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Daughter Of Ethos: Deadly Betrayal Book 5

Page 11

by L M Lacee


  ‘All of them, they know what they want and went out and got it. That is one of the reasons we came out here, or at least part of the reason, right?’


  ‘Well, I have work to get too.’

  ‘Meaning I don’t.’

  Penny grinned. ‘Hey, if the shoe fits.’

  ‘What the hayda does that mean?’

  Penny’s eyebrows climbed her forehead as she told her. ‘I am sure you will figure it out. I’ve heard you’re a bright lady.’

  ‘So rude.’

  Laughing, Penny left as Peyton retrieved her coffee. She sat and swiveled her chair to face the mountains. She really loved the view from her large hexagon window. ‘So Jax how much longer until you are fully aware?’

  Four days remain.

  ‘Okay and Jax, only the bedrooms and cleansing rooms are off limits, the rest of my apartment needs to be monitored. I do not want a repeat of the last few wekens.’

  As you wish Peyton.

  ‘Now Jax, my friend. Play me what I missed at the family meeting.’

  There was a slight hesitation, then he replied. Yes, Peyton.


  ‘Greetings Penny. May I see Madam please?’

  ‘Wait one moment, Lukkas.’

  Penny slid her finger over a strip of soft lights on her comp’ and they both heard Peyton’s voice.

  ‘Yes Penny.’

  ‘Madam, Lukkas wishes to see you.’

  ‘I am in here. Does he want me to come out there?’

  ‘No, Madam, he will come in.’


  Penny kept her laugh hidden behind her closed lips. Working for someone who did not automatically assume everyone should defer to her was refreshing and mostly amusing.

  ‘Go in, Lukkas.’

  ‘Thank you, Penny.’

  Lukkas walked in as the door slid open and Peyton looked up from her work. ‘Greetings Lukkas, how are you?’

  ‘Greetings Madam, I am well.’

  ‘Sit please, what can I do for you?’

  ‘Madam, I asked Commander Hawk about being assigned to the new scout company. He said I must talk to you as he has nothing to do with this division of the Armee so far.’

  She looked at him and blinked. ‘I have a scout company?!’

  ‘Yes Madam, there is talk you are forming a company of scouts.’

  ‘I think if I was, I would know that.’

  Lukkas began to worry. He and Scout had spent time since they returned from rescuing the Draygons, deciding if this was something they both wanted to do. ‘Madam, I am sure you do and I would like to be assigned to them.’

  ‘Huh! What do you know about being a scout?’

  ‘Not a lot, but I can learn and I performed correctly on the last two missions.’

  ‘Did you? Who would vouch for that?’

  ‘Lord Harm and Sedeen, plus the Falears, we did well, and I did not die. Which I was told was good. Also, I have Scout.’

  ‘Yes it was good, dying I frown on and you came back unhurt. Also you were very efficient when Dinas was injured. But let us discuss Scout, he is still young, far too young for most missions, especially if he was attached to a scout.’

  ‘I see.’ Lukkas stood and sighed. He had hoped he could become a scout. It was something he really enjoyed. ‘I thank you for talking to me.’

  ‘What... wait... what are you doing?’

  ‘Madam, I can never give up Scout.’

  Peyton had stood when he had. ‘Of course you cannot. My point was if I had a scout company. Scout would have to be trained as a Prowler scout. They have specific skills and abilities. Also, he would have to understand he would be required to be kit sat, until he was older when you are assigned off world.’

  Lukkas stared at her. ‘Madam, I am confused.’

  She smiled. ‘Apparently I have that effect on people. Come with me.’ She walked from behind her desk and he followed her out of her office.

  ‘I am going out.’ She announced to Penny, who was tapping away on her desk comp’.

  She looked up and asked suspiciously. ‘Where?’

  ‘What do you mean, where?’

  ‘I mean where and who do I have to warn... I mean notify.’

  ‘Oh stop that, do not tell anyone.’

  Penny just eyed her. She narrowed her eyes in return. ‘I mean it.’

  ‘Are you leaving the Hex?’


  ‘Alright then.’

  ‘Seriously!’ She groused. ‘And where are my children?’

  Miko coming in sighed and asked. ‘Madam, have you misplaced them again?’

  ‘You know Miko, I liked you better when you were all shy and stuff.’

  ‘Oh Madam, do not lie.’

  ‘It is true.’

  ‘No, it is not. Where are your young ones?’

  ‘Around with someone.’ Peyton affected indifference.

  Miko, her voice full of censure, asked. ‘So you do not know where or with whom?’ She shook her head sorrowfully as Peyton gave her the evil eye. Then seeing it had no effect on Miko, she considered giving up the evil eye. It appeared to have lost its ability to install fear. Now, as she looked at the three people with her, she wondered if it ever had. ‘I am leaving, Lukkas with me.’

  ‘Yes Madam.’

  After she left, Miko and Penny quietly high-fived each other and giggled.

  Peyton looked at Lukkas. ‘Are you laughing?’

  ‘No, Madam, as if I would.’

  ‘You know, that seems to be the standard answer around here lately.’


  Together they walked down the corridor and arrived at a door marked ‘secret,’ she pointed at it and said. ‘See, clever, huh!’

  He frowned. ‘Not really, what does secret mean?’

  ‘See, you don’t know.’ She opened the door and walked in announcing. ‘Harmara Solverea, you owe me a hundred credits.’

  He stepped out from behind a door. ‘Fine, but you still owe me for Netta and Reeve.’

  She tapped her foot. ‘Fine, where are we then?’

  ‘I am up twenty.’

  ‘Tuap are you sure, that seems wrong.’

  ‘Madam, would I lie to you?’

  ‘Yes… yes… you would.’

  He laughed, then asked. ‘So young Lukkas, you like scouting?’

  ‘Yes, very much. I think it suits my abilities.’ He looked at Peyton, and his tone held a tinge of exasperation in it, when he said. ‘Madam, you knew what I meant all the time. You are forming a scouting unit.’

  Peyton said sheepishly. ‘Yeah, well, okay, I may have been testing you. We have a company.’

  Harmara moved them to the lounge and took over the explanation, as Lukkas looked around at the comfortable room. It was large, with lots of couches and tables, doors opened onto a terrace with seats and tables and obvious places for Prowlers. There were closed doors that he assumed were offices.

  Noticing his perusal, Harm promised him as they sat on the comfortable couches. ‘I will give you the tour later. As Madam said we are setting up a scouting company, after our success of the last two missions, Madam and Command decided we would make a valuable addition to the Armee. And as my mate and I have no desire to remain at home while everyone runs off having fun. I am to command the scouting company, and Sedeen will be my second. Also, Rave has mated Salmah and he will not remain behind when Hawk leaves. We have recruited Matt and a few of the Falears. I think you know Po, Len, and San.’

  ‘I do.’

  ‘We were hoping you would be interested.’

  ‘I am very interested.’ Lukkas smiled and nodded. Excitement thrummed through his body at the hope this would become something he and Scout could do together.

  Harm told him. ‘Rave is to recruit at least twelve Prowlers, if not more, to join with us. He will take on the training of Scout and any other kits bonded to scouts. We have asked June to be our permanent pilot, w
hich she has agreed to. She is at the moment trying out on a cruiser which will be equipped and fitted out for us specifically. We may get another pilot and cruiser later.’

  ‘That is a given. Marlo is looking into that as we speak.’ Peyton added as she walked around looking at the art work and ornaments on the shelves. ‘Even I can see you will need more than one cruiser. Do you have tech people yet?’

  ‘Yes, amazingly enough, one of Darby’s Granite Warriors Ferrian and her new specialist Virin are both eager to step into the role.’

  Peyton looked at Harm. ‘They are young or Virin is, take care with him.’

  He smiled and told her. ‘Matt has volunteered to take Virin on and teach him. He only needs confidence, which he will get with the Falears.’


  Harm asked Lukkas. ‘Do you know of anyone else?’

  ‘Yes, Kerol’s friend Mayton Norr, he was created to infiltrate. I do not know if any of his squad are here or have been found. He could tell you, but he would be worth talking to.’

  Peyton said. ‘Comm him now, please Harm.’ He was on his comm before she finished speaking.

  ‘You need assistants, civilian or military?’ She asked when he was finished.

  He thought for a min. ‘I think a mix of both civilians for home, then we can tap the military for off world, they are unlikely to talk off planet.’

  ‘Still, it may prove wise to employ a Mystic or two. Ask Jarrod he will know of any who need the stability of an office environment. They would detect an infiltrator and so on.’ No one wanted to say traitor, but that was what Peyton meant.

  Harm agreed. ‘I will.’

  Lukkas asked. ‘So Madam, Lord Harm, I and Scout are attached to the company?’

  They both looked at him as Peyton said. ‘I thought we made that clear, did we not?’

  ‘No Madam, you did not.’

  ‘Oh, sorry. Yes, you and Scout are in. There are a few other things you need to think about, like Scout. But seriously, Penny and Kerol would be a good kit sitter, or Melody and Coraan or me. I know Esther or any of the ladies would be willing. But Penny stays home more, so she should be your first choice.’

  To stop himself from laughing at the many people she named, he asked. ‘Do I remain at my Hex?’

  Harm stood as he answered him. ‘It is up to you we have our own Hex for all the scouts.’ He pressed a button on his link and Sedeen and Cobalt came in. On seeing Lukas, Sedeen smiled. ‘Lukkas great, so you are in?’

  ‘Yes.’ They grinned at each other. It was from Sedeen he had heard talk of the scouts being formed.

  Sedeen wanted Lukkas to join their unit he had with Harm’s permission told him of the rumor Peyton was making a scout unit. Lukkas was reliable and quick, and most of all he was a thinker, which they would need.

  Sedeen asked Harm. ‘You wanted me?’

  Cobalt placed his head on Peyton’s lap and looked up at her. She rubbed his ears as she told him. ‘Yes, of course, you big baby, go after second-meal and see them then.’

  He grinned at her as she told the others. ‘They all want to visit with the twins it’s real nice that they do.’

  Sedeen and Lukkas gave her sad eyes, and she sighed. ‘Yes, you two as well, after second-meal.’

  They grinned then Sedeen said. ‘I was thinking we should get Mystics and Senes, there will be some who will enjoy going off world.’

  ‘Yeah, we mentioned that, but the Senes could be a problem, they are hunted.’ Peyton murmured, they all looked at her with expressions of amusement. ‘Well, how silly of me, ask Avana, she and Jarrod will know which ones will suit you. We also need to include the Draygons, they will be of significant benefit, especially the night fliers...’

  Just then Ranarra walked in. ‘Excuse me Madam, Lady Penny said you were here, I apologize.’

  He turned to leave when she said. ‘Ran come in, what can I do for you?’

  He sighed and stood with his shoulders thrown back and looked not at her but at a spot on the wall behind her. ‘Madam, I find I cannot be a member of your guard. Apparently it will not suit my temperament.’

  ‘I see and who told you this?’

  ‘Commander Hawk and Commander Reeve, Commander Netta, also Commander Jorge and Coraan after we had words about it and every…’

  Lukkas asked. ‘So many, what did you do?’

  Ranarra sighed and massaged the back of his neck, as his wings opened and closed in agitation.

  ‘It seems when someone approaches Madam, it is not appropriate to shoot or remove their heads. And one must not blind them with their wings. It seems that is extreme.’

  Lukkas nodded. ‘I see, seems unfair to me, but I guess they have their reasons.’

  Ranarra nodded, sensing someone who understood his reasoning. ‘That they wish not to make clear to me or so I told Coraan when he threw me to the ground and head locked me.’

  Peyton looked at Harm with alarm until he calmed her with a smile, telling her. ‘Brothers.’

  ‘Oh, I see, well… yes... I get the pic.’

  Ranarra queried. ‘Madam?’

  She asked. ‘Do you agree with them?’

  He reluctantly nodded, his eyes watchful as he stared at her. It was easy to see the fear and resignation in his eyes. It must, she thought, have taken great courage to come here and tell her himself.

  ‘So Ran, how do you feel about sneaking?’

  ‘Will you stop calling it that?’

  ‘But Harm, it is what you do.’

  ‘Yes, but scouting sounds better, and who wrote that on our door?’

  She looked away. ‘I have no idea.’

  Before he could call her on the obvious lie, a Prowler slipped into the room and walked up to Ranarra. His voice was quiet as he said. I am Drifter. I am for you.

  Ranarra looked down, and a smile blossomed in his eyes, chasing the fear and resignation away. ‘I am Ranarra. I am for you my bonded. I thought I would be alone.’

  ‘Greetings Drifter, it is nice to make your acquaintance.’

  Greetings Beloved, I am pleased to meet you.

  Your bondmate is a special person.


  I am trying the word out.

  It is an apt description.

  I thought so. Anyway I adore Ran’s simple innocent way of experiencing life. You realize you will have to buffer the world for him as his sister and brother do.

  I know it is what a bondmate does, at least that is what Mystic Telfor assured me was a possible requirement of bonding.

  He is correct, Ran will love you and protect your heart as you will safe guard his. You will never have to question whether you are good enough to belong to another.

  Drifter looked out from old eyes and nodded saying, so all could hear his words. I have been lost for a long time.

  Peyton said quietly. ‘And now you have Ran, you will never be lost again.’

  I am quiet, Beloved, no one sees me.

  ‘Well, being quiet and unseen will make you a very good scout. And I know who you are, you were one of my guards on Prowler I.’

  I was, I thought, you had not seen me.

  ‘I saw you and so did our Tivna.’

  She did?

  He looked surprised when Melody walked in and stated. ‘I did, but sometimes Prowlers have to find their bonded themselves.’

  Cobalt said, Tivna we do not know how!

  Rave entered and stood next to Harm as Drifter told her. We are walking around blind. Bonding is an instinct, a compulsion, but we do not always understand what that instinct is saying.

  Ranarra placed his hand on Drifter’s shoulder, in comfort.

  Rave told her. It has been many yentas since the instinct to bond has been seen or felt among the Turquall. For Prowlers it seems to be a normal compulsion, but we still do not understand who or why. Is that not what you are for Tivna, to force us to see each other?

  Melody stood still and looked at Peyton. ‘Have I been going about this wrong?’

  ‘Well maybe, but have you met a Tocho before?’


  ‘So how do you know what is right or wrong? I think you have to feel your way and learn what it is you are supposed to be doing.’

  ‘True.’ She grinned. ‘Alright then, thank you Rave and especially you Drifter for your help. Ran and you are a powerful match. Enjoy each other. My work is done here.’

  Peyton asked. ‘What work? I saw no work, lazy Tivna. Getting the Prowlers to do all your mating’s for you. Shame on you.’

  ‘Shut it, Star girl.’

  ‘Second- meal and Esther is looking for you.’

  ‘She is, I will see her now. See you at second-meal.’ She left with a spring in her step.

  Peyton smiled at Ranarra and Drifter. ‘Now you Ran, and you Drifter. I think you two should give the scouts a try to see if you will be a fit for them.’

  Ranarra after conferring with Drifter nodded, then said. ‘We would like to try Madam.’

  Mayton Norr walked in. ‘Madam, Lord Harm, you wish to see me?’

  Harm asked. ‘I did Captain Mayton, have you found what division of the Armee you wish to work in yet?’

  ‘No, Lord Harm. I came off leave and have been trying different placements. Nothing has seemed right so far.’

  Peyton asked. ‘Well, what do you know about being sneaky?’

  A slow smile started and grew when Harm said in a pained voice. ‘Madam, please!’

  Mayton looked at Ranarra, Sedeen and then Lukkas, then back to Peyton and stated simply. ‘It is what I am good at.’

  Peyton nodded a laugh in her eyes and said to Harm and Sedeen. ‘Accept the commissions, they will carry more weight for you company, and it looks like you have your Unit Captains. Mayton would you know of any others who would enjoy…’

  Harm cut in with. ‘Scouting.’

  Peyton laughed. ‘Yes scouting.’

  ‘I do, Madam, several others.’

  Harm said. ‘We will contact them.’

  ‘Okay.’ Peyton smiled. ‘So now you can hold trials and get with Hawk, Jarrod and Avana. Enlist more tech people and Mystics. Talk to Jarrod’s parents and Darby. Rave and Melody will devise scenarios to use in training. Use moon Alberet for that.’

  ‘Madam, moon Alberet, it is barren.’ Harm argued.


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