Double Fold

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Double Fold Page 44

by Nicholson Baker

Jarmann, Peter


  Jersey City Svoboda

  Johns Hopkins University

  John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation

  Johnson, Samuel

  Jones, C. Lee

  Jones, Mark

  Jordan, Robert T.

  Jordan, Sophia

  Journal of Documentary Reproduction

  JSTOR (Journal STORage)

  Juergens, George

  Kansas City Star

  Kansas State Historical Society

  Kaplan, Fred

  Keeney, Barnaby

  Kelly, George B.

  Kenney, Anne R.

  Kent, Sherman

  Kent State University

  Keogh, Andrew

  Kesse, Erich J.

  Kilgour, Frederick

  Kimball, George E.

  Kimball, Jeffrey P.

  King, Edmund

  King, Gilbert W.

  Kissinger (Isaacson)

  Klaidman, Stephen

  Klein Law Library

  Kluger, Richard

  Knight Foundation

  Knott, Lawson B., Jr.

  Kochen, Manfred

  Koda, Paul


  Kolar, Jana

  Koppers Chemicals

  Korean War

  Koski, Ahti A.

  Kowalik, R.

  Kraft, Nancy

  Krazy Kat

  Kresh, Diane

  Kuhlman, A. F.

  Kyrillidou, Martha

  La Bau, Florence

  La Guardia, Fiorello

  La Hood, Charles G.

  Lamb, Brian


  Lang, Brian

  Langan, John F.

  Laocoon (Lessing)

  Laramie Republic and Boomerang

  “Latest Forms of Book-Burning, The” (Tanselle)

  Lauder, John E.

  Leach, Steven

  “leaf masters”

  Lee, Alfred McClung

  Lee, John

  Lemberg, William Richard

  Lesk, Michael

  Leslie’s Illustrated Weekly

  Lessing, Gotthold Ephraim

  Leupp, Harold

  Lewiston Evening Journal

  Libby, Richard L.

  Libman, Lena

  “Libraries, Museums, and Reading” (Tanselle)

  Libraries of the Future (Licklider et al.)

  Library Effectiveness (Morse)

  Library Journal

  Library of Congress

  American Memory digitization project of

  Barrow test specimens at

  Cataloging-in-Publications division of

  CIA and

  Clapp and

  Collection Care Section of

  computerizing catalog of

  Conservation Department of

  conservation lab at

  copyright-deposit program of

  deacidification program of

  Defense Research Division of

  deterioration survey at

  in Digital Library Initiative

  digitization program of

  fold testing at

  Fort Meade storage facility of

  Gifts and Exchanges division of

  Jefferson building of

  lamination program of

  Legislative Reference Service of

  Madison building of

  microfilm program of

  military uses of

  National Preservation Program Office of

  newspapers discarded by

  Office of Collections Maintenance and Preservation of

  Office of Coordinator of Information of

  Office Systems Services and Records Office of

  Optical Disk Pilot Project of

  Photoduplication Service of

  Pilot Preservation Project of

  Preservation Directorate of

  Preservation Microfilming Office (PMO) of

  Preservation Reformatting Division of

  Public Affairs Office of

  rebinding policy of

  Selections Office of

  Serials Division of

  Slow Fires and

  space and storage concerns at

  Working Group on Reference and Research of

  Library of Congress, The (Gurney and Apple)

  Library of Congress Information Bulletin

  Library of Virginia, see Virginia State Library

  Licklider, J. C. R. (Lick)

  Liebling, A. J.

  “Life-Cycle Cost Analysis for the Creation, Storage, and Dissemination of a Digitized Document Collection, A” (Lemberg)

  Life of Schiller (Carlyle)

  Life Radiant, The (Whiting)


  Lindsay, Frank

  Lindstrom, Tom

  Lippman emulsion

  Lisagor, Peter

  Littell’s Living Age

  Little League Museum

  Little Stories of Married Life (Cutting)

  Litton Bionetics

  Lloyd, Edward

  Lloyd’s Newspaper

  Lockhart, Vickie

  Longley, Charles

  Los Angeles, University of California at (UCLA)

  School of Library and Information Science at

  Los Angeles Public Library

  Lost Cause Press

  Lowe, David

  Ludlow, Fitz Hugh

  Luner, Philip

  Lydenberg, Harry Miller

  Lydon, Richard P.

  Lynn, M. Stuart

  MacArthur Foundation

  McCarthy, John

  McCarthy, Joseph R.

  McClellan, George

  McComb, Robert

  McCombs, Phil

  McCrady, Ellen

  McCutcheon, John T.

  McDonald, Robert A.

  McGill University

  McHale, E. T.

  machine-readable cataloging (MARC)

  McIntyre, John E.

  MacKay, Neil

  McKitterick, David

  MacLeish, Archibald

  MacNeil, Robert

  McNiff, Philip

  Maddow, Ben

  Madison, James


  magnesium oxide

  Maine State Historical Society

  Makers of Venice (Oliphant)

  Making of America

  Manhattan Project

  Mann, Albert R.

  Manual of Hygiene and Sanitation (Egbert)

  Manufacturer and Builder

  MAPS see Mid-Atlantic Preservation Services

  MARC (machine-readable cataloging)

  Marcum, Deanna B.

  Marietta College

  Mark, Mary Ellen

  “Marketing for Preservation” (Sparks)

  Marks, John

  Marley, S. Branson, Jr.

  Marmontel, Jean-François

  Marquis, Don

  Marshall, Henry Rutgers

  Martin, Murray S.

  Martin, Thomas

  Marx, Karl

  Maryland, University of

  Massachusetts Historical Society

  Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)

  Mauldin, Bill

  MCI WorldCom

  Mearns, David C.

  Mecklenburg, Marion F.

  Medical Electricity (Jones)

  Medieval Academy

  Medieval Studies SAC

  Medina, José Toribio

  “medium rare” books

  Mehemet Ali

  Mellon Foundation

  Melville, Herman

  Memphis Commercial Appeal

  Mental Health Research Institute

  Merrill-Oldham, Jan

  Metcalf, Keyes DeWitt

  Metropolitan Museum of Art

  Michaelis, Patricia

  Michigan, University of

  in Digital Library Initiative

  digitization program of

  Making of America at

  microfilm program of

  Michigan State University

  Microcard Committee

  Microcard Corporation

  Microcard Foundation



  microfilm, microfilming

  accelerated-aging test of

  benefits of

  deterioration of

  digitization and

  finances of

  military uses of

  NEH funding of; see also Brittle Books Program; U.S. Newspaper Program

  as oversold solution

  problems with

  replacing books with

  replacing newspapers with

  see also preservation crisis, marketing of; specific institutions

  Microfilm Corporation of America

  Microform Review


  Micrographic Systems


  Mid-Atlantic Preservation Services (MAPS; Preservation Resources)

  Milevski, Robert J.

  Miller, Edward

  Miller, James Grier

  Miller, J. Hillis

  Miller, Michael

  “Millions of Books Are Turning to Dust—Can They Be Saved?” (Stange)

  Milum, Betty


  Minkler, Whitney S.

  Minsky, Marvin

  Minter, William

  MIT, see Massachusetts Institute of Technology

  Mitchell, Joseph

  MIT Fold Testers

  Modern Language and Literature SAC

  Modern Language Association (MLA)

  Molyneux, Robert E.

  Molz, Kathleen

  Montori, Carla

  Morehouse, H. G.

  Morley, Christopher


  Morris, James M.

  Morris, Joseph C.

  Morrow, Carolyn

  Morse, Philip M.

  Morse, Samuel F. B.

  Mosby, Thomas

  Moses, Robert

  Motion Picture Daily

  Mumford, Quincy

  mummies, paper from

  Munsell, Joel

  Murray, John

  Murrow, Edward R.

  “Must the Library of Congress Destroy Books to Save Them?” (Biggar)

  NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration)

  Challenger incident and

  diethyl-zinc testing and

  Nast, Thomas

  National Archives

  lamination program of

  National Bureau of Standards

  National Cash Register

  National Endowment for the Arts

  National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH)

  in Digital Library Initiative

  Division of Preservation and Access of

  Medieval Institute Microfilming Project of

  microfilming funded by; see also Brittle Books Program; U.S. Newspaper Program

  Office of Preservation at

  preservation grants of

  Slow Fires and

  National Formulary of Unofficial Preparations, The

  National Historical Preservation Act of 1966

  National Humanities Alliance

  National Library of Scotland

  National Medal for the Humanities

  National Microfilm Association

  National Preservation Office (Great Britain)

  National Preservation Program Office

  National Register of Historic Sites

  National Science Foundation

  National Security Agency (NSA)

  National Trust for Historic Preservation

  National Union Catalog

  Nature of Things

  Naval Academy

  Navy, U.S.

  NEDCC, see Northeast Document Conservation Center

  NEH, see National Endowment for the Humanities

  Nehf, Henry

  Neilsen Bainbridge

  Nelson, W. Dale

  New Hampshire State Library

  New Orleans Times-Picayune


  as artifacts

  color in

  dealers in

  discarding of; see also specific institutions

  illustrations in

  microfilm replacement of

  see also specific topics

  Newspapers in Microfilm

  Newspapers in Microform

  newsprint, see wood-pulp paper

  Newton, Isaac

  New York American

  New Yorker, The

  New York Forward

  New York Herald

  New York Herald Tribune

  New-York Historical Society

  New York Post

  New York Public Library (NYPL)

  conservation department of

  lamination program of

  microfilm program of

  newspapers discarded by

  preservation office of

  “semi-rare” books at

  New York State Education Department

  New York State Library

  New York Sun

  New York Times, The

  New York Times Book Review, The,

  New York Tribune

  New York Vienybe Lietuvninku

  New York World

  New York World’s Fair (1964)

  New York World-Telegram

  Nickerson, Matthew

  Niles, Ann

  “19th and 20th Century U.S. Newspapers in Original Format: Inventory of Volumes Held in Remote Storage” (Library of Congress)

  Nixon, Richard M.

  Nixon’s Vietnam War (Kimball)

  Northeast Document Conservation Center (NEDCC)

  “School for Scanning” of

  Northrup Services

  Northwestern University

  Notre Dame University

  Noyes, Nicholas

  NSA, see National Security Agency

  Nuclear Science Abstracts


  Nyren, Karl

  Oates, Joyce Carol

  O’Brien, Frank M.


  O’Connor, Michael

  OCR, see optical character recognition

  Octavo Corporation

  Office of Censorship

  Office of Naval Research

  Office of Strategic Services (OSS)

  O’Hara, John

  Ohio Historical Society

  Ohio State University

  Cartoon Research Library at

  double-fold tests at

  Okamoto, Yoichi R.

  Okerson, Ann

  Old World Wisconsin

  Oliphant, Margaret

  Olszewski, Ann

  “On a Supply of Paper Material from the Mummy Pits of Egypt” (Deck)


  Onondaga Historical Association

  Operations Research (OR)

  Operations Research Society of America

  optical character recognition (OCR)

  optical disks

  Oregon, University of

  OSS, see Office of Strategic Services

  Ottemiller, John H.

  Overhage, Carl F. J.

  oversewn bindings

  “Oversight Hearing on the Problem of ‘Brittle Books’ in Our Nation’s Libraries”

  Pagenstecher brothers

  Palmer, Gretta

  Panama City Star and Herald


  accelerated-aging test of

  acidity in


  from esparto grass

  from mummies

  natural-aging experiments on

  pH of



  return to acid-free

  sizing of

  temperature and

  “turning to dust,” see dust

  wood-pulp, see wood-pulp paper

  Papermaking (Hunter)

  Parisi, Paul

  Parks, E. J.

  Parsonage, J. S.

As, see preservation administrators

  Patel, Divyakant


  Paul, Dorothy


  Peaks and Glaciers of Nun Kun (Workman)

  Penn, William

  Pennsylvania, University of

  Pennsylvania State Archives

  Pennsylvania State University


  Personius, Lynne K.


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