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Covetousness: A Havenwood Falls Novella

Page 8

by Randi Cooley Wilson

  “Roman and Ada will both be in attendance. If you and I are there with the rest of the town, it won’t seem odd. Or look as though we’re spying on them.”

  “Good plan.”

  “There will also be food, beer, and music,” he throws out.

  “Now it definitely sounds like a date.”

  “It sounds like you want it to be a date,” he counters.

  “No,” I draw out.

  He takes a step toward me, his sultry expression messing with my mind. “Are you sure?”

  “Positive,” I completely lie.

  Chapter 7

  Consumed By Fire

  The sky darkens as the sun slowly sets and the silvery moon rises. Magnificent fire-colored strokes fade, and in their place, an inky canopy appears, seeming vast. Millions of tiny, twinkling lights make their appearance and dance across the horizon. Shadowed tall pines cocoon us, reaching tall, as if they’re trying to touch the starry mountain night sky. It is breathtaking.

  The longer I stay in Colorado, the more enchanting the allure of the mountains becomes. The air is filled with the smells of barbecue, melted marshmallows, and chocolate mingled with beer. The combination settles and lingers around the lake and music-filled beach.

  With a tiny smile, I watch the residents of Havenwood Falls as they laugh and chat, welcoming summer even though there is still a slight chill in the night air. And I realize, without any warning, that this small town has settled in my heart, becoming more like home.

  Warmth brushes over me from the enormous bonfire. Every so often it crackles and pops, echoing around the small beach. As I take in a breath, the thick smoke coming off the large fire and surrounding smaller ones causes a slight sting in my eyes. I blink away the burn, and when I do, my gaze catches Everett’s.

  He’s leaning against a tree trunk, sipping on a beer, bathed in a combination of warm orange hues and dark shadows created by the dancing flames. A smirk plays on his lips as his electric, verdant eyes move over me. The starry night sky doesn’t hold a candle to how stunning he looks. I stand, brush off the sand on my jeans from the beach, and make my way over to him.

  “Hi,” I greet him shyly.

  “Having fun?” he asks.

  “Sure. You?”

  He nods, a smug grin spreading over his mouth. His glowing focus secures on me, creating an almost unbearable tension that with every passing moment thickens between us.

  “You looked peaceful,” he points out.

  “There is something magical about this place,” I reply. “No pun intended.”

  Everett lifts his beer bottle to his lips, pulling in a long sip.

  He stares at me, and I return his intense gaze. His face is gentle and relaxed. But his eyes—they terrify me because I can almost feel the connection between us. Like it’s something I can physically reach out and grab a hold of. For one perfect moment, it is just me and him. In our own little bubble, nothing and no one else exists.

  It’s strangely unflawed and comforting.

  As if it was always supposed to be like this between us.

  “Did you hear about the Moons in the Mist controversy?” I whisper in a conspiring tone.

  In one slow shake of his head, he lets me know he hasn’t.

  “At the town meeting, it was decided Meet Your Meat would serve jumbo-sized hot dogs.”

  “Why is that controversial?” Everett inquires.

  “Well, no one approved jumbo-sized buns. That’s right. So here we all are with a hot dog that is twice the size of the bun. Everyone knows that you only eat hot dogs for the toppings.”

  “I don’t think that is actually true.”

  “Total truth. Willow, the owner of Coffee Haven, was all up in arms because her condiments and toppings kept falling off her hot dog due to the small bun size. It’s like amateur hour up in here. The town is livid.”

  A small smile creeps onto his lips. “It does seem simply disgraceful,” he plays along.

  “I know.” I lean in. “Irene Beckett said that for years they’ve had peace in the town. Now, she’s fearful it will just end. Over poor hot-dog-bun planning with the butcher shop.”

  “This is a very scandalous situation.” He passes his beer to me, and I take a sip.

  “I think we have to do something about it—maybe start a riot and bonfire—oh wait.” I motion toward the roaring fire and grin brightly at Everett, who returns mine with one of his own.

  Around us, music is pumping, and people mingle and chat. No one gives us a second glance.

  Everett’s amused gaze lifts, narrowing as it locks onto something behind me. Curious as to what has his attention, I start to look over my shoulder but stop when he suddenly lunges himself at me. Startled, I let the beer bottle slip out of my fingers, and it falls onto the ground with a clank.

  His fingers curl into the tops of my arms as he slams me against the tree. My back digs into the rough bark, causing me to grunt from the pain. The front of Everett’s body covers mine protectively, pressing against me so hard, all the air rushes out of my lungs with a whoosh.

  My heart pounds as his scent engulfs me, and the warmth he’s emanating seeps into my skin.

  Everett pulls back just enough to look me in my eyes. “Roman and Ada,” he mouths.

  I nod my understanding, and he tilts his head toward them, trying to hear because with his heightened gargoyle senses, he can make out conversations from a distance, even with all the noise.

  Remaining still, I try to focus on what he’s concentrating on, instead of the amazing feeling of his hard body pressed up against mine. In this moment, bathed in firelight, Everett’s physical looks, intensity, and confidence overwhelm me. My body trembles at his nearness, and suddenly, I want to be far away from him because right now, I’m losing control of my senses.

  Everett’s desire-filled eyes meet mine as I feel him hardening against my thigh. He glances back and forth between my eyes, reading my thoughts, piercing and captivating me.

  His hands release my arms and move up, slipping his fingers behind my head, knotting through my hair. With a small tug, all thoughts of Roman and Ada disappear.

  My body tingles in response to him, wound up tightly with desire.

  The playful light has disappeared from his eyes, and every inch of him is tense. He stares down at me, unblinking, his mouth slightly open. I get the distinct feeling he is waiting to see what I’ll do next. If I’ll take things further. My hands lift and wrap around his forearms, holding onto him for support as my throat tightens and a tingling heat pours over me, making me dizzy.

  Through my lashes, I watch him. His gaze lowers to my mouth. A split second passes before his lips crash down onto mine. I should stop him. Push him away. But I don’t.

  His lips consume me. Something ignites inside me like a spark falling on paper, and a small gasp escapes me as his lips part mine and his tongue grazes my bottom lip.

  Without thinking, I slide my hands up the back of his head, pulling him into me, deepening our kiss. He growls, pressing into me with sudden urgency. He consumes me with each stroke of his lips. It’s like we can’t get enough of each other, our need to be closer overwhelming both of us.

  My fingers tighten in his hair. He feels so good. Our lips slow as the requirement for air settles in. Everett’s fingers slide out of my hair and caress my jaw as he gently kisses me a few more times before his forehead meets mine.

  “I like you, Graysin. I like you as more than an employee. And I like you as more than a friend. I like you. I have liked you for some time now, and I don’t think this feeling is going to go away.”

  At his raspy, breathy words, I suck in harshly. Trepidation squeezes at my lungs.

  Sensing my hesitation, Everett pulls back and searches my face as I stand there, silent.

  Then the warmth of his body abruptly disappears and he steps away.

  “There you are.” Callie walks up. “What’s going on?” she asks, unaware of what just happened.

rett lets out a scratchy laugh. “Callie, I like you and want to be more than friends.”

  Her eyes widen, and she screeches. “What?”

  His eyes narrow at me, frustrated. “See? She reacted. That’s what a person is supposed to do.”

  He shakes his head, pissed off, and storms away, as I stand against the tree, unmoving.

  Callie steps in front of me and looks me over. “You two are making out behind a tree. At the town’s bonfire. How Havenwood Falls High of you,” she quips. “Did you at least let him get to second?”

  I scrunch up my face. “I think I just screwed up.”

  “Noooo,” she draws out, feigning shock.

  I roll my eyes at her overdramatic reaction.

  “Anyway, while you two were sucking face—and not making gargoyle babies—” She pins me with an I told you so look. “I was able to snoop around a little. Roman and Ada are definitely up to something and working together.” She lifts a hot dog to her mouth but stops, eyeing it. “Hey, does this bun look super small or is it just me?”

  “What makes you think that?”

  “Well, my onions are falling off.” She pouts as a few chopped pieces fall to the ground.

  “I mean, about Roman and Ada working together.”

  “Oh. They came separately, but snuck off together. And that isn’t all.” She wiggles her brows.

  “There’s more?”

  “I caught them giving each other the eye.” She nods as if this information is mind blowing.

  “The eye?”

  “You know, the sexy look you give someone when you’re screwing them.”

  My mouth falls open, and I grab her by the wrist, pulling her closer. In the process, her hot dog falls to the ground next to what’s left of the puddle of beer that has seeped into the dirt during Everett’s and my heated kiss. Heat flows through me as I remember his mouth assaulting mine.

  His taste still lingers on my lips.

  “Graysin,” Callie whines. “It took me twenty minutes to get that bun. I had to fight off a mob complaining about how this town doesn’t think logically when planning meat-to-bread ratios.” She stops and looks at the bun and hot dog for a moment. “Wait,” she says excitedly. “I totally get it now. The bun is significantly smaller. Wow. That is really poor planning on Pyntz’s part.”


  “It is, look. There is like an inch more of beef than bun.”

  “Callie!” I snap.

  “What?” she questions.

  “Roman was married to my sister. Are you saying he and Ada are having an affair?”

  She frowns. “I don’t know if they were having one while your sister was alive, but it certainly looks like she is sucking his cock now.”

  My nose scrunches. “Ew. That’s . . . specific.”

  Her hands grip my shoulders, and she spins me around. Deep in the forest, barely visible in the dark, is an old shed. And pressed against it is my sister’s husband, Roman, with a woman kneeling on the ground in front of him. Her head is bobbing up and down as she sucks him off.

  Quickly, I squeeze my eyes closed and spin back to Callie.

  “Who the hell is that?”

  “That, my friend, is Ada.”

  “Holy shit.”

  I storm into the Victorian house and slam the door behind me. Throwing off my flats, I take the stairs two at a time in my bare feet. Excited, I rush to tell Everett what Callie and I just witnessed happening between Roman and Ada, because it confirms our theory that they’re together.

  Once I reach the top landing, I take the left turn a little too fast and lose my balance. With an oomph, I face-plant in the middle of a hot, hard chest. The chest releases a grunt, and strong hands grab me around the waist, holding me steady, preventing my fall. God. Why does he always have to smell so damn intoxicating? I breathe him in deeply, unable to stop myself.

  “You all right?” The chest vibrates beneath my cheek.

  Coming out of my haze, I blink and look up at Everett. “Fine. Thanks.”

  He dips his chin and releases me, stepping back. I can’t help but be momentarily distracted by the sight of him in nothing but a towel. He has a man’s body; nothing about him is undefined.

  A warm buzz rattles around my core as I watch the muscles ripple and move as he folds his arms across his broad, bare chest. My gaze slides lower, following the muscular indentation of his V-line. My lips part at the hint of hair above the knotted top. His body is raw and powerful.

  Everett’s silky tone cuts through my gawking. “See something you like?”

  I snap my focus to his eyes and flush. Heat and sweat coat my skin, under my clothes.

  “No,” I declare. “I was just looking at your . . . um . . . tattoo. Anyway, hi.”

  The glint in his eyes turns my body to liquid. “Hi.”

  “What are you doing?” My voice is all high-pitched and shaky.

  His brows descend, as do the corners of his gorgeous lips. “Taking a cold shower.”

  Something shifts between us as we stare at each other. He tilts his head. His features are hard, but something truly frightening smolders underneath his expression as he takes me in. We stay like this for a few seconds as I try to collect my thoughts and remember why I rushed here.

  “Ada was giving Roman a blow job at the bonfire,” I blurt out. “Callie and I saw them.”

  His eyebrow cocks up in surprise. “Guess I didn’t need the cold shower. That image will do.”

  I cringe at the ridiculous way I announced their affair, but I try to keep a cool, nonchalant appearance on my face. For a brief second, shock and alarm cross his face before he hides it. Everett clearly understands what this means with regards to Jenni—we have a motive.

  “Do you think he has feelings for her? Like they’re in love or something?” I pose.

  Everett’s jaw twitches. Annoyance settles on his face while he focuses on my mouth as I speak.

  “Everett?” His name barely comes out as a whisper.

  “I don’t give a fuck,” he snarls.

  “What?” I ask, surprised by his anger.

  “I couldn’t give a shit about anyone else’s feelings right now . . . except yours, Graysin.”

  Like a trapped animal, my muscles lock, and I freeze, my lungs straining to claim air.

  “This,” I motion between us, “is attraction. Not real feelings,” I argue, trying to convince myself.

  It’s the quickest of seconds, a halted moment in time that passes, before he leans in, his fingers roughly grabbing my jaw, yanking us together. “Do you feel my touch? Hear my voice?”

  I swallow and nod.

  “It’s real. I’m real. I want you, for real. And for fuck’s sake, I know you want me, too.”

  My resolve starts to fade.

  “We will figure out the shit with Roman and your sister, I swear to you. But right now . . .”

  “Right now, what?” I manage to ask, my throat dry.

  He grips my face tighter, pulling me toward him, inhaling the breath I’ve released. And in this split second, any bit of reason I was holding on to disappears, as flames of lust now burn deep within me. Like a phoenix rising, a persistent need claws at me as I become consumed by fire.

  “Your move, city girl,” he says in a husky voice.

  My fingers graze the top of the towel he’s wearing. I release the knot. Everett’s bare skin and well-endowed physique are now on full display for me to admire, which I do. Every hard line and detail of him, with an unabashed desire and appreciation. God, he’s beautiful.

  “Look at me.” Everett moves closer.

  “I am,” I mumble.

  “In the eyes,” he growls.

  A concentrated silence penetrates the space between us.

  On a slow blink, I lift my gaze, meeting his.

  The look he’s giving me ignites my skin and sucks all thoughts out of my head. His thumbs stroke my jaw. My heart pounds in my chest. The need for him to undress me so I can feel his bare sk
in on mine frenzies me. The energy crackles the air between us, sparking desire in his eyes as they implore mine, searching for my answer.

  I want nothing more than to have him so deep inside me, I can’t breathe. To lose myself in him completely. To give into yearning and let emotion rule over logical thought. A tremble runs through my flushed skin, and my body pulses with longing and a need that originates between my thighs.

  A strangled rumble releases from his throat, and Everett’s fingers slide up and grip the sides of my head with desperation. His mouth brushes over mine, taunting me. The desire building between us is too strong for me to fight off anymore. His lips sweep mine again, and I’m gone.

  Consumed by his fire, I push up on my toes and press my mouth against his, kissing him hungrily and ferociously. He groans, his hand clasping the back of my head, the other pressing against my lower back, bringing me to him. He walks us backwards, and my back hits the wall.

  His tongue skims my lips, parting them, deepening the kiss. It’s wild and desperate as he presses me against the wall. My fingers dig into his arms as my body becomes jittery and hot.

  Everett slowly pulls back, his eyes drifting over me. “Are you sure?”

  Holding his stare, my fingers release his right arm. As if acting on their own, they move over the protector tattoo on his chest. With the lightest of touches, my fingertips trace the two phoenixes. When my fingers touch the lines, I take in a sharp breath. The touch is like fire to my veins. The heat under my skin burns along my nerves, causing a consuming fire to ignite within me.

  Somewhere from a deep-rooted spot in my subconscious, I like the way it makes me feel.

  Marking me as his.

  My teeth sink into my bottom lip with a rush of desire. My body trembles with the need to be touched, to feel him inside of me. My breath catches when his hand disappears from my hip and slides up my stomach and chest, landing on my erratically beating heart.

  “Your heart is beating a mile a minute.” His accent is soothing and calming.

  His gaze bleeds into mine. When he brushes a strand of hair away from my face, his thumb caresses the small silver scar under my eye and something flashes in his, but then it’s gone.


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