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Lost Years

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by Christopher Isherwood

  Writings: autobiographical memoir, vii; diaries, vii, ix, xii, xxiv, xxvi–xxvii, 3; considers giving up fiction, ix–x; translates Bhagavad Gita with Swami, 8n, 9, 22; helps Prabhavananda with translation of Shankara, 72n; makes typescript of diaries, 72; translates Patanjali aphorisms, 179, 207, 210, 212, 258, 278; foreword to Rinser’s Die Stärkerer, 192; depiction of self in fiction, 200; writes foreword to Vividishananda’s A Man of God, 207; occasional writings, 210n; ideas for stories, 221n; invited to contribute to Tomorrow magazine, 241–2; reviewing, 247, 258, 275–6, 282n

  Isherwood, Frank Bradshaw (C.I.’s father), viii, 238

  Isherwood, Henry Bradshaw (C.I.’s uncle): death, 90n

  Isherwood, Kathleen Bradshaw (M; C.I.’s mother): C.I. writes on, viii; C.I.’s relations with, x; C.I. visits, 87–9, 185n; death, 87; and ownership of Wyberslegh, 90n, 111; and C.I.’s relations with Ian Scott–Kilvert, 104n; reaction to C.I.’s sterility operation, 111; and Richard’s jealousy of C.I., 144; The Condor and the Cows (British ed.) dedicated to, 194

  Isherwood, Richard Graham Bradshaw (C.I.’s brother): and C.I.’s 1947 visit to Wyberslegh, 87–8, 112; appearance and behavior, 87; meets Felix Greene, 89; inherits Wyberslegh through C.I., 90n, 111; and C.I.’s 1948 visit, 144, 185n; jealousy of C.I., 144

  Ivar Avenue, Hollywood see Vedanta Center

  Jackson, Shirley: The Lottery, 223n, 225n

  Jacobs, William, 29, 32

  James, Henry: C.I. admires, 52n; “The Author of Baltraffio”, 52n; The Bostonians, 175n; “Lady Barberina”, 52n; “The Pupil”, 103n

  Japan: surrenders (1945), 45

  Jarrico, Paul, 191

  Jay see de Laval, Jay

  Jeff (pseud.), 17, 40

  Jennings, Isa, 123, 130

  Jennings, Ollie, 123–4, 133, 138

  Job (ballet), 147

  John, Augustus, 91

  Johnson, Celia, 144

  Jones, Jennifer, 154n

  Jonson, Ben: The Alchemist, 91

  Journey to a War (C.I.; with Auden), 22n, 209

  Judgement Day in Pittsburgh (film), 81, 91

  Juenger, Ernst: On the Marble Cliffs, 140n

  Julius Caesar (film), 263

  Jung, Carl Gustav, xi, xx

  Jurado, Arthur, 205

  Kahn, Gordon, 25

  Kallman, Chester, 82, 117, 129, 142

  Kanin, Garson: Remembering Mr. Maugham, 37n

  Katha Upanishad, 9

  Kathleen and Frank (C.I.), viii, x, xxi–xxii

  Kaufman, Robert, 237n

  Kazan, Elia, 267

  Keate, Richard (Dick), 65–6

  Kelley, Howard, 17–18, 50, 81, 227–8

  Kennedy, Arthur, 31n

  Kennedy, Bill, 192, 241–2, 245

  Kennedy, Helen see Sudhira

  Kennedy, (Sir) Ludovic, 272

  Kennington, Eric, 94

  Keohane, Jack (pseud.), 75

  Kidd, David, 188

  King, Mackenzie, 116

  King-Page, Neville, 115

  Kinsey, Alfred: Sexual Behavior in the Human Male, xv

  Kirstein, Lincoln: meets Caskey, xvii; hostility to C.I., 69; in New York, 119, 123, 129–30; admires Nadelman sculptures, 132; art cult, 132–3; admires Burns’s The Gallery, 137; visits Fire Island, 138

  Kiskadden, Peggy (formerly Bok; then Rodakiewicz): Steve Cooley not introduced to, 41; C.I. meets, 45; C.I. entertains, 50–1; accompanies C.I. when made U.S. citizen, 78; friendship with C.I., 81, 153–4, 208, 230, 281; Kathleen Isherwood’s idea of, 89; on C.I.’s Peter Pan qualities, 101; in New York, 135; disapproves of C.I.’s boyfriends, 154, 283; attends Vernon Old’s marriage, 170; disapproves of Ben Bok’s marriage, 173; dislikes Huxley’s Ape and Essence, 176n; C.I. travels to New Mexico with, 247–56; idea of self, 249n; relations with Georgia O’Keeffe, 250; C.I. ceases close relations with, 256–7

  Kiskadden, William Sherrill (Bill): C.I. entertains, 50; friendship with C.I., 81, 153, 230; in New York, 135; C.I. witnesses operation by, 178; supposed sadism, 179 & n

  Kiskadden, William Sherrill, Jr. (Bill and Peggy’s son; “Bull”), 247, 249, 252, 254–6

  Kittredge, Bob and Mary, 248–9, 255

  Knight, Franklin, 7

  Kolisch, Dr. Joseph, 23, 63, 272

  Korean War (1950–53), 240, 243

  Kramer, Stanley, 205

  Küsel, Otto, 134n

  Lady from the Land of the Dead, The (C.I.; TV script), ix

  Laguna Beach: C.I. and Caskey settle in (Monterey Street), 273–5

  Lamarr, Hedy, 242

  Lamkin, Speed: advises C.I. on The World in the Evening, xxix–xxxii, 281, 283–4; character, xxx, 232, 273, 283; co–adapts C.I.’s Goodbye to Berlin for stage (as Sally Bowles), xxxi, 265–6, 273, 277, 284; C.I. meets, 232; affair with Bertrand Cambus, 260; cultivates C.I.’s friendship, 278, 281; accepts C.I.’s withdrawal of Sally Bowles adaptation, 285; admires Alec Beesley, 285; The Easter Egg Hunt, 283; Tiger in the Garden, 232

  Lang, Mrs. (Ian Scott-Kilvert’s mother), 103–6n

  Langford, Sam, 95–6, 102

  LaPan, Dick, 50, 277

  Lathwood, Jo see Masselink, Jo

  Laughton, Charles, 45, 195

  Laval, Jay de see de Laval, Jay

  Law, Doc, 44n

  Lawrence, D.H., 253, 255n; St. Mawr, 254n

  Lawrence, Frieda, 253, 254n

  Lawrence, T.E.: The Mind, 175n; Seven Pillars of Wisdom, 94

  LeCron, Leslie, 230–1, 235–8

  Leddick, David: Naked Men: Pioneering Male Nudes 1935–1955, 128[n]

  Ledebur, Count Friedrich, 242

  Lehmann, Beatrix, 110, 111n, 148n

  Lehmann, John: C.I. visits on 1947 trip to England, 83–4, 95–6, 102, 113; edits New Writing, 100[n]; and Neville King-Page, 115; on grounding of Queen Elizabeth, 116; C.I. and Caskey stay with in London (1948), 143, 148; entertains Gore Vidal and Tennessee Williams, 145, 146[n]; Paul Almond meets, 194–5; The Ample Proposition, 83, 85

  Lehmann, Rosamond, 108, 113 & n

  Leigh, Vivien, 153, 267

  Leopold, Michael, 220–2, 230, 258, 277

  Lerman, Leo, 126–7

  Letter from an Unknown Woman (film), 153

  “Letter from England, A” see “Coming to London”

  Letter, The (film), 37

  Lewis, David, 211

  Lewis, Hayden: relations with Caskey, 34, 43; loses civilian job with Navy, 43; and C.I.’s relations with Caskey, 45, 48, 52–3, 119n, 233; C.I. gives Packard car to, 46n; on Caskey and Keohane, 75; relations with Rodney Owens, 76–7, 81, 149–50, 153, 167; and C.I.’s 1947 departure for England, 82; meets C.I. on return from England (1948), 149; improved relations with C.I., 150, 153, 167, 208, 238; meets Jim Charlton, 163; at Vernon Old’s wedding, 170; visits C.I. in Monterey Street house, 274

  Libman, Lillian: And Music at the Close, 201n

  Lihencron, Detlev von, 26n

  Lions and Shadows (C.I.), vii–viii, 98, 103n, 108

  Litvak, Anatole, 23

  Lives of a Bengal Lancer (film), 171n

  Lodge, Carter: and C.I.’s life at Vedanta Center, 7; at Beesleys, 11–12; entertains C.I., 11; disapproves of C.I.’s lovemaking, 12n; relations with C.I., 12n; at AJC Ranch, 21, 220; C.I. visits with Caskey, 47, 196; C.I. entertains, 50; relations with Dick Foote, 196n; loathes Starcke, 197n

  Logan, Joshua, 225–6

  London: C.I. visits (1947), 83–6, 91–107, 113–16; C.I. visits with Caskey (1948), 143, 145–8

  Long Beach Veterans Hospital, 236, 239–40

  Loos, Anita, 27n

  Los Alamos, New Mexico, 250

  Los Angeles: conference on world peace (1949), 189–90

  Los Angeles Times, The: C.I. interviewed in, 49; quotes C.I. on Ethan Frome, 229n

  Lubbock, Lys see Connolly, Lys

  Luhan, Mabel Dodge, 254, 255n

  Lupino, Ida, 31n

  Lyme Hall, Cheshire (England), 185n

  Lyndon, Andrew, 126–7, 131–2

  Lynes, George Pla
tt, 65

  MacArthur, General Douglas, 273

  Macaulay, (Dame) Rose, 113, 143

  McCarthy, Senator Joseph, 190, 209

  McCarthy, Mary: The Oasis, 223n, 225n

  McClendon, Carlos, 59n, 65–6, 153, 184, 238

  McCullers, Carson: The Member of the Wedding, 140n; Reflections in a Golden Eye, 140n

  McDowall, Roddy, 17

  Mace, John, 81

  McGrath, Earle, 28 & [n]

  Maclean, Donald, 100

  MacNeice, Louis, 83n

  Maddox, Tom (pseud.), 17

  Madge, Charles, 114n

  Magallanes, Nicholas, 50n

  Maher, Fern, xix, 24n

  Mailer, Norman, 228

  Malaparte, Curzio: Kaputt, 140n

  Maltz, Albert: The Journey of Simon McKeever, 191

  Manchester (England), 89

  Mangeot, Olive, 91, 107–8, 110

  Mangeot, Sylvain, 91

  Mankiewicz, Joseph, 207n

  Mann, Erika, 155, 215

  Mann, Katia (Thomas’s wife): defends unnamed friend of Klaus, 168; Unwritten Memoirs, 77n

  Mann, Klaus: friendship with C.I., 153; recovers after suicide attempt, 155; relations with Harold Fairbanks, 155–6; visits friend in jail, 168; co-writes film outline with C.I., 170; suicide, 191–2; memorial volume, 210n; C.I. writes article on, 212, 215

  Mann, Thomas: and Stefan Brecht, 14n; makes no mention of Salka Viertel in letters, 71; C.I. visits, 77, 179; operation on lung, 77 & n; letter to Adorno on Klaus’s suicide attempt, 155; Caskey photographs, 189; reads C.I.’s article on Klaus, 215; Dr. Faustus, 77; Letters, 170

  Mansfield, Katherine, 68, 282n

  March, Fredric, 67

  Markova, (Dame) Alicia, 147

  Marple Hall, Cheshire (England), 144, 185

  Martinez, José (Pete), 5

  Masefield, John: Multitude and Solitude, 275n

  Masselink, Ben: Jo meets, 44n; and Jim Charlton, 156n; friendship with C.I., 195, 208, 230, 280–1; and Fechin, 222; and Korean War, 240n, 241; marriage relations, 241n; helps clear up C.I.’s apartment, 256; and C.I.’s break with Caskey, 282

  Masselink, Jo (formerly Lathwood): meets Ben, 44n; and Jim Charlton, 156n; friendship with C.I., 195, 208, 230, 280–1; and Fechin, 222; and Korean War, 24on; marriage relations, 241n; helps clear up C.I.’s apartment, 256; and C.I.’s break with Caskey, 282

  Matta Echaurren, Roberto Sebastián, xvi, 124

  Matty’s Cell House, New York, 58 & n

  Maugham, Robin: The Servant, 225n

  Maugham, William Somerset: denies Larry in The Razor’s Edge modelled on C.I., 22; in Hollywood, 37–8; meets Swami, 38, 40; death, 40n; warns C.I. of police watch on Denny Fouts, 40; The Narrow Corner, 223n; The Razor’s Edge, 22n, 37 & n, 38 & n; Up at the Villa, 28, 35 & n, 36n

  Mauldin, Bill, 269–70

  Mauriber, Saul, 253

  Maxine (Bernie Hamilton’s girlfriend), 200

  Medley, Robert, 83n, 116

  Meeting by the River, A (C.I.; novel and TV script), ix–x, xxv–xxvi, 170

  Memorial, The (C.I.), 203

  Men, The (film), 205, 228, 230

  Menotti, Gian Carlo, 173

  Merlo, Frank, 208, 267

  Merton, Thomas: The Seven-Storey Mountain, 175–6n

  Methuen (publishers), 119, 188, 196

  Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer (MGM), 73n, 150, 168, 173–4, 176–7, 191

  Mexico, 78, 88

  MGM see Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer

  Minton, John, 143 & n

  Miró, Joan, 47

  “Mr. Lancaster” (C.I.; section of Down There on a Visit), 278

  Mitchison, Naomi: The Blood of the Martyrs, 225n

  Mitford, Nancy: Love in a Cold Climate, 223n, 225n

  Moffat, Ivan: works on films with George Stevens, 66; imitates C.I. describing Gregory Peck, 169; reports story of C.I. misbehaving at Chaplins’, 199n, 233; at Chaplins’ with Caskey and Natasha, 235; at Salka Viertel’s to hear Yma Sumac perform, 242; sees Sadler’s Wells Ballet with C.I., 271

  Moffat, Natasha (née Sorokine): Caskey corrects, xvi, 235; marriage, 66–7; at Chaplins’, 234–5; at Sadler’s Wells Ballet with C.I., 271

  Monkhouse, Mrs., 89–90

  Monkhouse, Allan, 89, 112

  Monkhouse, Elizabeth (“Mitty”), 90, 112

  Monkhouse, John, 89

  Monkhouse, Patrick, 90, 277

  Monkhouse, Rachel, 90, 112

  Monument Valley, Arizona/Utah, 141 & n, 248, 249n, 255

  Moore, George, 51n; A Drama in Muslin, 275n

  Moraturi, Pancho, 13, 15

  Morgan, Frank, 177

  Morris, Phyllis, 81 & n, 214

  Mortimer, Raymond, 143

  Mosel, Fritz, 126

  Mosley, Sir Oswald, 97

  Motley, Willard: Knock on Any Door, xv & n, 140n; prose style, xxv–xxvii

  Murphy, Audie, 268–70

  Mussohni, Benito, 31

  My Guru and His Disciple (C.I.), xxiv, xxvii

  Nadeau, Nicky, 81, 212n, 216

  Nadelman, Elie, 132

  Naeve, Lowell: A Field of Broken Stones, 275n

  Naked and the Dead, The (film), 228

  Nanny see Avis, Annie

  Nantucket, Massachusetts, 125–7

  National Council of the Arts, Sciences and Professions, 189–91

  Neddermeyer, Heinz: refused entry to England, xi, xxi; relations with C.I., xxx, 148; arrest and imprisonment, 98, 114n; in Portugal with C.I., 114n

  Negri, Pola, 234

  Neumann, Elisabeth (later Viertel), 148

  Newman, Lennie: cooks at Jay de Laval’s restaurant, 67, 171, 177; described, 67; at C.I. party, 170; relations with Caskey, 171, 193, 197, 246; tried in court with Caskey, 209; visits C.I. and Caskey, 233, 238; C.I. has sex with, 279–80

  New Mexico, 247–54

  New World Writing, 284

  New Writing (magazine), 100[n]

  New York, 117–25, 128–38

  Nin, Anaïs: C.I. meets, 245–6; Children of the Albatross, 245

  No Way Out (film), 207n

  Norment, Caroline, xxxi, 121n, 125, 239

  Novak, Alvin, xviii–xix, 197–8

  “Nowaks, The” (C.I.; story in Goodbye to Berlin), 100

  Obey, André: Noé, 74[n]

  Obin, Philomé, 125

  Ocampo, Victoria, 134, 136, 175n

  O’Casey, Sean: Juno and the Paycock, 189

  O’Donnell, Lawrence: “Vintage Season”, 176n

  O’Hara, John, 82n

  O’Keeffe, Georgia, 247, 249–53, 254n

  Old, Vernon (pseud.): and C.I.’s relations with Bill Harris, 6; and Marcel Rodd, 8; practical jokes on, 10; travels with C.I., 13; excites C.I., 20; C.I. dines with, 31; lives in Hollywood with C.I., 38; friendship with C.I., 45, 50, 92 & [n], 106, 153; approves C.I.’s relations with Caskey, 46; C.I. entertains, 50; goes out with Anita Pitoeff, 50; C.I.’s mythic image of, 60–1, 159; takes C.I. to snake show, 152n; marriage to Patty O’Neill, 170–1 & [n], 181; on wishing to serve C.I., 181; and C.I.’s psychic experience in Sequoia, 185n; leaves C.I., 193

  Oliver, Maria Rosa, 137

  O’Neill, Patty (pseud.): marriage to Vernon Old, 170–1, 181

  Ophuls, Max, 153

  Orwell, George: Homage to Catalonia, 275n; Nineteen Eighty-four, 225n

  Osborne, John: Look Back in Anger, 60n

  Ouspenskaya, Maria, 39

  Owens, Rodney: relations with Hayden Lewis, 76–7, 81, 149–50, 153, 167; in business, 77; friendship with C.I., 81, 150, 153, 167, 170, 208, 233, 238; at C.I.’s 1947 departure for England, 82; meets C.I. on return, 149; meets Jim Charlton, 163; Radebaugh’s infatuation with, 171; spends Christmas and New Year (1950–51) with C.I., 274

  Paris, 142

  Pascal, Natalia, 50

  Pastoral Symphony (film), 84n

  Patanjali: How to Know God (translated aphorisms), 179, 183, 207, 210, 212, 258, 278

  Paton, Alan: Cry, the Beloved Country, 175–6n

��Paul” (C.I.; section of Down There on a Visit), 7n, 142

  Pearn, Agnes Marie (Inez; Stephen Spender’s first wife), 114n

  Pears, Peter, 92, 95, 106, 144, 212–15

  Peck, Gregory, 152, 168–9, 177, 187–8

  Pell, Donald (pseud.), 258, 260, 268, 271

  Perkins, Lynn, 49–50

  Perlin, Bernard (Bernie), 123

  Philipps, Cristina, 108–9

  Philipps, Wogan, 108–10

  Picasso, Pablo: Denny Fouts sells painting, 46n

  Pilates, Joseph, 120 & n

  Pitoëff, Anita, 50

  Pitoëff, Ludmilla, 50

  Pits, The (on State Beach), 63–4

  Players Restaurant, Hollywood, 39

  Plomer, William, 83 & n, 86, 94n, 101–2, 113, 144

  Poitier, Sidney, 207n

  Pole, Rupert, 245–6

  Pollock, Peter, 100

  Porter, Cole, 58[n], 69, 153n, 215

  Porter, Katherine Anne, 68–9

  Portugal, 114n

  Power, Tyrone, 39n

  Prabha (Phoebe Nixon; later Pravrajika Prabhaprana), 209

  Prabhavananda, Swami: C.I. writes book on, viii, xxiv, xxvii; C.I.’s relations with, ix, 7, 9, 182, 201n, 278; C.I. introduces Caskey to, xvii; and C.I.’s proposed biography of Ramakrishna, xxii; effect on C.I., xxix; translates Bhagavad Gita with C.I., 8n, 9, 22; returns to Vedanta Center, 14; lumbago, 18; Time magazine article on, 22; C.I. talks to about leaving, 27; and C.I.’s gonorrhea, 36; Maugham meets, 38, 40; scorn for Tyrone Power, 39n; and C.I.’s leaving Vedanta Center, 45; translates Shankara’s The Crest–Jewel of Discrimination, 72n; initiates C.I., 78; C.I. visits, 81, 183; blesses C.I. on trip to England, 81; Kathleen Isherwood’s view of, 89; C.I. attends birthday lunch, 173; translates Patanjah, 179, 183, 207; believes Caskey a bad influence on C.I., 181; visits Trabuco, 191; and Sister’s death, 197; leaves for India, 209; undergoes operation, 237, 239; van Druten on, 247; meets Alan Watts, 277

  Prater Violet (C.I.), xiii, xxv, xxx, 4, 48–9, 107, 235

  Pringle, Aileen, 195

  Pritchett, (Sir) V.S., 113

  Proust, Marcel, xx, 21, 26; Remembrance of Things Past, 21, 51; “Seascape” (from Within a Budding Grove), 67

  Provincetown, Massachusetts, 127

  Quakers see Friends, Society of


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