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The Assist (Smart Jocks #1)

Page 16

by Rebecca Jenshak

  “Someone who understands what it takes to be great.”

  I’m eager for more. The way she believes in me almost has me convinced I’m capable. But she doesn’t say anything else.

  I can do this. For my team. For myself. I can live up to the standard that Blair believes I’m capable of.

  Damn, she’s good.

  The locker room door opens, and a few other guys stop in to change before hitting the weight room. “Gotta go. See ya later?”

  “Sure, text me later. I need to do some school stuff for a few hours.”

  Damn, this girl spends more time studying than anyone I know.

  I find Shaw in the weight room as he’s finishing a set of squats. By the annoyed look he shoots me, Coach has already informed him that we’re going to be working together from now on.

  He moves to pull all the weight off, but I shake my head. “Another set.”

  Shaw glares but silently adds another ten pounds to each side of the barbell.

  “You need to build up your leg strength and endurance. When you’re leading the point, your legs have to be as fresh at the end of the game as the beginning. Forget about what the rest of the guys are doing,” I say as he looks around the room, envy clear in his eyes. “You have to be stronger, faster, and smarter out there.”

  He takes the weight on his back and squats out eight reps. When he finishes and faces me, breath ragged, the glint in his eye is determined. I hide my approval.

  Every exercise is the same. I push him harder than he wants, but he doesn’t back down.

  “All right, let’s hit the gym for some ball drills and then we’ll join the team for the run.”

  His jaw flexes. As we walk out onto the court, I grab two balls and pass one back to Shaw. “I usually start with some half court runs, switching off every turn. Left up, right back, and so on until I feel warm.”

  I take off, and a split second later, he’s beside me, pushing me faster. I lose track of how many times we’ve gone up and down the court after ten.

  “All right, now, suicides with the ball. Stop and touch the line with your free hand and then switch over to the other hand.”

  Again, we turn what should be a light warm up into a race. The only sound in the gym is the steady drumming of the ball hitting the hardwood and our sneakers squeaking as we pivot at each line on the court. We stop after each one is complete, only resting as long as the other will allow. My foot throbs, but I don’t dare let him see me weak.

  Sweat pours down my face, my back, my arms. After the fifth, rookie cracks a smile. After seven, I join him, my lips curling of their own accord. At ten, a laugh that is filled with tension, relief, and hope escapes from my chest, and the sound is like the first crack in a dam. It grows and builds and then is joined by Shaw until we collapse on the floor completely exhausted, probably delirious, but I’ve gained his respect. And him, mine.

  And Blair was right.

  Nathan’s birthday is the following week and as much as I don’t feel like going out, I can’t deny the man a proper twenty-first birthday celebration. Joel elbows me and lifts a hand. I turn my attention to the door to see Blair entering The Hideout. I swear the guy has girl radar and one eye always trained on the door.

  My girl couldn’t make it until after she finished studying. She’s starting to make me feel guilty for my big brain with all the time she spends at the library. Not that I don’t ever need to open a book, but I only have to a couple of hours a week tops. Whereas it’s all Blair seems to do.

  I meet her halfway and pull her into a hug. “Hey, you made it.”

  She goes limp in my arms, leaning her head against my chest.

  “So tired,” she mumbles as she pulls back.

  “We don’t have to stay long. The birthday boy is one more shot away from passing out.” I slide a hand into the back pocket of her jeans and guide us back to the bar.

  Nathan is propped up on a stool, eyes glazed and wearing a drunken smile. “Blair, you made it.”

  He makes a move to get off the stool and stumbles, setting off a domino effect as he crashes into guys on the team, who in turn bump into the people around us.

  Z helps a totally clueless Nathan back up onto the chair. “Don’t move,” he instructs.

  Blair goes to Nathan and embraces him. “Happy birthday. Can I buy you a drink?”

  He winks at me over her shoulder and sniffs her hair. Fucker is messing with me, but I’m not scared. He knows I’d kick his ass if he made a move on my girl. Still, I move closer just in case he decides to test me.

  “Hell yes,” Nathan responds and pulls back. That’s right, dude, hands off.

  She orders two shots of Fireball at his request and Nathan slurs the same toast he’s been shouting all night, “To love and basketball.”

  That seems to put him over the edge, thank God, and Nathan voices his desire to go home and pass the fuck out. Joel and Z help him stand, and Blair and I trail behind. We’re almost to the door when someone steps in front of her.

  “A word,” David says, teeth clenched and jaw flexing.

  My hand tenses in her back pocket, and I tug her closer. “We’re on our way out.”

  The glare that David shoots me further pisses me off, but I feel Blair cower next to me. Instead of telling him to get lost, she pulls away from me. “Go ahead with the guys, I’m right behind you.”

  The fuck? I start to protest, but she leans up and presses a kiss to my lips. I relent. “Five minutes.”

  “Five minutes,” she repeats with a nod.

  I’m bristling as I walk outside.

  “Something doesn’t feel right.” I pace behind the car as Z gets Nathan in and Joel starts the car. “Maybe I should go back in and get her. I’m gonna go back in.”

  No one is listening to me as I work this out aloud. David looked angry, and as tough as Blair is, and as much as I don’t want to be the kind of guy who acts like a jealous asshole, this just doesn’t feel right.

  “I’m gonna go get her,” I repeat, louder this time so the guys can hear. I get the faintest head tilt in acknowledgment.

  My eyes scan the bar when I step back inside, and my pulse quickens when I don’t immediately see Blair.

  I push toward the back, where I found them last time, and it seems this is David’s go-to spot for cornering women. I’d only meant to check and make sure she was okay, but the tears in Blair’s eyes push me to action.

  “I can’t keep doing this. I’ve barely slept all week. Do what you have to do, David, but I’m done helping you.” Blair’s voice quivers, but I’m damn proud of her for standing up for herself, even if I’m hella confused about what’s going on.

  “Blair,” I say her name just loud enough to be heard but don’t move to put myself between them. I get the feeling that she needs to fight this battle on her own. I’m just back up, and I want fuck face to know it.

  Instead of the anger I’d expected from David at my approach, he looks downright gleeful. “Do what I have to do, huh?”

  There is panic in Blair’s eyes as she looks between us. He steps toward me, and she reaches for his arm. The hell? He rips his arm away from her and continues until we’re chest to chest. He isn’t a short dude, but I have him by several inches.

  “Don’t worry, bro, she’s all yours. I got what I wanted from her, including some mementos to remember her best assets.” He winks, which is the final snap to my barely contained rage. Don’t know where the fuck this guy gets off, but I don’t like the way he suggests he still has any ties to her.

  I shove him, and he staggers back. Before I can advance, I’m being pulled backward by Z, who I hadn’t realized followed me back inside. “Should get out of here, man.”

  Blair’s crying fills the silence of the parking lot as we’re ushered out to Joel’s car. Z pushes us into the back with Nathan, who’s already passed out.

  “What the hell?” Joel asks, getting a look at our faces.

  “Just drive,” Z says as he slams his do
or shut.

  I sit, stunned, as Joel takes off to the house. What the hell just happened?

  “Dude.” Joel’s eyes find mine in the rearview mirror, and he nods toward Blair. Right, I’m meant to be comforting my girl.

  “Come here,” I murmur and pull Blair into my arms. She falls into my chest and sobs harder. She tries to speak, but I run a hand through her hair and tell her we’ll talk later.

  I need to get my emotions in check before I deal with hers. I’m pissed, and only part of my anger is at David. I’m also mad at myself for losing my cool. I mean, he totally deserved it, and I’d do it again in a heartbeat, but I’ve never been in a bar brawl. In fact, the only time I’ve ever gotten into any kind of physical altercation has been on the basketball floor. It’s the only place that has ever gotten me riled up enough to want to throw a punch. Until now. Until Blair.

  Her crying quiets as I lead her out of the car and up to my room. She crawls onto my bed and kicks off her shoes. “I’m so sorry.”

  “Hey.” I slide in next to her. “What are you sorry for? You didn’t do anything wrong.”

  That seems to set her off again, and her chest heaves with new tears. I hold her until she cries herself to sleep, and then I slip downstairs.

  Joel and Z are in the living room watching television.

  “She okay?” Joel asks when I plop down onto the couch.

  I nod. “Yeah, I think so. Guy was a total ass to her. Never expected her to react like that, though,” I admit. “She’s sleeping now.”

  “What the hell happened in there to make you haul off and hit the guy?” Joel asks.

  “I didn’t hit him, just shoved a tiny bit.” Okay a lot, whatever. I fill them in the best I remember and include the bits that Blair has told me about the way her relationship ended with David. At least the parts I don’t think she’ll mind my sharing.

  “She was really shaken. It doesn’t add up. You know the guy?” I ask Joel.

  “Know of him. Not any more than what you told me, though. He’s a Sigma, and he’s a tool.”

  “I’m gonna text Mario. Let Vanessa know what happened and see if she knows anything.”

  “I’ll text Mario,” Joel interjects. “You need to chill out before you do something stupid.”



  I wake in the darkness, but voices carry from downstairs. My head aches from the bawl fest, and I’m filled with humiliation as I wonder what Wes must think. Or what he’ll think if I tell him everything. I’ve played out this scenario a hundred times, how I’d tell Wes if it ever came down to it. Admittedly, I never planned on it unless my hand was forced.

  Fucking David. I spent two hours waiting for him to show up at the library so I could give him the latest assignments and he blows me off then has the gall to show up at The Hideout.

  What’s worse than being blackmailed by your ex-boyfriend? Your new boy-whatever finding out exactly why you’re being blackmailed in the first place. I have no idea how I’m going to explain myself. Wes deserves the truth, but oh God, the truth is horrifying.

  I force myself out of his bed, inhaling his scent and praying it isn’t the last time I’m allowed in said bed, and then I head downstairs. I know there will be questions about what went down and why I reacted the way I did, and I’m having a hard time finding the words even as I try to sort them in my mind.

  “What are you doing here?” Fresh tears fall down my face as I run toward Vanessa.

  She offers me a sad smile as she stands from her spot on the couch next to Mario and embraces me. “Checking on my best girl. Come sit, tell me what happened.”

  Wes, Mario, Joel, and Z watch us carefully. It’s clear whatever I have to say, they want to hear it too. “I ran into David at The Hideout. He was an asshole, per the usual.”

  “Blair, honey, you need to stop giving him face time. No more letting him pull you aside. The douche canoe knows he screwed up royally, and he’s trying to get you back.”

  “That isn’t it.” I look at my hands as I say the words. “He doesn’t want me back.”

  “No guy corners a girl in a bar unless he’s trying to get in her pants.” As Joel speaks, I look to Wes. His expression is guarded, and I wonder how much he’s already guessed. It seems laughably obvious at this point, and Wes is a smart jock.

  “He cornered me tonight because we were supposed to meet up.”

  Wes’s eyes widen slightly and then he slips the cool and collected mask back into place. I look to Vanessa, unable to watch him while I finish explaining. Vanessa raises her brows, prompting me to continue.

  “I’ve been helping him with his classes. No, not helping. I’ve been doing his class work.”

  “Why would you do that? You hate him.” V’s shocked voice makes me regret the months of keeping it from her.

  “Because he has pictures of me. Naked pictures. He threatened to post them online, around campus, basically ruin me.” I exhale once I get it all out.

  The hand that V rests on my leg squeezes. “That rat bastard.”

  I peek up at Wes, who has placed his head between his legs. Shame and humiliation force me to look away.

  “Baby doll, every girl on campus has nude photos.” Joel sits forward in his chair. “Check this out, these are just from tonight.”

  I cover my eyes as Joel pushes his phone in front of my face and I get an eye full of boobs.

  “Jesus, that isn’t helpful.” Wes stands. “V, can you stay here with Blair for a bit?”

  “It’s fine. I can go home.” My bed sounds great. A private place to hide and cry for a day or year. I can’t bear to guess what Wes must think of me now.

  He crosses the room and threads his hands through my hair, tilting my head up to meet his gaze. “Stay. I’ll be back as soon as I can.”

  “Where are you going?”

  “To Sigma.”

  “What? Why? There’s nothing else to say. I told him tonight I was done. It’s over.”

  He drops a light kiss onto my lips and pulls back, but then he growls as he crashes his lips to mine. This kiss is hungrier. Desperate and hard and steals the air from my lungs before he steps back.

  “Let’s go,” he says, and I watch in fascination as all the guys file out of the house.

  I can’t stop the anxious giggle that bubbles up and escapes from my mouth. “Did they all just march out of here like some sort of soldiers going to battle?”

  Vanessa smiles. “Yep. Off to fight for your honor.”

  I groan.

  “Sit,” she orders. “Tell me how this all happened?” She holds up a hand. “Actually, let’s go upstairs and wash your face. I refuse to let that ass hat be the cause of your makeup running down your face.”

  Leave it to V to be concerned about my smeared makeup at a time like this.


  “What’s the plan? We can’t just waltz in there and roam the halls until we find him.”

  There’s a group of guys outside the Sigma house, kicked back in chairs and drinking beer. I spot David as he stands and lifts his chin in a silent dare to step on to his pad.

  “Not necessary,” I grit out and quicken my pace.

  We’re welcomed by the group of guys joining David and lining up across the small patio, puffing out their chests and pulling their hands into fists at their sides. No doubt, David’s already filled them in on what happened, so our appearance doesn’t seem to shock them. It doesn’t make them happy either. Having four big, athletic dudes who are clearly pissed strolling up on them makes me almost feel sorry for them. Almost.

  “This is private property, Reynolds. You’ve already given me enough ammunition to press assault charges. Get lost, or I’ll have the cops here in five, and we’ll add trespassing to your rap sheet.”

  “Maybe before you start slinging accusations you should know that blackmail and extortion are felonies. I have the Valley president on speed dial, so we could add cheating and sexual harassment to that list as well.” Joel looks
at David with a smirk on his face.

  Joel doesn’t like to use his family to fight his battles, so I acknowledge his willingness to call up dear old Dad with a nod in his direction before I step toward David. “I want every single picture you have of her, every emails, texts, or scraps of paper she wrote on gone. Delete it. Burn it. Erase her from your life.”

  He laughs, and I fight back the urge to pummel him. First, I need to be sure he’s going to do what I ask before it comes to blows.

  “And if I don’t, what is it you think you’re going to do about it?”

  “Whatever I have to. You’re a sick fucker blackmailing a girl to do your schoolwork. Tell me, are you too stupid to pass your own classes or are you just holding on to her anyway you can?”

  “Holding on to Blair?” He bends at the waist as he lets out a deep laugh. “That slut was annoying as fuck, all positive vibes and doing things for others.” He rolls his eyes. “And a lousy lay on top of it.”

  My fist connects with his cheek, causing him to let out a grunt as his head cracks to the side. It’s chaos as guys charge and punches are thrown. David’s a pussy, no shocker there, and after I land a gut check, he collapses to the ground and holds up a hand for mercy. His signal breaks up the fight, but I still bend and get right in his face.

  “Delete everything. Tonight. And stay the fuck away from her. You see Blair, you walk in the other direction. She’s mine, and I protect what’s mine.” I straighten and pull out my phone. “Say cheese, asshole.” I snap a picture of him lying on the ground, lip busted, and then flip him off for good measure. It isn’t the same as a dick pick, but for a dude like David, I’m gonna guess a leaked photo of him looking like a pussy would be just as humiliating.

  I’m still fuming when I get back to the house, but when I push open my bedroom door and see Blair curled up on my bed sleeping, it dissipates.

  “Sweetheart, wake up.”

  Blair lets out a little groan as her eyes flutter open. I drop a kiss to her lips and pull her against me. Damn, I’d do anything for this girl. If I had any question about that before tonight, they are gone. I’m in love with her.


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