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Faith (The Fast Love Collection Book 1)

Page 9

by Watkins, TM

  When his hands moved to my hips, I broke free of his ardent kiss, always heavy and needful. Sliding over his girth I moaned softly with every movement, every up and every down. His hands claimed my breasts again, coaxing the nipples into his deft fingers.

  Overwhelmed by the burn within me, I groaned as the orgasm flared, sparking a heavy path to my mind and making me scattered. Archer pulled me down by the back of my neck, his mouth plundering mine as his other hand slapped to my backside.

  Insisting that I continue to move, his hand guided me and refused to let go. I could feel the flush of heat rise quickly as his fingers slid through the line, teasing at my entrance. Could I say anything? No, Archer was still mauling my mouth with his amazing and passionate kiss.

  His hand continued to push at me, wordlessly he was telling me to not stop. Burying the tip of his finger, I moaned in his kiss. It was an odd sensation but one that I was curious about. Going a little deeper he began to give little pumps, his eyes met mine as we slowed in the kiss.

  I felt bereft of his ravishing, his lips gently pulled on my bottom lip.

  “One day, I'm gonna take it Rox.” He whispered hungrily. “One day real soon.”

  Two strong arms lifted me off his body, laying me onto the lounge. Both legs were pushed open wide as his fingers teased over me.

  “You are so wet Rox, you've soaked your pants.”

  They were gone in a matter of seconds and Archer was rearranging me on the lounge to suit his desire. I was sitting up in the center of the lounge, legs spread as wide as I could manage and pulled forward. Kneeling before me, his eyes grazed over me with desire, taking a moment to soak in the view.

  Taking my hand he put it in between my legs.

  “Play baby, tease me.”

  I ran my fingers through the folds, feeling the sensitivity and wetness. He was right, I really was wet.

  “Fuck yeah. God that is so hot.”

  His eyes never moved, pinned to my fingers as they played in the soaking velvet of my pussy. My own gratification was a daily occurrence, whether it be by my own hand or my friend it didn't matter. I knew my body and I knew what I liked and this, I liked. Archer wiped his mouth like he expected drool to be there, he did look like he was salivating at the view.

  As my other hand began to toy with my nipple, his eyes whipped up and watched, darting back down to the scene he could not be dragged away from. His tongue darted over his lips, hungry to dive in. And dive, he did.

  I'd never been eaten out in such a desperate way. Previous had always been reluctant which I found thoroughly frustrating. But Archer wasn't reluctant, not by a long shot. Devouring me with his mouth, I whimpered as the excitement grew. Fingers pushed back into me, two wide that moved at a frantic pace.

  Lips sucked at the skin, his tongue lashed and lapped, sliding over me as it flattened to the inner folds. He didn't shy away from it, worshiping me in a way that had me choking out my rising pleasure. Mercilessly he continued, his face buried into me and refusing to budge until I exploded. Panting with the scorching bliss, I begged him to tongue fuck me. The man happily complied, rolling me over so that my ass was in the air.

  I groaned the second his tongue slid in, his fingers pulling me apart and exposing me. Darting over my sensitive skin, his tongue went higher and I flushed with heat. No one had ever licked me there and like he knew it, he continued on. Fingers delved into me again, two deep they worked me over as his tongue continued its rapid assault on me.

  My face was buried into the back of the lounge as I came, begging him not to stop. To pull me apart and fuck me. Compliant as always he spread me wider and buried his face into me, lapping and pushing that tongue over and in me.

  When my climax was slowing Archer moved away, I was floating in a sea of euphoria, unaware of anything really. Archer pulled me back, his hand firmly around my neck as he tilted me backwards. I looked up at him with my hazy, fuck drunk smile. He smiled back and kissed me harshly, wildly taking what he wanted. Those fingers slid through the line, back and forth he teased me and rubbed the sensitive skin.

  I felt like I was drugged, intoxicated and wafting around this world without a real sense of what was going on. Euphoria was rocketing through me, the peaks and lows were a blur. Archer pulled away and moved out of sight, I could feel his hands moving over my back and to my hips. One fell away and I didn't know what he was doing until I felt him push against me. With a heavy groan he entered me, sliding deep into me with a languorous motion.

  Turning my head I watched as his hands moved over my backside, moving the flesh to gaze upon our coupling. Slowly he moved in and out, savoring the sensation. When his hands gripped my hips hard I turned back to the lounge with a smile, readying for the hardness of this position. It was an incredible position, the way the cock entered the body, the hard slap of bodies as they fucked. I loved it.

  He retracted from me and with a buck of his hips he was back in deep, I groaned and begged him to go faster. Hearing a chuckle, I pouted and turned to look at him.

  “Don't you like being teased?”

  His hands moved over my back as he gently flexed into me, going teasingly slow. Those miscreant hands moved to my front, cupping my breasts as he pulled me backwards. Feeling his chest against my back made me moan, the tickle of the few hairs on his chest, the proximity of him to my aching skin.

  Archer nuzzled at my ear as his hands played with my breasts, squeezing them and raking his fingers over the hard nipples. Taking my hands he moved them to the back of the lounge, his lips against my ear.

  “I am going to fuck you harder now, do not move.”

  As his pelvis began to move again, his hands took hold of my shoulders, pulling me back. His harder was fast and frantic, fiercely pounding against me. The man was unrelenting, groaning with his own wickedness. Over and over again his body bucked against mine, another orgasm beginning to sear in my body.

  I could say that his thrusts against me were savage but I'd be lying. They were blissfully brutal, fucking me harder than I had ever been before. He filled me completely, his girth was wide enough to rub against me and when I squeezed the muscles it felt even better.

  Archer let out a guttural groan, telling me to do it again. I flexed the muscles and felt his cock swell with the pulse. With each thrust the friction moved me closer to the edge, I was ready to fall. Climaxing I tightened the muscles again, letting out a series of moans that consisted of his name and nonsensical gibberish. And the man behind me groaned his hiss, slowing as he finally came.

  Flopping to the lounge after he pulled out, I rolled over and looked at the gloriously naked man. His body was heaving, slowly coming down from his own delight. I smiled until I saw that he was entirely naked. Entirely as in, no condom.

  “Archer, did you remove the condom?”

  “Oh.” He murmured with a frown as he looked down to his glistening cock. “I don't have any diseases. Guess I should have asked about you but I didn't think you were the type to...”

  I got up and walked in a hurried pace to the bathroom, ignoring his confusion. I also ignored the fact that I had to walk past the kitchen window. Eddie had seen me naked before, not sure if he'd ever been sober for it but that was inconsequential.

  My hurried walk was made worse by that icky feeling of semen sliding down my inner thigh.

  “I'm an idiot.” I hissed under my breath as I slammed the bathroom door shut. “And him too. Idiots. A pair of god damn fucking idiots.”

  “Roxy?” Archer called out from the other side of the door.

  I sat on the toilet and prayed that I wouldn't end up pregnant. How could I be so stupid? I was so caught up in my own gratification that I forgot that I wasn't protected.

  “Is everything okay? I got tested after my last girlfriend, I don't do drugs. I am clean, I promise.”

  “Archer.” I sighed wearily. “I'm not on the pill.”

  “Oh.” he said softly.

  Oh was right. Oh how fucked up. Oh my god, we'r
e screwed. Oh baby, here we come.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Friday night. I'd hoped that if I stayed away from the kitchen window, Eddie would forget about the routine that had been our life for several years now. I could hope that with James in his life, he wouldn't want to let Pixie out. I was wrong.

  “We're on for tonight, right Faith?”

  I shrugged and looked across the road to the little wooden house that was the bane of my existence. Elise and Ken were pulling out of the driveway, on their way to work. They'd not said a word to me since that night, I wondered how much they had heard given the fact that Archer and I were rather loud.

  “Not feeling too good at the moment. Might give it a miss.”

  Eddie gasped, completely horrified.

  “You always go, you can't not go tonight. Bring Archie with us, it's cool.”

  “Uh no, it's okay.”

  He looked at me as he sipped his coffee, his eyes narrowing to long thin slits. The man knew me all too well, he knew my moods and my current one had him mystified.

  “Alright bi-atch, tell me what's going on? Did you break up with him?”

  “No, we're still in the same weird place. In a relationship, barely know anything about each other.”

  No longer having sex because I threatened to cut it off. To be fair, it had only been a couple of days and we were having that dialing it down phase while we waited for the days to tick by. I also had my own life to get on with. The meeting with Alexis was a blur, she talked about the marketing for the book that was about to be released, discussed something about a few in store promotions around the country and asked if I'd had any success with starting the new book.

  I'd answered her in basic, monotone answers. She suspected something, I was sure of it but she probably put it down to issues with Archer. Well, it was issues with Archer but not like she would expect.

  Archer. What could I say? He'd come over, talk about the what if's and the maybe's and how we'd be okay. He had money, he'd support me and the child. I wouldn't go without and no matter what, he'd be there for me. Which was great except I didn't need his money because I had plenty of my own. It resulted in a catastrophic fight that had him walking out in a fit of anger and me sliding down the wall in a sea of tears. When he cooled down he came back, sitting on the floor beside me.

  What I realized that day was that I didn't want a part time father for my child. I'd always envisaged the fairy tale romance, the perfect wedding, paving the way for a life time love. Marriage then children. So I told Archer, he said it sounded like my books and life didn't always work out as we planned it. If that was the case, his dead loved ones would still be alive.

  Fairy tale romances did happen but sometimes, they weren't straight down the line. Sometimes they were a little askew because this little thing called life happened to coincide with them. Life throws curve balls at us, making us a little crazy at times. And life had thrown a mighty curve ball at me. Possibly knocked up to an ex but not really ex-biker boyfriend, who I knew very little about. We were getting there, slowly. Dinner was discussion, we laid it all out because I said that I had to know about the good and the bad if I was having his kid. Archer's reluctance was obvious but he relented.

  I looked over at his house, wondering what he was doing.

  “Okay.” Eddie sighed, his mug hitting the table.

  Turning back to him I was a little shocked at his outburst, it was unlike Eddie to get angry.

  “Am I your friend or not Faith?”

  “Of course you are!” I said indignantly.

  “Then why are you hiding something from me?”

  Oh. Was I really that obvious? I looked at the glower that Eddie was giving me. It was kind of cute and I resisted a laugh, he wouldn't be impressed.

  “Okay.” I said softly. “You have got to keep it quiet.”

  With a smile he offered his pinkie finger, his physical promise that neither he or Pixie would tell. I wrapped my pinkie around his and hesitantly smiled, letting my finger fall away.

  “He didn't wear a condom.”

  Eddie's smile dropped and his face turned to shock.

  “Not on any contraception. Just riding out the days now.”

  “Oh Faith honey.”

  He wrapped his arms around me and hugged me, rather awkwardly as we were sitting on deck chairs.

  “It's going to be okay, you know you've got a great support network.”

  I nodded a little morosely.

  “If you have a girl I expect you to name her Pixie.”

  “Not on your life.” I returned with a chuckle.

  Eddie smiled warmly at me, tilting his head with affectionate eyes.

  “You know, I think you'd make a great mother.”

  “Thanks. You know it means no more Honey's, right?”

  He shrugged and sipped his coffee. “I'm okay with that, I'd only be going there to see James anyway.”

  I couldn't believe it but it was true, Eddie was settling down, happy with monogamy with James. And James? Well he was never far away, spending more time at Eddie's place than his own. It was only a matter of time before he moved in, which I was looking forward to. The man was good for Eddie.

  The front door of Archer's house opened as a sleek car pulled into his driveway. My heart went thud as I watched two very pretty ladies get out of the car and walk into the house. I ducked down, dragging Eddie with me as Archer looked this way. Hiding behind the potted plant, Eddie looked at me with a frown. Through the decorative cut outs of the balustrade, we watched the curious scene.

  They were gorgeous, bodies that were thin with breasts that were huge. Like they were on their way to some fancy party, they were done up with lots of make-up and picture perfect hair styles. Me and my laundry day clothes and rats nest hair were jealous.

  The door was shut again and Eddie was on his feet, pulling me up.

  “Shoes on bi-atch, that road is hot already.”

  I grabbed my shoes and pulled them on, hopping through my apartment as Eddie waited at the door. Grabbing my keys I stuffed them into my pocket and slammed the door shut, following Eddie down the stairs.

  “What do you think is going on?”

  “Cheating.” I spat out angrily.

  “Maybe not, you know. Maybe they're interior decorators.”

  I looked at Eddie with a raised eyebrow, he sighed and nodded.

  “Yeah, I've never seen an interior decorator wear knee high fuck me boots either.”

  Or low cut, tight dresses that looked like the person wearing it would need to wax for.

  We scampered across the road and down the driveway that ran the length of his yard, trying to find a window to peer into. When we reached the back yard we found a rather curious scene. Archer was in the shed, working on his car.

  Eddie and I looked at each other with rather large frowns.

  “Roxy.” Archer said rather shocked. “Hey Eddie.”

  “Hey Archie, we came over for morning coffee, hurry up.”

  Then the man promptly walked to the back door. Archer frowned and rushed over.

  “We can go out for takeaways, my shout.”

  “Nonsense.” Eddie called out at the door as he opened it. “I saw that awesome coffee machine that you've got, don't stress, I'll make the drinks. Come on Faith.”

  I turned to the house, Archer pulled my arm back.

  “Don't you think you should lay off the coffee?”

  “I'll have water.” I said as I pulled my arm free.

  “Roxy.” Archer called out as he followed me. “Can we... stop for a second.”

  I waved him off as I opened the door. “Too hot outside.”

  When my eyes adjusted to the darkness of his house, I searched for Eddie who was not in the kitchen. It wasn't hard to find him, he was standing at the next door along in the hallway, looking rather gobsmacked.

  Like our lives were in slow motion, he turned and looked at me with a horrified grin, one that had me completely confused. />
  “Roxy, please.” Archer whispered.

  “You smut king.” Eddie crooned. “How long have you been making porn in this house?”

  “What?” I hissed and stalked to the door.

  There I found the two women who were rather naked, looking up at us in confusion. Also in the room was a guy, one that I did not recognize. In his hands was a hand held video recorder, there was several more on tripods, dotted around the medium sized room.

  “I'm not making it.” Archer grumbled. “I just rent the room. They like to have variety in their places.”

  “I have to go.” I said softly, wrapping my arms around my body.

  Archer chased after me as I walked out the back door and through the yard.

  “I never participated Rox.”

  I stopped when he pulled on my arm, looking up at him as he wiped the tears.

  “I don't even stay to watch.”

  “Yeah but you kept a secret.”

  Pulling away from him I walked up the driveway and crossed the road. The entire way back to my apartment I wondered if I would ever know the true Archer. Would he always keep secrets from me? Would he leave things until I discovered them for myself and then have it become some epic battle? I hoped not yet I could not see a time when it would be any different.

  As I laid on the lounge I stared across my lounge room to the television that wasn't going. It seemed like a better thing to do than to actually have to deal with my life.

  My ex but not really ex-biker boyfriend rented a room out in his house so that other people can make porn but it's okay, right? He doesn't watch it or participate, so it's totally cool. Or not. Secrets. So many secrets.

  Sitting up when I heard a key slide into the lock, I feared for what might happen. Eddie had a spare key, would he give it to Archer? The door opened and Eddie slid in, his head still turned out the door.

  “Stay.” He ordered.

  Then he shut the door, turning to me with a cheesy smile. Quietly he turned one lock and then padded his way over to me. Taking my hands as he sat on the lounge, he waited. Waited until the dam burst and burst it did. With a hug and a soothing rub of my back, Eddie held me tight until I was alright again.


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