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Stephanie's Domain

Page 10

by Susanna Hughes

  Mrs Bloom was sitting on the terrace in a one-piece orange swimsuit under a multi-coloured flower print wrap, her straw hat tilted down over her eyes against the glare of the sun. She was already smoking a Lucky Strike.

  'Morning,' Stephanie said, asking the waiter to bring fresh coffee.

  'Some night,' she said. 'Did you watch?'

  'For a while.'

  'I think those boys'll only be fit for light duties today. I gave them quite a hammering.'

  'They can take it.'

  'Did that couple look in?'

  'They found it quite... inspiring.'

  Mrs Bloom laughed, a croaky frog-like sound, her voice affected by too many cigarettes. 'Open their eyes did it? Broadened their horizons?'

  'Something like that.'

  As the servant arrived with the coffee so did the Clarkes, hand-in-hand and looking surprisingly fresh and chipper.

  'Beautiful morning,' Jacqui said.

  'Sure thing,' Mrs Bloom said, looking at Terry's bathing trunks under his robe. 'You going to swim? I'll join you.'

  'Coffee first,' he said.

  A fresh basket of croissants and brioches arrived and was quickly demolished by all but Mrs Bloom who ate nothing, but smoked one cigarette after another. The sun filtered through the trees. The terrace was partially shaded in the morning. Mrs Bloom moved her chair to be in the full sun.

  'How'd you get on last night then? Hope you made full use of all the facilities.'

  'You could say that,' Jacqui said winking at Stephanie. 'Well I certainly did.'

  'We saw.'

  Mrs Bloom stubbed out her cigarette. 'Time for action.' She got up. 'Coming?' she asked Terry.

  'Great,' he said.

  They walked off the terrace and down to the jetty. In minutes two figures swam out into view under the canopy of trees, Terry waving before turning on his stomach and falling into a regular almost mechanical stroke.

  'So how do you feel this morning?' Stephanie said.

  'Wonderful,' Jacqui replied firmly. 'I'm turning into a male chauvinist.'

  'What do you mean?'

  'Well don't they say all women's problems can be solved by a good seeing to? I think they're right. Judging from how I feel this morning i.e. one hundred per cent great. A bit sore in places, mind you.'

  Stephanie laughed. 'Well you certainly seemed to be enjoying yourself last night.'

  'Ourselves. That's what's so good. Terry hasn't been so turned on since we first met. But we're going to relax today. Give it a rest. Until tonight. We can go down there again tonight, can't we?' she said suddenly, horror in her voice, in case Stephanie were to say no.

  'Of course.'

  'Oh good. We were talking about it this morning. Terry's got something in mind.'

  'You do whatever you want. That's what the weekend's for.'


  Jacqui put her hand on Stephanie's knee. She was staring into her eyes. Stephanie stared back and saw a look of intimacy mixed with a definite streak of lust.

  'God, I feel so sexy,' Jacqui said.

  'I thought you wanted to relax until tonight.'

  'I do. Actually I think I better had. My clitoris needs a rest. Weeks of abstinence and then this!'

  The white-jacketed servant came out of the castle to tell Stephanie there was a telephone call for her. Stephanie excused herself and walked inside as Jacqui rearranged herself in the chair Mrs Bloom had dragged into the sun. She picked up the phone by the large window that had been cut into the thick castle walls to give a view of the terracotta-paved terrace and the lake beyond.


  'It's me.' The 'me' was Devlin. He sounded depressed.

  'You don't sound very jolly.'

  'I'm not.'

  'Why's that?'

  'This deal.'

  'Not going well?'

  'Not going anywhere. Just an impasse. I think it's all going to be a waste of time.'

  'Oh dear.'

  'Can't be helped. Some you win, and some you meet a bastard who can't see good sense when it's two inches in front of his face.'

  'Isn't there anything you can do?'

  'I don't know. Doesn't look good. Listen, I had an idea. Why don't you come over. To New York, I mean. At least we could make the best of a bad job.'

  'I'd love to.'

  'That's settled then. I'll get the plane to pick you up at the lake this afternoon, say six o'clock, and you can take the first Concorde in the morning. You'll be here for breakfast.'

  'Sounds wonderful.'

  'I need it,' he said earnestly. 'How are the Clarkes?'

  'At least that's good news.'


  'I think you'll find they're going to be ultra co-operative from now on.'


  'Oh yes. In fact I'm sure of it.' Stephanie looked out of the window at Jacqui. She had taken off her peachy silk robe and sat in the sun in a miniscule black bikini, its tiny bra barely containing the weight of her heavy breasts, its knickers no more than covering Jacqui's downy pubic hair. 'The Clarkes are having the time of their lives. Mrs Clarke particularly seems to have discovered a penchant she can indulge.'

  'Great. See you tomorrow then.'

  'Devlin,' Stephanie changed the tone of her voice very deliberately, 'haven't you forgotten something?'

  'What's that?' Devlin was still playing the master, still in business mode, wheeling and dealing, controlling his fortune, a long way from the castle and his mistress.

  'You need to be told, do you? You've forgotten so quickly have you?'

  She could imagine him standing in his hotel suite, the phone in his huge hand looking like a piece of doll's house furniture in proportion to his fingers, papers spread out all around him.

  'No,' he said meekly.

  'No what?'

  'No, mistress.'

  'That's better. So you forget so quickly do you, Devlin? Well I can see I'm going to have to give you a lesson you won't forget, aren't I?'

  'I didn't mean to,' he stammered.

  'Aren't I?'

  'Yes, mistress.'

  'Are you hard now? Is your cock hard?'

  'Yes, mistress.' His cock had sprung to erection the moment he had heard her voice change tone. She could imagine it bulging monstrously, out of his flies.

  'Well you'd better be hard for me tomorrow, hadn't you?'

  'Yes, mistress, I will be.'

  'You will be. Because I shall need to be serviced. And I can think about it all day, can't I? What exactly I'm going to have you do.'

  'Yes, mistress.'

  'That's better.'

  Without a word she put the phone down, smiling to herself. She looked at her watch. It was nearly twelve. Plenty of time to pack and make the other arrangements.

  'I've been called away,' she told Jacqui walking out on to the terrace.

  'Sounds interesting.'

  'Devlin wants me to join him in New York.'

  'That's nice.'

  'You'll be all right on your own won't you, now you know all our little secrets. I'll make sure Bruno gives you carte blanche.'

  'Of course.'

  Mrs Bloom and Terry headed up the terrace steps from the courtyard, towelling themselves dry as they walked.

  'Wonderful,' Terry said. 'The water's so soft. And the fish don't seem to mind. They swim right up to you.'

  'Makes you feel good,' Mrs Bloom added taking a cigarette from her bag and lighting it with her gold lighter.

  'Stephanie's got to leave us,' Jacqui told them.

  'Oh really,' Mrs Bloom said.

  'New York. I hope you don't mind.'

  'As long as we can get into the cellars you can fly to the moon for all I care. Have a good time,' Mrs Bloom replied.

  'Bruno will look after you.'

  'You bet he will,' Mrs Bloom commented sucking on the Lucky Strike. 'So what's for lunch?'

  Stephanie packed more clothes than she would need and a great deal more lingerie. She packed some of the more un
usual items too, remembering her promise to Devlin, and all the accoutrements that went with them. She wanted to be prepared for everything and anything. Most of the clothes she had bought in the designer shops of Rome, when she had gone to take her revenge on Gianni. The thought of Gianni, which had once made her boil with anger, now almost made her laugh out loud.

  She folded all the silks and satins and lace carefully and selected accessories to match each outfit. It did not take long to fill three large suitcases. She packed a smaller bag for her overnight stay in London.

  There was a timid knock at her bedroom door just as she was finishing.

  'Come in,' Stephanie shouted.

  'Hi.' It was Jacqui.

  'Been sunbathing?'

  Jacqui was still wearing the miniscule black bikini.

  'Yes. But I don't want to burn.'

  'You've got a good tan already.'

  'I cheat.'


  'Solarium. I hate looking like a white worm.'

  Stephanie folded the final items for her overnight bag. 'So what can I do for you?'

  'What time are you leaving?'

  'The plane's coming at six.'

  'It's nearly four. Have you packed?'

  'Last items.' She put the clothes in the case.

  'There's time then?'

  'What's all this leading up to?' Stephanie asked, knowing perfectly well by now what the answer was. Jacqui sat on the edge of the bed, her ankles crossed, her hands flat on either side of her thighs.

  'I just thought...'

  Stephanie zipped up the make-up case and put it into the overnight bag.

  'You just thought what, Jacqui?'

  'That, if you had time...'

  'Well? Are you going to say it?' For some reason she wanted to make Jacqui ask, to hear her say the words.

  'We could fuck... That's not really the right word,

  though, is it?'

  'It's good enough.'

  'And you haven't got time?'

  'Did I say that?'

  'No, but.'

  'Take your bra off, Jacqui,' Stephanie's voice was commanding, not asking. Without a word Jacqui reached behind her back and unclipped whatever held the bikini top in place. The thin straps and tiny black triangles at each breast fell away, relieved of their task. Jacqui had obviously been sunbathing in the nude as there was no corresponding paleness where the triangles had been on her fleshy tits.

  Stephanie looked down at the woman sitting on her bed and felt a surge of undiluted lust. It never ceased to amaze her, over her months at the castle, how her sexuality seemed to have increased. In years gone by she had gone weeks without any sex, even forgetting to masturbate for days on end if she wasn't in the right mood. There had been no need, no desire, no yearning. Now she seemed always to be in the mood, to always need and desire and yearn. She was insatiable.

  Jacqui's breasts were magnificent. Though they were large and heavy, they did not sag at all but jutted from her chest, the upper slopes arched out, the effects of gravity somehow miraculously defeated, or, at least, postponed. Her tits were not pendulous either; they were perfectly round globes, topped by the pink cherry of her nipples surrounded by a dark brown circle of areola. Stephanie lowered her gaze to Jacqui's lap, where the tiny triangle of the rest of the bikini barely covered the delta of fine pubic hair and its thin straps followed the creases at the top of her thighs.

  'So you want to fuck?' Stephanie made her voice deliberately hard and crude.

  'Yes,' Jacqui said quietly. She wanted to explain, wanted to tell her she could think of nothing else, that her mind was full of images of their bodies locked together, of feelings she'd never felt before or even imagined. But there was no point in saying anything. Stephanie could see it all in her eyes.

  'Pull my leggings down,' Stephanie ordered moving so she could reach. Jacqui's hands snaked up her hips to the elasticated waist and pulled from both sides, down over the tanned flare of her hips, down until the thick bush of Stephanie's pubis was uncovered, its black curls springing up as they were released from their constriction, down over the long thighs and slim calves. Stephanie raised each foot in turn so Jacqui could pull the leggings away.

  'Unfasten this,' Stephanie said indicating the clip of the leotard between her legs. Jacqui's hand caressed her thigh briefly before freeing the three press studs. She could feel the heat and softness of Stephanie's labia underneath. The last stud snapped open and the two halves of the leotard sprung free. Stephanie pulled the garment off over her head.

  She stood in front of Jacqui naked. For a long moment neither woman did anything. They only breathed. They could smell and taste and see each other's lust.

  'I'll give you what you want,' Stephanie said quietly. Roughly she pushed Jacqui back on to the bed. For some reason she was not in the mood for soft, gentle, feminine sex, sex of whispering silk, breathless touches and crushed petal tenderness. She was in a mood to fuck.

  Jacqui shimmied out of the bikini knickers. Almost before she had thrown them aside Stephanie pushed her on to her back again and mounted her, mounted her like a man, pressing the whole length of her body down on top of her, using her knee as if it were a cock, pushing it up between Jacqui's legs and feeling instantly her wetness and need.

  'You're so wet, you little bitch,' she said. It sounded like something a man might say. She had been so careful with Jacqui yesterday, so tentative. All that had gone. Now she did what she wanted to do.

  'Wet for you,' Jacqui moaned. She thought she was going to come on Stephanie's knee she felt so turned on.

  Stephanie ground her knee into Jacqui's soft labia. Using both her hands, she took the great gourds of her tits and kneaded them hard, feeling her own passion increase as she felt Jacqui's body respond so readily.

  With her fingers she found Jacqui's corrugated nipples and pinched them using her fingernails. Jacqui gasped but it was the pleasure of pain, driving her on, increasing the temperature, her temperature. Her nipples had never felt so sensitive, so alive.

  'Oh yes,' she said as Stephanie pinched again.

  'You like that,' Stephanie said. It was not a question. Immediately Stephanie buried her head between the huge mounds of flesh using her hands to push the flesh into her cheeks so she was surrounded by a mass of flesh. Her mouth found a nipple and sucked it in, her teeth biting on it. She felt Jacqui's whole body arch in ecstasy again.

  Without changing her position, her mouth still firmly clamped on Jacqui's breast, Stephanie's hand groped out towards the bedside table. Using her sense of touch she managed to find the handle of the drawer and pull it open. Her hand delved inside sorting through the objects in the drawer until it lighted on the cold smooth head of the vibrator. She pulled it out. Jacqui did not see. Her eyes were closed.

  They had not kissed. Now Stephanie moved, taking her knee away, kissing her way up to Jacqui's neck, feeding the vibrator into the wetness between Jacqui's legs. The coldness of the hard plastic made Jacqui open her eyes.

  'What is...'

  But before she could finish the question Stephanie's mouth covered her lips, Stephanie's tongue plunged into her mouth just as the vibrator plunged between the lips of her cunt. Stephanie felt her body shudder, her gasp gagged by Stephanie's mouth.

  Jacqui's body arched off the bed again. Stephanie pounded the vibrator deep, with no thought of anything but to get it in as far as it would go. She continued the kiss and squirmed her firm breasts into Jacqui's, so she could feel her hard nipples buried in the mountain of flesh.

  Twisting the gnarled ring at the bottom of the vibrator, Stephanie turned the strong motor on. A hum, muffled by the folds of Jacqui's cunt, filled the room. Stephanie held the vibrator deep in Jacqui's body, pressing it into her tender flesh. She broke the kiss and watched instead as Jacqui began to quiver too, her nerves tuning themselves to the vibrations, until she was quite out of control, the insistent, endless vibrations, right in the centre of her being, forcing her to abandon everything but he
r feelings. She started sobbing, little animal sounds, arching herself further off the bed, bent, like an archer's bow, every muscle locked by the tension in her nerves. Her body went rigid, shook from end to end one final time as she moaned, a long, long wordless moan...

  Stephanie watched as slowly Jacqui's body lost its tension and she relaxed back on to the bed. She turned the motor of the vibrator off but did not pull it out. Gradually the muscles of Jacqui's cunt contracted against the intruder and millimetre by millimetre it was expelled, like giving birth to some strange cylindrical alien creature. Its final 'birth' produced a new wave of sensation in Jacqui, an aftershock of orgasm that made her nerves spasm uncontrollably again.

  Stephanie kissed Jacqui on the cheek. The first tenderness. But tenderness was not the mood.

  Jacqui opened her eyes to find Stephanie looking down at her.

  With a completely unexpected surge of energy Jacqui rolled over on to Stephanie forcing her back on the bed, pushing her knee into Stephanie's sex, as wet now as her own had been, aping Stephanie's action.

  'Now it's my turn,' she said.

  Before Stephanie could say anything, Jacqui's mouth pressed down on her lips, her tongue prying between them. She reached behind her to find the vibrator, searching the sheet with her fingers outstretched, until they happened on the plastic, wet with her own juices.

  Jacqui pulled her knee away from Stephanie's labia and replaced it with the head of the vibrator but she did not push it deep. Instead she turned the gnarled ring to bring the motor to life and, with the rounded but sharp end of the cream plastic, parted Stephanie's cunt lips just enough to find the nodule of her clitoris. The room was filled with a much louder humming now, nothing muffling the vibrator's raucous noise. As the tip nudged against Stephanie's already engorged clit, she moaned into Jacqui's mouth. Watching Jacqui's body come, feeling it come as she had, Stephanie was already on the brink, her body clock well into its count-down. Now as the hard plastic vibrated her most sensitive nerves, as sensation spread through her body in huge waves to suck in all her nerves, she was out of control in seconds. She broke the kiss, needing air, out of breath from so much breathless sensation.

  Jacqui's mouth moved to her breast. As Stephanie felt the vibrations taking her over completely, Jacqui's mouth sunk on to her breast and then her teeth, aping Stephanie's actions again, bit into the puckered flesh of her nipple. The vibrator was remorseless, almost too much, almost giving too much pleasure as Jacqui held it right up against the tender pink knot of Stephanie's clit.


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