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Daughter Of Ethos: Deadly Betrayal Book 5

Page 25

by L M Lacee

  ‘We are to go and talk to them shortly.’

  ‘Okay, then I think that is my cue to leave and go settle some little ones and my Knife.’

  Karen said with a smile. ‘I think I will join you.’

  Esther said to Hawk. ‘You need to clean up first and then we need to make some decisions.’

  ‘You are correct as usual Esther, but the decisions will wait until after we have spoken to the prisoners and Peyton is awake. Also, I would like to know what Reeve and Rage find out on Terra. Now those that need to cleanse do so. Ladies, if you will excuse us, we have to make ready to see about the prisoners and talk to Commander Kolin.’

  ‘I am here, Commander.’ Kolin said as he stood outside the office.

  ‘Come in please.’

  He walked in and when only Marlo, Harm and Hawk remained, he asked Kolin. ‘You heard what took place?’

  ‘I did.’

  ‘I have asked Jax to ground the shuttles. I want them all decommissioned, they are large under powered and useless. Jax cannot upload into them.’

  ‘I agree, we have plans for a sleeker, softer shuttle, a cross between a Dart and a Cruiser. We can use them on the planets and between worlds. They are faster and more comfortable. Jax has upgraded the security and shields, so they will be impossible to bring down, even with a cannon blaster. An elector blaster will not be able to cut every engine at once, if however the engines are compromised the backup is faster to come on.’

  ‘When can you start production?’

  ‘If I place everything else on hold, we should be able to have a hundred commissioned and trialed within two luneras.’

  Marlo asked. ‘What can we use in the meantime to go from world to world?’

  Kolin said. ‘We could adapt the Darts, they are not as comfortable or as big. So the amount of passengers at one time will be reduced, but it can be done.’

  ‘Use the Darts.’ Hawk said. ‘Make the necessary modifications quickly. For the new shuttles order whatever you need and make sure Jax is involved.’

  ‘I will Commander, is Madam alright?’

  Hawk smiled. ‘She will be.’

  ‘Thank the Stars.’ Kolin said. ‘Will you tell her we are thinking of her?’

  ‘I will, do not be surprised if she visits you in a day or two.’

  Kolin smiled nervously and quickly said. ‘That is unnecessary, at least if she wants to…’ He stumbled to a halt.

  Marlo asked in exasperation. ‘Is she banned again?’

  Kolin sighed as he nodded ruefully. ‘Yes, she tried to redesign a Dart.’

  Marlo groaned. ‘Dearle stars.’

  ‘At least this time we were prepared. The fire was contained swiftly and the Dart only took a weken to reassemble. In fact, some modifications she made were quite innovative until the fire that is.’

  Hawk said. ‘We will persuade her to comm you instead.’

  ‘I and my people, thank you.’ He inclined his head as he said. ‘Well I will go, we have to get some pilots out to retrieve the hoppers.’

  ‘A better solution could be to destroy them where they are.’ Hawk stated.

  Kolin nodded and a slow smile emerged. ‘Well now, that will be good training for the demolition and retrieval units. Thank you, Commander.’

  When he had gone Harm asked Hawk. ‘We have demolition and retrieval units?’

  ‘One of Peyton’s initiatives. The teams that do the retrievals are being taught to scavenge all usable parts from what has been demolished. To see if anything can be used again or fixed. If so, then it is given to emerging tech worlds. Apparently this was Frand’s idea.’ He slumped into his chair and placed his head in his hands. ‘Furin stars, what a day.’

  Marlo handed glasses of whiskay to the two males as he said. ‘It is not over yet.’

  Harm swallowed his drink in one mouthful, then told them. ‘Jarrod and Coraan are showering, and then they will meet us at the holding cells.’

  Hawk took the drink and swallowed it as Harm had done, then stood again. ‘I will go get cleaned up, then we will go.’

  Marlo nodded. ‘We live… She lives.’

  Hawk agreed. ‘We will show no mercy.’

  Harm said. ‘They will answer and then die.’

  Rave and Braace snarled their agreement. The three male’s fist bumped each other as they had seen the females do, and then Hawk hurried to his apartment. Thankfully he met no one and grateful this once, his beloved Karen was not in their apartment. He showered in record time, dressed in a clean uniform, and walked out of his bedroom.

  Salmah said. Bonded I am here.

  Thank you Salmah, I am in need of your comfort.

  We will stay strong and deliver justice.

  Yes, we will.

  You are not alone.

  He stilled for a min as her words registered deep within his needar, then he smoothed the fur on her head and said with love threading through his voice. Thank you, my bondmate.

  Together they left to deliver justice for the betrayal of trust committed this day. Just as they vowed to do not that long ago.


  Ten winged males sat against the walls of a large empty room, which they had been escorted to after their capture.

  ‘Linkor what say you now?’ Asked the darkest bronzed male of the group, Ikorial Tanssia.

  ‘What is there to say Ikorial, you knew there was a possibility we could be captured.’

  ‘True. It is a shame about the others.’

  ‘Deaths were inevitable. We all knew this.’

  Ikorial nodded. ‘They died well in battle that is all that matters.’

  The others all agreed and silently thanked the stars they were still alive.

  ‘What are they going to do with us?’ Asked a tall, thin male known as Janarra Horron.

  ‘Exactly what I told you, before we started this endeavor. Either we will be banished or they will secure us on one of the moons for a time, nothing harsher. You all know this, there is no corporal punishment on Maikonia.’

  Janarra Horron nodded, he knew this, Linkor Inkorin had assured them this was true and he would know, Janarra thought.

  Linkor was their leader, and not just because he was as large as the Warmasters. He was charismatic and he often let slip that he was in league with someone of importance. Many of them thought it was his father.

  Content with the assurances from Linkor, the group settled down or as much as they could. All of them had been through a vicious battle and most wore severe wounds. They were told the First Commander had ordered that a healer was not to attend them.

  This was borne out when they had heard Warriors order Healer Heddro from the Hex when he had attempted to enter the room.

  Linkor considered the Commander was being vindictive and displaying a petty attitude. Common decency said the Commander should have a healer treat his males. Linkor abhorred the smell of blood and the groaning several of the males were indulging in, was annoying. Although he restrained himself from mentioning it.

  Unlike his males, he was unhurt, as he had been directing the attack from his vantage point away from the battle. How they had found him remained a puzzle which irritated him, since he had been well hidden or thought he had been. He guessed it had to be those dayam Prowlers with their sense of smell.

  Linkor’s informer, who was not his father, had assured him they were only talking animals. Yet during the battles Linkor had seen them coordinate attacks of his swarm without the aid of the Warriors. They had caused extensive damage to his winged fighters, which was another assurance his informer had gotten wrong. The Prowlers had known exactly how to attack them, it was as though they had been schooled in fighting winged fighters.

  When Linkor’s swarm had ambushed the shuttle, they had expected the Warmaster and his fighters to make an aerial assault. On the ground they knew the Warriors would meet them in battle, but those furin animals had been most unexpected.

  A small thin male, a recent recruit, Linkor thought
his name was Dentarm Dregonnia. Janarra one of his trusted swarm had vouched for him, Linkor did not know him well and tried not to be in his presence. The male was very verbal. However, he was aggressive in a fight and had performed well in the aerial fighting. He saw possibilities in the male which were instantly forgotten when the male opened his mouth and whined like a draggo.

  ‘I hurt… when will we be treated?’

  ‘I do not know, soon one would hope.’ Linkor answered, keeping the sneer for the male’s whining from his voice and expression. Although he saw some of the others grimacing at the sound.

  Dentarm asked. ‘Do you think our parents have been informed yet?’

  Again Linkor kept his temper and his expression under control as he answered. ‘I imagine they will be at some point. Do not worry, they will secure our release or the elders will.’

  ‘Linkor, I thought you said we could be banished or imprisoned!’ Growled Ikorial as he shifted, trying to find a comfortable position to sit in. His wings hurt almost as much as the wound on his side.

  ‘I did. We have all heard that is the worst punishment we will receive. As I have said before, Ikorial, more than likely our parents will be called to make promises to secure our release or pay a bond.’

  Ikorial grunted in answer, the rest of the males settled once more, Linkor let go a sigh of relief. It had been so easy to convince these males to follow him in his rebellion. He knew most followed him because they thought his father was the leader of this rebellion. Which was laughable, but in truth these were not the brightest of the Draygonissia, but they were excellent fighters and that was all he really cared about! As long as they left the thinking to him, he was content with their stupidity.

  The other males had followed because he convinced them the Star Daughter had lied to them and killed the seniors on the way here. Even though they had been assured by the Warmaster they had been sent to an unknown planet. The concern and indignation Linkor spoke with played on their minds, and eventually they remembered that some of those seniors were their elders. And even though they were not liked and feared in some instances, their grandsons felt the burning need to avenge them. Linkor had to keep their belief in their righteous path alive or they would falter, which would scuttle any plans he had for a full rebellion. It was only a matter of time until others learned of the bravery of his swarm and added to his numbers. Then they would help him secure his rightful place as Warmaster, and he would rule these worlds. Just like he had been promised, so he said now.

  ‘Even though our parents refuted our worries about the Star Daughter and her pet Warriors, they will see we were right and gain our release.’

  All the males cheered. Sadly, they had forgotten that when most had demanded their parents question the Warmaster and Star Daughter about the seniors. They had bluntly refused, for the first time in yentas, freedom was theirs and they were not willing to jeopardize it. Not for the sake of a few elders, who had betrayed and lied to them. Which only confirmed what Linkor told them was correct, the Draygonissia would become exactly like the Prowlers which the Maikonian people had turned into pets.

  Linkor knew what he sold his followers was untrue, but it was as good as anything to agitate his swarm into a rage of discontent. Unfortunately, as it turned out, his informer had not told him everything. It seemed the shuttle was a lot more protected than they had been told, and the cannons and spears were not as effective as he was promised. Now he would have to think of another plan and as he looked over what remained of his swarm. It was possible with their first taste of battle being a failure, they may not be as willing to follow him into another one. Although he had persuaded them once, so perhaps he was worrying for nothing.


  Hawk and Coraan walked toward the room that held the prisoners. This was a single storied Hex, which Hawk was sure had been used for storage in the past. As he passed another empty room he said.

  ‘Jax, it has come time to turn this Hex into a holding and interrogation center. Can you draw up plans for me please?’

  Consider it done First Commander.

  Coraan told Hawk. ‘Heddro came but Nills and Sinta explained your order.’

  ‘Was he upset?’

  Coraan shook his head. ‘No, he understood, in fact he told me he was pleased. He was not sure if he would have accidently on purpose killed them.’

  ‘I see, he is a good male.’

  ‘That he is.’

  Hawk asked quietly. ‘What did you decide on for the dead?’

  ‘Their families refused to have them returned they wished them removed from the world. Marlo is taking care of their remains.’

  ‘I see.’

  Sorrowfully Coraan said. ‘Do not condemn them, they do not understand how they did not know what their young were up to or how they could jeopardize their lives here.’

  ‘I do not, this is no reflection on them or any Draygon.’

  Coraan paused as they arrived at the room the prisoners were being held in. They could hear muffled talking from inside. He hung his head as his wings moved in his agitation. Hawk’s hand landed on his shoulder as he murmured.

  ‘I understand.’

  ‘Do you, they rebelled. My people, after all that you and your people have given us, what the Star Daughter has done for us. And they tried to kill her for it.’ He raised his head and looked Hawk in the eyes as he said. ‘I do not understand.’

  Hawk shrugged. ‘Because someone convinced them that this was the right course of action. Someone got into their heads.’

  ‘You mean like those Masters?’

  ‘Maybe a Master, or it could be someone with greed and power as their agenda. Can you think of a better inducement to rebel?’

  ‘Perhaps to become the Warmaster or First Commander. To have the ear of the Star Daughter, that would be a fitting reason.’

  Hawk said. ‘Or the ruler of a solar system.’

  Coraan looked shocked for min. ‘If this is true and I am starting to agree, it has possibilities. I have to ask myself, are they that stupid? This is the Star Child’s gift to the Star Daughter. We were all made aware of that when we arrived here.’

  Hawk gave him a mirthless smile as he said. ‘Yes it is, and yet it would seem these people decided not to believe that fact.’

  Coraan shook his head as Hawk stated. ‘We will not know until we question them.’

  ‘Do you care, Hawk, why they rebelled?’

  Hawk shook his head this time. ‘No, there are people behind these fools and they are who I want.’

  Coraan sighed as he frowned at the door. ‘Well, we should go find out then.’

  ‘My friend, this is not the first time someone has tried to take our sister’s life and I am afraid it will not be the last. Coraan, this is why we are here. To stop the attempts and to punish those that try.’

  Coraan nodded. ‘I know it is…’ He cocked an eyebrow at Hawk. ‘We of course could just leave this to my mate and her family.’

  Hawk disagreed with a slice of humor in his eyes. ‘I fear for the Universe if we do so.’

  Coraan laughed, feeling a little of the cloud of darkness that had filled his needar since the attack on Peyton’s shuttle lift. ‘Let us get this over with.’

  Hawk placed his hand against the scanner and heard the lock disengage. They entered the room together while Kent and Sarn stood guard at the door.

  Coraan addressed the prisoners first. ‘We give you one chance to tell us who was behind the attack on the Star Daughter.’

  ‘We know nothing.’ A thin brown winged male stated with a sneer.

  ‘There is nothing to tell and nothing you can do to make us talk!’ Drawled, the largest male who was only lightly bruised. He had a belligerent smile on his face as he lazed on the floor.

  The other males all lounged or sat against the walls as they grinned and smirked with the two out spoken males. Hawk could almost taste the fear and desperation hidden behind the male’s masks of antagonism.

p; ‘So say you all?’ Coraan asked and hoped they said yes. He did not want one of these tajes to escape their punishments. They just sneered at him and looked away, taking that as agreement Coraan said to Hawk, his eyes fierce. ‘First Commander, they are all yours.’

  Hawk nodded to a male sitting against the wall who happened to be the thin male and told Kent and Sarn. ‘Him first.’

  Then he and Coraan walked from the room as Kent and Sarn walked in. Together they dragged the male Dentarm Dregonnia to his feet. He was bleeding once more and one arm was broken. He hugged it to his body to lessen the pain.

  Kent felt a small sense of satisfaction when he noticed nearly all of the prisoners were covered in bruises and a few had broken limbs. All had claw marks from the Prowlers.

  After their successful mission to rescue the Draygonissia. Hawk had advised the Prowlers, Draygons were not the only winged beings in the Universe. So Rage had ordered his Prowlers to immediately start training with Coraan, Ranarra and Zenerra as well as a selected few Draygons.

  Coraan taught the Prowlers to fight on the ground once the winged attackers were shot or driven from the sky. While the Warriors were schooled in fighting winged Warriors who may or may not have deadly tips on their wings.

  Unlike in training, during the recent battle the Prowlers and Warriors had not been gentle, hence the long clawed furrows, the ripped and torn wings and bruised and broken bodies.


  Dentarm knew as the Warriors dragged him from the room that he would have to face his disappointed parents once more. It would not be the first time he had made a mistake. He hoped his parents would put this one down to another error in judgment. His mother would be irritated, and his father would no doubt shake his head and ask why he had to be so difficult. He almost smiled when he thought that maybe it would be better to be banished to a moon, rather than go through the yelling and tears.

  Linkor had assured them they would only be banished for three, maybe six luneras at most. This was not Draygann and the Star Daughter was not the Darganissa, so the repercussions would be light. Everyone knew the Star Daughter was all about kindness and goodwill, and as for these moronic Warriors. She had sufficiently pulled their teeth; they were harmless males that bowed to a small pale Terran. Linkor had reminded them of this fact before the attack and assured them the punishments would be minimal.


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