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Brie Visits Master's Italy (After Graduation, #7)

Page 2

by Red Phoenix

  “Now that her skin is prepared, it’s time to increase the sensation,” Master Anderson stated.

  Brie forced herself to stay relaxed as she waited for Master Anderson to take his stance. He described his actions to Sir as he caressed her back with a more demanding stroke. It was strong enough to take her breath away.

  She took a quick glance behind her and noticed that a larger crowd had gathered as Sir stepped into position behind her. Brie closed her eyes. There was no fear, only anticipation as she waited for her Master’s stroke.

  But Brie cried out in surprise and pain when the end of his whip made contact. It was much harder than Master Anderson’s. She heard Sir mutter under his breath, “Fuck!”

  “To be expected, all part of the learning process. You flicked your wrist at the end,” Master Anderson explained. “Try again, but be conscious of that.”

  Brie did not realize she had tensed until Master Anderson commanded, “Relax, Brie.”

  She took a deep breath and let it out slowly. The chains clinked above her as she twisted in place, helping release some of the tension before she stilled herself for the next stroke.

  “That’s my good girl,” Sir praised.

  Brie trusted Sir completely, honored to be his first. Despite his extensive experience and the numerous subs he had trained, this was something exclusive—shared only between the two. It pleased her to serve him in this way, the two of them a team as he learned to finesse the bullwhip.

  Sir took his time before taking his next swing. Brie gasped at the challenge it provided, but it was not overwhelming as the first had been.

  “Color, téa?”

  “Green, Master.”

  He grunted in satisfaction and began to take her into flight as he stimulated her back with well-placed strokes. Brie moaned in her chains as she began to lose herself to the sensation. Brie could sense the crowd, and it enhanced her experience. Their excitement played into hers. It was a glorious feeling…

  Eventually, the rhythmic contact stopped. Brie swayed dreamily in the chains, ready to be released by her Master, hoping he would take her.

  “I suggest you give her one more with bite before we end the session,” Master Anderson advised Sir. Brie’s heart skipped a beat as he explained, “It will do two things. For you, it will let you navigate the force required for a harder stroke that does not cause damage. For your sub, there is an erotic allure experiencing the fierceness of the bite you can deliver. Every time you caress her with the whip, no matter how lightly, her pussy will drip knowing it is your choice not to strike her harder.”

  Brie shivered in her chains. Although she agreed with Master Anderson, she did not want to feel the harsh bite again. Still flying from her sub high, she was unable to hold back the tears rolling down her cheeks.

  Master Anderson demonstrated the motion it took to deliver a welt-worthy strike in the air first. Brie jumped each time she heard the crack of the whip beside her.

  “Are you ready, sub?” Master Anderson finally asked, preparing her for his more forceful strike.

  Brie understood that this was necessary to help hone Sir’s skills. Despite her fears she forced herself to answer with confidence through her tears, “Yes, Master Anderson.”

  He did not wait. With a quick and sure stroke, the tail of the whip cut across her back. Even though she had faced the biting power of his whip before, Brie was surprised by the shooting pain and screamed. She bit her lip afterwards, stilling her thoughts. She had experienced this once before. She knew how to transfer the pain into something sensual if she centered herself.

  Brie could hear the concern in Sir’s voice when he got into position behind her, and asked, “Color, téa?”

  Although her skin was on fire, she knew she could handle another stroke and she needed to take it from Sir. “Yellowish-green, Master.”

  Master Anderson cautioned Sir. “Concentrate and deliver. Do not hesitate or you will either damage the skin or deliver an inadequate stroke and be forced to do it again.”

  Brie closed her eyes and smiled to herself. Her Master and she were one in this moment. This, a challenging test for them both.

  Her pussy tingled at the sound of the whip just before it came in contact and transformed into burning fire across her back. Brie did not hold back and screamed in both passion and pain.

  Then she felt Sir beside her, his hand running lightly over the mark he had just left on her back. “It looks good on you, téa.” He growled into her ear as his fingers traveled up her arm and began releasing her from the cuffs, “You did well, little goddess.”

  He picked her up and carried her to a chair in the corner. While she rested there, he removed his pants and underwear, revealing his hard cock. Sir lifted her up and sat down, turning her to face the crowd before impaling her with his waiting cock.

  Brie moaned loudly, her body grateful to have the burning sensations on her back transferred to fire in her nether regions. Sir pressed her head down and picked up salve from a small table nearby. He rubbed the cool lotion over the marks on her back.

  The sensuality of his loving aftercare made her aroused on an almost spiritual level. Sir grabbed her hips after soothing her back and moved her up and down on his shaft.

  She threw her head back as she braced her hands on his thighs to help deepen his thrusts.

  Sir’s satisfied grunt increased her pleasure. The two moved as one as he powered his manhood into her repeatedly. Time no longer had significance as Brie closed her eyes and gave into the erotic thrill of Sir’s possession.

  “Are you going to come for your Master?”

  She nodded, readying herself for his command.

  “Three… two…” Brie whimpered in response to his slow countdown. On cue, her pussy began pulsating with her impending orgasm.


  He forced his cock deep within her and held her still.

  Brie’s vaginal muscles squeezed and released his cock with their vice-like grip. He answered by grabbing her bound hair and tilting her head back further as he shuddered deep inside her. Then Sir wrapped his arm around her torso and pulled her to his heaving chest, growling softly, “I love you, téa.”

  She smiled, lost in the ecstasy of the moment. I love you, Master, heart and soul.

  Brie stayed in his arms, oblivious to the crowd dispersing until Master Anderson broke into her reverie. “There is another couple waiting for the area, Thane. Would you like me to begin cleaning it?”

  Sir released Brie and helped her disengage from him. “No, we will take care of it ourselves.”

  Brie cleaned the chair and then moved to the x on the floor while Sir dressed and cleaned the cuffs, wiping down his bullwhip last. After he finished, Sir commanded Brie to dress, all except her top. Just like her first time with the bullwhip, she was given the privilege of showing off her well-earned marks.

  As they moved through the club, Brie found it difficult not to gloat. In one day she had secured the future of her documentary and faced the bullwhip—a second time. Her happiness only increased when she saw Mr. Gallant and his wife.

  Sir stopped before them and greeted the pair. Brie noticed Mr. Gallant had his arm protectively wrapped around his tall and statuesque Amazonian wife, just as he had at the collaring ceremony. Despite his small stature, the man exuded a self-assured confidence that garnered natural respect.

  “You both appear to be doing well, Sir Davis.”

  “We are, Gallant. Fate seems to be smiling down on the two of us today.”

  “Glad to hear it.” He added somberly, “That was quite some unpleasant business with your mother at the Center.”

  “I do apologize for the unseemly disturbance.” Brie noticed that Sir abruptly changed the subject. “Téa, say hello to your former teacher.”

  Brie’s smile was genuine as she addressed him. “It is wonderful to see you again, Mr. Gallant.” She loved the man who acted as a father-figure and wise mentor all rolled into one glorious person.
r />   She was pleased when he nodded his approval. “You’re positively radiant, Miss Bennett.”

  Brie was fairly bursting, desperate to share about her film, but she dutifully kept the news to herself. “Life only seems to get better and better, Mr. Gallant. One of the best things that ever happened to me was stepping into your classroom that first night.”

  Brie glanced at his exquisite wife and found herself captivated by the brand the dark beauty wore on her upper arm. The lighter color and raised feature made it very noticeable. The brand itself was a simple pattern of two curvy M’s, one above the other.

  She was struck by the woman’s serene face and could tell she was devoted to her Master. Yet it surprised Brie that such an elegant woman would allow herself to be branded like that. Brie wanted to ask her about the pain involved, but was afraid Sir would take it as a sign that she was considering it for herself. Instead, she said, “I am curious what your brand symbolizes.”

  The woman lovingly caressed the raised marks. “Two birds in flight.” She smiled at Brie, her foreign accent making her statement that much more enchanting when she answered, “My Master guides me to higher levels of awareness.”

  Mr. Gallant kissed her shoulder and replied, “In the process, she continues to take me to new heights as well.”

  Brie put her hand over her heart and cooed, “Aww… that’s so sweet!”

  Mr. Gallant seemed surprised by her reaction and said succinctly, “Simply the truth, Miss Bennett.”

  Sir wrapped his arm around Brie’s waist. “The natural progression of a healthy D/s relationship.”

  Brie looked up at Sir in admiration and wonder.

  Pinch me now…

  Their Disappointment

  Sir pressed his lips against her forehead. It was reassuring in nature, but reminded her too much of a benediction—a benediction given just before she willingly walked to her own death.

  “How can this go well, Sir?” she whimpered.

  “It depends on your definition of ‘well’, Brie. If you are upfront about the film and answer all of their questions truthfully, then I will consider it to have gone ‘well’ enough.”

  His wisdom infused her with confidence. “Yes, Sir. Upfront and honest, that’s all I have to keep in mind. The rest of it will fall into place as long as I do not shy away from the truth.”

  Sir encouraged her further, “Brie, my advice is not to take a negative response as their true response. You cannot know how your parents truly feel until they have had time to adjust to the news. Shock tends to evoke erratic behavior.”

  “I will try to remember that, Sir.”

  “In the end what they desire is the truth, even if it is difficult to hear.”

  She took another calming breath and announced with more bravery than she felt, “I’m ready.”

  He gave her a wink as he exited the car. “As am I…”

  Sir opened the door for Brie and together they walked up to the house, a unit—partners in crime.

  When Brie’s mother opened the door, she greeted them pleasantly enough. “How nice you could make it back so soon after your last visit.”

  From the living room her father exclaimed, “There is nothing nice about this visit, Marcy. They come bearing bad news, I guarantee it.”

  Brie shook her head. Why did her father have to always make things harder than they had to be?

  Her mom shut the door behind them and gestured the two towards the couch.

  Sir stopped and informed Brie, “Before we sit, I was hoping to speak to your father in private.”

  Brie’s eyes widened. Could it be? Her heart beat wildly at the thought of Sir asking her father for her hand in marriage.

  “Although I do not like this sound of this, I will meet you in the study, Mr. Davis. The ladies shouldn’t hear what I have to say. Follow me,” her father snarled, rising up from his chair.

  That left Brie and her mom alone, looking awkwardly at each other.

  “Is he asking what I think he is?” her mother asked, sounding stunned.

  Brie shrugged, but she couldn’t hide her glee. “I don’t know, Mom. To be honest, he and I never talked about it.”

  She sputtered, “Let’s hope not… it’s too soon… there is no way your father would consent.”

  As if in agreement, Brie’s father yelled loud enough for the neighborhood to hear, “Over my dead body!”

  Brie groaned as a heated discussion began. One that was too muffled to understand, although the hostility was easy to hear.

  “Why don’t we go out on the back porch?” her mother suggested.

  “Sure,” Brie replied, looking down the hallway in misery. Poor Sir…

  Once they had settled on the porch swing, her mom blurted, “It sure is hot this summer. We’ve gotten so little rain—”

  Brie could care less about the weather and interrupted her. “Mom, why does Dad have to be so unreasonable?”

  Marcy frowned. “I don’t think your father is being unreasonable at all, young lady. It has only been a few months since you announced you two were dating.”

  “But Thane loves me and he is the most amazing man I’ve ever met. It is an honor to know him, much less be his girlfriend.” ‘Girlfriend’ sounds so weird…

  “If he loves you, then he won’t mind waiting a year or two before making a lifelong commitment. You are only twenty-two. Far too young to consider such things.”

  “But Mom, weren’t you barely twenty when you got married to Dad? You always told me when it’s right its right, because that’s how it happened with you.”

  Her mother said with an air of superiority, “But we had known each other for years, darling. We weren’t strangers like you two.”

  “Mom, I would be willing to bet that I know Thane far better than you knew Dad when you two married.”

  Her mother huffed at her remark. “We went to high school together!”

  Brie giggled. “Well, Mom, Thane and I went to school together, too.”

  “What do you mean?”

  Brie was too scared to explain it more than once, so she answered, “When Dad and Thane come back out, I’ll tell you everything. Just trust me when I say that I am confident in my choice of Thane as my partner and there are legitimate reasons I feel that way.”

  They sat in uncomfortable silence as the two men continued to have it out with each other in the study.

  Her mother asked, “Brie, do you understand why your father is so protective of you?”

  “No, Mom. I’m a grown adult now, yet he still he treats me like a baby.”

  “Sweetheart, do you remember that incident when you were a child? When you were beaten and stabbed with a needle?”

  Brie looked to the floor—for a brief second she felt the stab of the needle, the humiliation and terror of the moment. “Of course I do, Mom. I was scarred by that experience.” But then Baron came to mind and Brie physically relaxed. She gazed into her mother’s eyes. “Until recently.” Brie smiled as she assured her mom, “I’m okay now.”

  Her mother took Brie’s hand in hers and squeezed it. “I’m grateful you feel that way, but your father has never forgiven himself. It has eaten him inside knowing that he wasn’t there to protect his little girl. Since then, your father has done everything in his power to keep you safe.”

  Brie suddenly made the connection as her entire childhood flashed before her eyes. “Is that why we moved to Nebraska?” she asked in disbelief.

  “Of course. He wanted to raise you in a small town, away from gangs and violence. It about killed him to let you move to California after college.”

  That revelation softened her heart towards her father. All these years he had carried the burden of that terrible day, but she had never known it. Brie tried to ease her mother’s mind by explaining to her, “Mom, I’m an adult now. I don’t need Dad’s protection anymore.”

  Her mother squeezed her hand harder. “We love you, Brie. You can’t expect us to stop caring just because you’re
getting older. It doesn’t work that way. It’s a parent’s right to worry.”

  It hit Brie then just how deeply her news was going to upset her parents. It was so much more than just the embarrassment of the film they were going to struggle with. BDSM seemed like abuse to an outsider. It was imperative she help them understand the truth.

  “Mom, you need to trust that I am happy and am confident in the life I have chosen. You can see how happy I am, can’t you?”

  “I’ll admit you are glowing today. But just because you are in love now doesn’t mean it will last.”

  Brie smiled, silently asking for patience. “Answer me this. When you told Grandma and Grandpa you were getting married, how did they take it?”

  Her mother rolled her eyes, chuckling when she answered. “They wanted us to wait a few years.”

  Brie nodded in agreement. “See… I think it is a completely normal reaction for a parent. But it’s like you’ve always said, Mom. When it is right, it’s right. I love Thane. We were meant for each other.”

  “But his age is disconcerting, Brie.”

  She protested. “It’s only eleven years, Mom. When I’m thirty, no one will even bat an eye.”

  “You are twenty-two now,” her mother stated firmly.

  Brie was about to argue the point when both men burst out of the study.

  “Marcy! You will not believe what this bastard has been doing to our daughter!”

  Brie rushed into the house and over to Sir’s side. He sat down on the couch with an air of calm, but she did not miss the flush on his skin. It was nothing compared to her father who was a lobster red.

  “Stay away from that bastard, Brianna!”

  Brie sat down next to Sir and raised her chin in defiance. “Don’t be disrespectful to my boyfriend, Dad.”

  “Don’t you mean ‘Master’?”

  “Wha—” her mother gasped.

  So Sir did not ask for my hand… Brie realized he’d simply informed her father about his role in her life. It made sense, and she suddenly felt embarrassed for entertaining such a silly idea. She appreciated that Sir was man enough to face her father’s wrath head-on, but now it was time to bring her mother into the discussion. With trepidation, Brie began. “Mom, Thane and I have chosen to live a Dominant/submissive lifestyle.”


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