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Night Walker (Undeadly Secrets Book 1)

Page 8

by Aaron L Speer

  She prepared a glass of iced water and flopped down on the couch, crunching the ice and flicking on the TV, bringing up the late night news.

  “…thirty homes have been destroyed in the Tasmanian town of Dunalley as a bushfire, in its second active day, continues to rage. Authorities say they are no closer to stopping the blaze. However, due to the cooler weather and lack of usual high winds, they have reason to suspect the fire has been deliberately lit...”

  How can you possibly do that to peaceful bushland? To your own home! Alex thought, as pictures of orange and yellow flames with the black background of night gave an even more ominous canvas than the newsreader depicted.

  “…local news, the parents of two missing high school students have begun making public and online pleas for any news to the whereabouts of their children, after police called off the search. Todd Jennings has more…”

  Alex cuddled up to her blanket, feeling terrible for the distraught mother, seen to be breaking down repeatedly, struggling to speak, now appearing on the screen with a school formal photo of her daughter.

  After watching for a while, Alex switched the set off and tried to get comfortable. The news report had made her sad and she realised she wanted to focus a little more on what was important in life. She was sick of fighting with Matt and hated the fact that they didn’t talk like they used to, and they didn’t have fun anymore. She was tired of his jealousy and the fact he could still behave like a three year old, but—as if she needed further proof from the report on TV—the world could be so dark and cold for no reason at all. It made her want to find the positive in it instead of dwelling on the negative. She believed in the idea of karma and decided there was still hope for her. And what she hoped for was an engagement ring and the promise of a life where she was going to be loved and cared for. As she felt sleep coming, she knew she would do the same, without question.


  Their lips came together ever so softly. Once they met, their mouths locked fully, their arms enclosed around each other’s naked bodies; the two individuals’ hunger for each other apparent as they fell onto the bed.

  Her fingers wound through his hair, pulling him closer. Her breath came in steady, sharp bursts as his lips floated down her neck and collarbone. Her teeth grasped the skin of his neck as he came up, a sharp yet sensual graze, yearning to get her lips on him, to taste him. She was urging him on. His hands were everywhere, finally staying in the one place, stroking her ribs as he ran his tongue over both of her breasts one by one, using his nose to lift them and kiss the skin underneath, licking down between them and further down her stomach. The kisses getting softer and more delicate as he went, pausing above her groin. Slowly, carefully, she bit her lip as he ran his open mouth over her skin. She looked down, catching him watching her, slowly curling her fingers across her nipples.

  His kisses returned to her inner thigh, her legs beginning to twitch of their own accord. He grabbed her thighs, casually halting her erratic movement. Her instinct to keep her limbs moving was strong, but his hands were stronger. It was a mock battle of erotic pleasure. He began kissing his way down her thighs as her body gave a slight jerk of pleasure neither could contain and the softest moan escaped her lips. Her legs widened, silently begging him to end his relentless teasing.

  Spurred on, his head was between her legs. His tongue and lips were slowly, lovingly massaging and flicking her clitoris. With a grunt of frustration, a hand at the back of his head drove him deeper as his pace quickened. The delicate work his mouth had performed to begin with became feverish. She arched her back, frantically grasping with her hands at the sheets, clenching them hard. He inserted two fingers, bending them at the knuckle and beckoned with the tips just before her pleasure hit and she screamed his name…


  Alex awoke with a start, breathless that her dream had woken her. She sat up and swung her feet to the carpeted floor, instantly warmed by the path of morning sunshine filtering through the blinds. She had to pee, but needed a second to collect herself. She had heard of wet dreams before, but that was something else. She got up and headed to the bathroom, removing her underwear and tossing them into the hamper. She was about to return to the couch with thoughts of getting herself “there” when inspiration hit.

  What better way to make up to Matt then a morning quickie? That way she wouldn’t have to feel so guilty about the fact it wasn’t him she had dreamt about.

  Alex crept into the bedroom, visualising the surprise he would have when she started to—

  She stopped in the doorway. Matt was awake and dressed, sitting on the edge of the bed putting his socks on.

  “Hey,” Alex said, picking the at the door frame. “Can we talk for a sec?”

  Matt stood and gave her a look of annoyance. “You’re not interested in anything I have to say, so no. I’ll see you later.” He walked past her and out the front door, leaving Alex staring after him.

  Alex showered and dressed, hoping the routine would calm her down, but she was still fuming. Matt hadn’t even let her speak.

  She tried calling her phone again, on the off chance that someone at the club had found it and would answer, but it went immediately to voicemail. The battery had probably died. Alex remembered the business card Dante had given her the first time they met. She’d stuck it under a magnet on the fridge. She dialled the number, but no answer there either. It was a long shot though, given the late-early trading hours.

  She called the two banks she had cards with and cancelled them. She then grabbed some cash from the “emergency fund” jar she and Lauren kept under the sink. Each week, they put in twenty each, and after almost three years of living together, they’d amassed almost six thousand dollars. Alex took four twenties and made a mental note to replace them with five as soon as she could. She knew she’d be all right for today, but just thinking about the hassles until she got her cards back would be a pain in the arse. She tried put it out of her mind. Her year six class did not need to know of her frustrations. She had to get her head right before the beginning of the school day. What a great start to the morning.


  Lauren awoke very slowly, eyes fluttering open and taking several seconds to adjust. When her vision cleared, it was as if the pain in her head had been given a green light to start. She tried, unsuccessfully at first, to move, even just to sit up. Her whole body ached. She winced as she rose and walked gingerly to the bathroom.

  Barely through the door, no time even to flip the light on, she knew she was going to be sick. Crumbling right there, kneeling on the floor in the dark, she leant her cheek against the cool porcelain and tried to catch her breath.

  After several minutes, she felt she was ok to stand. She flicked on the light and went to the sink to wash her mouth out with water. She splashed her face as well, trying to rub away the tired feelings. Peering at the water slipping down the drain, Lauren saw that it was tinged with pink. She wiped her nose and saw more blood on the back of her hand. It was only a small amount, but she quickly got some toilet paper and scrunched it to her nostrils, throwing her head back for a minute or two. She removed it and put her head over the sink again; no more came out. It was then she got a look at her reflection.

  Her skin was pale and clammy, her eyes looked sunken, her face was gaunt, and her hair was flat and hanging lifeless around her face. Carefully probing her cheeks with her fingertips, she saw in the mirror a naked Ryan coming in. He boldly relieved himself behind her. In contrast to her, Ryan looked positively beaming.

  “Ugh, couldn’t you flush?” Ryan said, doing just that, swatting away the smell of vomit with his hand.

  “Hey…” Lauren began, her voice croaky and strained. “What happened last night?”

  “You can’t remember again?” Ryan mocked. “What’s up with that?” he finished with an accusatory tone.

  “Can you just tell me?” she snapped.

  “We came back here, did some blow and fucked like there was no tomorrow.”
br />   “That’s all?”

  “Yeah, why? You said you’ve done coke before.”

  “I have…but it never made me feel like this.”

  “Yeah, but this was the good stuff. I warned you. You hoovered it pretty hard. Not to worry, just not so much next time. I’ll fix you a good greasy breakfast.”

  Ryan leant in to give her a kiss but patted her on the arse instead. “Brush your teeth, baby,” he chirped, and walked out of the room. Lauren turned back to the mirror, hoping the minutes she had spent looking away had improved her appearance, but it hadn’t.

  Through her crushing headache, Lauren could hear a tingling. She moved toward the bedroom, hoping a few hours of sleep would help. She sunk into the sheets, face down. Still hearing the tingling, then nothing, then it started again. She raised her head an inch and realised it was her phone. She moaned and resumed her position. It was after the fifth re-try of the caller that Lauren burst into action, frantically going through her bag on the floor.

  “What?” she screamed into the phone.

  “Good morning to you too.” Matt sounded far too cheerful.

  Lauren placed a hand on her head and rolled onto her back. “Oh, what do you want?”

  “I need the number for the Information Man.”

  “What?” Lauren asked, scowling. “Who?”

  “Your ex. From high school? We were all in the same class, remember?”

  “Oh for god’s sake, just call him Greg why don’t you? What do you want it for?”

  “He used to look up people and blackmail them right? Politicians, priests and CEOs? He found out everything they’ve done, all the shady deals, even when—”

  “Even when they were in the womb?” Lauren finished the line for him. “Yes I know, and yes he did. He could buy a car at fifteen with all the hush money he was paid. Again I ask, why do you want it?”

  “I’m going to give him a new name to look up.”

  “You’re not giving him Dante’s name, I hope.”

  “Yes, I am, and don’t start. Alex and I had another blue about him. You saw how he was last night.”

  “What are you talking about? He was jealous of me and Ryan. That’s your proof! Why are you still hassling Alex?”

  “I didn’t like the look he gave you, I don’t like the idea of him creeping around Alex and I’m going to sort this out once and for all.”

  “You are unbelievable,” Lauren said. “Fine. I’ll text it to you. But you are not going to find anything, Matt. Alex would hate this. You are going to have a heap of work to do with her to get her trust back. You know that, right? You’d better be prepared.”

  “Just send it.”

  Lauren hung up on him and went back to sleep after sending him the number. When she awoke, the sky outside the window much darker and she was still naked but there was a note on her chest.

  Hey, lightweight! I’ve gone out to get some fresh pizza. The best places don’t deliver. I’m bringing you back some in case you’re hungry. —Ryan.

  After a quick shower, she felt marginally better. She returned to the bedroom, drying herself, when her phone let off a quick ring, then stopped. A few moments later, it rang again. She grabbed the phone but no number or name appeared on the screen. She pressed the answer button.



  Lauren recognised the deep drawl of the distinct Californian accent immediately. “Hey, Greg. Sorry, I just got out of the shower. Where you calling from? What phone are you using?”

  “I is callin’ you from my new digs in locations-best-left-unsaid, using my new special phone, baby girl. Untraceable.”

  “Of course,” Lauren nodded. “What’s up?”

  “My dick is what’s up. You still hot?”

  “You still black?”

  “You know it. As coal, baby.”

  Lauren caught the gravelly, laid-back chuckle on the other end of the phone and giggled herself. She had met Greg at fifteen after he’d transferred to Sydney via a student exchange program. They had hooked up in the toilets on his second day of school after having snuck out of their wood work class. They shared a private joke that they were skipping wood work but still technically working wood. The rumours flew around but to Lauren’s surprise and gratitude, Greg never told a soul what had gone on. His respect for her earned him a few more dalliances all over the school until the time came when he had to leave. He’d had a flair for computers even back then, but had not yet become the cyber shadow known around the world as the Information Man, the guy who had taken down corrupt organisations and individuals with a few clicks.

  “What can I do for you?”

  “I had this Matt dude call me up on the number I gave you. That’s a no-no, baby.”

  “Look, I know. But it was either that or listen to him go on about this weird obsession he has over a guy over here.”

  “He a fag?”

  “Maybe,” Lauren scoffed. “No. He’s dating my bestie, and he thinks this guy Dante is trying to steal her away. He already knew about you, from high school, so I didn’t break my promise. Even then I wouldn’t have asked, but she is upset and he is really being a douche. I just thought you could do a search, tell him there’s nothing weird about Dante, and then he can finally move on with his stupid life.”

  “Sounds to me like someone needs a favour.”

  “Yes, please,” Lauren replied with an extra dose of sweetness. “I really do. Come on, just do this for me?”

  “Send me a picture of the goods and it’s a deal.”

  Lauren was about to protest, to make a joke, but thought about it.

  “I said I need a favour.”

  “That’s nice.”

  “Greggy…I have a boyfriend.” For some reason Lauren found herself whispering.

  “Good. He can watch.”

  Both laughed at this. It was good to talk to Greg again. He’d always been able to make her laugh. She wondered about her guilt about Ryan not knowing, but this was eaten away by his mannerisms towards her in the morning. Plus, she wanted to help Alex. Fuck it. She lifted the towel and took the picture.

  “How do you want me to send it?”

  “Give me ten seconds and keep it loaded.”

  Lauren watched as the image became cloudy and then brightened once more. Greg had picked it up from wherever he was by hacking into her phone.

  “You is still one manicured honey. Sweet Jesus, that’s tasty. Anyways I’ll get on this. What’s the dude’s name again?”

  “You’re welcome. Name’s Dante Delavega.”


  Alex returned to the apartment after school was out for the day and stepped over a note on the floor. It must’ve been slipped under the door. She tossed her coat on the sofa, scooped up the note and read:

  Hey there. Your bag was found at T last night. I tried to return it for you but no one was home. Give us a call or come and see Dante. It will be in his office.

  Michelle xx

  Alex breathed a sigh of relief. At least it was safe. She checked the time. If she called now, Michelle or Dante would probably offer to return it right then and Alex didn’t want to inconvenience them. She decided just to go and get it. It was her phone she needed most. It had all kinds of notes she’d take for preparing school lessons, and really it was her major means of communication with people.

  First she showered and changed into a fresh set of clothes, then she checked the clock again. If she left now she would arrive at T just before opening. She could probably get in and out without causing Dante too much bother, and hopefully see Michelle and thank her too.


  More than an hour later Ryan still had not returned. Lauren wondered if she should bother waiting around. Deciding to just get her stuff together and head home to see if Alex wanted to get dinner, she looked around for pen and paper to leave Ryan a note. She spotted a pen when her mobile rang with the same blank screen. “What did you find out?” she asked when she picked up.

��Where did you say this guy was from?” There was no longer any lightness in Greg’s voice. He wasn’t playing around anymore.

  “Spain, I guess? Why?”

  “I found something.”

  Chapter Six

  Trust Is A Nasty Word

  “Ok, explain,” Lauren said.

  “So listen. I have run every check I could, and even called in a few favours of my own, but nothing about this guy’s history makes sense. All I have is his birthdate, driver’s licence and tax file number. Everything someone would need to apply for a business, and that’s it. No registered address, no school history, no police records, nothing. I even checked internationally; same thing.”

  “So tell me what you do have,” Lauren prompted.

  “Okay. He was born in 1982 in San Vicente de Leon, but the next thing that crops up is him taking over his father’s business under his name in 2000. Not one mention of the guy until then. No schooling, no University. And get this: there is no mention of his mother on his birth certificate. Sometimes a birth certificate won’t contain a father’s name, but the mother’s? That never happens.”

  “That does sounds strange,” Lauren agreed.

  “So then I went back through as many papers as I could find and the name Delavega is all over Spain, just different spellings. Same with Esteban, but Dante is more Italian, and I can’t find any links to Italy in his family. The weirder thing? His family tree—what I can find of it—is all single male names, no females. Esteban, Diego, Lorenzo, Gabriel and back and back. No aunts, sisters, nieces, nothing. Just father-son, father-son.”

  “How’s that even possible? There have to be women involved, or else there can be no children. Maybe they just left their names out for some cultural reason? Wouldn’t you think someone would have picked up on it if it were suspicious or illegal?”

  “Well, if it’s cultural, it’s definitely atypical. As for any illegalities, no one would even pick up on it unless they looked for this specific thing. If he had no police records, if no one knew who he was, why would they bother digging? Like I said, his record is not just clean, but more like a blank slate. No one had heard of him until he started building that club of his, so it’s like he appeared out of nowhere.”


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