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Have Artifact, Will Travel (The Immortality Curse Book 5)

Page 2

by Peter Glenn

  A harsh, white light filled my living room, blinding both of us momentarily.

  LaLuna pulled back, half in shock at the suddenness of it, blinking a few times to let her eyes adjust.

  I reached forward for another kiss, hoping to distract her, but LaLuna was too fast for me. She retracted her arms and let them fall to her sides as she took in the sight of my living room and kitchen area.

  “This is… nice, huh?” she said, frowning a little.

  My heart sank. She hated it.

  I took a glance around myself. In fairness, I hadn’t been expecting company tonight, but even so, it wasn’t much to look at.

  The living room section consisted of one old couch that had a few holes in the fabric, revealing the very worn cushion material in a few spots. I’d tried to cover one of the holes with duct tape, but even that had only been so effective, and the duct tape was starting to peel off. There was also a small TV hooked up to a gaming console, a pile of games haphazardly lying next to it, and one immaculate gaming chair.

  Hey, you need to spend the money on the important things, right?

  The kitchen area wasn’t much better. It was tiny—barely big enough for one person to stand in, and even then, you couldn’t fully open the fridge door. The sink was overflowing with dirty dishes that I’d yet to wash, and there was a half-eaten box of cereal sitting wide open on the countertop next to a half gallon of spoiled milk I’d forgotten to put back.

  And to crown it all off, there was a giant brown stain in the middle of the carpet. I think it was from root beer, but it had been there long enough I couldn’t quite remember.

  “Yeah,” I said finally. I wasn’t really sure what else to say.

  “Let’s just head to the bedroom, shall we?”

  From her tone of voice, I could tell that LaLuna wasn’t exactly brimming with desire anymore, but she was still being a good sport about everything, and if she still wanted me even a little bit after seeing my living room, there was hope.

  Of course, the bedroom wasn’t much better, but I could keep the lights off in there if I was careful. That should make things a little better.

  “Yes, please,” I said with a big grin. I leaned forward and kissed her again. It was warm and sweet, if not quite as fiery as the last one. Still, it did the trick and got us both going again.

  I led the way over to my bedroom door and pushed it open. The door let out a loud creak like it was protesting the very idea, but I did my best to ignore it.

  A strange scent assaulted my nostrils, wafting in from the bedroom.

  Oh no. Had I left my lunch on the floor to rot again? I hoped that wasn’t the case. My eyes scanned the floor as best I could but didn’t see anything. I wasn’t about to risk flipping on the light, so I just had to hope that I wouldn’t end up stepping in anything soft and rotting as we made our way over to the bed.

  The edge of the bed was just barely visible in the low light filtering in from the living room, so I led LaLuna over to it hand in hand, going slowly, just in case.

  She didn’t seem to notice the bad smell, or at the very least she didn’t say anything about it.

  I breathed a small sigh of relief. “Here we are, my darling,” I told her, motioning with my hands to encompass the bed. “Shall we?”

  LaLuna nodded slowly. Then she kissed me, and once again, it was like fire in my veins. I felt my arousal soar as I pressed my lips against hers so hard, I swore we would become one.

  Her hands wrapped around me, and I felt them go under my shirt, then force their way upward trying to remove it. I helped her out, and soon enough, I was shirtless.

  I followed suit, rubbing my hands up and down her back as I removed her shirt, and I heard her moan slightly from the contact.

  We continued the dance, kissing each other hard while removing each other’s clothing until we were both naked, standing just beside the bed. I took in the sight of her standing before me. Even in the low light, she was beautiful, like an angel from heaven. I could barely believe my luck.

  LaLuna pushed me down onto the bed with one of her strong hands. I landed a little harder than I think was intended, my butt coming into contact with a rather large lump that was right beneath me.

  I winced a little, but I don’t think she noticed. At least, I hoped she didn’t. The rest of my mattress wasn’t much better. There was one small section to the left of center that was all right to sleep on, but the rest was a bit of a lumpy mess.

  “Stay there, lover boy,” LaLuna commanded in a sultry tone. “I’m going to freshen up, and I’ll be right back.”

  Her fingers graced my chest for a moment, fingering my skin gently before pulling away. I stared after her as she turned and walked off toward the bathroom door, admiring her firm butt. It was so sleek and soft to the touch. I gave it a slight slap, and I heard her giggle, then she was off.

  LaLuna went into the bathroom, and I sat there reveling in the thought of her and what was about to happen. How long had it been since option two again? My whole body tensed as I let those memories wash over me. I was so hot with desire in that moment I could barely stand it.

  “Uh, Damian?” LaLuna’s questioning voice came back a second later.

  “Yes, my darling?” I was still half in a daze, thinking about her coming out and climbing on top of me.

  “Why is there no water?”

  That brought me back to the present. My desire dried up faster than a puddle in the summer sun, and I shot up off the bed. “What now?”

  “I said, why is there no water?” She sounded a little angry, or at least frustrated. Not that I could blame her.

  “Uh, I’m not sure.”

  Did I forget to pay the water bill again? I was behind on rent, it wouldn’t shock me if I was behind on the water bill as well. I was suddenly glad I’d at least remembered to pay the power bill…

  LaLuna came out of the bathroom a moment later, looking a little flustered. Even in the half-light, I could see that she was becoming increasingly annoyed.

  I knew bringing her here had been a bad idea.

  “Don’t worry about it,” she said, flashing me a small smile. “Let’s just get on with things, shall we? We can worry about it in the morning.”

  My lips curled into a broad grin. “Sounds like a plan.”

  She closed the gap quickly and wrapped her hands around me again, taking me in for another kiss. I felt her soft, smooth skin rub up against mine, and desire flooded me once more.

  Slowly, we lowered onto the bed as one, sinking into one of the better spots.

  LaLuna pulled away and stared down at me, then moved her legs until she was straddling my chest. My hand slid up her body, cupping one of her breasts and giving it a slight squeeze.

  We stayed like that for a moment as her hips played with me, teasing me with how close they were to my groin, almost touching but not quite. Then she leaned in for another kiss and rolled over until we were laying next to each other.

  “Ouch,” LaLuna whispered. She recoiled a little and pushed herself away from me a little bit.

  “You okay?” I asked through heavy breaths.

  LaLuna bit her lip. “Yeah, it’s just… How old is this bed?”

  I shrugged. “Not sure really. Old, I guess.”

  LaLuna shifted several times like she was looking for a comfortable spot.

  “Here,” I offered. I got up into a sitting position and tried to help her maneuver into the best spot. “There’s a really good spot right about here.”

  We both squirmed for several seconds, then finally LaLuna nodded and pulled me in for a kiss again. Our lips met, and all my concerns melted back away as I readied myself for the moment I’d been waiting for.

  LaLuna grunted again as she moved slightly to the left in an attempt to get into the proper position for option two.

  “How do you sleep on this thing?” she asked with a huff.

  My mind raced. I was losing her; I just knew it. “I don’t know, I just… do you want
to move to the couch or something?”

  LaLuna shuddered. It was only there for a second, but I saw it. “Ew,” she said at last. Then she shook her head and blurted, “I mean, no it’s okay.”

  I got back up into a sitting position and put my hand on her shoulder. “No, it’s not okay. I should have known this would end in disaster. My apartment is kind of a pig sty.”

  “Oh, it’s not that bad,” LaLuna insisted. She patted my back slightly.

  “Yes, it is.”

  She grimaced. “It really is. I’m sorry. I’ve tried to ignore it all, but the bed is awful. And that smell...”

  So she had noticed. Damn.

  “I know,” I said slowly. “So does this mean...?”

  LaLuna hung her head a little. “I’m sorry, Damian. I want to. Really, I do. But I just can’t in this mess, you know?”

  Ah, hell. My worst fears come true at last. Why had I ever agreed to this again? Oh yeah, my stupid desire had gotten the best of me.

  “I don’t suppose we could still head back to your place?” I offered. It was a last-ditch effort to salvage things.

  LaLuna’s eyes met mine again. “I wish it were that easy, but…”

  I looked her up and down. She was still naked and just as beautiful as she had been before, but there was something missing. The fire. The desire from before. It was gone. And truth be told, it was gone for me, too.

  My stupid apartment had just cost me option two, and it was all my fault.

  I waved a hand dismissively. “Yeah, I didn’t think so.” I took in a deep breath. “Tell you what. You can have the good spot on my bed tonight, and I’ll take the couch.”

  “Are you sure?” Her tone sounded sweet, but I could see a slight hint of disgust in her eyes.

  I squeezed her on the shoulder, then rubbed her back gently. “I’m sure.”

  Leaning forward, I planted a kiss on her forehead. “I’ll see you in the morning, okay?”

  She frowned again. “You’re sure you’re not mad?”

  I nodded. “I’m sure.”

  With that, I left the room and LaLuna behind. I heard her groan as I closed the bedroom door behind me.

  I let out a long, slow sigh as I eyed the couch. If ever there was a time for copious amounts of alcohol, this was it. But I was even out of that, too.

  Tonight was going to be a long night.


  A chill wind blew up the street, making me shiver as I walked along the sidewalk. I rubbed my arms and pulled them in a little closer to my body, trying in vain to retain whatever warmth I could.

  The afternoon was cold and overcast, a stark contrast to the clear, warm night from before.

  I’d said my goodbyes to LaLuna a few hours ago and sent her on her way back to her house. She’d protested, saying she wanted to stay longer, but I knew it was all for show. She looked haggard, like she’d barely slept a wink all night.

  And besides, I knew she needed to relieve the babysitter. They could get testy if you picked up your kid too late.

  So I’d let her go with a slightly passionate kiss and a promise that the next night would be better. Not that I knew how I was going to accomplish that just yet. I supposed actually paying my rent and water bill would help, but I was already almost broke, and my apartment needed more help than just that.

  Besides, it’s not like people were knocking down my door with new opportunities to earn some cash.

  I was an occult investigator by trade. I hunted down people and magical devices for the community. It was a decent profession, but it wasn’t the most reliable. I only got paid when someone needed to find something. And of late, those requests had been few and far between. Needless to say, the outlook for getting my bills paid was grim.

  There wasn’t much I could do about it now, though, so I just kept walking down the street, keeping my head down low to combat the wind.

  Soon enough, the door to Mei’s bar appeared before me as I rounded a corner. The bright red piece of wood sung to me like a siren, beckoning me onward.

  I could always count on Mei’s to perk me up when I’d had a bad day. Or even when I’d had a good one. Mei’s bar was the premiere location in Seattle for the magically inclined to hang out. Everyone knew where it was, and all the best people stopped in from time to time.

  I’d also accepted several jobs there, so there was a slim possibility there’d be a patron needing a task done, too.

  The door opened almost all on its own as I approached it, gliding inward with the barest push from my fingers. Mei must have had it oiled recently. I could appreciate that. I pushed my way into the building and paused for a moment, letting the heat and warmth from the bar radiate over me and wash away the chill from outside.

  Mei kept her bar a balmy eighty degrees, even in the summer. Sometimes it felt a little stifling to me, but right now, it was comforting in a way I didn’t realize I’d needed. But then, Mei’s place was like that. A lot.

  I sauntered down the stone steps into the bar proper, full of confidence and feeling like I owned the place. It was funny how just a little bit of warmth and familiarity could do that to a person.

  The scent of burning sage and dragon’s blood incense wafted up to my nostrils as I made my way down the steps. As I took the last step into the bar proper, warm smiles and happy eyes greeted me.

  “Damian!” a gruff voice shouted. It was Hank the werewolf. He was the sheriff of a nearby town. Werewolves only changed during the full moon, and the moon was nowhere near full, but even so, he was quite the imposing figure. Tall and broad, built like a barn, with hair peeking out of the collar of his shirt and covering his ham-sized fists.

  Today, he was wearing a red and white flannel shirt and khaki pants, sporting a tiny moustache. It looked horribly out of place on him, even though he was far hairier than an average human being to begin with. But somehow it just didn’t fit his face.

  “Hank!” I called back. “How’s it going?”

  The big man eased off his bar stool and came forward, embracing me in a giant hug. I swore he squeezed me so tight I almost couldn’t breathe, but I was okay with it. He meant well. I gave him a few pats on the back, and he pulled back quick enough.

  “Going great,” Hank said. “The wife’s pregnant.”


  Hank let out a boisterous laugh. “Yeah. Who’d have thought, huh?”

  “Well congrats, man!” I told him. “What is that, like five kids now?”

  “Six,” Hank corrected me.

  “Six?” He nodded. I gave him a big smile and patted him on the arm. “Well, I for one, am happy for you both.”

  Hank beamed back at me. He was a big family man. He’d always wanted a whole heap of kids. I figured it was because he was half wolf inside and wolves had lots of children. But whatever the reason, he looked quite pleased about the whole thing. Me on the other hand? I could barely handle the one kid that called me Dada, and I didn’t even see her every day.

  “Come, sit next to me. We can chat about it,” Hank insisted.

  I didn’t have anything better to do, so I accepted. “Lead the way.”

  Hank returned to his barstool. It creaked a little as he balanced his weight on top of it, then he motioned for me to sit next to him. I took the proffered seat, sliding onto the plush leather. The cushion felt really nice after my night on the couch. I almost wanted to take a nap right then and there.

  “What’ll it be, stranger?” a soft, feminine voice asked as I took my seat.

  I turned my attention toward the owner of the voice. Mei stood there, grinning at me. She had green hair and eyes and was wearing her typical black blouse and trousers. It was like her work uniform or something. She always wore the exact same thing at the bar every day.

  Mei, and I were best friends. She’d been with me for years, helping me out of several messes and dark spots along the way. I could always count on her to help cheer me up. She was also a dragon, though she took human form the majority of the tim
e. Dragons could shapeshift like that. I never did learn why, though I’d asked a few times. She’d always just shrug and say dragons were magical creatures.

  Hard to argue with that.

  She did a lot for me, but she almost never gave me free booze. That, I had to pay for. But it was worth shelling out for one of her drinks. I’d spend my last two dollars on a drink from Mei in fact. And today, that wasn’t far from the case.

  “Like you even need to ask,” I said with a big grin.

  “The usual, then?”

  “Yes, please.”

  Mei flashed me a wink. “You got it, mister.”

  With that, she went about preparing my drink. A moment later, it materialized in front of me. A Manhattan. Mei made the best ones in the entire universe, as far as I was concerned. I brought the cool drink up to my parched lips and took a small sip. The liquid soothed me instantly, making me feel more relaxed.

  “Thank you, Mei,” I told her as she started to walk away to take another patron’s order.

  “You owe me a story later,” Mei called back with another wink.

  My face paled. Had she heard about last night with LaLuna? Already? Mei was helping LaLuna finish her guardian training and technically owned her property out in Ravensdale. The two of them had become fast friends in the past few months, seeing as they spent a good amount of time together.

  “How much do you know?” I called after her.

  Mei just laughed and said nothing.

  “Damn.” Somehow, I just knew I was going to end up paying for last night for years to come, and in ways I couldn’t even fathom. Now that Mei knew, there was no telling what would happen next.

  I let the matter slide for now—nothing I could do about it anyway—and turned my attention back to Hank. “So do you know if the baby is a boy or a girl yet?”

  Hank took a big pull off his drink—some kind of dark lager, I thought, served in a pint glass—and set it down. “Not yet. We won’t find out for about another ten weeks or so at the earliest. Honestly, we’re not even out of the first trimester yet, though we had an ultrasound yesterday.” He paused for a moment. “I probably shouldn’t even be telling you, but I just have to gush.”


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