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Night Walker (Undeadly Secrets Book 1)

Page 24

by Aaron L Speer

  “Your majesty,” Dante said, coming to a stop. Alex and Michelle followed suit.

  “You shame yourself further, infidel!” Julian snapped. “Bow down to your King!”

  Dante did not move, addressing Vincent only. “With respects majesty, I bow to no one.”

  Vincent smirked. “So I remember. Not much has changed.”

  “Your majesty, I demand to know where the newborn is and why I and my companions have been summoned.”

  “You demand?” Vincent said slowly. “You never were much for showing me the proper respect, Dante, and I care little about that. But you’re in no position to barge in making demands.”

  “Will you not tell me?”

  “Of course, but not to simply to appease you, young fool. You will see I will not have to justify your appearance here; it will become clear very quickly. It has been a long time, my boy, and I have questions you must answer first.”

  “Such as what?” Dante asked.

  “You are well over two hundred years old, and I see you have still refused to abide by the Vampiric Century Law.”

  “That is correct.”

  Vincent smirked. “May I be so bold as to ask why?”

  “My reason has not changed. I do not agree with it.”

  “The law charges us all to create at least one vampire every hundred years, else our numbers diminish too rapidly and we run the risk of becoming extinct. It doesn’t seem such a great chore to me, for the benefit of all our kind? But you are happy to simply…ignore it?”

  “That is correct,” Dante replied again, voice strong.

  “I see.” Vincent looked both angry and yet somewhat amused. He was enjoying this. The vampire king repositioned himself, crossing his legs. “I’m sure you are aware it is illegal for a human to know of our existence without being used for food. Or some agreeable trade of goods and services?”

  ”I am.”

  “Then explain to me why the blonde is here and still alive with what she knows. I sense no blood has been taken from her, so there must be a worthy service she provides you.”

  Julian inhaled loudly and deeply, scowling. “Smells like she hasn’t had a good fuck for a while, either.”

  Vincent held up a hand, looking bored and mildly disgusted. Alex whipped her head around to stare directly at Julian for the first time. Softly with disbelief and disgust, almost like an accusation, she hissed, “You’re a pig.”

  Julian looked as if her words could’ve given him no greater pleasure to hear.

  Vincent continued, “So what is the service she provides you?”

  “Her mother was Margaret Hensley,” Dante said.


  “She was a Drakeman victim.”

  “I know who the human is. My question was about her daughter’s services to the vampire community. I fail to see the relevance.”

  “Margaret was my donor. By the acts of Drakeman’s assassin she was left widowed and in danger, so sent her daughter into hiding. I protected the both of them until the killer’s identity was known to me. After he perished, I reconnected mother and child as my duty to them both. She has been a part of my real life ever since. She offers no service other than her kindness, understanding…and her silence.”

  “So she offers no service. Another law you have broken by ignoring it. I see.”

  Alex started to feel even more nervous. Things were not looking good. She chanced a look to Michelle, but she had her head down, eyes clenched.

  “And what of you opening a club within a mile of Coffinail?” Julian continued.

  “”I was not aware there was a law that dictates where establishments can be built,” Dante scoffed.

  “There isn’t, smart arse,” Julian sneered. “What the law says is that no vampire is allowed to interfere with another’s feeding practices. Especially when Correon’s club has been approved by the king.”

  “My club is humans only,” Dante countered. “Coffinail is the place vampires go to procure blood. They pay Correon for the privilege of feeding within his walls. This is the same place that was under suspicion for being in connection with a man’s death earlier in the year, was it not? A heavy man killed in a bar, last seen leaving Coffinail in a rather big hurry? Perhaps Correon should focus his attention on attracting more lambs to his slaughterhouse and out of the media, than running to his mother’s apron and whining.”

  Julian dug his nails into the arm of his chair. “Do not try and deflect, Dante. You knew he used Coffinail to kill the wanderers off the street and so you built T to ruin it. By luring any potential customers from Coffinail to T, you would be saving the lives of drugged-up morons and feel good about yourself. Unfortunately for you, it’s breaking our laws.”

  Dante gave what could be called an attempt at hug. “Prove it.”

  “I don’t have to. The evidence is there.”

  “You don’t have evidence. All you have is assumption. I would personally question the logic of allowing mass murder under one roof in the heart of the CBD. However, that is your prerogative and none of my concern. I would advise you to think in a similar matter regarding this.”

  “Enough!” barked Vincent as Julian readied himself to fire back. “Dante is right in this. All you have is assumption. Even if you’re right, it’s not enough to mount a case for proof. However, the thing that does not need further proof is the deplorable actions you displayed tonight my young friend. Are you aware of the law regarding newborns without creators?”

  Dante sighed. “Yes.”

  “Recite for me if you will. For your humans as well.”

  “If, in any circumstance a newborn vampire loses their creators, by death or otherwise, the newborn must report to the overseer or a monarchy ruler of the area. Further arrangements will be made as per the overseer or monarchy ruler’s direction. This is to ensure the fallout within the newborn’s first year is minimal.”

  “And the last part?” Vincent asked.

  “If for any reason these conditions are not met, or the newborn resists in any way, the newborn is to be terminated.”

  Alex felt the last word like a bullet. Oh god, Dante. What have you done?

  “Excellent, word-for-word perfection. I wonder how you get a law so wrong when you know it so well? Let’s see, barely a week old and you kill the newborn’s makers and then simply forget to look for her again? When you do find her, you proceed to have a very public fight with her, gaining the interest of several news channels who hammed it up as a stunt. Then when the time comes for you to execute her, to do your duty as you call it, you fail. Do you wish to even attempt to explain that to me, your king?”

  “She wasn’t turned properly. She was made for an advertisement for a disgusting illegal website. She was made against her will and for financial gain, which in itself is a violation of the law.” Dante’s voice grew shriller with each second.

  “I am well aware of this. It was Julian that arranged the entire thing.”

  Dante stopped short, looking from father to son and back again. “Jul— He…? What? Why?”

  “Yes, Julian was told of this website by one of our current residents. I went through all the entries over the years. It seemed that all the participants of the videos had died. Leaving only your blonde as the remaining human to be dealt with. The plan was brilliant if I do say so myself. By allowing a couple who wanted a child to transform the blonde, one problem was solved. She was now a member of the family, so it did not matter that she knew of us, another problem solved. The human that created the website and was gaining money at the expense of vampires, was set up as the newborn’s first kill, another problem solved. The website has since been taken down. Everything had been taken care of. Until you killed her makers, of course.”

  “She was not given a fair chance. I am willing to give her that. I will take the place of those lives I took. I will be her mentor, she will be my responsibility.”

  “With your particular outlook on our way of life? I don’t think so. She will
be kept here until I make my judgement. As a matter of fact, you all will. You will remain here in my custody until I reach my decision of appropriate action.”

  Vincent rose and then the other two followed. “To disobey me, Dante, would be most unwise.”

  Vincent and the others swept from the room, leaving the three alone.

  “Do we really have to stay?” Michelle asked meekly.

  Dante swallowed. “If we leave, we will be killed. I’m so sorry for this.” He reached out and touched their shoulders. Alex did not shake him away. She was no longer angry with him. How could she be, after the things he had said, the risks he had taken for her? For all the women in his life. She touched his cheek briefly, hoping to silently share her feelings with him. Whether he knew, she wasn’t sure, but he gave a small smile.

  “I will get a room prepared. Though no one will harm you inside this house, I believe it will be safer if you two stay together as a precaution.”

  No one protested this idea, but he barely paused to let them either. He walked at a brisk pace and disappeared around the corner.

  “Are you ok?” Alex asked Michelle.

  “Really not. I never thought I would even have to look at this place again. Here I am, having to spend another night here.”

  “Hey, don’t forget…you’re not alone anymore.”

  Michelle sniffed and wrapped her arm around Alex and gave her a quick squeeze.

  “Something I don’t understand,” Alex said. “Why didn’t Melina speak? Do you know?”

  “Do you remember when I told you about Dante and the landlord’s daughter?”


  “That’s her.”

  Chapter Twenty Nine

  Who We Are, Where We Come From

  Alex could not believe it. Melina was the girl Dante had fallen in love with and seen attacked? The vampire responsible did more than just feed from her—he had turned her.

  “It gets even more convoluted,” Michelle began as they walked towards the door Dante had just exited. “Not only is she the love of Dante’s life, but she is also the female who made him.”

  “What? That makes no sense!”

  “Yes it does. By the time Dante’s trial and sentencing occurred, Melina was a full-fledged vampire. Whoever the female was that made her is anyone’s guess, but the male had unfinished business with Dante, so he took his new child and they both joined the Neptune to Australia. They fed off the convicts during the nights. The resulting deaths on board were attributed to the already foul conditions. Melina and he turned Dante a few months after he arrived here. His last punishment, the one that would last forever. Dante never talks about it, I mean ever. From the snippets I can put together myself, the male vampire was hell bent on killing Dante, but Melina begged him not to. He tortured Dante for hours, until he finally used Melina to turn him and then left them here to fend for themselves.”

  “He didn’t even look at her…” Alex said.

  “They haven’t seen each other in a long time. But really, what’s a hundred years when you live forever?”

  “A hundred years?”

  “Maybe more, maybe less. From what I know of Melina, besides being beautiful she is determined and fierce. She lets nothing get in her way. There is no grey area with her. It’s either yes or no, black and white, except for her history with Dante. I think she still loves him, but who can say for sure? Did she help turn him because she was angry with him, like Lauren? Did she not talk to him because she misses him and it was so hard for her to see him again? Or was she just wanting to rip him to pieces but forbidden to by Vincent, at least for the moment? See, usually you would always know what was going on through her head, but not now. Not with Dante.”

  Ahead of them was a set of double doors ahead, wide open. Michelle placed her finger to her lips. They found Dante in one of the guest rooms, located on the top of the main stairs. There was a giant king-size four-poster bed, en suite, and lavish furnishings, such as gold-laced bedside tables, antique leaded-glass lamps and a huge walk-in cedar wardrobe.

  Alex turned slowly, taking it all in. She felt as if she was stepping inside a piece of history.

  “It’s the biggest guest room they have,” Dante explained. “It’s rather unfurnished compared to when I was here last. Come to think of it, there are usually at least five guards on the main door rather just one. I think the family must be having financial difficulties of some kind,” he finished, sounding quite pleased. “I’m sure you will be comfortable for one night?”

  “You’re not staying?” Alex asked.

  “I’ll be close. I’ll find myself a room just down the hall.”

  “Bullshit!” Michelle said loudly, putting her hand on his chest. “You are staying right here. There is no way I am staying here without you. I want to survive the night.”

  Alex vigorously nodded her agreement.

  Michelle removed her jumper and tossed it onto a chair. “I bags first shower. I seriously need it.”

  Michelle took a towel from the linen closet in the hallway and headed to the bathroom.

  Dante removed his jacket and shirt, and Alex saw for the first time the full evidence of his fight with Lauren.

  “Oh my god…” Alex reached out to the wounds, stopping just short of touching them. Gashes adorned his back and shoulders, puffed by bruising and welts, and splattering remains of dried blood. “Are you sure you’re ok?”

  “If I have survived this long, I’ll heal,” said Dante, more than a hint of strain in his voice.

  “Some of them are still bleeding. Can I do anything?”

  “They’ll be gone after sunrise,” Dante assured her.

  “Yeah, well until then… Hang on.”

  Alex moved to a dresser drawer. “Aha!” She pulled out a large ceramic bowl. “Be right back.”

  Alex entered the bathroom and filled the bowl with hot water. She grabbed a washcloth from the linen closet and returned to Dante. “Now this will sting, so don’t get all vampy.”

  Dante gave a small chuckle. “I’ll try to behave myself.”

  Alex delicately squeezed water from the cloth down his back, and being as gentle as she could, cleared away the dried blood.

  “I want to ask you something,” Alex said.

  Dante turned his head to look at her, expectant.

  “Why didn’t you kill Lauren?”

  “Are you disappointed I didn’t?”

  “I— I just want to know your reason.”

  “Very well. But why?”

  Alex shifted herself so she was side on, facing him, holding the cloth on his shoulder. “Given everything that’s happened, I don’t know how I feel about it to be honest. I want to hear it from you to help me make up my mind.”

  Dante gave an impressed nod as Alex resumed her work with the cloth, slowly running it over his shoulders and arms. The longer Dante spoke, the darker the water in the bowl became.

  “I know she has done terrible things, to you especially. I honestly did think about it, but I remembered something Dougie once told me. ‘Anyone can take a life, but to save a life is true power, a true gift.’ Lauren was heartbroken and overwhelmed by the sensations of being a new vampire, just as I feared. It is not easy being a newborn anything with no one to guide you. I would have preferred to be her mentor, to help her. Her punishment will be knowing what she has done and what she has lost. This is greater than any pain I could inflict upon her. Above all else, when I looked at her, I saw your friend buried deep inside her somewhere—the one that sent you away from Ryan’s to protect you.”

  Alex didn’t respond. She looked to the ground for a few seconds and then slowly placed her head on Dante’s wet shoulder. He lowered his cheek onto her forehead as the shower turned off.

  “My turn, I guess,” Alex said, as Michelle emerged covered in a huge fluffy bath sheet.

  “Did you guys have a good talk?” Michelle asked, drying her hair. Alex nodded and disappeared into the bathroom.

  “I th
ink so,” answered Dante. “I hope she understands, but she doesn’t belong here, neither of you do.”

  “Come on,” Michelle smiled at him, trying her best to find humour in whatever she could. “You now get to share a bed with both of us. I know you’ve thought about it, you greedy thing.”

  “Sharing, not so much. Making it shake is another thing.”

  Michelle placed her hands on Dante’s chest and pushed him to his back. She raised a leg over his body and straddled his hips. “She did the back and sides, I’ll do the fringe,” she smiled, using the cloth from the bowl and running it along Dante’s chest. “She is pretty sexy,” Michelle said, squeezing more dark red into the bowl. “You never know, it could be on the cards one day.”

  “I can’t read minds, but I am fairly sure Alex isn’t into that.”

  Michelle shrugged. “I think she has had her inhibitions caged for quite a while. Besides, she is madly in love with you,” Michelle said, leaning over him, using the corner of the cloth to clean Dante’s cheeks and jaw, leaving soft kisses where the cloth touched.

  “No she’s not,” Dante said, sounding serious but not disappointed.

  “Oh come on,” Michelle laughed. “All the flirting and touching? You think she is like that with every guy?”

  “No. I think it is obsession mixed with curiosity. She thought she knew Matt very well and he turned out not to be so interested in her as he was in himself. I am the opposite, so therefore I am new and exciting. But it will wear off eventually.”

  “Maybe it will if you sleep with her. Then again, it probably won’t,” Michelle said, playfully tugging his ear.

  “Oh really?” Dante asked.

  “You’re addictive,”

  Dante smiled. “Whatever happens, you know you’ll always be my girl.”

  Michelle grinned. “Nice try, but your girl is out there,” she said, waving her hand towards the door, sitting up and dropping the cloth into the bowl. “Hang on.” Michelle picked up the bowl and walked towards the bathroom, disappearing behind the door. When she resumed her previous place, she continued as if she hadn’t paused. “It must be hard for you being here too, with Melina. I forgot.”


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