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Daughter Of Ethos: Deadly Betrayal Book 5

Page 19

by L M Lacee

  They all nodded. ‘Good. Now it would have been very hard to find a male or female in her world that could have beaten her in her chosen profession as a Warrior. She was exceptional and probably a little prideful with it. Unfortunately, as you know when someone is that excellent, there are always those that wish to see them fail as it was with this officer. She was brought up on charges of misconduct, it was said she had forced a young cadet to be her lover. That she had a blackmailed this young female into her bed and then blackmailed her into being silent. It was not true, but there was no way to disprove it. There was an abundance of evidence offered, enough that a court was convened. Where she was found guilty and went through a court martial. You understand?’

  They all nodded their heads yes. ‘As a result, she was dishonorably discharged by the Armee she so desired to belong too. She felt ashamed to be humiliated in front of her friends and the officers she respected. Truthfully, she felt broken, unworthy, yet sadly, she had not done what she was accused of. Then one night before she was to leave the Armee compound, many females and males came and dragged her from of her quarters. They believed she was let off lightly by the court and decided they would issue their own form of justice. Twenty-five females and ten males, including the ones who had testified against her, attacked her that night. Unfortunately she could not get to her weapons, but even without them she fought tirelessly. But the numbers were against her and they finally overwhelmed her. She was beaten until there was hardly any life left in her, her body was broken and bleeding. When her attackers knew she was unable to fight anymore, they decided to teach her one more lesson and complete her humiliation. They stripped the clothes from her body.’

  All the males growled, and the hair went up on arms at the sound. Willian stood abruptly. ‘No… no more please Netta.’

  She pulled him down beside her and hugged him. ‘Hush, Willian hush.’

  He nodded but refused to look at her, which was just as well. The anger in his eyes spoke volumes. She looked at the five Warriors. ‘Ahh! I see you know what they were going to do. It was something so abhorrent to the female, she would never have recovered from it. She knew this and tried to fight harder but as much as her needar and heart were willing, sadly her body could no longer help her.’

  Netta shook her head, fighting memories from those dark days. ‘Thankfully it did not happen as her friends arrived and stopped them, unfortunately by then she was beyond reason. Naked, bloody and broken, her face so swollen she could not see, let alone talk. In agony and desperate, she crawled on her belly away from her attackers, from her saviors. Fear coursed so hard through her she could not hear the words from the people who had come to rescue her. Eventually an officer, someone she valued as a friend who always believed in her, had faith that she was not the person they said she was. Finally stopped her painful, unreasonable progress by simply sitting on the dirt in front of her. The Warrior crawled into her lap and begged to die before passing out. I ask you my friends at that moment had she lost her honor? She was no more than a crawling thing at that point. Some might say she had not fought hard enough.’

  Horror filled their eyes, and they all shook their heads. Willian finally lifted his head and looked into Netta’s beautiful eyes and whispered one word.


  Rion hoarsely asked. ‘Why would you even think we would say she had?’

  Netta shrugged and did not reply but carried on with her story. ‘In her despair and humiliation she was taken to a medical unit where she was repaired, her friend stayed with her for days, which turned into wekens. Each day upon waking she would think of dying, and each day her friend would tell her she was an honorable person. She was worthy of life, that they had not broken her, even though she felt like it. She told her that one day when it mattered, she would prove that to herself. Eventually, over the next few luneras as she learned to walk and talk again, the Warrior grew to see the truth in the words of her friend. And finally believed, those Warriors had not done what they had set out to do, she was not broken.’ She looked at the five Warriors. ‘Not a one of you are broken, dented a little, sure why not, you went through hayda! But you still retain you honor just like Willian and that Warrior do. So I tell you this, Madam will believe and fight for you as will I. As will everyone on Maikonia until you believe in yourselves. Just know each of you are worthy, not only as Warriors but as males and just like that young female and Willian. You should feel proud you survived when others didn’t, they did not break you. Release the power those females hold over you, place them where they belong in your past. Do not allow them to haunt your lives with their poison or you will grow distant and bitter. You are Maikonian Warriors, proud, honorable, worthy. Hold together until you are ready to believe in yourselves, but until that day let us do it for you, we are really good at it.’

  Netta touched Willian’s shoulder in comfort and nodded to the others, then went back to her seat. Peyton turned around, Keylan’s sleepy body cuddled in her arms, and stared at her sister.

  ‘I am pleased Melody got to you. I would have missed you in my life.’

  ‘Thank you, so am I.’ Netta grinned. Those days had been hard, but they had made her stronger. What Melody did not know, but probably suspected, was when she had completed her healing. She had hunted down every one of those men and women who had attacked her that night and meted out her own rough justice.

  ‘You get them?’ Peyton asked as she turned back around.

  ‘You bet your ass I did. Every one of them.’

  Peyton’s snort of laughter made Keylan grumble and lightened the tension that had wound through her as Netta had told her story. She had known Netta had suffered a trauma. Darby and she had discussed it often after they discovered Netta was an Elite. Both of them thought it was either her parent’s death, or she had been abused. Not once had they come close to what had actually happened, and perhaps that was just as well. She was not sure Darby would cope with knowing.

  ‘I am sorry you had to go through that Netta, no one should be subjected to that form of betrayal.’

  ‘As am I, but what does not kill us, makes us stronger. I am who I am partly because of that time of my life and what happened afterward.’ With a smile in her voice, she said. ‘I will give Darby an abridged version. It will save you having to think of what to tell her and what not to, so she does not become upset.’

  Peyton scrunched up her shoulders, guessing Netta had heard their discussions at some point.

  ‘Ahh, yeah okay.’

  Willian softly addressed the Warriors, who sat discreetly throwing glances Netta’s way. ‘I know I am younger than you and have not been assigned to as many worlds as you have. But I have lived with the females of Maikonia, and I know what you do not. They are honest, they touch us, the untouchable, the unwanted and they show us always we are wanted.’ He lowered his voice more.

  ‘When Madam found out about my scars and how I received them, her fury had no bounds. She has made them pay. I know you know this.’

  They all nodded, having heard the stories, even though they were not sure if all of them were true.

  ‘I was angry with her. I told her she had no right to interfere, we endured. It is what we knew and what we were created for.’

  They all vigorously nodded their heads as Fenthic said. ‘This is so.’

  Willian nodded too. ‘She scoffed at my ideal, she has always done so. She told me that we were told to endure, we were programmed to do so. They, our creators told us to do otherwise was futile as we were of no value. She and all the females have shown us they lied. Madam has told us that our creators were frightened of us, of our power, our loyalty, and our worth. I believe her now. She requested Trader Rose to find the regenerator, and I was the first recipient of its wondrous healing. I can now move freely and take up my sword again. I was her guard on the moon KarSar, she trusted me to protect her and the medics and Commander Netta before she was a Commander.’ He said with pride. ‘I am a Captain in our Armee and hav
e a mate, Peneria and a bonded Boaks, who is staying at home with her today. I am not saying this to be boastful. I tell you this so you understand we are surrounded by tough, decisive female Warriors who will kill you as fast as look at you. I heard Tivna Melody tell Commander Reeve this, and I believe her. But what you are missing because you have not talked and listened to those same females is they coddle us, as Commander Marlo says, and he enjoys being coddled. If you don’t believe me watch him, watch all the Warriors, we all like it. Isn’t that why we enjoy Chef Helen’s kitchen?’

  At their looks of bewilderment, he said. ‘It is your fault for not sampling her kitchen, it is delicious. I and my mate cannot cook. But we never miss a meal as we have Chef Helen’s food and the ladies who feed us, as they would you, if you allowed them too. I have found that like Commander Marlo we need to be touched, hugged, loved, we all need it. We crave it and we are lucky to have it. So relax, as the ladies say, let yourselves enjoy the touching, the coddling.’ He thought for a moment. ‘It might be wise not to tell Commander Marlo we are doing that, he tends to get grumpy.’ They all smiled at his comment.

  Tunera said. ‘You may be younger than us and less experienced, but I am thinking you are wiser than all of us. We have not done what you said, we have shunned what has been freely offered. We thank you, Captain Willian.’

  Willian inclined his head in acknowledgment, ‘Thank you, I accept your words, just one more thing before I say no more. Think on this, most of the females of Maikonia left a world and traveled with us to another solar system in a new Universe. We are very different from the males they knew. Everything here is very different to what they left behind. Yet they are making a home for us and they mate with us, give and share with us their children. These brave females are the same ones you are not allowing yourselves to know. Do you not owe them the same bravery?’

  He rose and walked to Netta, taking the seat next to hers, she took his hand and held it as Avana said. ‘I could not have said it any better. We are fortunate to have you in our lives, Willian.’

  He ducked his head, a young male again. ‘Thank you.’

  He looked out the window, his hand in Netta’s and thought how far he had come. He who was a scarred and terrified male is now mated and bonded, whole of mind and body. A wealthy Captain who was in charge of the tech division of the investigative branch of the Maikonian Armee. Such a long way.

  He turned his head toward Peyton and knew it was because of her and the one that held his hand for his comfort and hers. That had been the hardest to understand about the Terran females: they did what they did for the Warriors and for themselves. The females needed the connection because it strengthened them, they gave comfort because it eased something within them. The Warriors were finally understanding it was, as Peyton said in the early days, a steep learning curve.

  Some like the five Warriors behind him just took longer to realize they needed the comfort. The females of Maikonia were different from the ones they had known in the past. But that was something these males, the ones that had suffered the humiliation of chains and collars, would have to learn for themselves.

  Willian wondered again why Grathum and his brothers were on this trip to Terra. It did not seem like it would be a good fit for the Warriors. Although he was happy he was going, he had a project to accomplish which is why he asked to come along. He loved visiting the people on Terra, he especially loved the food and then there were the little girls, all waiting for guardioan. Often he worried about them being without a family and had discussed taking them to his home with Peneria. When he broached the idea with Peyton this morn, she had smiled and kissed his cheek. Telling him not to worry, she had a feeling that the two girls remaining would find homes soon, but if not, she would see what she could do.


  Within forty-three mins, they were landing on Terra and exiting the shuttle to welcoming smiles and hugs.

  Willian and the other males stood back, waiting with Nikolas, when he was tackled from behind by the squealing twins. ‘Nikolas, where have you been? We missed you.’

  When they saw Willian the squealing started all over again. Smiling, Netta told Nikolas and Willian. ‘They missed you.’

  The twins were Harm’s sisters and were on Terra to learn about plants and their medicinal uses from their Aunt Suna.

  They whispered to Nikolas. ‘We are really learning about poisonous plants, it is very educational, but we miss being home.’

  Once the grasshopper was loaded with the containers of fruit and vegetables. Peyton took pity on Nikolas, who was again being hugged by the twins. ‘Girls, Nikolas has to go, his Warbird is waiting. Say goodbye, you will see him when he rotates back home.’

  They gave him one last hug and said. ‘Goodbye Nikolas, we will think of you.’

  He gave each twin’s head a pat as he said. ‘Work hard and learn much. I will see you soon, do not be sad. Willian is still here, you can play with him.’

  He laughed as they squealed their indignation, he saluted Peyton. ‘Madam, I take my leave, Commander Marlo will send a pilot later this day.’

  ‘Goodbye Nikolas.’ She hugged him. ‘I will miss you, I expect comm’s every weken.’

  He hugged her back and then stepped away, nodded and said. ‘As you wish, Madam.’

  Peyton laughed as the twins waved goodbye and shouted. ‘Goodbye, sexy Nicky.’

  His horrified look was enough to get them laughing again. Peyton watched as the shuttle lifted off. She would miss him. He was one of the first friends she had made among the Warriors. With a sigh she turned to find the twins hugging and being hugged by Netta and Avana, who were talking quietly to them.

  Suna, their aunt and a deadly Assaen in her own right, moved silently to stand in front of her. ‘So they have found out about Nikolas?’

  ‘Yes, they are unhappy, but it was his time, he needs a bigger playing field.’

  She hugged Suna who, after a second, hugged her back, then quickly stepped away as she asked.

  ‘Who did you bring with you, apart from the sweet and deadly Netta and the secretive Avana? Oh my, and this beautiful little one. Greetings precious, would you be the delightful Keylan that her grandmother talks about?’

  Keylan gurgled at Suna, who held her hands out to her. Keylan thought about it for a moment, then she let Peyton pass her to her.

  ‘She is trusting, more than I thought she would be from what Esther has told me about your adventures and this beautiful little one’s beginnings.’

  Peyton shrugged as she explained. ‘If we give her time to think on it, she works it out. She knows you won’t hurt her.’

  Suna raised an eyebrow. ‘Now how would she know that?’

  ‘I like you Suna, that is how.’

  ‘You say that like it is a mystery.’ Suna stated with an annoyed look in her eyes.

  Peyton grinned. ‘Nah… everyone likes you.’

  Suna sniffed and turned with a flounce saying. ‘Of course they do!’

  She can do that too. There must be classes. Peyton thought as she laughed, not taking offense at the older female’s attitude. Suna was an Assaen and had the attitude and ego that went with it. Peyton was unsure of her exact age, because she was a beautiful female with dark blonde hair and crystal amber eyes. Her face was unlined and was what Peyton’s grandmother would have called refined, which was befitting of a female who carried herself with a regal air. Regardless as Melody had voiced once Suna wore whatever age she was well.

  Suna was a cousin to Harmara and first cousin to Rata and Rita. As with all the Assaens, her first instinct was to be wary. Peyton always forgave the suspicion she was greeted with whenever she encountered any of the Assaens, young or old. Knowing it was still hard for them to easily accept the affection they were shown. Like Suna, they desired it, valued it, because the affection meant they were part of Maikonia. So Peyton strove to show them they were home by offering them unfettered affection whenever she could.

  To say it confus
ed them was an understatement, especially the older adults like Henri, Suna’s treasure. Although he was more accepting of the affection and did not treat every encounter with suspicion as Suna was prone to do.

  Peyton liked him, he ran her spy education centers, it was an idea and a wish he had wanted to do for some time before they had joined Maikonia. Now he had the resources and the backing of the Maikonian worlds and the Star Daughter. So he set up education centers, employing instructors. He had one of the first official spy schools in the Universe. His next step was to introduce classes for politics, botany, biology, languages and Assaen training. He had been unsure how she was going to react, when he told her all those subjects went hand in hand. She had smiled and given him an account for funds. Last she heard, he was planning on opening spy centers on every world. Harmara’s Uncle Klune oversaw the centers, or at least Henri reported to him and he reported to Peyton.

  Klune and Rata had taken over the Solverea family when Harmara became the Commander of the scouts.

  Before Suna flounced away, Peyton said casually as though she had not tried to distance herself from her. ‘I brought Willian of course and someone you may be interested in meeting. I am sure you have not met him yet, Jarrod, he is Kail to all the Mystics and brother to Avana who has also ascended to Sevna.’

  Suna turned as she asked. ‘Really, her brother, and he is off world. Do they have death orders for him?’

  ‘Actually, there are three brothers, they are all citizens of Maikonia, and no orders that I know about, but would not be surprised if there are.’

  Suna asked with a raised eyebrow. ‘I am shocked a Kail and a Sevna. How did you pull that off?’

  Peyton told her. ‘They asked, and I granted them residency just like I did with the Solverea family, and their ascensions are their own doing and well deserved. We need them, we have many Mystics now, and some are even taking classes with Henri. Like the Solverea family, they need us.’

  Peyton smiled at the pic Suna made with Keylan in her arms and said slyly. ‘Avana and Jarrod’s parents now reside on Prime, you should meet them.’


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