My Best Friend's Little Sister: A Bad Boy Romance

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My Best Friend's Little Sister: A Bad Boy Romance Page 22

by Lauren Wood

  “It isn’t so bad. Everywhere is expensive if you make it that way, New York is the same.”

  I begged to differ, considering how much I was paying for a one bedroom walk-up, but I didn’t mention my woes, just agreed to disagree. He would never understand my problems, as I would never understand his. I had a feeling that Sam had never had to worry about money a day in his life, not really.

  “Well it may be a lot of things, but at night with all of the lights on, it almost makes it worth it.”

  He smiled back at me as we were escorted to a table. I just followed him as he was the one that seemed to know where we were going. I took a seat on one side of the table and watched while Sam slid the chair over beside me. “If we are going to eat together, I don’t want to sit all the way across the table from you. I want to be closer Meri.”

  Chapter 14


  “Well you are more than welcome. There is plenty of room.”

  As she said that, I scooted a little bit closer. I had my mind on one thing and one thing only. I wanted to get my hands on Meri. That was the only sure way that I knew of to get her seeing things my way. Even now I could tell that she was feeling our closeness. I could see her shaking in the seat next to me and I was going to take it as a good thing. I was glad that I could still make Meri nervous, that meant I was doing it the right way.

  “So what is good here?”

  “Everything and if you don’t see what you want on the menu, the chef will whip you up whatever you like. I come here a lot and they know me well here.”

  “I don’t doubt that. It seems like everywhere we go, everyone knows you.”

  I nodded that it was true. Everyone knew me, but that was because everyone wanted something from me. It was hard to go on with that feeling, knowing that every meeting was going to turn into what I could do for them. It was frustrating and I wished sometimes that no one knew who I was. Then I would see what people really thought about me.

  “Yes they do. It is part of the job. My face is on so many billboards that even if they don’t know who I am, people think they know of me.”

  “Sounds exhausting.”

  It was exactly what it was. I should have been honored and happy that I was noticed and seen, but it was just exhausting to have to be ‘on’ all of the time. I didn’t like the feeling one bit and that was one of the reasons that I felt so at ease with Meri. She didn’t put up any of the same airs that the rest of the people in my circle did. It was tiring to say the least.

  “It can be. Everyone usually thinks that I love that side of business, but it is the worst part. I don’t like being recognized so much. I think that is why I liked being in Thailand so much. Even though I stuck out as a tourist, that was as far as it went. I was left alone and didn’t have to worry about running into anyone that I knew or that knew me.”

  “That must be hard. I thought that New York was charming because you could be anonymous. That is what I like about it most. In small towns, everyone knows everyone and all of the business of each.”

  I couldn’t imagine living anywhere else but here sometimes. It occurred to me that I still didn’t know that much about Meri and I figured that it was time to remedy that.

  “So you grew up in a small town?”

  She nodded and looked at the menu. It was a big one and I could tell that she was having trouble figuring out what she wanted. I showed her a few things that were my favorites and waited while she ordered when the waiter came.

  “Yes, I was raised in a small town long enough. As soon as I was old enough, I got out of there, never to go back.”

  She was leaving a lot out. That much I knew, but I didn’t want to question all of that. It was clear that she didn’t want to delve that much deeper.

  “How old were you when you came to New York then?”

  “I was about fifteen or so when I first came here. It was a lot bigger then. It seemed like a place that a person could get swallowed in. That is why I always loved this place. I would hate to be you. It would ruin the charm of it all if everyone knew my name.”

  I chuckled out of the blue. I hadn’t expected that for an answer and I just shook my head. She knew me too well or we just thought too much alike. It was kind of freaky in a way and I put my hand over hers in a moment of happiness, not really thinking about how that was going to make her feel.

  Meri looked down at our connecting hands and smiled. I knew that she wanted me to move it, she was uncomfortable, but I rubbed the back of her hand with my thumb instead of doing what I should have done. I had missed her terribly and even though I was still surprise that I had said such a thing out loud, I knew that I didn’t care. I was passed the point of caring what anyone but me and her thought or felt about any of it.

  She finally pulled away from me. “We shouldn’t do that kind of thing here.”

  “Why not?”

  “Someone from work could be here and I don’t want rumors started. I don’t want a reputation like yours Sam. It is okay for guys, but for me it would be disastrous. I just don’t think it would be a good idea to be seen getting so cozy with the boss.”

  “That bad?”

  Meri kind of half-shrugged and wouldn’t meet my gaze. It must be pretty bad. I was hoping to sweep her off her feet before she could hear about all of that, but it just wasn’t meant to go that way.

  “You can’t believe everything that you hear. And I don’t pay anyone at the office enough to eat here. The prices aren’t on the menu for a reason.”

  She looked down at her hands and then back over to me. “I just don’t know what this is Sam. I am confused. When we got on the plane, I thought that was it. I didn’t realize that I would be working for you. It makes it complicated.”

  Meri was talking herself out of it before we ever got started and I didn’t want to take no for an answer. I remembered her body well and since I was the first and only, I was her sole provider of pleasure. Maybe she needed a reminder about what it was that I could do for her, what I loved to do for her.

  My hand went to her knee and she eyed it like it was a snake. I chuckled at her and moved my hand lower on her thigh. It wasn’t long in my downward quest that I found the hem of her skirt and started to rise back up to the top, moving underneath the soft peach fabric.

  Meri made a sound and I looked over at the blushing woman. I wished more than anything that I knew what it was that was going through her mind. She was so calm and collected on the outside, unless you were as close as I was and could see her whole body trembling.

  “What are you doing?”

  Her words were rushed and it looked like she was going to move if I didn’t answer or do something else soon. My hand had reached the apex of her legs, the heat emanating off of her in a way that enticed the bloody hell out of me. “I want to make you feel good Meri. I miss hearing you come.”

  “We are in a restaurant!”

  “Yes we are, so you better try to tone it down. You can get pretty loud sometimes when you get all worked up.”

  Meri sent me a withering look and I forgot for a moment how delicate she was and how much of an amateur she was. It made my loins tight to know and remember, but I didn’t want to tone down my actions for her delicate sensibilities. I wanted her now and there was nothing that was going to stop me. Meri was going to have to get used to me.

  I stopped at her panties and pulled them to the side with my fingers. I heard her gasp and I have to say that I absolutely loved the sound of it. Just Meri’s sounds alone could keep me up at night and I think that she knew it. She knew what she did to me and I was sure that she enjoyed it. I was going crazy sitting next to her and when I reached her wet heat the cock between my own legs lurched painfully. I needed her, badly, right now.

  Settling for my finger getting wet and nothing else, Meri’s hands gripped the edge of the table and I could tell that she was already on her way to pleasure. Meri’s body was so quick to give me what I wanted. I knew all I had to do was get my hands o
n her and she would be unable to resist me.

  Her tightness gripped my finger and I groaned as I started to pump inside of her. Meri was biting her bottom lip to stop herself from making a sound, but it was not working as she wanted. I could hear her, maybe a few of the people that were around us, but in a place like this, no one was going to say a word about it. There were benefits, as well as cons with being so well known. I was rich enough that no one questioned me. I wasn’t crazy or wrong, I was just eccentric in some groups.

  Pressing in deeper, I felt her clit start rubbing against the heel of my hand. I could see the waitress coming with our food on a tray and I knew I wasn’t going to have much longer. I had mere seconds, so I rubbed and pumped as fast as I could.

  Meri grabbed my thigh and squeezed hard, gripping me as a wave of pleasure went through her. Her eyes were closed and her lips were pursed perfectly. I leaned over and kissed her, pulling her out of the moment as my fingers slipped out of her. The waitress was setting down the stand to put the tray on as I licked Meri’s fluid off of my fingers. Her face was beet red when she saw the other waitress, but it didn’t matter to me one way or another. All I was thinking about was what it was going to be like to be inside of her again.

  After the waitress left, Meri didn’t say a word, getting up and going to the bathroom. She was in there a while, but I was in no hurry and waited until she was back to start. I wasn’t going to make it go any faster than necessary.

  “You haven’t said much Meri.”

  “What am I supposed to say?”

  “How about you help me out now?”

  Her face was stricken and while I had said it as a joke, I was glad I did. It hadn’t even occurred to her to do such a thing and I liked the idea of putting it in her mind. Now she was thinking about it because I caught her checking me out under the table a couple of times. Just the idea of it was enough to have me rock hard and not sure what to do with it.

  “I have to be getting back to work soon Sam. I don’t want to be late on my first day.”

  “Come on Meri, I am sure that I can convince your boss to let it slide this one time.”

  Meri was adamant of no and she pushed her plate to the side, as well as moving her seat over a little bit so that I couldn’t start putting my hands on her again. “If you are going to be too much longer or have somewhere else to go, I can find a taxi back to the office.”

  “Of course not, I am ready whenever you are.”

  I could tell that she was by how fast she popped up out of her seat like the whole place was on fire. I didn’t want her to run away like this, but I had gone too far. It wasn’t hard to do when I was dying to be with her again. I had waited since I had been back in New York and quite frankly, I was feeling rather feral.

  Chapter 15


  I got back to work and tried my best to ignore what Sam and I had done at lunch. It was over the top and I still couldn’t believe that he had done such a thing in front of all of those people, but there was no denying that I liked it. It had felt so damn good, making me remember in such gory detail how much I missed how he made my body sing. I wanted that again, but knew that I shouldn’t. I already loved him and each word passed between us, each touch, just made me want him more, saddening me when the realization that I am never going to have him for my own set in. Sam is not the type of man to be held down and I am not the type of woman to be so free about it all, no matter how much I wanted to be for him.

  Grant was getting flirty again and in spite of the great lunch with Sam, I knew that I needed to get my mind off of him. It was that reason only that I told Grant that I would go out with him. He wasn’t my type, if I had one and he was a safe choice. I could be with him and not really worry about feelings. We could just be friends and I could really use the diversion to get my mind off of the boss.

  We were about to go to dinner when I heard Sam calling my name. It was the second time that he had sought me out in the accounting department in the same day, my first day and I really could have strung him up at this point. It was just making it far too obvious and I couldn’t believe that he couldn’t see it. Or maybe he didn’t care. Either way, I could already see by the look on Grant’s face that he at least noticed what was going on.

  “Do you want me to give you a minute Meri or have our plans changed?”

  The look on Sam’s face, so smug pissed me off. After what he had done to me at the restaurant, I wanted more, but not like this. I wasn’t going to let him think that I had no choice. I had already made plans with Grant and I wasn’t going to change them now. I told Sam that I didn’t want people gossiping about me, but he was doing nothing to stop that from happening.

  “Our plans haven’t changed Grant. What can I do for you Sir?”

  Sam was eying Grant and I had a feeling that no matter what I said, Grant was going to give us a moment alone. He didn’t want to get in trouble with the boss and I didn’t blame him. The work and pay here at the firm were really good and it was far more laid back then it would be at another place.

  “I am going to go grab those last reports for the day Meri. I will be back in a few minutes.”

  He was abandoning me and I looked after him, a little perturbed that he had such small gonads to do that. He could have stuck it out with me. I didn’t want to tell Sam no. I had never been good at that.

  Sam waited until Grant left before he turned towards me. “You have plans tonight?”

  He was not happy and that very fact made me smile. It was genuine smile and I liked the idea that I had put such a damper on his smug mood. The idea of him with other women made me feel about like how he looked at the moment and I liked to think that was for a reason.

  “Yes we are going to go out to dinner. He was nice enough to ask and I think it will be fun.”

  Sam scoffed at me. “Fun, huh?”

  “Yes, what is wrong with having a little fun after work?”

  “Nothing, as long as it is with me and not Grant.”

  I waved him off and told him that he was being childish. It wasn’t what Sam wanted to hear, but I didn’t care what he wanted to hear. He didn’t own me and he didn’t have the right to act like he did. I don’t know why I was so angry, but I knew that it was partially because I wanted what he offered. But it wasn’t enough. I wanted more than to just be together for a short time. I wanted more than just a few dalliances after work. I wanted him for keeps, even though he wasn’t that type of guy. Nothing else was going to do.

  Sam grabbed my shoulders and pulled me in for a kiss. “You are mine Meri. Don’t act like you are interested in Grant.”

  The more he pushed, the angrier I became. It wasn’t his business what I did in my free time and I could go out with anyone that I wanted. I didn’t belong to anyone.

  “I am interested in Grant as a friend. I am leaving now Sam. If there is nothing else.”

  “Don’t leave like this Meri.”

  It was a warning and I never did well with those or ultimatums.

  “I must go Sam, Grant is waiting for me. I will see you tomorrow.”

  I left the room and I almost expected him to try and stop me. I don’t know how I felt about the fact that he let me go. Again I wanted him to stop me and take all of what he said back, but that just wasn’t going to happen, I knew this now.

  I heard my name and the tone in Sam’s voice made me look back. “What happened to us, Meri?”

  “First you wanted me and then you told me that it was over. Then you hire me and finger me under a table. You are coming onto me now like I have no choice. Do I really have to tell you how confusing this is Sam?”

  His face fell and he shook his head that I didn’t have to explain any further. Now I didn’t want to leave like this, but I wasn’t going to back down now. I had made him think, wasn’t that enough?

  I left the building and wished that it had ended differently. Grant was going on about something in the office, but I wasn’t really paying attention. My mind was
wrapped up in Sam, even though I didn’t want it to be. I really couldn’t find a way to get him off of my mind.

  The restaurant that Grant took me to was much different than the one I had been to earlier in the day with Sam. It was more my style of a place and I felt more comfortable there with him. It felt like I belonged there, though when I was with Sam it felt like I was out of place and some kind of fraud.

  “So what was that all about with Sam earlier?”

  We were looking at the menu and I put it down before I answered. I wanted to gauge what he was thinking and I had a feeling that I knew. It was the same accusation in his eyes as before. He wanted to know what was going on with me and Sam. Hell, I didn’t even have the answer to that question.

  “Just some work stuff, nothing too important.”

  Grant didn’t seem like he believed me and I wanted him to think that work was all that me and Sam had between us.

  “I don’t believe you Meri. That man doesn’t care about work and the accounting of his money that much. I don’t think I have seen him down where we work that much the whole time I have worked there. Sam is coming down to see you.”

  I was a little shocked that Grant spoke so plainly about it and I didn’t know what to say. This was supposed to be a nice diversion to stop thinking about Sam. This wasn’t going to be that at all if all he wanted to talk about was Sam.

  “Well I don’t really care what his intentions are. I never have worried too much about all of that. I need the job, so that is what I focus on.”

  Grant still wasn’t convinced, but I hope I made it clear that I had no desire to continue talking about it. I pulled the conversation from Sam and me, asking him about himself. I hadn’t met a guy yet that didn’t like to talk about himself and Grant wasn’t the rare few that didn’t. I was glad to know that Grant wasn’t that much different than all of the rest. I learned a lot about him and even though there was no kind of chemistry between us, I knew that we could be friends. He was funny and less pretentious then most of the people I had met in this world.


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