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Brie Visits Master's Italy (After Graduation, #7)

Page 7

by Red Phoenix

  The person who followed wore aftershave, which hinted at his gender, but the kiss was sweet and gentle. When he pulled away, Brie furrowed her brow. Although it seemed remotely familiar, she was stumped. It was comparable to seeing a face she knew but could not place.

  Brie tilted her head. “Could you kiss me again?”

  Sir answered for him. “No, téa. Only one kiss allowed.”

  Brie sighed nervously. No one was coming to mind—she had no answer to give. “I’m not sure, Master.”

  “Still, you must provide a name,” he insisted.

  Being wrong in front of all these people was daunting. She stood silently, going over every Dom she’d been with.

  Her guest took pity on her and leaned in, rubbing his cheek against hers. When she felt the hard scar tissue, Brie broke out in a smile, thrilled to be in the presence of the Dom.


  “Yes, pet. Happy Birthday. I must say you look lovely collared.”

  She blushed with pleasure, grateful to be reconnected with the military hero. “Thank you, Captain. My birthday has been made better because you are here.”

  He chuckled lightly. “That is kind of you to say, pet.” He placed his envelope on the tray and moved on.

  A large hand with beefy fingers grasped her shoulder and firm lips met hers. There was no doubt who it was.

  “Headmaster Coen,” Brie said with a coy smile and bow. “I am honored you came.”

  “Tonight I’m simply Master Coen. No pomp and circumstance allowed.”

  “Yes, Master Coen.”

  Brie became curious when the next man stood before her and patted the top of her head as if she were a little girl. She was surprised, realizing that the man did not want to kiss her. Who would Sir invite who would react in such a way besides Mr. Gallant? Well, the answer was simple enough.

  Brie grinned as she greeted him. “Mr. Reynolds!”

  “Happy birthday, Brie.” He placed his card on the tray, adding, “I miss you at the shop, but I hear big things are ahead for you. I couldn’t be prouder. Congratulations, it couldn’t happen to a nicer person.”

  “Thank you, Mr. Reynolds. Do you realize if you hadn’t given me the job at the tobacco shop, none of this would be happening now?”

  He said firmly, “Nonsense, Brie. I guarantee you were destined for success no matter how it found you. It is my pleasure to know such a fine young lady.” She blushed at his kind words.

  Mr. Reynolds moved to the side to make room for the final guest. She could smell his unique spicy scent as he leaned forward, alerting her to who it was even before he kissed her. Baron’s thick lips pressed against hers, causing a pleasant warmth in her nether regions.

  “I know you…” she murmured during his kiss. When he pulled away she added, “Thank you for coming, Baron.”

  He dropped his envelope on the tray. “It’s good to see you glowing like a birthday candle on your birthday, kitten.”

  “I’ll never forget what you did for me, Baron. You literally saved me that night at the Kinky Goat.”

  “And I will forever be in your debt,” Sir stated beside her.

  “No, Sir Davis,” Baron said with conviction. “You introduced me to Adriana. Even though we are parted, I am a better man for having known her. The debt of gratitude is mine.”

  Brie could hear the thudding sound of Sir patting Baron’s muscular shoulder. “We all miss her. She was a remarkable woman.”

  It wasn’t until then Brie understood that Baron had not broken up with his submissive as she had first assumed. Her heart broke for the kindhearted Dom. “I didn’t know she died, Baron,” she whispered.

  “Do not let it trouble you, kitten. This is your special day. Keep glowing, it makes me happy to see it.”

  She forced a bright smile, even though her heart hurt for him.

  “That’s better,” Baron complimented.

  She heard Sir walk away with him.

  The party was in full swing. Brie caught snippets of conversations, much laughter, and the tinkling of glasses and utensils on plates. It was surreal but strangely exciting to be on the outside listening in. Brie cherished Sir’s ability to think outside the box and give her an experience she could never imagine or forget.

  The Uninvited

  This time when the doorbell rang, Sir ran his fingertips over the swell of her breasts as he passed. Brie purred, aroused by her Master’s touch.

  “Good evening,” Sir said when he opened the door. “I was concerned you wouldn’t make it tonight. Please come in and kiss the birthday girl.”

  Brie was glad to hear manly steps, afraid that Ms. Clark might join the party. The new guest stopped before her and waited.

  After several moments, Brie licked her lips and giggled nervously. Did he expect her to do something first?

  The waved of masculinity that washed over her when their lips finally touched rendered her speechless.

  “Well, téa?” Sir asked.

  She answered quietly. “Marquis.”

  “Yes, pearl. Celestia wanted to come tonight, but family obligations took precedence. She hopes you understand.”

  “Of course, Marquis Gray. Please let her know that she was missed.”

  He placed their gift on the tray. “I will tell her that.” Marquis added as a side-note to Sir, “You should consider strapping her down with her ass bare next year. I am curious if she would be as adept at knowing who canes her.”

  Brie trembled at the suggestion.

  “Sorry, Gray. That privilege is mine and mine alone.”

  “A pity.”

  Sir responded sarcastically, “But let me show you to the kitchen, I believe there is an egg dish with your name on it.”

  “Oh, I wouldn’t leave your station just yet, Sir Davis. I saw two guests parking as I entered the building. They should be arriving shortly.”

  A few seconds later the doorbell rang. Master Anderson’s laughter filled Sir’s apartment.

  This will be easy…

  His laughter suddenly stopped as if he had just remembered the rules to the game. Heels clicked up to her first. Brie held her breath as the smell of Cashmere, a perfume she found particularly alluring, enveloped her.

  The woman’s lips were firm, but inviting and her kiss compellingly feminine. Brie had never thought kissing a woman could be a turn-on, but she found herself aroused by the gentle yet commanding kiss.

  When she pulled away, it left Brie confused. Who would Master Anderson bring along with him who could kiss like that?

  She would have considered Candy, the sub she had met on the subway, but she immediately dismissed her as a possibility. It had to be someone she knew well. Sir had been consistent in that part of the game.

  “I honestly don’t know, Master.”

  “No guesses, téa?”

  Brie strained her eyes underneath the blindfold, wishing the material was thinner. She shook her head. “That kiss has left me confused, Master.”

  Brie could hear chuckles throughout Sir’s apartment.

  So it was a trick. Was it a man dressed and perfumed as a woman? No… those lips were definitely feminine.

  “No gift for you,” Ms. Clark replied frostily.

  A cold chill ran down Brie’s spine. No!

  The mere thought of enjoying her kiss made Brie nauseous. She suddenly understood exactly how Ms. Clark had felt when Brie had given the Domme cunnilingus. It was not a pleasant feeling to be aroused by someone you disliked. If she could, Brie would have wiped her mouth to rid herself of the lingering sweetness of that damn kiss.

  Master Anderson took pity on Brie and kissed her soundly, erasing the taint of that unwelcomed encounter.

  “Thank you, Master Anderson,” Brie said with sincere gratefulness.

  He placed his gift on the tray. “I forgot we were playing this little game or I would have kept silent at the door.”

  “Admit it, you’re just a loudmouth,” Rytsar replied, coming up to join the conversation.r />
  Brie giggled, enjoying the camaraderie of the three Doms who’d attended college together.

  Sir moved beside Brie and was in the midst of taking off her blindfold when the doorbell rang again.

  “Odd…” Sir muttered as Master Anderson answered the door for him.

  The air seemed to leave the room when the door opened. No one spoke a word. The silence was deafening and made Brie exceedingly uncomfortable.

  Finally, Brie heard Faelan growl, “What kind of game are you playing, Davis?”

  Sir left Brie’s side, stating angrily, “Rest assured, you were not invited to tonight’s celebration.”

  “I was told to come to this apartment and deliver a note to a man named Alfonzo.”

  “By whom?” Sir asked, his voice deathly calm.

  “A woman by the name of Elizabeth. So tell me, Sir Davis, who the fuck is she? And who the hell is Alfonzo?” Brie could hear the building ire in Faelan’s voice.

  Neither Dom was someone to trifle with. Brie knew things were about to get ugly between the two as she felt the negative energy crackling in the air. Brie ripped off her blindfold just as Mary moved past on her way to Faelan.

  Sir answered Faelan tersely, “Neither are any of your business, Wallace. As far as I’m concerned, you can take that letter and shove it up her ass.”

  Mary smiled at Faelan as she approached the seething Dom. “It appears this ‘Elizabeth’ person was playing some kind of joke. Why not have a little fun at her expense? I can think of several things we can do with this letter. Shall we discuss it over dinner… say at my place?”

  Faelan glared at Sir as if he was still convinced this had been Sir’s doing, but he left without incident. Mary followed closely behind, obviously pleased with herself.

  Sir shut the door, but Brie could feel the rage radiating from him. Rytsar grasped his shoulder. “Don’t let her win the day.”

  Sir nodded. He glanced at Brie. It pleased her to see the ire slowly melt away from his countenance as he gazed at her. Finally he said, “I think I must turn you over my knee and spank you, téa. I did not give you permission to take off the blindfold.”

  Relief flooded her soul as Brie looked to the floor, hiding her smile. “Yes, Master. I need to be punished.”

  He strode over and took the tray from Brie’s hands, handing it to Master Anderson, and informed her, “You will open these another day.”

  Sir picked her up and slung her over his shoulder, carrying her into the living room. Seeing that the couch was already occupied, Sir laid her over the taller curvature of the Tantra chair so that her ass was in perfect alignment for spanking.

  “I think twenty-three swats is in order, don’t you?”

  The group voiced their approval.

  Sir ran his hand over her bare ass cheeks before delivering his first smack. The sound of it echoed through the room and was forceful enough to make her skin tingle pleasantly.


  Brie looked up and saw Lea grinning at her.

  Oh, this is fun… she thought.

  She let out a squeak at the second, more commanding swat.

  “Harder,” she heard Rytsar assert.

  Sir was not one to follow another man’s order. “Two…” He delivered a feather light smack and then followed it up by teasing her clit through the thong.

  “Did all that kissing turn you on, téa?” he inquired, before slapping Brie’s ass solidly, saying, “Happy…” Brie whimpered as he smacked her ass with equal vigor, calling out each word followed with an enthusiastic spank. “… birthday… my… tasty… little… sub.”

  Her buttocks smarted after his birthday wish. He rolled his finger over her pussy, the gold material soaked with her desire.

  Sir changed tactics and spanked her with much less force. It warmed her skin, as well as her loins. She loved every minute of it as her friends watched her receive her full twenty-three birthday spanks.

  When he was done, Sir bent down and delivered a tender kiss on her red ass. Then he moved his lips to her ear and whispered, “I plan to play with you tonight, princess. After your little party is over.”

  That simple comment had her dripping with anticipation.

  He helped Brie off the chaise and gestured to the servers. One hurried over and presented two identical martinis to him on a golden tray.

  Sir took them both and handed one to Brie. He looked to the friends gathered and said, “I raise my glass to this remarkable young woman beside me, in honor of the day she graced the world with her divine presence.”

  Brie was both pleased and embarrassed by his words. She met the smiling faces of her friends and trainers, feeling a tremendous sense of joy.

  Sir continued. “Here’s wishing her much success in her blossoming film career.”

  “To Brie’s future,” Rytsar echoed.

  Everyone raised their glasses in unison and drank to the toast.

  Brie was overwhelmed and found it difficult to speak. “Thank you for coming tonight… and thank you for helping me grow as a person.” She felt she might cry so Brie finished quickly with, “I have never known such happiness.”

  The night played out like a beautiful fairytale, except for one uncomfortable moment.

  Brie couldn’t help noticing Ms. Clark staring at Rytsar the entire evening. There came a point when it became obvious to Brie that the Domme had finally determined she would engage the Russian Dom.

  Ms. Clark presented herself before Rytsar and then sank to her knees in supplication. The whole room fell silent.

  Sir quickly moved over to her, hissing, “Don’t. This is not the time or the place.”

  Rytsar’s icy stare made it apparent that Ms. Clark’s dramatic gesture had not been appreciated. What can Ms. Clark have done to the man to evoke such a callous response?

  The Domme raised her chin haughtily as she stood back up. “Another time, perhaps.” She left the party soon after. For the first time, Brie’s heart ached for the woman. Ms. Clark had just humiliated herself in front of her peers in the hopes of reconciling some past mistake with Rytsar, and been unequivocally shot down.

  The Russian Dom, although a sadist, had always seemed a thoughtful and generous man. Brie had to assume whatever Ms. Clark had done to him must have been something truly unforgiveable.

  To witness such a scene was uncomfortable for all, but especially hard for Lea. She glanced at Brie. It was obvious how upset Lea was to see Ms. Clark hurting, but she did not leave Tono’s side to run and comfort the Domme. That really surprised Brie and forced her to realize that she needed to arrange private ‘girl talk’ time with Lea. She was determined to find out what was going on with her best friend.

  The tension in the room eased soon after Ms. Clark’s departure once Master Anderson decided to play a humorous round of pin the tail on the pony with a willing sub. Brie had never laughed so hard in her life.

  But the night turned into something intensely memorable when the server came out carrying her birthday cake. He set it down on the coffee table so everyone could admire it.

  Brie walked up and put her hand to her lips when she saw the design. In the middle of the sheet cake were two condors flying around a yin yang symbol. But it wasn’t the traditional black and white symbol. The light side was represented by the sun and the dark side by the moon. Meaningful to Brie on so many levels…

  Sir said tenderly, “Make a wish, Brie.”

  Her lips trembled as she attempted to blow out the candles, but it took several tries because she was so touched. She shrugged afterwards, explaining to her friends, “Oh well, I didn’t need a wish anyway. I already have everything I want.” She smiled up at Sir.

  “That’s so cheesy, Brie,” Lea teased.

  Everyone laughed at Lea’s perfect pun.

  Brie grinned unashamedly. “Sorry, girlfriend. It’s the truth.”

  She glanced around the room packed with people she held in high esteem, appreciating how incredibly lucky she was. As the festivi
ties began to wind down, Brie found herself staring at Sir from across the room. He was laughing with Rytsar and Marquis. Sir looked genuinely happy, as happy as he had been in Italy.

  She realized that he had made a family here that was every bit as dear to him as his blood relatives. This was the life he had purposely chosen.

  Sir must have felt her gaze, because he glanced in Brie’s direction. Her heart fluttered when he winked at her. How was it possible that one man could captivate her heart and soul?

  As she continued to stare at him in loving admiration, a calm resolve flowed over Brie. She knew with clarity what she desired—what she needed to make her happiness complete.

  Currently writing AG #8—The Last of the ‘After Graduation’ Series

  * Brie (After Graduation) novelette series:

  Brie Pleases her New Master (#1)

  Brie Submits to her Master (#2)

  Brie’s Russian Fantasy (#3)

  Brie Faces her Master’s Fears (#4)

  Brie Learns Restraint (#5)

  Brie Discerns Master’s Heart (#6)

  Brie Visits Master’s Italy (#7)

  You can find Red on:

  Twitter: @redphoenix69


  Facebook: Red Phoenix

  Red Phoenix is the author of:

  Brie Learns the Art of Submission

  * Available in eBook and paperback

  (Submissive Exploration—A young woman enters a world of new experiences when she enrolls in the Submissive Training Center)

  Blissfully Undone

  * Available in eBook and paperback

  (Snowy Fun—Two people find themselves snowbound in a cabin where hidden love can flourish, taking one couple on a sensual journey into ménage à trois)

  Sensual Erotica: The Erotic Love Story of Amy and Troy

  * Available in eBook and paperback

  (Sexual Adventures—True love reigns, but fate continually throws Troy and Amy into the arms of others)

  (Novellas and Novelettes available as eBooks)


  His Scottish Pet: Dom of the Ages


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