Double Fold

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Double Fold Page 45

by Nicholson Baker

  Petroski, Henry

  Pew Charitable Trust

  pH of paper

  Philadelphia Daily Evening Register

  Philadelphia Inquirer, The

  Philadelphia Public Ledger

  Philip Morris

  photocopying, preservation

  Pierce, John R.

  Planning Research Corporation

  Plotnik, Arthur

  Ploughed Under; the Story of an Indian Chief

  Poe, Edgar Allan

  polyester film encapsulation

  Poole, Frazer G.

  Pope or Mussolini (Hearley)


  Portland Daily Journal

  Portland Evening News

  Pottsville Journal

  Pound, Arthur

  Power, Eugene

  Practical Digital Libraries: Books, Bytes and Bucks (Lesk)

  Preparation of Detailed Specifications for a National System for the Preservation of Library Materials (Haas)

  preservation, conservation vs.

  preservation administrators (PAs)

  Preservation Administrators Discussion Group (PADG)

  preservation crisis, marketing of

  Preservation Microfilming: A Guide for Librarians and Archivists (Gwinn)

  Preservation Microfilming: Planning and Production

  preservation photocopying

  “Preservation Plan for Textual (Paper) Records for the National Archives of the United States”

  Preservation Resources (MAPS; Mid-Atlantic Preservation Services)

  “Preservation Selection Decisions” (Erway)

  Price, Miles O.

  Priestly, J.

  primary records, Tanselle on

  Prime, William Cowper

  Princeton University

  Prisoner’s Dilemma

  Pritsker, Alan B.

  “Problems of Microform in Libraries”

  Procter, Ben

  Project Aurora

  Project Intrex

  Project Open Book

  “Promise of Microprint, The” (Metcalf et al.)



  Public Archives of Canada

  Publishers Weekly

  Puckette, Charles

  Pulitzer, Joseph


  Putnam, Herbert

  Questions at Issue (Gosse)

  Radical Indictment!, A (Adams)

  Radio Corporation of America (RCA)

  Defense Electronic Products division of

  rag paper

  making of

  Rand Corporation

  Random House

  Raney, M. Llewellyn

  rare books

  Rau, Erik Peter

  Readex Microprint

  Reagan, Ronald

  Réaumur, René de

  Reavis, W. Elmo

  Recordak Corporation

  Reed-Scott, Jutta

  Regis, Ed

  Reid, Mrs. Ogden

  Reilly, James M.

  Religion and Chemistry (Cooke)

  Rensenberger, Boyce

  Republic Aviation

  Research Libraries Group

  Cooperative Preservation Microfilming Project of

  Research Publications


  Richard Bland College

  Richard Hoe and Company; see also Hoe, Richard

  Richards, Bill

  Richmond Daily Dispatch

  Richmond News Leader

  Rickover, Hyman

  Rider, Fremont

  Ringle, Ken

  Robbins, Louise S.

  Robinson, James H., Jr.

  Robinson, Lawrence S.

  Robinson, Solon

  Rockefeller Foundation


  Rogers, Rutherford D.

  Roggia, Sally Cruz

  Rolls Series

  Roosevelt, Franklin D.

  Ross, Thomas B.

  Roth, Steven M.

  Rouyer, Philippe

  R. R. Bowker

  Rubin, Jack

  Rusek, John J.

  Rusk, Dean

  Russell, Colin A.

  Russell, Joyce R.

  Russian Academy of Sciences Library

  Ryland, Jane N.

  Sadler, J. William

  Sagraves, Barbara

  St. Bonaventure University

  St. Louis Globe-Democrat

  Saint Mary’s University

  Saintsbury, George

  Salerno Film Festival

  Salmon, Stephen R.

  Sanders, Terry

  San Francisco Academy of Comic Art

  San Francisco Bay Guardian

  San Francisco Chronicle

  San Francisco Public Library

  Sartor Resartus (Carlyle)

  Sawyer, John Edward (Jack)

  Schäffer, Jacob Christian

  Scholar and the Future of the Research Library, The (Rider)

  Scholarly Advisory Committees (SACs)

  Scholarly Publishing

  “School for Scanning”

  Schubert, Irene

  Scientific American

  Scott, Robert Falcon

  Scribner, Bourdon W.


  S. D. Warren Company

  Seattle World’s Fair (1962)

  Secret Journals of the Acts and Proceedings of Congress (1821)

  See It Now

  “semi-rare” books

  Seven Little Sisters Who Live on the Round Ball That Floats in the Air, The (Andrews)

  Sever, Anne A. P.

  Sever, James Warren

  Shaffer, Norman J.

  Shahani, Chandru J.

  Shakespeare, William

  Shapiro, Karl

  She (Haggard)


  Shulman, Seth

  Siegal, Nina

  Silbey, Joel

  “Silent Books of the Future, The: Initiatives to Save Yesterday’s Literature for Tomorrow” (Battin)

  Silva, Lolita

  Silver, Larry

  Silverman, Randy

  Simon and Schuster

  Simon Fraser University Library

  Singer, Mark

  “slash and burn preservation”

  Slow Fires

  “Slow Fires at Harvard’s Libraries”

  Smith, Abby

  Smith, Annie

  Smith, Bradley F.

  Smith, Chris

  Smith, F. Dow

  Smith, Jane

  Smith, John

  Smith, Merrily

  Smith, Richard D.

  Smithsonian Institution

  Smithsonian Library

  Smithsonian Magazine

  Smyth, Albert H.

  Snow, C. P.

  Sobotka, Werner K.

  Sommer, Andrew

  Southern Illinois University at Carbondale

  space, storage concerns

  in digitizing

  in discarding materials

  at Library of Congress

  microfilm and

  Rider’s theories on

  see also steady-space model

  Spanish-American War

  Sparks, Peter G.

  deacidification supported by

  preservation crisis as viewed by

  Slow Fires and

  Spatz, Richard

  Spaulding, Carl M.

  Sperry Rand Univac computer

  Spettatore Egiziano

  Spofford, Ainsworth

  Srodes, James

  Stam, David H.

  Standards Western Automatic Computer (SWAC)

  Stanford University

  deterioration survey of

  in Digital Library Initiative

  double-fold testing at

  microfilm program of

  Stange, Eric

  Starr, Kevin

  Starr, Mary Jane

  Stars and Stripes

  State Historical Society of Iowa

  State Historical Socie
ty of Wisconsin

  State Library of Pennsylvania

  “Statement on the Significance of Primary Records” (Tanselle)

  Stauffer Chemical

  steady-space model

  Stern, Sol

  “stock control”

  storage, see space, storage concerns

  Stout, Leon J.

  Ströfer-Hua, E.

  “Study of Library Cost Accounting” (Rider)

  “Substituting Images for Books: The Economics for Libraries” (Lesk)

  Sullivan, Larry E.

  Sullivan, Robert C.

  SUNY Binghamton

  Sutton, George P.

  SWAC, see Standards Western Automatic Computer

  Swan, John

  Swanson, Don R.

  Swartzell, Ann

  Swinburne, Algernon Charles

  Syracuse Daily Standard

  Syracuse Public Library

  Syracuse University

  TAAC, see Technology Assessment Advisory Committee

  Tailor, Bhavna

  Tales of Mystery and Imagination (Poe)

  Tanselle, G. Thomas

  Taraba, Suzy

  Tate, Vernon D.

  Taube, Mortimer

  Tauber, Maurice F.

  Taylor, Bayard

  Taylor, Merrily

  Taylor-Merchant Corporation

  “Technical Considerations in Choosing Mass Deacidification Processes” (Sparks)

  Technology Assessment Advisory Committee (TAAC)

  Telegraph the

  Telephone Idea, The (Pound)

  TenEyck, Hendrix

  Tennessee, University of, Hodges Library at

  Terry and the Pirates

  Texas, University of

  Texas Alkyls

  Text and Image SAC

  Text-Book of True Temperance, A (United States Brewers’ Association)

  Thompson, Jack C.


  Tibbles, Susette La Flesche (“Bright Eyes”)


  Timothy Hughes Rare and Early Newspapers


  “To Film or to Scan”

  Toppino, Emmett

  Toronto Star, The

  Toth, Alexander

  Transactions (American Institute)

  Trinity College, Cambridge


  Tucker, Ichabod

  Tulis, Allen

  Tumosa, Charles S.

  Turn Endurance Test

  “Turning to Dust” (TV episode)

  Turock, Betty J.

  Twain, Mark

  Tydings, Millard

  UCLA, see Los Angeles, University of California at


  Umehara, Sueji


  Union Carbide

  Union City (N.J.) Public Library

  United Aircraft

  United Negro College Fund

  United States Brewers’ Association

  Univac computer

  University Microfilms (UMI)

  see also Bell and Howell Information and Learning

  Unsworth, Michael E.

  Urquhart, J. A.

  Urquhart, N. C.

  usable, definitions of

  U.S. Newspaper Program

  Utah, University of


  Vallee, Fay Webb

  Vallee, Rudy

  Vanity Fair

  vBNS (very high performance Backbone Network Service)

  Veaner, Allen B.

  Venick, Charles


  Verba, Sidney

  Veronese, Giuseppe

  Vienneau, David


  Virginia State Library

  lamination program of

  Visit to China, India, and Japan in the Year 1853, A (Taylor)

  Vonnegut, Kurt

  von Wahlde, Barbara

  Wächter, Otto

  Wagman, Frederick

  Waite, David P.

  Waitt, Alden H.

  Walker, Gay

  Ward 81 (Mark)

  Warnock, John

  Warren, S. D.

  Washington Evening Star

  Washington Post, The

  Washington Post Magazine, The

  Wasserman, Paul

  Waters, Michael

  Waters, Peter

  Waugh, Evelyn

  Weaver, Warren

  Weber, Charles G.

  Weber, David C.

  Weeks, Linton

  Wei T’o process

  Wells, H. G.

  Wells Fargo Foundation

  Welsh, William J.

  deacidification supported by

  optical-disk scanning supported by

  preservation crisis as viewed by

  Slow Fires and

  on space concerns

  Wesleyan University


  White, Linda J.

  Whiting, Lilian

  Whitman, Walt

  Wiederkehr, Robert R. V.

  Wildlife Disease

  William and Flora Hewlett Foundation

  Williams, Gordon

  Williams, John C.

  Williams, Pat

  Williams, Richard L.

  Williams, R. J.

  Wilson, William K.

  Winger, Howard W.

  Winks, Robin W.

  Wisconsin Historical Society Library

  Wise, David

  Wolfson, Bernard T.

  wood-pulp paper

  making of

  in newspapers

  Woodsworth, Anne

  Woolf, Virginia

  Wooster, Harold

  Worker, the

  “Working Paper on the Future” (Commission on Preservation and Access)

  Workman, Fanny

  World’s Fair:

  New York (1964)

  Seattle (1962)

  World War II

  World Wide Web

  WPA, Historical Records Survey of

  Wright, Louis B.

  Wright, Richard

  Wright, Susan

  Wylly, Alexander

  Wyman, C. W. H.

  Xerox Corporation

  Xerox Haloid

  Xerox Magnavox Telecopier


  Yagoda, Ben

  “Yale Survey, The: A Large-Scale Study of Book Deterioration in the Yale University Library” (Walker et al.)

  Yale University

  deterioration study at

  double-fold tests at

  materials discarded by

  microfilm program of

  preservation crisis as viewed by

  Sterling Memorial Library at

  Yasinsky, Bohdan

  Yates, Sidney

  Yellow Kid, The

  “yellow snow”

  Yerburgh, Mark R.

  Yerburgh, Rhoda

  Young, John Russell

  Zentrum für Bucherhaltung (ZFB) (Center for Conservation)

  Zinman, Michael

  About the Author

  * * *

  NICHOLSON BAKER was born in 1957 and attended the Eastman School of Music and Haverford College. He has published five novels—The Mezzanine (1988), Room Temperature (1990), Vox (1992), The Fermata (1994), and The Everlasting Story of Nory (1998)—and two works of nonfiction, U and I (1991) and The Size of Thoughts (1996). His work has appeared in The New Yorker, The Atlantic, The New York Review of Books, the London Review of Books, American Libraries, Best American Short Stories, and Best American Essays. He lives in Maine with his wife and two children.

  Copyright © 2001 by Nicholson Baker

  All rights reserved under International and Pan-American Copyright Conventions. Published by Random House, Inc., New York, and simultaneously in Canada by Random House of Canada Limited, Toronto.

  Random House and colophon are registered trademarks of Random House, Inc.

  Parts of this book were originally published in The New Yorker.

  Library of Congress Cataloging-in-P
ublication Data

  Baker, Nicholson.

  Double fold : libraries and the assault on paper / Nicholson Baker.

  p. cm.

  1. Libraries—United States—Special collections—Newspapers. 2. Newspaper and periodical libraries—United States. 3. Newspapers—Conservation and restoration. 4. Paper—Preservation—United States. I. Title.

  Z695.655 .B35 2001

  025.2’832—dc21 00-059171

  Random House website address:


  eISBN: 978-1-4000-3304-1





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