Double Fold

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Double Fold Page 43

by Nicholson Baker

  Boston Public Library

  Boswell, James

  Boucher, Victoria

  Bourke, Thomas A.

  Bowdoin College

  Bowen, William G.

  boxes, protective

  Boyd-Alkalay, Esther

  Brandon, Henry

  Brechin, Gray

  Brentano, Robert

  Brier, Bob

  “Bright Eyes” (Susette La Flesche Tibbles)

  British Californian

  British Library

  David and Mary Eccles Centre for American Studies at

  newspapers deaccessioned by

  Brittle Books (Haas)

  Brittle Books congressional hearing

  Brittle Books Program

  Brittle Books Programs (Merrill-Oldham and Walker)


  of books

  of newspapers

  questionable crisis of

  tests for, see double-fold test; fold testing

  Brookhaven nuclear laboratory

  Brooklyn Eagle

  Brothers of the Christian Schools

  Broun, Heywood

  Browder, Earl

  Browne, Malcolm

  Browning, B. L.

  Browning, Elizabeth Barrett

  Browning, Robert

  Brown University

  Bruccoli, Matthew J.

  Buchanan, Sarah

  Buckland, Lawrence F.

  Buckland, Michael

  Bulletin (New York Public Library)

  Bunch, R. E.

  Burke, Colin

  Bush, Vannevar

  Butler, John Marshall

  Butterfield, Lyman

  Cady, Susan A.

  California, University of

  Task Force on Collection Management Strategies in the Digital Environment at

  see also Berkeley, University of California at; Irvine, University of California at; Los Angeles, University of California at

  California State Library

  Cambridge University

  Campbell, John

  Canadian Broadcasting Corporation

  Canadian Conservation Institute

  Cannon, Harold

  card catalogs, electronic databases vs.

  Carlyle, Thomas

  Carmichael, Leonard

  Carnegie, Andrew

  Caro, Robert

  Carson, Arthur

  Carson Laboratories

  Cartoon Research Library

  Case, Charles Z.

  Castro, Fidel

  Caswell, Lucy Shelton

  Catholic University of America

  Caulfield, D. F.


  Cause and Prevention of Yellow Fever (Barton)

  Causes and Cures of Crime (Mosby)


  Celluloid Corporation

  cellulose acetate

  Center for Research Libraries

  Central Intelligence Agency, see CIA



  Cheever, Henry

  Cheney, Lynne

  Cheshire, Marc

  Chicago, University of

  microfilm program of

  Chicago Graphic

  Chicago Historical Society

  Chicago Katolik

  Chicago Post

  Chicago Public Library

  Chicago Sun-Times

  Chicago Tribune

  Chicago Tribune Company

  Child, Margaret S.

  Chosen Kobunka Sokan (Umehara)

  Christian Science Monitor

  Chronicle Publishing Company

  Chronology of the Origin and Progress of Paper and Paper-Making (Munsell)

  Church, Randolph W.

  CIA (Central Intelligence Agency)

  Billington and

  Clapp and

  Project Artichoke of

  Research Board of

  Cincinnati Enquirer

  Citizen Kane

  Civil War, U.S.

  Clapp, Verner W.

  Barrow’s relationship with

  CIA and

  at Council on Library Resources

  fold testing promoted by

  on lamination

  and Library of Congress

  microfilm advocated by

  Clark, John D.


  Cleveland Public Library

  Clinton, William Jefferson

  Cold War

  Coleman, Sandra

  Coles, James S.

  College and Research Libraries

  College Art Association

  Columbia University

  Battin at

  double-fold test at

  library school at

  microfilm program of

  Columbus Monitor


  Commission on Preservation and Access

  Battin at

  deacidification study of

  digitization supported by

  Haas’s founding of

  microfilm projects of

  publicity generated by

  SACs of

  Slow Fires and

  Common Knowledge

  Coney, Donald

  Congress, U.S.

  House Subcommittee on Postsecondary Education

  Office of Technology Assessment at

  Conroy, Thomas

  conservation, preservation vs.

  Conway, Paul

  Cooke, Josiah Parsons

  CoOL (Conservation OnLine)



  Cornell University

  digitization program of

  double-fold tests at

  Making of America at

  Corona satellite program

  Corson, William R.

  Cosmos Club

  Costs and Material Handling Problems in Miniaturizing 100,000 Volumes of Bound Periodicals (Forbes and Waite)

  Council on Library and Information Resources

  Council on Library Resources

  on book deterioration

  deacidification projects of

  microfilm supported by

  military connections of

  Slow Fires and

  Crawford, Walt

  Crawford County Historical Society

  Crawford Messenger

  Crerar Library

  Croisset, Francis de

  Cronin, John W.

  Crowe, William Joseph

  Crump, Mike

  Cummings, Anthony M.

  Cummings, Martin M.

  Currier, Nathaniel

  Currier and Ives

  Cutting, Mary S.

  cyclohexylamine carbonate (CHC)

  Czerwinska, E.


  Dagron, René Patrice

  Daily Graphic

  Daily Newspaper in America, The (Lee)

  Dalrymple, Helen

  Dalton, Steve

  Dane, Joseph A.

  Darling, Pamela W.

  DARPA, see Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency

  Dartmouth University

  David, Charles

  Davis, Elmer


  Dead Sea Scrolls

  Dean, John

  DeCandido, Robert

  Deck, Isaiah

  Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA)

  Defense Department, U.S.

  Ad Hoc Committee on Biological Warfare of

  de Florez, Luis

  de Florez Company

  De Gennaro, Richard

  Deka, Rose



  De Quincy, Thomas

  de Sola, Ralph

  De Stefano, Paula

  Deterioration of Book Stock, Causes and Remedies (Barrow)

  “Deterioration of Library Materials, The: A Doomsday Inevitability or a Manageable Preservation Challenge?” (Waters)

  Detroit Evening News

  Detroit News

  Dewart, Thomas W.
  Dewey, Melvil

  Diamond, Sigmund

  Didion, Joan

  diethyl zinc (DEZ)

  Digital Library Initiative


  finances of

  by Library of Congress

  microfilm and

  dime novels

  Diplomatic Memoirs (Foster)


  of books

  of journals and magazines

  of newspapers

  see also bindings


  Dix, William S.

  Dodson, Susan Cates

  Donovan, William “Wild Bill”

  double-fold test

  double turn (DT)

  Douglas Aircraft

  Dover (N.H.) Public Library

  Dowd, Robert

  Dreiser, Theodore

  Dulles, Allen

  Dumm, Edwina

  Duncan, E. E.

  Duncan, Mary Grey Lundie

  DuPuis, Robert N.

  dust, paper allegedly turning to

  Duval, John C.

  Early English Text Society

  East European Accessions List


  Eccles, David and Mary

  Edmundson, Harold P.

  Educational Record


  Edwards, C. J.

  Edwards, Clyde S.

  Egbert, Seneca

  Eidt, Scott

  Eisenhower, Dwight D.

  “Electronic Library, The—A Vision for the Future” (Battin)

  Elkington, Nancy

  Elmendorf Tear Tester

  Empire of Business, The (Carnegie)

  Encyclopaedia Britannica

  Endicott, Stephen


  Erhardt, David

  Erway, Ricky

  esparto-grass papermaking

  Essays in English Literature (Saintsbury)

  Esther, Book of

  Evans, Luther

  Exxon Education Foundation


  Farina, Jean A.

  Farr, George F., Jr.


  Fazio, Vic

  FBI (Federal Bureau of Investigation)

  Federalist, on the New Constitution, The (Hamilton, Jay, and Madison)

  Feller, Robert L.



  of digitization

  of microfilm

  Finnegans Wake (Joyce)

  Fitchburg Sentinel

  Fleischhauer, Carl

  Flers, Robert de

  Flood, Merrill M.

  Florida, University of:

  Brittle Books Department at

  P. K. Yonge Library of Florida History at


  fold testing

  see also double-fold test

  Folger Shakespeare Library

  Forbes, Edward J.

  Ford, Harold P.

  Ford Foundation

  Forest Products Research Laboratory

  Forman, Milos

  Foster, Clifton Dale

  Foster, John W.

  Foster’s Weekly Democrat & Dover Enquirer

  Fox, Lisa L.

  France Amerique

  Frankland, Edward

  Franklin, Benjamin

  Freedom of Information Act

  Freehafer, Edward G.

  Free Library of Philadelphia

  French Revolution, The (Carlyle)

  Frost, Gary

  Frye, Billy E.

  full cropping

  Fur Trade Review

  Fussler, Herman H.

  Future Libraries: Dreams, Madness, and Reality (Crawford and Gorman)

  Future of the Research Library, The (Clapp)

  Gaelic American

  Gale Research

  Galileo Galilei

  Garelik, Glenn

  Garfield, Eugene

  Garrison, Deborah

  Gear, James L.

  General Electric

  General Services Administration

  Geography (Ptolemy)


  Getty Foundation

  Goddard Space Flight Center

  Godwin, Shawn

  Goldman, Emma

  Goldsmith, Barbara

  “Good Beginning, A” (Clapp)

  “Goodness Gracious, Great Books Afire” (Ballard)

  Gordon, Hy

  Gore, Daniel

  Gorman, Michael

  Gosse, Edmund

  Gray, Glen G.

  Greeley, Horace

  Green, James F.

  Gregorian, Vartan

  Gregory, Winifred

  Grieder, E. M.

  Grolier Club

  Grose, Peter

  Gross, Dave

  Grunder, Henry

  Guardian the

  Gunderson, D. E.

  Gup, Ted

  Gurney, Gene

  Gwinn, Nancy E.

  Haas, Warren J.

  on Clapp

  as Council on Library Resources president

  on microfilm

  preservation crisis as viewed by

  Slow Fires and

  Hagerman, Edward

  Haggard, H. Rider

  Hahn, Ellen Z.

  Hall and McChesney

  Hamilton, Alexander

  Handbook of Data Processing for Libraries (Hayes and Becker)

  Handful of Dust, A (Waugh)

  Hardin, Dennis

  Harman, R. Joyce

  Harper & Row


  Harper’s Weekly


  Harris, Carolyn

  Harris, Kenneth E.

  Hart, William

  Harvard Library Bulletin

  Harvard University

  in Digital Library Initiative

  Houghton Library of

  microfilm program of

  newspapers discarded by

  “Slow Fires at Harvard’s Libraries” exhibit at

  Widener Library at

  Harvey, William

  Haskins, Caryl P.

  Haskins Laboratories

  Haunted Bookshop, The (Morley)

  Haven, Judy

  Hawkins, Brian L.

  Hawley’s Condensed Chemical Dictionary

  Hayes, Robert M.

  Hays, David G.

  Health, Education, and Welfare Department, U.S.

  Hearley, John

  Hearn, Edward T.

  Hearst, William Randolph

  Hearst Corporation

  Henderson, Kathryn Luther

  Henderson, William T.

  Hendriks, Klaus B.

  Henkle, Herman

  Hercules, Inc.

  Heritage Microfilm

  Herman, Esther


  Herrick, Robert C.

  Herring, Richard

  Herrmann & Kraemer

  Herzberg, Joseph G.

  Hill, John R.

  Hind, John D.

  Hirschfeld, Al

  Historical Records Survey

  Historic Deerfield Library

  Historic Newspaper Archives, Inc.

  Hoe, Richard

  Hofer, Hans-H.

  Holdings of American Nineteenth and Twentieth Century Newspapers Printed on Wood Pulp Paper (Library on Congress)

  Hole in the Card, The (MacKay)


  Holley, Robert P.

  Hooke, Robert

  House of Representatives, U.S., Subcommittee on Postsecondary Education of

  Howard, Peter

  Howard, Roy W.

  Howarth, Alan

  Hudson, F. L.

  Hughes, Timothy

  Hughes Aircraft

  Human Ecology Fund


  books affected by

  microfilm affected by

  Hunter, Dard

  Huskey, Harry

  Huxley, Carole


  Ideas for Preservation Fund Raising: A Support
Package for Libraries and Archives (Miller)

  Illinois, University of

  Illinois Institute of Technology

  Research Institute of

  Illinois State Archives

  “Image Formats for Preservation and Access” (TAAC)

  Image Permanence Institute

  Imperial San Francisco (Brechin)

  Incas, ou la destruction de l’empire du Pérou, Les (Marmontel)

  Indiana Historical Society

  Indiana University


  Information Industry Association

  Information Storage and Retrieval (Hayes and Becker)


  Institute for Scientific Information

  “Institutions Have Moral Responsibility to Preserve Great Book Collections” (Battin)

  International Military Digest

  International Pyrotechnics Seminar

  International Telemeter


  Into the Future

  Irish World (New York)


  Irvine, University of California at

  Irwin, Rea

  Isaacson, Walter

  Island World of the Pacific, The (Cheever)

  Itek Corporation

  “It’s Time to Dump DEZ” (Nyren)

  Jackson, Ian

  Jamison, Martin


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