sucking in a breath, she forced a smile onto her face. Her plan now was to get it over and done with as soon as possible, and move on.

  ‘OK,’ she said, the brightness in her voice belying her true feelings. ‘Ready when you are, gentlemen.’

  ‘That’s my girl.’ Jeremy reached over and gave her a pat on the arse. ‘Now take off your dressing gown and flip-flops, and we’ll help you onto the breakfast bar.’ He made no other mention of her footwear, so perhaps he hadn’t noticed the noise.

  Just like during her last task in the chapel, Alice was thankful for the warmth of the room. But now she was prepared for the chill of the surface she was about to be put onto. She dropped her dressing gown to the floor and kicked her flip-flops on top of it. Then she moved to the end of the table nearest to her and stood with her back to it. Its edge pressed against her lower back and she was glad the men were going to help her up – her lack of height gave her a distinct disadvantage in this situation.

  Jeremy and Ethan came to stand on either side of her. ‘Ready?’ Ethan asked. She nodded in response, and they settled her onto the hard, unforgiving surface. It wasn’t quite as cold as the floor of the chapel had been, so she was thankful for small mercies. Knowing how much she wanted to get this task over and done with, she lay back on the table and spread herself out, staring resolutely at the ceiling and hoping they’d get on with it. She could almost see them exchanging a look at her eagerness to get started. But then, if they’d been in her shoes – metaphorically, of course – she was sure they’d feel the same way she did.

  ‘OK, Alice,’ Jeremy said, walking the length of the table and trailing his fingertips up her naked body, ‘we’re going to tie you up now.’

  She said nothing, knowing it was just a statement, rather than a question. He was probably giving her a chance to back out, but the thought had never entered her head. She’d come this far; there was no way she was going to quit now. Plus she was sure there would be some element of pleasure in the task for her, if Jeremy and Ethan were involved. It was hardly going to be Chinese water torture.

  Before long, her suspicions were proven correct. The men secured her to the two poles holding up the breakfast bar – she suddenly wondered if they were strong enough to hold her weight. They made sure the rope was tight but comfortable and not cutting off her circulation. Then they began to touch her body. Their actions were strangely reminiscent of the task they’d completed in the servants’ quarters but, sadly, without the melted chocolate. This time, though, as much as she loved fucking both men, she hoped neither of them would decide to join her on the bar – it wasn’t designed to hold one person, never mind two!

  She needn’t have worried – that wasn’t their plan. Alice quickly grew aroused from the caresses of the two men, though she was a long way from orgasm.

  ‘Alice, you’re not permitted to come while we’re touching you, OK? When we use the … implement, you may. But not just yet,’ Jeremy said.

  She nodded, while secretly thinking that they were mad if they thought she’d come while they used the implement, as Jeremy had called it, as opposed to when they touched her. In other words, she wasn’t going to come at all. So she was destined for another bout of masturbation when she got back to her room, then. Damn.

  Her frustration grew the more they caressed her, particularly since they were exploring everywhere except in between her legs. Given the amount of time the three of them had spent playing together, the men were as familiar with her body and what she liked as she was. Her rapidly increasing wetness and swelling clit attested to that fact. Not to mention her nipples were so hard they almost hurt. Jeremy and Ethan sure knew how to push her buttons. And they were well aware of that.

  Jeremy stopped playing with her breasts for a second and spoke to his friend. ‘Ethan, see how wet she is. You’re nearer.’

  Ethan moved a hand from her waist and shifted it to her groin. He slipped his fingers between her folds and let out a groan when he discovered that she was, in fact, very wet.

  Jeremy laughed. ‘I’ll take that as a good sign?’

  Ethan stroked his fingers up and down her slick vulva, knocking against her clit as he did so. Alice bit back a moan. ‘Yep,’ Ethan said. ‘On a scale of one to ten, I’d say she’s at nine.’

  Really? Alice was surprised. She was horny – and getting more so by the second – but she hadn�
��t realised just wet she’d grown, and how quickly.

  ‘Cool,’ Jeremy replied, removing his hands from Alice’s breasts. ‘So do you think she’ll be able to take this, then?’

  Alice had already seen what he was talking about, so she didn’t bother trying to twist her head to see what he was holding. But not being able to see it didn’t stop the feeling of dread that trailed a finger up her spine.

  Ethan was silent for a second, assessing the thing that Jeremy held aloft, then nodded. ‘Yeah, definitely. It’s no bigger than either of our cocks, is it? And she manages them pretty well!’

  The men laughed, and the sound sent a wave of anger through her body. Ethan’s words hadn’t helped either. What he’d said was true, but the difference was she wanted their cocks inside her. Their warm and hard – yet slightly pliable – cocks, which were attached to two of the sexiest men she’d ever met.

  The pestle, on the other hand, was not something she wanted shoved inside her. It was cold, completely and utterly rigid. It was designed for grinding things, for God’s sake! And yet Jeremy had got it into his head that it would be erotic to put it in her pussy. She gritted her teeth. She would endure it, she would. It was just one little task, and she’d been through much worse – she’d been forbidden to wear underwear and spanked with a wooden ruler and a carpet beater. The pestle would certainly not defeat her.

  She smiled tightly, then fought to make the grin more genuine. ‘OK then, boys,’ she said, wriggling in what she hoped was a seductive fashion and pulling against her restraints a little. ‘So what are you waiting for? I’m ready.’

  ‘Oh Alice,’ Jeremy said, moving around where she could see him and reaching out to stroke her hair. ‘You’re not fooling anyone, sweetheart. We know you’re not keen on this task, but we also know you’ll do it anyway. How about this? We’re nice, really, so let’s sweeten the pot. You do this, and we’ll fuck you afterwards. How does that sound?’


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