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Dangerous Proposition

Page 15

by Jessica Lauryn

  And whatever danger came their way, they were going to face it together.

  Chapter 14

  Julia followed a silent Colin through the hotel lobby. When they reached the elevator, they got in without saying a word.

  Struggling to bite her tongue and refrain from expressing how livid she was that he had not only embarrassed the hell out of her, but had probably just ruined their last chance of finding her father, she squeezed the straps on her knapsack. She stared at the reflective wall beside them, taking several short breaths.

  They’d sought out Mateo Esposito because they had no leads. No leads that didn’t require potentially lethal missions, anyhow, and because they’d been searching for her father for almost a month with no luck. The detective had been their last hope. Now that Colin had given the guy the boot, they truly had nothing to go on.

  When they reached the second floor, Julia followed Colin down the hall to their room. Shutting the door, she stalked toward him, throwing her hands on her hips.

  “What the hell was all that about?” she demanded.

  “I’m looking out for you.” He muttered, “At least one of us is.”

  “Well that’s cute, Westwood.” She crossed her arms. “But I’m a big girl.”

  “Who clearly doesn’t know what’s good for her. That is, if you actually think you could walk into one of those parties and come out with your head intact.”

  “You brought me to one of those parties,” she said, adamant.

  He hesitated. “That was different.”

  “Why?” She stared at him. “Why was it different, Colin?”

  “Because I…”

  Was with her? Was that what he had meant to say? She had been taking care of herself for twenty-six years, thank you very much. She had no intention of changing things now.

  “Because I made a mistake,” he said at last. “Now, tell me how you know Griffin Strycker. Or was that a secret you planned on keeping between the two of you? A secret which may have just gotten your father killed.”

  Tears stung in Julia’s eyes. It was the second time that Colin had insinuated she didn’t care about her father. For some reason, he seemed to believe it was the truth.

  And though he couldn’t have been more wrong, a part of her couldn’t blame him for feeling the way he did. She had done nothing but make one colossal mistake after the next since the night she broke into his mansion.

  “Griffin approached me at the party,” she said, fighting to keep back the moisture that threatened to spill down her cheeks. “I got a weird vibe from him, and I thought I could find out whether he knew something about my father’s disappearance.”

  Colin’s jaw tightened. “Did you?”

  “Not exactly. But he did say one thing that rather stood out.”

  “What was that?”

  Julia bit her lip. “He told me to stay away from you.”

  For a long moment, Colin said nothing. But as he tapped his foot against the ground, a dark shadow seemed to cast itself across his features. She was sure she was only imagining this, but somehow, the way he looked seemed to confirm what she had said, a statement he had yet to object to.

  Swallowing, she went on. “The day I went shopping on Fifth Avenue, Griffin was there. He approached me on the street. He told me that if I want my dad back, I should come find him. He—”

  “And you’re just telling me this now? What in God’s name is wrong with you, Julia? Griffin Strycker is a psychopath! If he’s tailing you, he may realize you’re Tucker’s daughter.”

  Pushing past her, Colin reached onto the bed and snatched up her knapsack. He dug through it, retrieving the address Mateo Esposito had given them for the party. He gave it a once-over then started for the door.

  “What are you going to do?” Julia asked.

  “I’m going to save your father’s ass, Julia. That’s what I’m going to do.”

  “You’re going to that party, aren’t you?” Her voice was almost shaky.

  “That’s right. And you’re staying here.” Colin wrapped his fingers around the doorknob. He paused, raking his fingers through his hair. Turning toward the bathroom, he entered and slammed the door shut.

  Damn him! If the guy wasn’t so gigantic and strong, she’d wipe that contemptuous smirk off his face. There was no way in hell she was letting him go to that party alone. He could get her father killed—he could get himself killed. Truth be told, she wasn’t sure she was willing to sacrifice either one of them. That was why she had to get to that party first.

  Plopping onto the bed, Julia crossed her arms as she attempted to think. She shut her eyes, and the pipes squeaked in the next room, causing a brilliant idea to come to her mind. Colin had taken the address with him. And she seriously doubted he planned on taking it into the shower. If she was very quiet, she could sneak in, search his pocket and be out of there before he realized she was in the room. She only hoped he would be so distracted lathering it up that he wouldn’t notice a moving shadow.

  Taking a deep breath, she got to her feet. She hesitated a moment then walked forward and opened the bathroom door.

  A blast of steam hit Julia’s face. Squinting, she looked down and scanned the tiled ground. Colin’s jeans were lying in the middle of the rug.

  Wasting no time, she darted into the room and bent down. She held her breath as she slid her hand into Colin’s pants pocket.

  Finding nothing but a cell phone, Julia slipped her hand free then shoved it into the other pocket. Nothing there. Swiveling her eyes, she searched the ground for Colin’s shirt. She stood, surveying the towel rack. A blast of hot water hit her back.

  Julia shook as a warm, wet hand snatched hold of her arm. She tried to run, but the hand held her in place. It dragged her backward, pulling her past the plastic curtain and into the shower.

  Trapped beneath the hot, running water, her hair and clothes dampened instantly. Within seconds, her tank top was soaked through, and her jeans were clinging to her body like a rag. She knew she ought to cover herself, knew damn well she ought to cover herself but she found she was too distracted to move. Colin stood before her, thick black hair dripping with water, arms and torso covered with soap. And all the Lever 2000 in the world couldn’t hide his very rampant erection.

  Julia tried to look away, but her mischievous eyes seemed to have a mind all their own. They glued themselves to Colin’s muscled chest and six-pack abs, inching toward the patch of dark hair above his groin, finally resting against his pulsing shaft. Holy Mother Toledo. She shifted her eyes, doing all she could not to reach forward and touch his warm, wet skin.

  “There must be something awfully fascinating, for you to just find your way in here,” Colin said, his voice dark and throaty.

  There must have been. Only, for the life of her, Julia couldn’t seem to remember what that something was. All she could do was stare at Colin’s incredible male body, at the arms she’d wanted to be wrapped up in since she was sixteen, the body she’d dreamed of lying beside for nearly half her life.

  God, how she wanted him and wanted to be held against his hot skin. The twinkle in his eyes seemed to indicate he wanted the very same thing.

  “Now,” he said, grasping the ends of her wet shirt, “we wouldn’t want to ruin your new purchase, would we?”

  Her breath came in spasms as Colin inched toward her, his gaze smoky and hard. Leaning in, he pressed his warm lips against the groove of her neck. He brushed her wet hair from her shoulder, and his lips trailed downward as he slid her dampened sleeve from her arm.

  Lifting his head, he tugged her heavy shirt up her torso. She raised her arms, allowing him to tug it over her head.

  Wrapping his arms around her, Colin unhooked her bra. He looked her breasts over with wicked grin. Then he kissed her, pulling her fiercely against his warm body.

  Overwhelmed by the feel of his strength, Julia gasped. The sensation of Colin’s warm, wet torso touching her bare skin shot a powerful wave of desire to her core. It c
oursed through her, leaving her desperately wanting more.

  Bending his head, Colin kissed her neck and shoulders and then inched lower, touching the tips of her breasts. She almost forgot to breathe as he came to his knees, moving his wet lips over her belly.

  Reaching upward, he cupped her breasts. His kisses crept lower and lower still, falling to the waistband of her jeans.

  “Colin,” Julia breathed as he smoothed his fingertips against the front of her wet panties. His fingertips loomed just inches above the groove between her legs.

  As he lowered his palm, she released a helpless cry of anticipation. Colin smoothed his hand lower, just about rubbing her folds. She breathed in and out, barely realizing that he’d stopped. He looked at her with widened eyes. Panic spread across his face.

  “I’m sorry—” he started.


  “I shouldn’t have done that.”

  Was he serious? Had he really just done what he had, then apologized for it?

  Colin had loosened her defenses. He’d brought her to the point of absolute vulnerability. Now he was saying he didn’t want her?

  She could hardly believe it. And yet, she could believe it. She’d known what she was getting into when she’d agreed to come to New York with him. She’d swum in dangerous waters, and allowed herself to become vulnerable. Naturally, the very thing she’d been afraid of had occurred.

  Being with Colin, almost making love to him had been everything she had imagined. But it had been a dream, just as she had suspected all along.

  “You’re right,” she said firmly. “You’re damn right you shouldn’t have.”

  She wouldn’t cry. She refused to cry. She snatched up her wet shirt, throwing it over her head. Then, she walked out of the shower. She left the bathroom, slamming the door behind her.

  Colin didn’t follow her, the realization of which brought fresh tears to her eyes as she changed into dry clothes. Body trembling, she approached the hotel room door, resolving to go for a walk.

  Yes, Julia thought, shutting the door behind her. A walk would do her a world of good.

  Chapter 15

  Colin pounded the shower tile with his fist. Water splashed against the shower curtain as he drew back his throbbing hand. The bar of soap he’d been using hit the ceramic floor.

  Turning off the faucet, he stepped out of the shower and threw a towel around his waist. He looked down and saw that the cold water had done little to hide the evidence of his arousal. Grunting, he opened the door and walked stealthily into the bedroom.

  He looked past the bed, the mini fridge, and the closet in the corner. The room was empty. He checked beside the window. Finding no trace of Julia, he thrust his fist against the nightstand. She was gone. And he had no one to blame for that but himself.

  Thinking back on the image of her just a few moments earlier, water running through her hair, wet clothes clinging to her breasts and hips, he rationalized that he hadn’t been able to help himself. Seeing Julia that way, so sweet and enticing, was more than he had been able to handle. Within seconds, he’d had her almost undressed, and he’d kissed the length of half her perfect figure. If not for the sudden pang of guilt he’d had, he probably would have taken her up against the tiled wall.

  Swearing, he sat on the bed. He raked his fingers through his wet hair, concurring that in the time he and Julia had spent together, he had been exercising the self-restraint of priest. He’d lain beside Julia and held her when she was upset. Yet, he hadn’t made so much an attempt to kiss her cheek. And why not? Because he’d promised her he wouldn’t do it, something that was unfathomably out of character for him, something he questioned doing constantly. It was as though another person had said the words, and they’d somehow emanated from his lips through osmosis.

  When he’d agreed to take Julia to New York with him, he’d had every intention of enjoying everything she had to offer. She was a very beautiful woman, and her sharing a bed with him was a small price to pay for having the inside track on her father’s investigation. Yet, not only had he allowed her to break their agreement, but he’d let her go. He’d had her right there, warm, wet and willing, and he’d told her to walk away.

  Colin stormed to the closet. He took a button-down shirt and a suit jacket and paired them with jeans. He didn’t bother to look at his reflection when he was finished getting dressed. After walking to the bathroom, he picked up the shirt he had been wearing earlier. He reached into the pocket, and took the address for the party Mateo Esposito had told them about.

  His phone buzzed on the counter.

  Picking it up, he held it against his ear. “What?”

  Ian Hauser’s voice greeted him. “We’ve checked out the location of the party, sir. It’s definitely a cover. For what I can’t be sure, but Dylan Rossler will definitely be there.”

  “I’m on my way,” Colin said. He hung up.

  He didn’t doubt for a second that this party was a cover. Most of these gatherings were information swaps, disguised by more than a few willing individuals and an exorbitant amount of alcohol. But he had a feeling this one was going to be a bit of a wild card.

  The invite to this “get-together” had been passed to him through a third party. Though the person was technically on his payroll, the individual responsible for hosting the affair definitely intended for him to have it. Dylan Rossler, the third ex-employee of Project Gemstone who was apparently involved in this coup, was going to make an attempt on his life tonight. And when he put a gun to his head and held the son of a bitch by the throat, he was finally going to learn where those bastards were keeping Tucker.

  As he splashed on aftershave a few moments later, a sudden realization struck Colin like a bolt of lightning. Julia knew he had the address for the party. Meaning it wasn’t desire or even curiosity that had brought her into his shower. It was her never-ending desire to stick her nose where it didn’t belong.

  Reading over the address, he converted it to memory then tore the paper in half and tossed it into the trash.

  He wandered into the hall and took a brief look around, making sure that Julia wasn’t lurking about. Mildly disappointed not to find her attempting to hurl a sharp object at his head, he got into the elevator and took it to the ground floor.

  As he exited the lobby, relief flooded his insides. In just a few hours he would have Tucker back. And the man who’d taken him would learn that you didn’t cross Colin Westwood and get away with it.

  Feeling for the first time in weeks that things were going his way, Colin hopped into his car and sped from the hotel parking lot.

  * * * *

  Stepping off the elevator and onto the second floor of the hotel, Julia looked around. There was nothing in the hall but the enormous fake plant that stood in front of the mirror. Taking a deep breath, she approached her and Colin’s hotel room door with hesitancy.

  As her hand touched down on the knob, she took one final look around the empty, carpeted area. She sighed. She had hoped Colin would be standing there, ready to offer some sort of apology, only, he wasn’t. And though she’d circled the lobby about fifteen times, she didn’t feel any better about what had happened between them than she had before she left.

  As Colin pulled her into the shower, she’d thought he was only trying to stop her from taking the address. But as the heat emanated from his eyes, she’d realized he wanted more. And the second she’d given in to him, he’d pulled away. The man who had strong-armed her into becoming his mistress had rejected her. Was there anything more pathetic?

  Shaking her head, Julia thrust her hotel key against the swiper. Holding her head high, she entered the room. Not a sound. As she turned toward the bathroom, she saw that several wet towels were hanging on the rack. She made her way toward the bed, noticing as she came past the closet that Colin’s suit was missing. So was Colin. And it didn’t take a genius to figure out where he’d gone.

  Emitting an exasperated sigh, Julia covered her face with her hands and plopp
ed onto the bed. Dragging herself up a moment later, she came back against the headboard and cradled one of the large white pillows against her chest.

  Colin must have been out of his mind to go to that party alone. Did he have any idea how much danger he was walking into? The risks involved with making a go of it by himself? Trained FBI official or otherwise, he had just gone into a battle. And the last time he’d been in that position, he had almost been killed.

  Clutching her stomach, Julia took a few deep breaths. Then she took a few more. Feeling very much like she was going to be sick, she clasped her aching middle and leaned back against the headboard. She put her head between her legs, hiccupping loudly as two massive tears trickled down her cheeks.

  Colin was in danger. It wasn’t the kind of trouble you were in when you realized you hadn’t completed your lesson plans for the next day—it was very real danger. It ate her alive to admit it, but she was terrified for him. Whether she wanted to or not, she cared about what happened to Colin. She felt something deep and inexplicable for the man she’d sworn she despised. And as if this wasn’t enough of a realization to be having, there was still that little matter of what had happened between the two of them in the shower. Or rather, what hadn’t happened between the two of them in the shower.

  Julia dropped her head, curling into a fetal position. For a long time now, she had been indulging in a fairy tale. She’d allowed herself to believe that Colin wanted her, not just for her body, but that he really wanted her. That that was why he’d asked her to be his mistress. Not to fulfill his needs or to cover his tracks—because he wanted her. And though she’d never had any real intention of taking him up on such a dangerous proposition, she had been clinging to the idea that maybe, just maybe, he’d made her the offer he had because he felt something for her, too. More than an attraction, more than a desire, but a longing that had been building since that afternoon in his father’s hotel.


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