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Bared to Him

Page 4

by Jan Springer

  From the darkness of the wheelhouse, Miranda watched Gray’s head disappear beneath the wavy ocean surface. An odd loneliness speared into her heart. She ached for him. For the first time in her life, she prayed to Turn so she could jump into the water and be with Gray.

  And for the first time in her life, she actually doubted her sanity. Why was she lusting after an Octo male, who until recently had irritated the crap out of her? Was it merely lust flowing through her body? Or was it something more?

  She pushed the button and listened as the chain rattled and the anchor lifted. A few minutes later, she pushed the ignition. The state of the art engine rumbled to life. As she angled the yacht toward open sea, she quickly closed all the windows ensuring that her scent didn’t give away her location to other Octoposeidon males who might want to claim her.

  She knew all about the dangers of being a female Octo.

  When she’d turned eighteen in human years, their friend, Calder, had dropped by for a visit. He’d slipped her a piece of paper. On it, he’d written a top-secret domain with a password that would get her into the Octoposeidon website.

  He’d told her to check it out for just in case she Turned. And he’d made her promise that she would memorize both the name and the password and then destroy the paper and never reveal the existence of the website to anyone, not even her father. She had kept her promise.

  Upon visiting the website, she’d been stunned to discover that male and female Octo’s could stay human all the way into their thirties before they Changed while others Changed right at birth. The average for the Change was in the mid-twenties.

  Dangers lurked for Octoposideons. One of dangers was how far a female’s scent could carry in the air and in the water. The scent was strongest before a female’s first Change and then every night and every morning when she Changed forms. The rest of the time, her scent was not as strong.

  She knew that because of the intense way she was reacting to Gray, she was now putting both of them in danger. Fear for his safety made her pray that he would be safe tonight. Suddenly, she couldn’t wait until morning. Couldn’t wait until she saw him again and made sure he was safe.

  Her hands tightened on the helm.

  And then what?

  She worried her bottom lip and shook her head as she studied the rippling waters ahead. She hoped an answer would come to her by then.

  * * * * *

  Over the next two days and two nights, they made great time continuing along the coastline off British Columbia, past the state of Washington and into Oregon’s waters. They managed to avoid each other like the plague. In a small town near the Oregon-Washington border, Gray picked up the required furniture. He’d added the extra cabinets, and worked as quietly as possible putting the shower stall into the new bathroom. Miranda stayed in her cabin until he Turned at night.

  She was changing. She realized her senses were heightened. At night, when Gray was in the ocean, she could even smell his raw scent whenever he neared the yacht. It was an eerie discovery and pretty cool too. It was as if she had radar where he was concerned.

  Sometimes, she thought she could even see him swimming in the dark waters. His tentacles stretched out in front of him, as he swiftly propelled himself along the currents to keep up to the yacht.

  Her need for having sex with him…was driving her crazy. It had reached the point to where she was masturbating several times during what should have been her sleep time. She was surprised Gray hadn’t smelled her, broken down her cabin door, and fucked her properly. The bastard had left her aroused and disappointed after she’d orally made love to him on the deck and she wanted him more now than ever.

  She glanced at the clock and noted dawn would be approaching in a little over an hour. She was tired after hours of operating the yacht. Tired of trying to fight the visions of Gray, naked and lusting for her.

  Just thinking of him had her breath backing up in her lungs and her body heating up with fire. A touch of claustrophobia suddenly struck her. An intense need to get out of the wheelhouse and catch some fresh air overwhelmed her. She shut off the engine, angled the yacht into the wind, and let it drift along the stiff breeze.

  Outside, she stood at the bow railing and gazed out over the dark ocean. It was mild and cloudy and there had been no moon through the night. Whirls of white mist danced off the choppy water and she caught Gray’s scent. She inhaled it deeply into her lungs and loved the way her body reacted. Tremors coursed through her, her pussy clenched and her need for sex overwhelmed her.

  Suddenly she didn’t care if Gray was out there watching her. That thought turned her on. Somehow, he had discovered that she was fantasizing about him. He’d said it shortly before she’d taken his solid erection into her mouth. Obviously, that knowledge aroused him.

  She kicked off her running shoes and socks and slipped off her flannel shirt and T-shirt. She tossed both onto the deck. The warm breeze and the cool mist gently caressed her breasts. It felt nice. Reaching up, she ran her hands over her mounds. They felt smooth and swollen beneath her touch.

  Her rosy nipples hardened as she tweaked and pinched them. Pleasure pain zipped through them as she pulled. Her breaths quickened and she could no longer ignore the instant throbbing deep inside her pussy. She needed relief. Now.

  She dropped her hands from her breasts, and slipped her fingers beneath the waistband of her track pants and panties and then removed both, allowing them to puddle on the deck.

  She was nude. Totally and completely naked as she stood at the bow of the yacht. Being in her birthday suit out here on the ocean was a freedom she’d never experienced before and she enjoyed it.

  Stepping forward, she bent over at her waist and rubbed her nipples against the cool railing. The pressure of the smooth metal was just what she needed to keep her nipples stimulated. She caught another whiff of Gray’s sensual scent. It was powerful and intoxicating.

  Instinctively she knew he was out there watching her. She could feel his eyes studying her. Could feel his need for her zipping through the misty air.

  Her pussy spasmed and heat rushed through her. She creamed warmly, sensing that he craved her as badly as she desired him.

  Spreading her feet, she then slipped a hand between her thighs. Pleasure coursed through her the instant she touched the swollen bud of her engorged clitoris. She slipped a couple of fingers between her slick labia folds, dipping past the wet entrance and into her hot vagina. She withdrew and using the cream drenching her fingers as lubricant, she massaged up and down and around her sensitive clit.

  She moaned softly and breathed harshly as she rubbed her nipples harder against the railing. Using her free hand, she plumped first one breast and then the other, increasing the friction. She rocked her hips and plunged her fingers deep into the tight satiny confines of her vagina. She withdrew her fingers and then kneaded them over her clit again.

  Quickly, she fell into a sensual, fast rhythm. She closed her eyes and stroked herself, rough and fast, gasping as her body tightened and moaning as arousal pooled hot in her belly. Sensual vibrations came out of nowhere and she jolted as trembling waves of arousal washed over her. She cried out Gray’s name and imagined him here, pistoning his thick and long cock in and out of her pussy.

  She spun out of control, bucked her hips, and melted into the pleasure. A deep hunger for Gray draped over her and as her climax subsided, Miranda moaned her distress. She wanted Gray more now than ever.

  Damn! The next time she saw him, she was going to grab him by his shoulders and demand he make love to her! She was finished being mad at him. She wanted him. The realization made her laugh and cry at the same time. It was amazing. She wanted Gray.

  She jolted as white lightning forked out of the sky not more than a mile ahead of her. Her sexual need disintegrated as an unexplainable instinct for survival collided over her. A storm had crept up on her. Not good.

  “Oh crap!” she muttered and began slipping on her clothes. She’d made it a habit
to listen to the daily weather reports on the marine station. Today, she’d missed it. She’d have to head toward shore and secure the boat.

  A gust of wind blasted against her almost toppling her over. She steadied herself and quickly finished dressing. Raindrops began spattering against her and the deck. The rain was cold and made her shiver. She grabbed her socks and shoes and slipped them on while she rushed about battening down the hatches. Then she scampered into the wheelhouse.

  Wind rattled the windows, making her tense. The yacht rocked under an exceptionally large swell and she fell onto a padded bench seat. She gasped as another wave crashed against the bow and a magnificent white waterfall slashed into the window right in front of her. The boat dramatically swayed. She struggled to get to the wheel.

  Lightning flashed and thunder rocketed overhead. Goosebumps sailed over her flesh. She swallowed a scream. She couldn’t panic. She needed to keep calm.

  She grabbed tight to the wheel and angled the boat into the wind.

  Anxiety snapped through her like a live wire and her heart picked up a tremendous speed. The yacht jarred again and the wheel jerked so hard against her hands, she almost lost her grip.

  Shit! She’d always thought she was pretty strong, but maybe she’d been wrong. She could barely steer the boat.

  A wall of grey water rushed up and pounded against the windows. She lost sight of the coastline and quickly popped on the radar and compass. Despite knowing where land was, she found it impossible to steer the boat closer to shore so she could drop anchor. A creepy feeling of foreboding snapped in around her. A dark emotion clutched at her heart.

  Would she ever see Gray again? Was this how her life would end?

  Oh, Gray! Help me!

  Chapter Four

  Gray could smell Miranda’s fear slice through the lashing wind the instant his head broke the ocean surface a few hundred yards from the yacht. Huge swells raised him up and then down. The dawn sky was dark grey and sheets of silvery rain made it difficult to see the boat. Because he could now easily breathe the air, he knew he only had seconds left to propel himself with his tentacles.

  Alarm for Miranda’s safety made him get to his destination in record time. Seconds later, he was fully back to human form and scrambling up the aft ladder. Forceful waves pummelled him, and he struggled to climb onto the deck.

  He was nude, compliments of the Turn, and the deck was slippery beneath his bare feet as he ran toward the wheelhouse. Waves lashed over the bow and slammed into him, making him fall several times. At the wheelhouse, he cursed when he discovered the door locked. Through the rain-drenched windows, he made out Miranda’s silhouette behind the wheel. By the grimace on her face, he could tell she was struggling to keep the boat from tipping.

  He smacked his fists on the window, hoping she could hear above the roar of the wind. He was contemplating heading forward to get into her view, when she spotted him. Relief splashed over her features.

  It was at that second he made his decision. She would be his life-mate, no matter what. She was so beautiful in her defiance at not allowing the storm to take the yacht. She was a true sea warrior.

  A moment later, she opened the door.

  “I couldn’t get to the shore,” she gasped. She looked tired and scared, totally opposite of how beautiful she’d looked while she’d masturbated on the bow earlier. He’d stayed above water for as long as possible, but his need for air had forced him back under.

  “You did good. Real good. Go, have a seat. I’ll take over,” he commanded.

  When she hesitated, he grabbed her hand, tugged her to a lounge seat, and forced her to sit. He buckled the seat belt snugly over her hips and rushed to the wheel.

  “Enjoy the ride!” he shouted as he took the helm. He hoped his upbeat voice would inject some courage into her, but she merely smiled weakly.

  Immediately he got to work. About an hour later, he’d safely tucked the yacht in a sheltered inlet.

  * * * * *

  For the first time in hours, Miranda allowed herself to relax. They were both safe and it seemed as if the storm had eased, although as she stared out the window toward the west, huge dark gray clouds continued to roll and lightning flashed.

  As Gray sat down on the bench seat beside her, she shook her head and held out her hands to show him they were trembling.

  “Thank, God, you came when you did because I was just about to give up…”

  He placed his finger on her lips, silencing her.

  “The boat is secure. We shouldn’t have any more problems.” His voice sounded so confident that it sent a calming vibe straight through her.

  Up until a few minutes ago, she’d been too terrified to think of anything but survival. She’d barely noted he was naked. Now that they were safe, his dominating scent captured her full attention.

  “Are you okay?” he asked.

  Concern riveted his face and he grabbed her hands. His grip was strong and hot and she welcomed how sweetly he squeezed her fingers with reassurance.

  She nodded.

  “I think so.”

  “We’re safe. Repeat after me. We are safe.”

  She giggled. “We are safe.”

  “Come on, let’s get you to bed. You look tired,” he whispered.

  He pulled her easily to her feet. She seriously thought he would let her go. He had, after all, been avoiding her and she’d been avoiding him and…

  “I was watching you…earlier…on the deck.”

  His eyes darkened with desire as he gazed at her. Heat fused her face. Her instincts had been correct. He had been watching her masturbate.

  “And I liked what I saw, Miranda. If I had been able to, I would have pulled you right into the water with me, and fuck you like I know we both want.”

  She trembled at the lust thickening his voice.

  “But we both know I shouldn’t…” he whispered.

  Disappointment rocked her. She sensed he was about to let go of her hands, but Miranda stopped him by leaning against him. She inhaled sharply as his hard muscle heat pressed in around her breasts and belly and everywhere his body touched.

  The solid knot of his erection pushed boldly against her lower belly and she moaned at the hot spiral of sensations pooling in her pussy.

  Oh, no. There was no way she was going to let him go this time.

  “I want you,” she whispered.

  Amazement lit up his face. Before he could verbally respond and tell her any number or reasons why they shouldn’t make love, she moved her head closer, and kissed him. His body jerked and an erotic groan tore from somewhere deep in his chest. The guttural sound sent a frenzy of sensual shivers shooting through her.

  She raised her hands and cupped the back of his neck. She kissed him harder. He responded quickly, his lips sliding tenderly over hers. Sweet tingling sensations snapped through her. Need uncoiled deep inside of her.

  His kiss turned demanding. Her body tightened as pleasure, sharp and tight, arced through her. His unique scent poured off him in dark, tantalizing waves, wrapping around her like a net, capturing her.

  Suddenly her feet left the ground as he lifted her into his arms.

  Oh my! Hard muscles pressed against her body and his eyes looked so dark, it made her breath back up.

  “I’m going to show you what a real fantasy should be like,” he whispered as he strolled across the deck. He carried her down the stairs and along the companionway into her room. She thought he would toss her onto her bed and start fucking her as she craved; instead, he brought her into her bathroom and gently placed her on her feet.

  “Get naked and get the shower running,” he whispered in a hoarse voice. “I’ll be back in a minute.”

  She blinked as he quickly left. For a split second, she wondered if maybe she was having another one of her wicked sexual fantasies. Then she noted the towel she’d used to dry herself from her last shower was still strewn on the floor exactly where she’d left it, after she’d forgotten to pick
it up.

  Somewhere in the yacht, she heard a door close. Gray. What was he up to? Why had he left? Had his leaving just been an excuse because he’d had second thoughts? But he’d told her to get naked and here she was stalling.

  She moaned softly as she removed her clothing, realizing that her skin felt ultra-sensitive pretty much all over her. She was naked now and she’d just turned on the shower water to a nice toasty temperature, when she sensed Gray had come into the room.

  His sexy salty scent drowned her in arousal and scattered all her thoughts away. As she turned to face him, her breath caught as she noticed he held some condom packages in his hands. Ookay, this was definitely not a fantasy dream.

  He nodded to the shower.

  “Get in,” he instructed.

  His heated gaze had her moving swiftly into the shower. The steaming water cascaded over her face and shoulders and the rest of her, pummelling her sensitive flesh. She could feel his body heat wrapping around her as he stepped into the large-sized stall behind her.

  “Turn around and face me,” he said. As she did, the water from the shower jets massaged the tight shoulder muscles she’d gotten from gripping the steering wheel. She noted he’d placed the condom packages on a nearby soap dish, within easy reach.

  “I have been wanting this forever, Miranda. I’ve been craving you, watching you, smelling your sexy scent.”

  He fell silent as he grabbed a bar of soap and began soaping her right shoulder. His touch was tender as he rubbed her flesh, paying particular attention to an especially tender muscle. A moment later, he soaped her other shoulder.

  “I bet your arms are sore from fighting that storm.”

  “I’m sore from needing you. Inside me,” she replied. No use in being coy. She wanted him and she was going to get him.

  He grinned. It was a sexy grin that made her heart burst with something she could only call as happy love.

  “I’ve been sore for months, baby. Listening to you masturbate in your bedroom at night does a lot of cold showers for me.”

  Oh my. He’d known she was masturbating. Now, that was embarrassing.


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