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Stately Pleasures

Page 16

by Lucy Felthouse

  Jeremy had no reaction to her comment about the come seeping out of her pussy, but when she made her orgasm demand, he looked over her head at his friend and grinned. She could only assume Ethan was beaming back.

  ‘Hey,’ she said, reaching up and slapping Jeremy’s cheek lightly, ‘stop gawping at him, and get on with it.’

  ‘As you wish, my lady.’

  She couldn’t help but snort at the thought of her being a lady, but the sound quickly morphed into a groan of pleasure when Jeremy sank his cock into her in one movement. He moved to lean on his hands and started to fuck her in earnest. Alice grabbed Jeremy’s buttocks and held on for the ride. Her head lolled back and her eyes squeezed closed as she felt another climax approaching. A series of unintelligible sounds filled the room, and it took a few seconds before Alice realised it was her.

  Grunts and gasps from Jeremy joined hers in a chorus which grew louder and more frequent, until they reached a peak as their climaxes hit, one after the other. For the second time that evening, Alice’s pussy clenched around an eager cock and milked it dry. Her own orgasm was more powerful than the last – as often happened with her – and by the time she came down she was aching and lethargic, and thoughts of showering, then sinking into bed began to invade her mind. Dinner be damned. If the boys were hungry, they could make themselves a sandwich.

  A movement in the corner of her eye made her turn her head. Ethan stood there, still naked and gorgeous, with his stiff cock in his hand.

  It looked as though she wouldn’t be having that shower or heading to bed any time soon.

  Chapter Eighteen

  Alice sat in her office, flipping through the pages of her diary for that week when she had a sudden realisation. She checked the date again, and the colour drained from her face. Her contract was almost up – she had only four weeks left at Davenport Manor. Beautiful Davenport Manor, with the dream job and the two dream men she’d been fooling around with for months. Her heart jolted uncomfortably in her chest, and she suddenly felt so sick that she actually scrambled around under her desk for her bin.

  She alternately gasped and dry heaved over the waste basket for a minute or so, before coming to the conclusion that it was a false alarm. Heaving a sigh of relief, she grabbed the half-empty bottle of water from her desk and drained it, before throwing it away. Sitting silently for a few minutes, she rubbed her temples and waited until she felt a little better before continuing what she’d been doing.

  Then another startling fact hit her. Given she had only a month left at Davenport Manor, surely that meant her tasks were almost complete? Jeremy had obviously planned them so they were spread out over the nine months she’d been there, and as a result, they were never that close together. So perhaps she only had one or two left.

  Grabbing the book she was currently reading from the top drawer of her desk, she opened it to the last page. There, tucked inside the back cover, was her copy of the list. It was looking a little worse for wear by now, having been transferred from bags to pockets to drawers and, finally, to this book. But the writing was still clearly legible, and Alice saw she was right – her tasks were almost complete. In fact, she had only one left. After reading it, a huge smile crossed her face. She’d expected the final task to be horrendous – saving the worst until last, in this case. But she couldn’t have been more wrong. It was going to be a great deal of fun.

  A few days later, on the day the house was closed to the public, Jeremy came to her in her office.

  ‘Alice –’ He placed his hand over the paperwork she’d been reading, forcing her to look at him. ‘Leave that. Ethan and I have planned your final task for today.’

  ‘B-but the cleaners, and the gardeners … Won’t they see …?’

  ‘No, they won’t. I’ve made an excuse for them not to come in today – though I’ve still paid them, of course – so the three of us will be totally alone. I could have made sure the gardeners were at the other end of the grounds, and the cleaners wouldn’t have been able to see us from the windows of the house, anyway. But I suspected you’d feel uncomfortable if they were on the premises, which is why I took that particular decision. It’s just us three, sweetheart.’

  ‘Um, OK.’ She had no more excuses. Secretly, she was pleased about that. This task was no chore. In fact, it would be an absolute pleasure. Glancing out of the window, she saw that the weather gods had even conspired to help them. The sun was out, and there wasn’t a cloud in the sky. Perfect. She took the hand that Jeremy held out, and walked with him through to the back of the house, out through the patio doors in the parlour and onto the grass. Once they passed out of the shadow of the Manor, the sun caressed the exposed skin of her arms, lower legs, neck and face. Alice grinned – she’d always loved the sun. Even though she never tanned, she still enjoyed basking in it, the feel of it on her skin.

  Moving past the lawns and the parterres, Alice could finally see their destination when they rounded the outside corner of the walled garden. Ethan sat on one of the benches that surrounded the maze, waiting for them. He smiled as he saw them approaching, and even from a distance, Alice could see the way his face lit up, and just how damn gorgeous he was when he smiled. Well, all the time, actually, but particularly when his eyes twinkled and those dimples appeared in his cheeks.

  The depressing thought that she’d have to commit such things to memory as she wouldn’t be around much longer slipped into her brain. She shoved it away roughly and picked up her pace to get to the maze, and Ethan. Jeremy made a sound of surprise at her sudden turn of speed, but went along with it. He probably thought she was eager to get on with it – which was true, but not because, like the last task, she wanted to get it over and done with. It was because she wanted to have some fun with it. To drive the unwelcome thoughts from her mind for as long as possible, and lose herself in the eroticism that the two men supplied in buckets.

  She grinned at Ethan as she and Jeremy reached him, and he winked at her. ‘You ready for this, Alice? Your final task?’

  Her smile widened. ‘I sure am, Ethan. I think this will probably be my favourite task of all.’

  ‘You would say that,’ he replied, running a hand through his hair, which, she noticed, was creeping past his shirt collar – he was obviously overdue for a haircut. ‘You’re guaranteed action and you won’t have to work for it.’

  ‘That’s true.’ She looked from Ethan to Jeremy, and back again. ‘But I think I’ve earned it already, don’t you? After what you two have put me through.’

  ‘Hey,’ Jeremy interjected, his tone serious, ‘you signed up for this, sweetheart. Nobody forced you –’

  Alice interrupted him, eager to prevent a fight. He was right – she hadn’t been forced. She’d been given quite the incentive, though. But now wasn’t the time to bring it up.

  ‘I know, Jeremy. I never said you’d forced me. I’m just saying I think I’ve earned the fun that I’ll have in this task, that’s all. In fact, it’s more of a task for you two, really.’

  Jeremy and Ethan exchanged a look which Alice couldn’t decipher, so she didn’t bother to try. ‘So,’ she said brightly, grinning at both of them, ‘shall I head to the middle?’

  Jeremy looked as though he was about to protest – perhaps because she’d taken charge somewhat – but Ethan put a hand on his arm.

  ‘Yes, Alice,’ Ethan said, returning her smile, ‘that would be great. Give us a shout when you’re in the centre of the maze and Jeremy and I will take our positions.’

  ‘OK,’ she replied, turning away and heading for the nearest entrance.

  ‘Alice,’ Jeremy called after her, stopping her in her tracks. She looked at him over her shoulder. ‘Just remember, although it’ll be Ethan and I competing, you’ll be expected to do whatever is required of you by whichever one of us reaches you first.’

  His expression was serious, and Alice wondered what he had planned if he were to win the race to the centre of the maze. Surely there wasn’t much he could do to her
that hadn’t already been done in the time she’d been at Davenport Manor. She gave a nod, then continued towards the maze and soon passed through the nearest gap in the huge yew “walls”.

  As much as she was looking forward to this task – she loved the idea of the two men competing for her – she didn’t rush to the centre of the maze. She’d only been inside it once before as she’d been so busy with work in her time at the Manor, and she hadn’t been alone. This time, she had the chance to take in her surroundings, and admire them. Jeremy was right, of course, the maze was so tall that even the attic windows of Davenport Manor didn’t provide a view inside it. But still, he’d sent everyone away today, so the three of them could partake in this final challenge without fear of interruption.

  Desperate not to dwell on the final element, Alice pushed on, having no idea where she was going. It was eerie, actually, as though she was in a world of her own. There were no sounds – not even the tweet of a bird – and all she could see was an endless sea of green, unless she looked up at the cloudless sky. The time of day meant that the sun hadn’t yet reached its height, and so it didn’t penetrate the gloom she was wandering through. A shiver rippled through her skin, and she suddenly wanted to get to the centre, which was an area wide enough that there should be some sunlight. Hopefully. Plus, she’d then be able to call out and start the proceedings, ending her solitary state in a matter of minutes. Thank God – she’d enjoyed the alone time at first, but the longer she wandered between the yew hedges, the more on edge she felt.

  She concentrated harder on remembering where she’d already been, so she didn’t keep getting stuck in dead ends, or going back the way she’d come. Soon, she entered an area she didn’t remember. Her heart leapt. She was getting somewhere! Walking faster, she took turn after turn, retracing her steps a couple of times until finally, finally, she was at one end of a long, green corridor. At the other end, she could see the large stone bench that marked the centre of the maze. Opposite it, she could also see the path that led back out of the maze on its other side.

  So basically, if she sat sideways on the bench she’d be able to see who was going to reach her first. Though she wasn’t sure “bench” was quite the right word for it – it had no legs, arms or back. It was a rectangular structure that looked more like a plinth for some kind of effigy. It wasn’t, of course; it was just an ornamental piece that had been put in the Manor garden who knew how many years ago. It had seen plenty of weather, that was for sure. Its edges were worn, and the inscription on the top was barely visible. But it was clean – Jeremy made sure of that by having it professionally taken care of once a year. She remembered him telling her that on her only previous visit to the maze.

  She hurried down the path, glad to see the sunlight that bathed the bench. Hopefully its surface would be nice and warm on her bottom while she waited for her first suitor. She giggled at the choice of word. It was so old-fashioned, and yet it was exactly how she felt, having two men fight – sort of – over her. Like the jousting tournaments of the Middle Ages. Though the more she thought about it, the more she realised it didn’t really matter who won – they were both going to have her, she was sure of it. It was just that the man who reached her first would be calling the shots about what would take place.

  Then, remembering that no one would come at all unless she let them know she was ready, she called out, ‘OK, boys, I’m in the middle!’

  Their responses came in unison. ‘OK!’

  She heard their voices continue, but as they were talking at normal volume to each other, she couldn’t hear what they were saying. She assumed they were making arrangements for what happened next.

  Silence followed, then, after a few seconds, Ethan called out, ‘I’m here!’

  More quiet. Then, ‘Me too! OK? Ready?’

  ‘Ready. On three!’

  They counted down at the same time. After they both shouted out the final number, there was quiet once more. That was it – they were on their way.

  Although it didn’t matter a bit, Alice couldn’t help but wonder who would reach her first. Ethan, being taller and with longer legs could probably move faster. But perhaps his bulk would slow him down? Jeremy, on the other hand, had lived in the Manor all his life – bar his university years, of course – and likely knew the maze better. Both men had pros and cons against their names, so it really was impossible to guess who would win. She would just have to wait and see.

  If she listened carefully, she could hear the shuffle and scrape of shoes on the paths, and sighs and curses as the two of them made their way through to the middle. It was impossible to tell who was closer – just because one sounded nearer to her didn’t mean they had the shortest distance to go before reaching their goal. It was misleading – which was the whole point of a maze, of course.

  She’d taken up the position which meant she could see both of the narrow passageways that led to the centre of the maze, and she looked left to right, then back again. Over and over. It was like watching a game of tennis. Only this was much more exciting. A prickle of anticipation ran through Alice’s body, and made the tiny hairs on the back of her neck stand up.

  Who would it be? Who was going to win?

  The sound of footsteps grew louder; she couldn’t be entirely sure whether it was one set, or two. Heavy breathing and the swish of clothing. Finally, there was movement from her right. Goosebumps raced over her skin as Jeremy appeared at the end of the narrow path and began to jog towards her. She smiled, and he returned it.

  It was hardly surprising, Alice thought. Speed and muscle were no match for the intricacies of a maze, unless you were going to crash through the walls. Both men were incredibly intelligent, but Jeremy had probably spent hours in the yew puzzle, giving him a distinct advantage. She wondered how far Ethan had to go.

  Her question was answered almost immediately when the taller man emerged from the gloom and caught sight of her sitting on the bench. His gaze flicked to his friend, then back to her. After a beat, both men began to run towards her. Jeremy was closer, but Ethan was faster. Fuck. If they were both determined to win, they’d be running at full pelt towards the stone bench. It could all end horribly if they didn’t stop in time. Visions of a collision, or at the very least badly bruised shins, passed through her mind. She shuddered, and closed her eyes, unable to watch.

  Pulling her knees up to her chest and wrapping her arms around her legs, Alice waited. She didn’t care about the draught which now had full access to her lady parts. All she could think about was the crash that would happen in seconds. Milliseconds, even.

  She heard scrabbling, harsh breathing, and then the slap of a hand on stone. Followed by an “Ouch!” Opening one eye, she squinted at the scene in front of her, before opening both eyes properly. Jeremy was cradling his hand and, on the opposite side of her, Ethan had stopped a pace away.

  She raised an enquiring eyebrow at Jeremy. He grinned sheepishly, shrugging. ‘I whacked the bench a little too hard.’ He shook his hand from the wrist. ‘I’ll live.’

  ‘I bloody hope so,’ Alice said, returning his smile. ‘I’d feel terrible if you died of your injury. This wasn’t supposed to be a fight to the death, you know.’

  Jeremy winked at Ethan, then looked back at her. ‘Yes, I do know. We both do, of course. Which is why we like to share. It saves arguments all round, you see. And we’ve never had any complaints.’

  Alice looked from one man to the other. ‘No, I can’t imagine you have. Being shared by you two is certainly nothing to moan about.’

  ‘Except in the good way,’ Ethan piped up, his dimples flashing.

  ‘Huh?’ She frowned, then, after a beat, the penny dropped. Moaning in the good way. She laughed. ‘Agreed. The pair of you definitely make me moan in the good way.’

  ‘Speaking of which,’ Jeremy interjected, holding his uninjured hand out to help her up, ‘shall we?’

  ‘Where are we going?’ she asked. She’d assumed that they were going to get down
and dirty right there in the maze.

  ‘Not far,’ Jeremy said. ‘Stand up on the bench.’ He continued to hold her hand for support as she climbed up onto the stone surface. Ethan moved and stood behind her – a reassuring move, should she lose her balance and fall. It wasn’t a long way down, but landing on the hard ground would still hurt, both her body and her pride.

  Straightening, Alice wondered what on earth he had in mind. Was he going to join her on the seat and fuck her standing up? Or move behind her and bend her over? No, that didn’t make any sense, because Ethan was standing behind her, and she was pretty sure he didn’t want a view of his best friend’s arse as he fucked the woman they were sharing.

  She realised just how slow on the uptake she was being when Jeremy lifted her skirt. Ever on the ball, Ethan reached out and gripped her hips, holding the material in place while at the same time steadying her. As Jeremy manoeuvred himself to the right level, Alice was supremely grateful for Ethan’s presence. The last thing she wanted was to be admitted to hospital for head trauma brought on by orgasm and a resultant fall. That would be pretty embarrassing to explain. She reached down and gripped Ethan’s wrists for extra support.

  And not a moment too soon. Jeremy pushed the insides of her thighs, forcing her to shuffle her feet further apart. He hooked his thumbs into her outer labia and separated them, exposing her delicate and sensitive skin. Alice had been so absorbed in the men’s race through the maze that she hadn’t thought properly about what would happen when one of them won. As a result, she wasn’t particularly horny. That changed when Jeremy’s warm tongue touched her pussy. She gasped and dug her fingers into Ethan’s wrists, causing him to pull in a sharp breath. She hadn’t hurt him, she knew, merely surprised him.

  Jeremy’s talented tongue danced over and between her folds, rapidly arousing her and making her pussy and clit swell. She grew more sensitive and her cunt quickly responded, sending lubrication to where it was needed most. Gravity pulled it slowly down her channel and, seconds later, into Jeremy’s receptive mouth. He swallowed it enthusiastically, rolling his tongue up and slipping it inside to taste more of her. The action made another gush of liquid flow out of her – and a delicious cycle began. When she was good and soaked – and then some – Jeremy moved his attentions to her clit, slicking her juices over the swollen nub and teasing it exactly how he knew she liked it. And teasing was exactly what he continued to do. He knew she wouldn’t come this way. He was deliberately not touching the area that would send her catapulting towards climax. Not that what he was doing didn’t feel good, of course, but he was clearly treating her to a slow burn; making her hornier and hornier, while avoiding her self-destruct button. Then, when he was ready, he’d push that button and send her kicking and creaming into blissful oblivion.


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