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Martine, Missy - Changing Their Wolfen Heritage [A Wolfen Heritage 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

Page 21

by Missy Martine

  “Who the hell are you people?” Michael demanded to know.

  Ignoring him for the moment, Kaugh moved farther into the room, allowing Sean to push the cart through the door. “Put it between the beds, against the wall.”

  Sean followed the instructions and then turned and stared down at Maddie. His gaze wandered to her legs, lying bare against the mattress. “You sure are a pretty little thing,” he drawled, trailing his finger from her ankle up to her thigh. “It sure was fun putting you in this hospital gown.”

  “Get your hands off my sister,” Michael yelled, struggling furiously against his bindings.

  “Save it, wolf boy,” Sean said with a laugh. “You’re not getting out of those straps anytime soon.”

  “Enough.” Kaugh sighed. “Sean, leave us, and shut the door behind you.” He watched his associate turn toward the door, his hand sliding down Maddie’s leg as he walked away. The young woman shook violently, tears streaming down her face.

  “Sure you wanna be left alone with these freaks, doc?” Sean asked.

  “Get out!” Kaugh jumped at the slamming of the door and then pulled a chair over so he could sit between the two beds. He reached over and took Maddie’s hand, tightening his grip when she tried to pull away. “It’s all right, Maddie, no one’s going to hurt you.” Pulling a handkerchief from his pocket, he reached up and dried the tears from her face and then sighed as fresh ones fell. “Please don’t cry, my dear. Sear was lying to you. He wasn’t in the room when I changed you into the gown. I’m a doctor, and I would never violate your privacy in such a way.”

  “You really are crazy, aren’t you?” Michael snorted. “You don’t think kidnapping violates our privacy?”

  Kaugh looked over at the angry young man and tried to think of what to say. It would be easier to conduct his research if he had their cooperation. “I’m truly sorry for the way you had to be brought here, but we really didn’t have any choice.”

  “Who are you?” Maddie asked quietly.

  “Oh, I’m terribly sorry.” He smiled. “My name is Dr. Vincent Kaugh. I was a friend and colleague to Richard Constantine.”

  “Oh, my God,” Maddie gasped.

  “What the hell do you want with us?” Michael growled.

  “Truthfully, Michael, I didn’t really want anything with you. I’m much more interested in your sister.”

  “Why?” Maddie whispered. “What do you want from me?”

  “To continue Richard’s research, of course. I want to find a way to control your inner beast, and then, we’re going to create some new species of shape-shifters.”

  “You’re crazy,” Maddie cried, beginning to pull at her restraints.

  “I should probably let you know, you won’t be able to shift into your wolves.”

  “What did you do to us?” Michael groaned.

  “Simple, my dear boy. I’ve developed a formula that inhibits your natural ability to shift. If given to you in your human form, you’re unable to bring out your wolf. The same is true in reverse. I can hold you in your wolf form indefinitely with daily injections. I’m also experimenting with a drug that will be able to bring your wolf on command, my command, that is.”

  The blood drained from Maddie’s face, and fresh tears poured from her eyes. “Michael, the baby,” she cried.

  “Hush, little girl. It’ll be okay,” Michael promised, glaring at Dr. Kaugh.

  Kaugh looked from Maddie, over to Michael, and then back to Maddie. “You’re pregnant?”

  “What will it do to my baby?” she sobbed.

  “It shouldn’t do anything,” he said, thoughtfully. “The serum doesn’t even have a lasting effect on adult shifters. You have to be re-injected every twenty-four hours to maintain the effect. It doesn’t have any effect on humans, and since a shifter doesn’t gain the ability to shift until puberty, I don’t see a problem.”

  “But you don’t know for sure, do you?” Maddie closed her eyes and trembled. “I’ve never encouraged my mate to do violence, never wanted to see him embrace his beastly nature.” She raised her head and glared daggers at the doctor. “But I’m gonna be there cheering him on when he rips out your throat.”

  Kaugh chuckled and then reached to pull his equipment cart closer. “I’m not going to worry too much about that, Maddie. We’re not going to be here long enough for him to be a problem, and he’ll never be able to find you once we leave.” Efficiently, he wrapped a rubber strap around her arm and pulled it tight to bring out the vein. He held her still while he jabbed a needle into her skin.

  “No,” Maddie cried out, trying to pull away from his steely grip.

  “Relax, girl. I’m just drawing some blood. The hard part is over, and the needle’s in. Just be still so it doesn’t come out, or I’ll have to stick you again.” He proceeded to fill five different vials and then deftly removed the needle, placing a bandage over the puncture. Kaugh picked up a small package from the cart and ripped it open. Quickly, he swabbed her thigh with alcohol and then picked up a filled syringe from his supplies.

  Regret rushed through him as he stared down at the struggling female. “I’m sorry, Maddie. This is going to hurt a little. It stings going in, and there’s nothing I can do about it.”

  “Get away from her,” Michael pleaded.

  “Stop,” Maddie screamed as the needle pierced her skin. She groaned loudly as he depressed the plunger, the thick, brown serum slowly entering her muscle.

  “There,” Kaugh soothed, wiping the injection site with the alcohol once more. His eyes traveled to her face in alarm when her body went slack. Looking closely at her eyes, he frowned.

  “What’s wrong with her?” Michael strained to peer over at his sister.

  Maddie appeared to be in a catatonic state, oblivious to what was happening around her. Kaugh checked her vitals and shined a penlight into her eyes. Finally, satisfied, he turned to Michael. “She’ll be fine. She’s withdrawing, mostly out of fear, I would imagine. She could even be trying to contact her mate telepathically.” He laughed. “You might want to explain to her when she wakes up that the serum will block that process, as well as her telekinetic ability. Basically, she’s having an adult version of a child’s temper tantrum.”

  “If you’re only interested in Maddie, why did you bring me here?” Michael asked.

  “The research on Maddie goes back for years, and it makes her participation in the experiment to control the wolf shift mandatory.” Kaugh picked up the rubber strap and placed it around Michael’s arm. “The other work we’re doing, creating a new species of shifter, needs male DNA, specifically, sperm.”

  “Son of a bitch!”

  Kaugh laughed. “No need to worry, my boy. We collect it under medical conditions. It’s not like I’ll be asking you to go in and deliver it in person to a female cougar.”

  “You really are insane.” Michael winced as the needle slid into his vein. “You’re really trying to mix the shifters together?”

  “Not anymore. We’ve already accomplished that, with less than perfect results.”

  “What does that mean?”

  “We haven’t been able to control which hereditary traits are passed on to the offspring. With all participants being only half animal, the resulting children were too docile.”

  “So, why are you continuing?” Michael groaned as he injected the serum into his thigh.

  “I’ve decided the answer could be to eliminate the human factor in one of the subjects.”

  “Wait, you’re trying to mix a wolf shifter’s sperm with a wild cougar to make a cub?”

  “Exactly, the offspring should have enough human characteristics to be susceptible to orders, while still retaining the cunning, strength, and survival instinct of its animal parent.”

  “What could possibly be the reason for such insanity?”

  “Don’t look at me like I’m off my rocker. This project was introduced, and is being funded, by our dear old Uncle Sam.”

  “You’re lying,” Mi
chael declared.

  “No need to, it doesn’t matter if you believe me or not. You’re no longer Michael Barrows. You’ve just become a file number in a US Government research project.” He pulled the top of Michael’s hospital gown down and began to attach electrodes to his chest. “We’ve got some more simple tests to run, just enough to get a baseline on both of you, and then we’ll be transferring out tomorrow or the next day.”

  “Where are you taking us?”

  Kaugh hesitated for a moment and then smiled. “I don’t guess it matters one way or another if I tell you. We have a facility in Canada where we do most of the genetic research now. You and your sister will be moved there to be with the other subjects.” He pulled the cart closer and flipped one of the switches. “This isn’t going to hurt. I’m only running a few EKG strips on you. Then,” he said, glancing over at Maddie’s still form, “I think I’ll run an ultrasound to find out more about her baby. I don’t want any surprises coming up.”

  * * * *

  Melissa stretched out, slowly wakening. Her eyes focused on the pale blue curtains hanging at the window, and she frowned. Where the hell am I? Sliding up in the bed, she let her gaze wander around the room. A tendril of fear raced up her spine as the memories of the morning came flooding back. She tensed when the door suddenly opened and then breathed a sigh of relief when she recognized Ariane.

  “Hey, lady, it’s good to see you awake. How’re you feeling?” Ariane walked over and sat on the chair beside the bed.

  “Scared, confused, angry, not necessarily in that order.” She pushed the comforter away and got to her feet. Dizziness overwhelmed her, the room seeming to move on its own.

  “Whoa,” Ariane cried, jumping to her feet to grab Melissa’s arm. “Not so fast, my friend. Give yourself a couple of minutes to adjust.”

  Melissa sat down on the bed and glared up at the wife of her best friend. “What the hell happened?”

  “What do you remember?”

  She thought for a minute. “You and Michael, coming home early. I remember Maddie coming to the office, and a strange man with a gun.” Melissa’s heart began to race. “He shot everyone, everyone but me. I played dead,” she whispered. She was quiet for a moment, and then her eyes shot to the younger woman’s face. “He took them, Maddie and Michael.”

  A look of pain appeared in Ariane’s eyes and then disappeared so fast Melissa wasn’t sure she’d really seen it. “They were kidnapped. Remus believes by some doctor that wants to do research on them.”

  “Why would someone want to do research on Maddie and Michael?”

  “Uh, well, they’re the same as Mali.” Ariane was clearly getting uncomfortable with the conversation.

  “The same as Mali,” Melissa repeated. Then a memory came back, and her eyes widened in shock. “Koril said the dog, I mean, the wolf, was really Mali.”

  “That’s right,” she said, a tremor in her voice.

  “Where’s Mali?” Melissa demanded to know.

  “Relax, he’s here, and he’s okay, but still unconscious. The doc’s with him in the other bedroom.”

  Melissa struggled to her feet. “I wanna see him.”

  “Melissa, I’m not sure that’s a good—”

  “Now,” Melissa argued.

  Ariane shrugged. “Okay, but Remus isn’t gonna like it.”

  “I don’t really care at this point what Remus likes or doesn’t like.” She followed Ariane out the door and down the hall to the next room. Before they could enter, a man she vaguely remembered came walking down the hall.

  “Melissa, you remember Tehran, don’t you? He’s the pack’s physician.” Ariane smiled at the older man.

  “Hello again, young lady. Are you feeling better?” He raised his hand toward her face and scowled when she jerked away, out of his reach. “I wouldn’t hurt you, Melissa. I just wanted to check your pupils to make sure all the medication is out of your system.”

  Frightened, Melissa turned to Ariane. “Nobody’s checking anything until I see Mali for myself.” Ariane stepped aside and held her arm out for Melissa to go inside. After a brief hesitation, she walked into the darkened room. Her breath caught in her throat when she spotted the large, hairy animal lying on the light-colored sheets.

  Ariane walked over to the bed and laid a hand on the animal’s head. “He’s fine, Melissa, just sleeping.”

  “I remember they said they’d shot everyone with some kind of tranquilizer and something else. Some kind of inhibitor.” Melissa walked over and stared down at the silent beast. Hesitantly, she laid her hand on his side and trailed her fingers through the soft hair. “You said Maddie and Michael are like Mali. You mean, they’re wolves, too?”

  “That’s right, we all are.”

  Melissa looked up at Michael’s wife in surprise, a thousand questions running through her mind. “I don’t understand any of this.” She moved closer, sat on the side of the bed, and then took Mali’s paw into her hand. “He spent so much time with me, and even claimed to love me. Why would he do that if we’re so different? How could he hurt me like that?”

  Ariane came and put an arm around Melissa’s shoulders. “Honey, he wasn’t trying to hurt you. He does love you. You’re his mate.”

  “What?” Melissa cried, her hand freezing on Mali’s body.

  “Remus told me that Mali recognized you as his life mate. He would’ve told you himself, but Remus wouldn’t let him.”

  “Why not?” she asked bitterly.

  “He thought it might be easier for you if Michael explained everything. He didn’t want Mali to scare you off before the two of you could mate.”

  Melissa stood and backed slowly toward the door. “So, let me get this straight. Mali wanted to be with me, but Remus said he had to wait until Michael came home to talk to me.” She looked at Ariane. “Is that an accurate description?”

  “Uh, yeah, that’s right. It’s a little more involved than that, but basically, that’s what happened.”

  Tears welling in her eyes, Melissa gazed at the wolf one more time and then turned and rushed out the door. Pushing past the doctor before he could say a word, she ran into the bedroom she’d awakened in, slammed the door shut, and locked it behind her. Crying, she flung herself on the bed and buried her face in the pillow.

  Ariane’s voice came through the door. “Melissa, are you okay?” “Go away and leave me alone,” Melissa yelled, listening to someone trying to open the door. The noise stopped, and she heard a loud sigh coming from the hall.

  “All right, I’ll leave you alone for now. I’ll be close if you need anything.” Ariane’s voice sounded sad.

  Melissa rolled over and stared up at the ceiling. If he’d really loved me, he would’ve told me the truth. Her eyes felt heavy, her body weak. Struggling briefly to stay awake, she finally succumbed to exhaustion and allowed her eyes to close. Her last conscious thought caused tears to form in her eyes. I’ve got to find a way out of here and off the mountain before Mali wakes up.

  * * * *

  Remus looked around the table at the members of his pack and growled softly. “Are we clear now?” He tried not to let his anger bleed into the meeting, but the phone call he’d taken from Ariane had raised his angst to a new level. He’d fucked up royally, not allowing Mali to claim his mate, and now, Melissa could very well run away.

  “I’ll take a group of wolves and cover the area just across the stream,” Taynor spoke up. “Koril will take his men and cover the west side of the house, and Lanicor will take the east.” He glanced over to Remus. “That leaves the south, facing the kitchen window, for you and your brothers.”

  “Right,” Remus continued. “We’ll cover while Tania sneaks in through the kitchen.”

  “How the hell’s she gonna do that?” Taynor asked, sounding a little annoyed.

  Remus realized that nobody had told the men about his brothers’ mating or about Tania’s special abilities. “Be respectful of my brothers’ mate, Taynor.” He smiled at the collectiv
e gasp that traveled through the room. “Yes, that’s right. My brothers have formed this pack’s first tri-mating.”

  Taynor looked over at the mated trio and frowned. “Well, I’m happy for you guys, I really am. But that doesn’t explain why she’ll be the one sneaking in. Why would you risk a female like that?”

  Tania jumped to her feet, practically hissing in her human form. “I’m not just a mated female, you pompous, chauvinistic pig. I’m more than qualified for this mission, probably more so than any of you here.”

  “All right, everyone calm down.” He glanced at the newest member of his family and had to bite his lip to keep from smiling. “Tania, please take your seat.” He was grateful when she only shot him an annoyed look before sitting back down between his brothers. “Tania has unique abilities that make her perfect for what we’re doing.”

  “How’s she gonna get in?” Lanicor asked. “I understand there’re bars on the windows.”

  “You’re correct, but she’ll have no problems getting in. Our newest pack member isn’t a wolf.” He looked at her apologetically. “I’m sorry, little sister, but they need to know the truth so they can watch out for you.”

  “That’s okay, Remus. I understand.” Tania leaned over and pressed her cheek against Latan’s shoulder, while taking Ethan’s hand and hugging it to her chest.

  “If she’s not a wolf, then what is she?” Vanard asked.

  Remus narrowed his eyes and glared at the head Elder. “You’re the last person I thought would ask me that.”

  “He didn’t know.” Tania raised her head and frowned at Remus. “He only knew part of my background, but he never saw me shift.”

  “Alpha, I—”

  “Never mind,” Remus interrupted Vanard. “Tania shifts into a small black cat.” He watched as all the eyes in the room turned toward the small woman. “She assures me she’ll have no trouble fitting through the bars on the windows.”

  “Well, hell, girl. You must make a pretty damn small cat.” Taynor smiled and then quickly closed his eyes. “Shit, tell me you’re not the cat that I caught at our last group meeting.”


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