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Dutch's Boy

Page 3

by Xavier Axelson

  The waitress, a young and pretty brunette looked him up and down as he walked in. “You here for the rodeo huh?” She said knowingly.

  “Yes Ma’am, I am,” Harry replied. “Just got here.”

  “No! Really?” The waitress stifled a grin. “ You take a seat over there I’ll be with you in a sec.”

  Harry walked over then gratefully put his duffel down on one side of the booth and sunk into the worn out old cushion on the other.

  “Coffee?” the waitress called out in his direction.

  “Yes, please,” Harry, responded.

  “Menu’s on the board up there, Hon,” the waitress said as she arrived at the booth with a steaming pot, she poured carefully but still managed to spill some on the paper placemat. “You need a sec?”

  “Naw, I’ll have scrambled eggs and a steak, rare please. Does it come with biscuits?”

  The waitress nodded and grinned. “Uh huh, bout as good as your Momma makes I bet.” She walked away giggling but Harry didn’t care, he was starved.

  When the food came, he ate with abandon and drank as much coffee as he could, then followed it up with a huge glass of cold milk. He was full and content when he went to seek out the waitress to get his check.

  “You ain’t fixin’ on walking all that way?” She had asked as he dug out his wallet and put some cash down in front of her. When he nodded, she made a whistling sound with her teeth and said, “boy you really did just get off the train didn’t ya? It’s a good five miles down that road, you crazy. You’ll die in this heat.”

  “I ain’t got no other way, I’ll be fine, I’m used to the heat, I work the ranch all day back home.”

  “Hun, this ain’t back home, you take some water with you anyway,” with that she tossed him a bottle of water, “I gotta work all day or I’d drive you myself, but you be careful.”

  Harry tipped his hat in thanks and stepped out of the cool diner into the hot afternoon sun. He found a payphone and tried calling home but no one answered so he left a message letting Ma know he was alright.

  “Heat’s different out here,” he said as he pulled his glasses down to cover his eyes and headed in the direction the waitress had told him. “Guess she was right,” he admitted as he pressed the cool water bottle to his forehead. There ain’t a breeze to save your soul, for sure, he thought as he unbuttoned his shirt, somehow this only made him sweat more. “Well Harry, now or never son, now or never,” he said aloud as his new boots hit the road.

  It wasn’t long before he was reaching again for the water the waitress had wisely given him. He was reminded of her warning, as he tasted the now lukewarm water. “Better than nothing.”

  “Be grateful for small things.” He heard Ma’s voice and at that moment he was indeed grateful for the waitress’s wisdom.

  He watched as truck after truck passed carrying horse trailers headed for the rodeo. He had tried to hitch but the trucks just passed him by. Some people even leaned out the window and cat called him. He had walked about two miles when he found a tree growing by the side of the road that offered just enough shade for him to rest under. It was cooler than being in the sun but not much. He dropped his duffel down, sat on top of it, and spread his tired legs out before him.

  Some great big start Harry ol boy, some big debut, he thought as he looked at the open road, the hot white dessert around him. “You’ll make it boy, buck up, don’t you know who your daddy is?” He smiled thinking of Reb and his joke about Dutch.

  Reb, just the thought of him made Harry feel better, but Reb wasn’t waiting at the rodeo. It was this realization that made Harry stand up and grab his duffel. He wasn’t going to let Reb or himself down.

  He just made his way back to the road when he noticed a cloud of dust rising up in the distance and what looked like an old truck at its center.

  “What the?” He pulled off his sunglasses and held a hand up to his head. “ Some crazy fool is driving clear cross the dessert like it’s a freeway!” He stood just staring at the approaching truck not sure what to do. What kind of crazy ass person drives free ball straight across the damned dessert? Harry didn’t have time to ponder this for long because before he knew it he could smell the diesel of the truck and could see it was an old Chevy an old red Chevy just like…No, it couldn’t be. Harry felt his heart began to pound in his ears and despite the oppressive heat he suddenly felt goose bumps all along his arms, it couldn’t, just couldn’t…Harry actually started moving away in stunned disbelief, surely he was hallucinating, the heat had finally gotten the better of him. He began walking quickly, even as he heard the trucks tires meet the road he couldn’t stop but instead tried to walk faster. The truck caught up with him within seconds and slowed to keep up with him.

  “Hey, cowboy, you need a ride?”

  That voice, he knew that voice, if he had been deaf he would know it, but it just wasn’t possible. He didn’t look up but kept walking.

  “I don’t think walking is any way for Dutch Reynolds boy to be gettin’ to his first rodeo do you?”

  Harry kept walking; head down, it was an illusion, an oasis in the desert and he couldn’t look because he wouldn’t be able to bear it if it wasn’t real. He heard the truck stop, heard the door creak open, slam shut, the sound of boots running, and that voice calling to him.

  “Harry! Hey! Cowboy!”

  Harry stopped suddenly and waited, he’d wait ten seconds and if nothing happened he’d — and before he got to three he felt himself in the crushing embrace of arms around him, bringing him into the face of reality.

  “You crazy ass kid, why didn’t you stop?” It was Reb’s voice; it was Reb’s arms around him, and Reb’s hay like smell, that damned smell that even now in his shock made Harry’s dick grow hard. He didn’t stop to think, instead he turned quickly in Reb’s arms and pushed his lips against Reb’s with such force that they almost tumbled over. There was no resistance, no pull away, in fact Harry felt Reb pull him closer, could feel the hardness of Reb’s body. Harry felt Reb’s tongue; hot and wet enter and drench his parched mouth, he wanted this too, Reb wanted it! The thought was almost unbearable.

  Harry felt Reb move away and stopped himself from moaning out at the loss of those arms, which were wrapped around him but moments ago. “Let’s get you off this road, cowboy.” Harry nodded absently, dazed by Reb’s sudden arrival and kiss. It was the kiss both of them had been waiting for.

  “Hey our hats!” Harry said watching them tumbling away in the dust behind Reb’s truck.

  “That kiss was worth losing a hat over, ‘sides, we’ll get new ones,” Reb said. “Hats ain’t nothing; it’s the cowboy that wears it.”

  Harry’s mind went into overdrive the moment the other man grabbed him into that heated kiss on the side of the road and refused to let up. All he wanted to do was kiss Reb again; he wanted to feel the other man’s arms wrapped around him in a tight embrace, their bodies melding together as one. He took a deep breath to calm his wildly beating heart and looked at Reb. “Am I dreaming?” He asked looking at Reb’s smiling face.

  “No, cowboy, you aren’t dreaming. I’m here and not a minute too soon. You were really out of it back there,” Reb replied.

  “Yeah, guess I was,” Harry said his eyes searching Reb’s body hungrily. He wanted to touch him again; he didn’t want the excitement he felt to go away.

  It wasn’t long before Reb was pulling into the parking lot of an old motel, and Harry was following as Reb made his way to the door of a motel room.

  “Got us a room just in case,” Reb said. “Called ahead to reserve it. Figured you’d be tired and it’s hot as all hell out there, sure to wear anyone out.” The room was small a bed, a dresser, a bathroom, and a TV. Harry thought it was possibly the best thing he had seen in two days.

  “How about that, there’s only one bed,” Harry said, still unsure of what had happened out on the road.

  “Guess we’ll have to share it, no way around it,” Reb replied, kicking off his boots. �
�How about you shower and I’ll order some pizza or something?”

  Harry could only nod. It wasn’t until he felt the cool water of the shower and smelled the clean scent of soap and shampoo that he began to feel normal again. His body was tired but as he washed the more excited, he became. Reb was in the other room and they had kissed! He could even hear Reb’s voice ordering food.

  “Hey, cowboy!” Reb called.

  Harry heard Reb just as he turned the shower off; he stepped out of the shower just as the bathroom door swung open.

  “Pizza’s on its way I got everything on it, hope that’s alright, if you want something—”

  Harry didn’t try to hide his semi erect dick, he was done waiting, if he wanted anything it was Reb and Harry could tell by the look in Reb’s eyes that what had happened on the road was no illusion.

  “I never seen anything more beautiful than you, Harry Reynolds, never,” Reb, said.

  Harry could feel him looking not just at Harry’s body but his face, his eyes.

  “I wanted you from the minute I saw you.”

  Harry was speechless; he literally couldn’t find any words. When Reb came to him Harry took him in his arms, he pulled Reb close and whispered, “I want you so bad, so, so bad, can you feel it?” Harry pushed Reb’s hands down between his legs. “You feel how hard I am? I’ve jerked off thinking about you, us together so many times it’s crazy.”

  Harry felt Reb’s hot whisper against his ear, “When you told me you were leavin’, when I saw you at your daddy’s ranch I knew I couldn’t just say goodbye, I had to find you, had to know if you felt what I felt.”

  Harry responded by pressing his mouth against Reb’s, he felt like he did in the dream; hot and slightly dazed. Instead of fighting it, he gave into his instincts and led Reb from the bathroom. They stumbled against the bed; their bodies close, their lips sucking wetly at each other’s mouths.

  “That’s a big bed,” Reb said, slightly winded.

  “Guess we oughta give it a tumble,” Harry responded, his heart pounding, his voice equally breathless. He pushed Reb down onto the bed and quickly followed. The two men looked at one another for a minute eyes searching, hands wanting to touch. “My lips are cold,” Harry finally said.

  Reb pulled Harry close until he could feel Reb’s warm breath against him. Harry wanted Reb to kiss him, to force his tongue into his mouth but instead Reb traced his lips with a calloused finger pulling at Harry’s kiss swollen lips, coming closer, but then pulling away when Harry tried to kiss him.

  Harry heard himself start to say something, to beg Reb to kiss him but was stopped by Reb’s mouth covering his.

  When their lips met both men let out contented groans of pleasure. Harry’s hands searched Reb’s body; hungrily he pulled Reb’s shirt away and let his fingers explore the terrain they had so longed to know. Harry pulled gently at Reb’s nipples until Reb moaned aloud and pushed Harry’s face to his chest.

  “Fuck, cowboy, you make me crazy,” Reb, said as Harry sucked one then the other of his tits. “I want to suck your cock, been thinking about that dick for so long, I just gotta suck it.” Harry felt Reb’s hands reach down and begin to stroke his naked cock. Maybe it was because it was Reb who was touching him but Harry suddenly felt the incredible urge to cum.

  “Man you are so fucking wet,” Reb said going to his knees. He fingered the pearly pre cum that oozed from the engorged head. “You must really need to shoot huh, cowboy?”

  Harry watched as Reb quickly pulled his pants and shorts down to reveal his own swollen member, it was thick and looked bigger than Harry had anticipated.

  “Look at that monster, all for you, always was, guess I just needed to make sure you wanted it.” Reb’s voice had grown husky and Harry could tell Reb was as turned on as he was.

  Harry began shaking despite the heat between the two of them. He didn’t think his legs would hold him up much longer, he was so close to letting go, and if Reb kept it up, he would. Reb edged a little more precum from Harry’s glistening cock head and licked with a yearning from deep within.

  “You been saving that load for me, baby?”

  Harry nodded, his fingers played in Reb’s hair, roughly pulling Reb closer to him. “My balls are fucking aching, I gotta blow, but I want your cock so fucking bad it’s making me crazy.”

  “You ever sixty-nine?” Reb asked although Harry guessed Reb already knew the answer. “

  “There it is man, you wanted it, you got it,” Reb said as he positioned his cock by Harry’s waiting mouth.

  Harry stroked Reb’s cock slowly at first, feeling how thick and hard it had gotten and luxuriating in the other man’s arousal, but it was when he felt Reb’s mouth take his cock inside that Harry shoved his mouth down on Reb’s own engorged dick and all thoughts abandoned his lust frenzied mind. He was moving completely on instinct and although Harry had sucked Blake’s cock this was entirely different. There was a rhythm here, a bonding between Reb and himself that once lubricated began working like the engine of the train that first parted them but then reunited the men as if it had all been some bigger plan.

  “Harry, I’m gonna cum, I’m gonna fucking cum!”

  Harry heard him but didn’t care, he wanted to feel it inside, swallow it. His efforts were soon rewarded with a flood of salty warmth.

  “Fuck! Take it, take my load man!” Reb ordered, making Harry want it more. He sucked and swallowed hungrily as if Reb was his only sustenance.

  Harry began to groan over Reb’s pulsing cock. His own orgasm was about to unleash itself. His balls were churning, wanting to give up what he had so long been holding back.

  “Damn, cowboy, damn!” He heard Reb say as he felt shot after shot of cum spew from his dick. Harry looked down to see Reb’s face covered with his cum and a big smile.

  Harry didn’t know when Reb’s or his orgasm stopped because they both lay there still clinging to one another, eyes closed.

  “Is it real? I can’t believe this is real.” Harry whispered once he found his voice.

  “Yeah, cowboy, it’s real,” Reb, replied.

  “Real is good. Real is very good.” Harry reluctantly let Reb go and rolled to the side of the bed. “ You need a towel?’

  He heard Reb laugh. “Yeah cuz a tissue ain’t gonna cut it! Shit, you must have been saving that load a long time.”

  “You could say that,” Harry called from the bathroom where he grabbed a towel from the rack. He returned to find Reb laying face up, a hand on his chest, the other behind his head, eyes closed, that big smile still there. “You look frosted.”

  Reb’s smile only widened. “Glazed is more like it,” he said, slowly opening his eyes.

  “How’d you find me?” Harry asked as he watched Reb swipe the towel across his face.

  “That diner you stopped in, guess you made quite the impression on that waitress, she knew just who you were, got that gal all worried about you,” Reb tossed the towel next to the bed and pulled Harry down next to him.

  Harry loved the way Reb’s body felt so close to his; the sound of Reb’s voice so close to his ear.

  “I was pretty worried myself.” Reb admitted. “I was hoping to catch you right off the train but guess I got there too late. I figured you might have stopped to eat seeing there wasn’t much else but the train stop, the diner and that road I knew my chances were one out of three, not bad odds I guess.”

  “I’m glad you did is all,” Harry said stifling a yawn.

  Reb pressed his lips to Harry’s forehead before he got up and began to get dressed. “You must be beat, you rest, and I’ll wake you when the pizza gets here.”

  “Tomorrow the rodeo,” Harry said sleepily, his eyes were closing.

  “Yeah, cowboy, tomorrow the rodeo, we’re gonna make you a star,” Reb said, his voice drifting away.

  Harry heard himself ask, “Reb you really here?”

  “I’m here cowboy, and I ain’t going anywhere. Hell, don’t you know who your Daddy is?” />
  The next morning Harry woke to the sound of the rain pounding out a fierce staccato on the motel roof. He lay there for a moment listening to the rain and feeling at ease for the first time in too long. He loved the way it sounded as it hit the hard surface above him. He rolled to his side and smiled, inhaling the scent of the man next to him but he fought the urge to touch him, Reb looked too peaceful to disturb, instead he laid a gentle kiss on the other man’s bare shoulder and slowly got out of bed. He felt like a kid at Christmas, he and Reb really were together! None of the day before was a dream.

  Harry grabbed a pair of jeans, put them on, and grinned, they were Reb’s, and they felt perfect. He opened the door, took a deep breath with a sigh and silently closed it behind him. The rain meant the rodeo would be closed but he was willing to bet someone would be around. There were animals to tend to after all. He and Reb could definitely take a ride over and see what was up, maybe meet some people, do some talking, connect the dots. Harry smiled; those were his Daddy’s words, always the showman always the performer. Dutch never had a problem connecting the dots.

  Harry folded his arms across his bare chest he wasn’t Dutch. He was a little shyer, a little kinder, and definitely more grateful. He was even grateful for the rain. He leaned out to let some fall on him and although it was cold, it felt good. He probably would have stood out longer if a truck carrying a family hadn’t pulled in. They got out and Harry caught the kids looking at him before the mother ushered them towards the office. You never knew who was pulling in right behind you, Harry thought, or who was gonna pull up alongside you. He looked back to where Reb still slept and didn’t that just make life great?

  Despite the cold rain, Harry was feeling invigorated rather than uncomfortable and before he knew it, he made a mad dash across the wet parking lot and entered the office, still wearing just Reb’s jeans and no shoes. The old man behind the counter was preoccupied with the family that had just walked in and barely noticed him. Harry quickly poured two cups of coffee, threw in some creamer, and mashed a handful of sugars in his pockets before jetting back across the parking lot where he found Reb standing in the doorway.


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