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Betrayed (Keeper of the Flame Book 3)

Page 2

by Lila Kane

  “No, you’re not doing anything wrong at all.” I curl my fingers in the waistband of his jeans. His breath yanks in. “But we have things to talk about.”

  His lips find mine again. “Talking can wait.”

  I can’t protest because his mouth is all over me. He hikes me up with one strong arm, and I wrap my legs around his waist. He carries me to the stove, flips the switch, and moves the skillet to another burner.

  I expect him to bring me to the bedroom, but he only swivels and deposits me on the round table before yanking my tank top off. His eyes feast on my breasts, then dance lower to my pants. He yanks on those as well, hands swift as he pulls them from under me and drops them on the floor.

  “Willow,” he says, voice rough. “God, Willow, I want you right now.”

  “Right here,” I whisper.

  He doesn’t hesitate before removing his pants as well, taking his boxers with them. He wraps his arms around my butt, sliding me to the edge of the table so he can dip to kiss me. It’s urgent and swift, and I link my arms around his neck to press as close as possible.

  His hands are hot against me, leaving trails of fire across my shoulders, over my breasts, down my stomach and between my legs. He slides two fingers inside me and my head falls back.

  I ride that wave of pleasure before reaching between us to grab onto him. His groan reverberates in my chest and I squeeze, trying to focus as his fingers work in and out of me.

  “I need you,” I whisper, leaning up to capture his mouth.

  “I’m right here.”

  He eases me back again and enters me with so much control, I reach for him again. “Please, Logan.”

  His smile is tender before he picks up the pace. The table legs squeak and I curl my fingertips around the lip of the surface, hanging on as my body fills with warmth and pleasure before exploding into a shower of sensation.

  I wrap my legs around his waist and pull him close, waiting for his own explosion, and smiling when it comes. His breath leaves in a rush and he bends over, pulling me up so I’m pressed tight against his chest.

  His breathing is labored in my ear, tickling my cheek. My heart races against his and his arms constrict.

  “What?” I ask.

  He only holds on, fingers of one hand wound through my hair like he’s never going to let go.

  “Logan.” I ease back as much as he’ll allow. “What is it?”

  He angles his head so his eyes meet mine. “This is crazy.”

  “What is?”

  “I…I barely know you. And here we are.”

  I frown, straining from his arms. He’s right. But he told me he loves me. Is that a problem for him now? Is he realizing just like I had how quickly our lives have changed?

  “That didn’t come out right,” Logan says, loosing his arms slightly.

  Brushing past him, I reach for my tank top and pants, trying to recognize what’s going through my heart right now. I can’t be upset. He’s absolutely right, this is so fast. But…

  I lift my coffee and sip. He made it how I like it.

  Dressed again, Logan brushes his hand down my arm like he had before. “Willow, that’s not what I meant.”

  I nod. “Okay.”

  “Listen to me.”

  I set the coffee aside and fold my arms across my chest.

  Logan sighs. “Please look at me, Willow.”

  I lift my chin so I can meet his eyes. “What did you mean?”

  “I meant I haven’t known you that long, and it’s crazy the kinds of feelings I have for you.”

  I swallow, inwardly chiding myself for getting upset over something that was nothing. “You told me you love me.”

  “I do.” He reaches out to take my shoulders. “I do, which is what makes this so crazy. I love you, and I haven’t known you that long, but I feel like…like we’re supposed to be together. And it just hit me all the sudden.” He brushes his thumb on my cheek. “I can’t lose you.”

  My heart squeezes with joy and something that feels very much like love. But the words won’t come to my mouth. I can’t tell him I love him. What if something does happen? What if it really is too fast and things change? I don’t want to lose him either and I feel like I’m tempting fate by letting myself care for him as much as I cared for my dad before he was killed.

  “You’re not going to lose me, Logan.”

  His dark eyes are still worried. “Kane’s dangerous.”

  “So were you.”

  His chest rises and falls with each breath, like he’s debating what he should or shouldn’t say. He was dangerous. He kidnapped me. He threatened to hurt my friends. And while he was doing it to help Myra, he wasn’t above playing dirty.

  “Come on,” I say, breaking away. “Let’s eat the eggs before they get too cold.”


  “You’re going to work,” I say, pulling plates down from the cupboard.

  His laugh is short. “Telling me what to do now?”

  I flash him a smile. “You do the same thing with me.”

  “It’s for you own good.”

  “Yeah, so’s this.”

  We stare at each other long and hard before I finally break away and scoop eggs on his plate. “You can eat and go to work and‒”

  “You’ll stay here.”

  I set his plate at the table, but he doesn’t sit. I try to calm the flicker of annoyance I feel. I knew he’d do this, and I just have to stay strong. I still have to live my life, despite the fact it’s been turned upside down.

  “I’ll work for a while, and then I’ll probably meet Cheyenne at the library for another set of eyes. I need to get this article done and I need to research the spell.”

  I move to sit, but he smoothly slides in front of me, blocking my way. “No.”

  I close my eyes, fighting for patience. “You’re not doing this.”

  “Yes, I am.”

  When I open my eyes again, it’s to glare at him.

  He has the courtesy to look contrite. “Okay, okay. Willow, will you please stay here today? Please don’t go anywhere. Please stay inside where it’s safe.”

  I push around him and sit. Then I use the same word he used on me. “No.”


  His voice sounds calm, but I can hear the hint of steel in it.

  “You should really eat. Start your morning off right.”

  “Not funny‒”

  “Not trying to be,” I say with a shrug. I bring a forkful of fluffy eggs to my mouth. “Sit. Eat.”

  He sits, but he doesn’t lift his fork. “Don’t make me do something drastic.”

  “Don’t make me send you home.”

  He laughs. “I’m not going anywhere.”

  I calmly set my fork down and opt for a more direct approach. “Tell you what. If you try to do anything to keep me here, I’ll be angry. And if I get angry, odds are I’m going to ask Ryan of he’ll let me stay at his house, where you haven’t been invited in, and I won’t have to deal with you trying to do anything without my consent.”

  His eyes narrow. “You wouldn’t.”

  “I absolutely would.” I flash a smile at him. “Eat up.”

  He doesn’t move. I continue to eat.

  Finally, he picks up his fork and points it at me. “You’re making this more difficult than it has to be.”

  “Say it.”

  “Say what?”

  I lift my eyebrows. “That you won’t do anything to try to keep me here.”

  I see him swallow. His hands are clenched into fists on top of the table and it’s easy to forget that it was me on top of this table not too long ago. With Logan’s hands all over me. I understand he’s worried and I understand he wants to keep me safe, but I can’t just stay holed up in my house.

  “I’m not agreeing to this, Willow.”

  I sigh and keep eating. “Your choice.”

  A muscle works in his jaw. I’m hoping he’ll change his mind, that he’ll try to see my side of
things. But instead, he starts eating and we finish the rest of the meal in silence.

  After I drop my plate in the sink, I head down the hallway to my bedroom. I’m almost to the doorway, when Logan catches me from behind. He spins me around and I immediately drop my chin, focusing on the collar of his shirt.

  “Look at me,” Logan commands.


  “Willow, please‒”

  “No. You’re going to try to influence me.”

  There’s complete silence. When he finally speaks, there’s hurt in his voice. “You think that’s what I’m going to do to you?”

  “You’ve done it before.”

  “I‒” He breaks off and releases me, keeping his hands to himself. He even steps back a few feet. “You’re right. I did do it before. I thought…I thought I was doing the right thing. It’s…”

  I finally glance up at him and I hate what I see on his face. Hurt. Frustration. Resignation. “Logan.”

  He holds up his hands. “I won’t stop you.”

  My feet won’t move. This is what I want, right? For him to give me space. To let me do what I want.

  I start to turn to the room again, but my feet don’t want to move any farther.

  “Logan,” I whisper.

  He meets my eyes.

  “This isn’t what I want.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “I want to stick together on this. To compromise.”

  “How am I going to look out for you if I’m at work?”

  “I’ll come with you.”

  He blinks. “What?”

  “If…you know, if you have any room on your tour‒or tours‒however many you have. Is that okay if I come along? I can think about my article and afterward, we can go to the library or‒”

  My words stop when he steps forward and catches me in a hug. I stumble backward, but he steadies me, keeping me close.

  “Yes,” he says. “Come with me. So I know you’re safe.”

  I nod.

  When he releases me, he takes my hand. “One more suggestion?”


  “We call Myra, invite her along. So we have an extra set of eyes.”

  I start toward the bedroom to get dressed. “Good. Yeah, then she can tell me more about your brother and why I should be so worried about him.”

  When I glance over my shoulder, Logan’s jaw is tight. For a moment, I think he’s going to change his mind.

  I squeeze his hand. “I need to know.”

  Logan lets out a long breath and nods. “You’re right. You should know why he’s so dangerous. And why staying away from Kane is the best thing you can do.”

  Chapter 3

  Despite our distractions before and during breakfast, we make it to Shadow Hill Hotel twenty minutes early. Logan’s group always meets near the hedge maze on the property where my ancestor, Selena, used to live.

  She was the one who advocated and helped put the spell into place that stops all paranormals from using their powers. Good intentions initially but she also did the spell because of her need for revenge against Logan’s great-great-grandfather. She spent the last several days trying to use her power from the grave to get me to kill him.

  I shudder involuntarily as I stare at the maze.

  “You okay?” Logan asks, pulling the keys from the ignition.

  I nod absently and reach for the door handle.

  Logan’s faster and he captures my hand in his. “Wait.”

  I glance around, my heart suddenly pounding. “Is he here? Did you see him?”

  “No.” A tender smile skims his lips. “You just…you don’t look okay. We don’t have to be here.”

  Releasing a long breath, I slump in my seat. “Yes, we do. I can’t avoid this place forever.”

  Although I can avoid the cave in the back where Selena brought down the walls and hurt my mother. She’s still in a coma and I don’t know what to do to fix everything that’s gone wrong since I got here. I don’t know how to fix the spell. I don’t know how to stop myself and Myra and Logan and Cheyenne‒even Ryan‒from being trapped here forever.

  And I definitely don’t know how to stop Kane.



  Logan grasps my chin. “Willow.”

  My gaze flits to his.

  “Are you okay?”


  He frowns. “I don’t believe you.”

  I try to smile. “Really. Come on, we should go.”

  He doesn’t move. “I’m worried.”

  “Don’t be.”

  His hand slides from my chin to the back of my neck and he pulls me close for a hug. I lean across the brake and press my face into his chest, drawing in the scent of pine and feeling safe with his strength. He’s gotten stronger in the last few weeks since we’ve been trapped here. I can tell. He’s also faster and better at influencing people.

  “I don’t want this place to make me uneasy,” I say after I pull back. “I need to figure out the spell and do my article and I want to get you and Myra out of here‒”

  “And you, too.”

  Trying for a moment of levity, I curve my lips in his direction. “I thought you said Shadow Hill wasn’t too bad a place to be stuck for however long we’re stuck here.”

  “I did say that. It’s not. I like Shadow Hill. I just don’t like you being in danger here. I don’t like not being able to take you somewhere safe. And after this is all over…” He sighs and runs a hand through his hair. “When this is done, I want to take you somewhere.”


  He glances over, eyes softening. “Somewhere you don’t have to worry. Somewhere you can relax and get some sleep.”

  “A vacation?”

  He laughs. “Sure. A vacation. Wherever you want to go.”

  I consider this. A vacation. A vacation with Logan would be exciting. Fun. But I’ve been so many places. Despite the insanity of my current situation, I’m kind of enjoying being settled.

  He opens his door and makes it around to mine in an instant.

  “Logan,” I chide, glancing around again. “You can’t do that. People will see you.”

  He flashes a grin, but it has an edge to it. “Let them talk.”


  “It’s hard to stop myself. I didn’t mean to.”

  I take his hand and get out of the car. He brushes his thumb across my knuckles before pulling me close. “Be careful, okay? Stay close and let me know if you see anything or feel something. We can leave right away.”

  I nod. “I will.” When he doesn’t look convinced, I flash my own smile. “I promise.”

  He cups my cheek. My stomach flutters when his tongue touches my lips. His breath mingles with mine. “I love you,” he whispers. My heart squeezes tight. He eases back. His eyes flicker with something that’s too quick for me to recognize fully. Disappointment? Worry?

  Another car pulls alongside ours. Myra steps out. She’s all smiles like usual. She’s wearing short shorts, cute sandals and her hair pulled into two braids at the sides.

  Ryan’s face flashes through my mind. I wonder if it’s really Myra he’s imprinted on and what he thinks of her new-found health. She looks great. She also probably has no idea of his feelings for her or how much he’d struggle with that. They’re natural enemies. Though if I know Ryan, he won’t do anything about it anyway.

  Maybe I can drop a few hints for Myra or feel her out‒see if she’s noticed anything different.

  She hooks her arm around my shoulders. “Hiking buddies. Good thing you called. I was getting so bored all alone in that house. It’s better when you’re there‒”

  “You know she can’t be there,” Logan snaps.

  Myra frowns at him. “She’s a witch, Logan, we can probably figure out some sort of spell or something, right?”

  I nod. “I should look into it.”

  Logan shakes his head, but he’s distracted by the group gathering close to the hedg
e maze. He takes my hand and gives it a squeeze. “Stay close.”

  We walk together to the opening of the hedge maze. There are five other people there, waiting for the tour to start. They look enthusiastic and have no idea a crazy witch from another century used to live on the grounds.

  Logan’s a natural at guiding the group. He smiles and gives background on the hotel, getting laughs when he jokes about the spooky history. After the short introduction, he leads us to the cemetery and gives more history on the people buried there.

  I commit his words to my memory, remembering a few things I need to add into my article for the magazine.

  “I need your help,” Myra says.

  I glance over. “With what?”

  She digs into her backpack and pulls out a paper sack. When she opens it, I’m surprised to see she’s brought muffins. “Try this.”

  I take a muffin from her. It’s huge, with crumbles overflowing on top. A light coat of brown sugar dusts my fingers. I take a bite. It’s still warm in the middle and I savor the taste of cinnamon and apple. “It’s really good,” I say around a mouthful.

  “Keep eating.”

  “This is huge, Myra‒I already had breakfast.”

  Her lips tilt in a frown. “So you don’t like it?”

  I laugh and take another bite. “No, it’s delicious, but I’m full. Where did you get this? I don’t remember seeing any bakeries in town.”

  Myra’s eyes light. “Exactly. There aren’t any bakeries. Shadow Hill needs one. The diner on the corner is good for pancakes and stuff, but they don’t have pastries or muffins or anything else that’s made fresh every morning.”

  “Wait.” I wipe my hand on my pants. “You made this?”

  She nods.

  I eye the muffin with new respect and take another bite. I remember Logan mentioning something about learning how to cook from his sister. “What else can you make? Please tell me apple fritters.”

  She grins. “That and more.”

  Logan leads the group away from the headstones and to the remains of Selena’s family’s original house. He glances back to meet my eyes, making sure we’re still close. I smile at him and he continues walking.

  We follow along a dirt trail wide enough to accommodate two of us side by side. The closer we get to Selena’s old house, the more my throat tightens up. Selena followed me through Shadow Hill for days and it got to the point I expected to see her around every corner.


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