by Mardy Grothe
La Bruyère, Jean de, 167La Fontaine, Jean de, 330Lagarde, Christine, 259Lambuth, David, 349L’Amour, Louis, 69, 113Landers, Ann, 160, 193–94La Rochefoucauld, François de, 324Lasorda, Tommy, 90Lass, Abraham, 347Lathrop, George Parsons, 50Latin proverbs, 205, 331Lauder, Estée, 330Lavater, Johann Kaspar, 69, 160Laver, Rod, 222Lawrence, D. H., 323, 349–50Lear, Amanda, 279Lebowitz, Fran, 30, 91, 203Lec, Stanislaw Jerzy, 69, 330Lederer, Richard, 50Lee, Harper, 135–36Lee, Robert E., 161, 203Lehmann, Rosamond, 203Lehr, Lew, 30Leifer, Carol, 31, 161, 183, 203Lemire, Tim, 144Lenclos, Anne (Ninon de Lenclos), 177Leno, Jay, 70Leonard, Elmore, 350Leonard, Joseph, 31Levenson, Sam, 161Lewellyn, Daisy, 279Lewis, C. S., 350Lichtenberg, G. C., 70Liddell Hart, Basil Henry, 239Lieberman, David J., 113, 162, 279Lillie, Beatrice, 31Lincoln, Abraham, 70, 89, 240Linde, Shirley, 314–15Lindsay, Vachel, 144Lionni, Leo, 102–4Lish, Gordon, 351Little, Royal, 259Livermore, Jesse L., 259Livingston, Gordon, 279–80Llewelyn, Desmond, 296Lloyd, George, 296Loewy, Raymond, 260Lomasney, Martin M., 232Lombardi, Vince, 222Long, Earl, 232Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth, 324Longworth, Alice Roosevelt, 129Lopez, Nancy, 223Lorimer, George Horace, 260Lowell, James Russell, 67–68Lucas, Stephen, 106Lyall, Charles J. C., 32Lynch, Peter, 250
MacArthur, Douglas A., 98, 240Mackay, Harvey B., 39, 113, 144, 260–61, 315–16MacLaine, Shirley, 129Madan, Geoffrey, 162Maggio, Rosalie, 63Mahoney, David, 59Mamet, David, 84Mancini, Chris, 144Mandino, Og, 50, 70–71Mansfield, Mike, 240Marceau, Marcel, 316Marlette, Doug, 32, 129Marquis, Don, 203–4Marr, Dave, 223Martin, Billy, 223–24, 227Martin, Jenny Salvini, 223Martin, Paul Raymond, 351Martin, Steve, 32Marx, Groucho, 32Maslow, Abraham H., 114Maynard, Joyce, 129McCarthy, Andrew, 129McCarthy, Eugene, 241McCormack, Mark H., 114, 261, 276McCrum, Robert, 241McGraw, “Dr. Phil,” 65, 145McKenna, David L., 162, 204, 280, 351McManus, Patrick F., 280Mead, Margaret, 8Melville, Herman, 330Menander, 3Mencken, H. L., 12, 106, 114, 136–37, 306–7Menzies, Robert G., 241Metzler, Paul, 224Michener, James A., 352Mickenberg, Risa, 183Milk, Harvey, 241Miller, Arthur, 289Miller, Bryan, 25Miss Piggy (Jim Henson), 32, 33Mitchell, Margaret, 9Mizner, Addison, 33Monaghan, Liz Scott, 278Montana, Gladiola, 280Montessori, Maria, 199Moore, Julianne, 145Moran, Richard A., 114, 261–62Morgan, Joe, 224Morgan, J. P., 330Morgan, Julia, 15–16Morgenstern, Julie, 280–81Morrow, Lance, 163Mowat, Farley, 269–70Moyers, Bill, 238Mueller, Gene, 281Muggeridge, Malcolm, 331Mull, Martin, 118Murrow, Edward R., 71Mydland, Brent, 129–30Mynall, Alan, 316
Nance, W. A. “Dub,” 163Napoleon I (Napoleon Bonaparte), 94Nash, Ogden, 71, 316Nastasi, Michael, 114, 281Nathan, George Jean, 115, 163–64Neame, Ronald, 297Neill, A. S., 10Nelms, Cynthia, 25Nelson, Ben, 115Neuharth, Al, 262Nicholson, Jack, 297Nicholson, Nancy, 145Nixon, Richard, 229–30Noll, Chuck, 224Noonan, Peggy, 352Norwegian proverb, 205Novak, William, 183–84Novello, Don, 305N. W. Ayer & Son, 101–2Nye, Bill (“Not the Science Guy”), 24
O’Connor, Anahad, 281O’Connor, Patricia T., 316, 352Ogilvy, David M., 262–63Olsson, Peter, 130O’Malley, Austin, 331Onassis, Aristotle, 184O’Neill, Thomas P. “Tip,” 242Orben, Robert, 33O’Rourke, P. J., 22–24, 130, 145, 184, 316–17Orr, Alice, 115, 352Orwell, George, 318, 340–41Ovid, 184–85
Packouz, Kalman, 317Paddleford, Clementine, 331Pagter, Carl R., 276Paige, Leroy “Satchel,” 51, 98–99, 224Palmer, Samuel, 88Pankhurst, Christabel, 242Paretsky, Sara, 164Parker, Brent, 30Parker, Joseph, 331Parker, Pat, 317Parker, Tom, 281Pascal, Blaise, 317Pasteur, Louis, 72Patinkin, Mark, 332Patterson, Grove, 38–39Patton, George S., 51, 98, 130, 263Pavlov, Ivan, 51Peale, Norman Vincent, 38–39, 51–52, 72, 145–46Pearson, Ridley, 281Penick, Harvey, 225Penn, William, 204Phelps, William Lyon, 164Pitino, Rick, 225Plath, Sylvia, 281Porter, Katherine Anne, 305Post, Emily, 60–61, 164Powell, Adam Clayton, Jr., 72Powell, Colin, 52, 60Prescott, William, 5Preston, Robert, 298Price, Wesley, 353Pushkin, Alexander, 324Puzo, Mario, 9, 289–90, 353
Quadracci, Harry, 263–64Quigley, Anita, 205Quinn, Jane Bryant, 72–73
Raines, Shirley, 146Raleigh, Sir Walter, 131Rand, Ayn, 13, 53Reagan, Nancy, 242Reardon, Kate, 131Redford, Robert, 298Reeves, Don, 83Renkel, Ruth, 336Restak, Richard, 59Restivo, Joe, 33Rice, Grantland, 327Rich, Ronda, 164Richter, Jean Paul, 205, 353Rickey, Branch, 223, 225Ridley, Dennis, 33Rimmer, Christine, 131Ritz, César, 264Rivera, Karisa, 205Rivers, Joan, 34, 126, 146, 205, 298Rivers, Melissa, 205–6Roaring Lion (Rafael de Leon), 206Robbins, Anthony, 146Robbins, Harold, 281–82Rockefeller, John D., 53Rockefeller, John D., Jr., 259Rockefeller, Nelson, 243Rogers, Will, 243Rohn, Jim, 73Romer, Paul, 56Rooney, Andy, 131Roos, Stephen, 282Roosevelt, Eleanor, 73, 165Roosevelt, Franklin D., 115, 233Roosevelt, Theodore, 131–32, 146, 243Rose, Billy, 250Rosenblatt, Roger, 73–74Ross, David, 282Ross, Edward N., 282Ross, Joel E., 115Rostand, Jean, 206Rousseau, Jean-Jacques, 206–7Rove, Karl, 243–44Rowbottom, Robert, 336Rowland, Helen, 132Rudner, Rita, 34Rudolph, Wilma, 105Ruff, Howard, 264–65Rushdie, Salman, 353–54Russell, Bertrand, 6, 309Russell, Charles Arthur, 53Russell, Mark, 34Russian proverb, 335Ruth, George Herman “Babe,” 225Ryan, Nolan, 225Ryan, Shannon, 34
Safire, William, 57–59, 74, 318, 354Sandberg, Ryne, 147Sanders, Darcie, 282Sanders, Edward E., 109Sarnoff, Dorothy, 165Sauter, Van Gordon, 52–53Sawyer, Eve, 115Schell, Erwin H., 246–49Schmertz, Herb, 244Schmuck, Peter and Randy Youngman, 210Schneider, Edgar, 318Schneider, Sherrie, 178–79Schoeffler, Oscar, 116Schuller, Robert H., 116, 147, 336Schwartz, David J., 106, 147Schwarzkopf, Norman, 60, 147Schweitzer, Albert, 53, 55Scottish proverb, 204Selleck, Tom, 298Serling, Rod, 354Servan-Schreiber, David, 116Seward, William H., 230–31Shandling, Gary, 185Shaw, George Bernard, 54, 165, 304Shaw, Henry Wheeler, 196, 311Shawn, Wallace, 298–99Sheen, Fulton J., 54Shields, Marcella, 116Shoales, Ian (Merle Kessler), 185Sibelius, Jean, 74Simmons, Richard, 276Sloan, Alfred P., 265Slott, Phil, 82, 282–83Slung, Michele, 207–8Smith, Dean, 226Smith, Hannah Whitall, 166Smith, Patti, 336Smith, Robert, 132Smith, Sydney, 8, 54, 74Smith, Wes, 132, 185, 208Smith, Will, 299Snead, Sam, 226–27Snider, Dee, 283Sophocles, 90Sorenson, Shauna, 244Soul, Jimmy, 206Sozio, Donna, 132Spanish proverbs, 72, 131, 205, 336Sparks, 283Spinelli, Stephen, 333Spitzer, Eliot, 232Spooner, John D., 208Stanislavsky, Constantin, 299–300Steinbeck, John, 74, 354Stengel, Casey, 227Stephens, Louanne, 132Stewart, James, 290Stewart, Rod, 283–84Stiegele, Richard F., 284Stillwell, “Vinegar Joe,” 283Stone, Oliver, 116Strauss, Neil, 117, 169–72Strauss, Richard, 34Striker, Susan, 189–92Strunk, William, Jr., 342, 354–55Summar, Tamara, 275Swanson, Gloria, 306Swift, Jonathan, 166Syrus, Publilius, 81–82, 336
Talleyrand, Charles-Maurice de, 318Tamblyn, Greg, 34Telushkin, Joseph, 166Templeton, John, 250Tencin, Claudine Guérin de, 167Terry, Ellen, 300Thackeray, William Makepeace, 42–43Thirkell, Angela, 319Thomas, Caitlin, 154, 337Thomas, Marlo, 295Thurber, James, 34–35, 330Tilden, Bill, 227Tomjanovich, Rudy, 117Tonini, Brad, 117, 265Tracy, Brian, 133, 265–66Trahey, Jane, 266Tree, Herbert Beerbohm, 167Trevino, Lee, 223Trollope, Anthony, 54Troy, Dr. Leo, 35Truman, Harry S., 147, 244Trump, Donald, 284Tubman, Harriet, 337Tucillo, Liz, 176Tucker, Sophie, 271Tupper, Martin F., 87–88Turner, Kathleen, 117Twain, Mark, 12, 35, 73, 81, 307
Updike, John, 355
Valenti, Jack, 147, 245Van Buren, Abigail (“Dear Abby”), 74, 185–86, 227Van Buren, Martin, 231–32Van Gogh, Vincent, 54Varley, John, 133Vega, Alexa, 301Venturi, Ken, 309Versace, Donatella, 74–75Vidal, Gore, 186, 319Vreeland, Diana, 75, 147–48
Wahlberg, Mark, 300Waitley, Denis, 75Walker, Alice, 337Ward, Artemus, 337Ward, Lyla Blake, 208Warren, Lissa, 117–18, 355Washington, Booker T., 55Watson, James, 58Watts, Alan, 186Waugh, Evelyn, 301Waxman, Carl, 25Wayne, John, 96, 301Weatherly, Michael, 186Weaver, Sigourney, 302Weaving, Hugo, 301Webber, Robin, 148Weinberg, Jack, 124Welch, Jack, 118, 266Wellington, Arthur Wellesley, Duke of, 238Welty, Eudora, 9Wesley, John, 55West, Mae, 186West, Rebecca, 245Whately, Richard, 75White, E. B., 75, 342, 354–55Whitehead, Alfred North, 55Whiting, Kendra Lynn, 284Wiksell, Wesley, 266Wilde, Oscar, 133Wilder, Thorton, 64Wilding, Tony, 227Williams, Bruce, 56Williams, Robert H., 118Williams, Robin, 35Williams, Ted, 227–28Williams, Thomas A., 118Willour, Margaret, 56Wilson, Woodrow, 94, 245W
infrey, Oprah, 187Winterson, Jeannette, 355Witherspoon, John, 167–68, 355Wittgenstein, Ludwig, 338Wodehouse, P. G., 133, 187, 305Wolfe, Tom, 356Wooden, John, 213–14, 228Woodhead, H. Evan, 76Wozniak, Steve, 133Wright, Steven, 118Wruble, Bernard, 52
Yeager, Charles “Chuck,” 76Yeats, William Butler, 187–88Yiddish proverb, 131Young, Stark, 168
Zakaria, Fareed, 56Zappa, Frank, 76Zevin, Dan, 35Ziglar, Zig, 76, 148, 338Zimbardo, Philip, 77Zinsser, William, 342, 356
About the Author
DR. MARDY GROTHE is a psychologist, management consultant, and public speaker. He is the author of five previous word-and-language books: I Never Metaphor I Didn’t Like, Viva la Repartee, Oxymoronica, Ifferisms, and Never Let a Fool Kiss You or a Kiss Fool You. A lifelong quotation collector, Dr. Mardy—as he is known to his fans around the globe—is routinely described as a “quotation maven” and is well on his way to becoming America’s most popular quotation anthologist. He lives with his wife, Katherine Robinson, in North Carolina.
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Also by Dr. Mardy Grothe
I Never Metaphor I Didn’t Like
Viva la Repartee
Never Let a Fool Kiss You or a Kiss Fool You
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Table of Contents
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Also by Dr. Mardy Grothe
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Table of Contents
About the Author
Also by Dr. Mardy Grothe
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