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Ruffle My Feathers (The Seven - Book 2)

Page 7

by Ciana Stone

  "That sounds … overly dramatic."

  "But true. Let me show you what I can do and when you see and believe I promise you that I will enlist other Fae so that our combined power can cure your father. If we can do that, then I will ask for your help again. Will you at least let me try?"

  "Let's say I said yes. What would you do?"

  "I would call and book two tickets on the next flight to Orlando."

  Nevaeh considered it. Chances were, Elysia was full of shit, but if she went along and was able to get on a plane and get home, she'd be able to ditch the bitch and call Layla and tell her what happened.

  "Okay, fine. Do it."

  "Thank you, Nevaeh. You won't be disappointed."

  "That remains to be seen."

  "And seen it will be." Elysia pulled a cell phone from the pocket of her slacks and placed a call on speakerphone, booking two first class tickets on the next flight to Orlando. They had an hour to get to the airport to make that flight.

  She ended the call and stood. "Are you ready?"

  Neveah stood as well. "You have no idea."

  "Then let us depart." She pulled out her phone and made another call as she made her way into the apartment. "Please have the car brought around immediately. We are on our way down."

  Nevaeh remained silent and followed Elysia to the door. If she suspected they were not headed for the airport, she was going to bolt. If they were going to the airport, then she'd play along.

  Why? Because despite her desire to believe that Layla, Augustus and more importantly, Gabriel, had been genuine with her, if there was a chance in a million that someone on this planet had the ability to cure her father, she had to follow through. He might not be important to the world, but he was the most important person in the world to her.


  Gabriel landed beside the front porch of his house to find Severin sitting in one of the porch chairs waiting.

  "Thanks for meeting me."

  "You implied it was of great import."

  "It is. It’s about Nevaeh Rockwell."

  "Ah yes, I heard you are enamored of her."

  Gabriel took a seat beside him. "This has nothing to do with that. I've heard that both the Daemons and Wizards are pursuing information on her. Now it appears the Fae are demonstrating interest as well. My question is why?"

  Severin looked away for a few moments. "What do you know of Thelonious of the Daemons and Raj Ragnorok of the Wizards?"

  "Obviously not enough or you wouldn't ask."

  "Thelonious was very powerful, a leader among us, fair and just. He mated with a Fae, Zerena LaFoy of the Dark Fae. Together they had a daughter, Ameliana. When she achieved adulthood, she mated with Ragnorok and they had a son, Nathanial.

  "Thanks to disputes among our kind, Ameliana was taken as hostage, to force Ragnorok into service for the Dark Fae. He refused and Ameliana was killed. But only after she had given birth to Nathanial. Ragnorok and his followers stormed the stronghold of the Dark Fae and many died, including Ragnorok.

  "One of his loyal followers found Nathanial and spirited him away, placing him in the care of his grandparents, Thelonious and Zerena. To protect the child, they made the world believe they had died. They crossed into this world, changed their names, and raised the child.

  "The name they took here on Earth was Rockwell."

  "What?" Gabriel sat up straight in his chair, as if he'd been jabbed in the back. "You're telling me that Nevaeh's father is –"

  "Daemon, Wizard, and Fae."

  "Which makes Nevaeh?"

  "More. Her father, who went by the name of Nate, met and fell in love with one of your kind. Gavreel."

  "Gavreel? But she—"

  "Was killed. Yes, by a Dark Fae."

  "So Nev-"

  "Possesses abilities of which she is quite unaware."

  "And her father? Layla said he was in a hospital, suffering from Alzheimer's."

  "That is untrue. He suffers, yes, but at his own doing. To protect Nevaeh from the same Dark Fae who killed her mother, Nathanial enlisted the help of his grandparents. Thelonious, Zerena, and Nathanial concocted strong magic, magic that mimicked the dementia that afflicts humans so that if he was discovered, nothing could be taken from his mind and Nevaeh would be safe."

  Gabriel flopped back and stared out at the water. "And she has no idea who she really is."


  "So that's why you wanted the DNA test?"


  "Okay, I'm confused. If you already knew, why do the test?"

  "Confirmation. Gabriel, if what I've said is true and I believe it to be, Nevaeh may be able to help us forestall what could be great danger. Whoever conspired with Asha to destroy the peace accord will certainly try again. And, if it is, as we suspect, Dark Fae who managed to cross from the other side when Eldric and Ellie Whitehorse opened the door, we must stop them."


  "Because their intent is not to integrate with humanity but to conquer it. You were young when you made the crossing and became enchanted by this world. You did not return as many of us did, to see the changes that occurred, the wars that ravaged our races and our world.

  "When guardianship of the door was granted to the Whitehorse clan, many of us chose never to return. Strive ruled on our home world. It was better to live in the shadows on this world that see countless thousands die on our own.

  "Now that door has opened and those aligned with the Dark Fae who thirst for blood and enslavement of humanity will not rest until it is reopened and their armies can descend upon this world."

  Gabriel shook his head. He'd turned a deaf ear to such talk for centuries, not wanting to see the ugliness. Now, he realized he should have paid more attention. "And Nevaeh comes into play because…?"

  "Because if the door opens, she can not only halt time, but do so selectively in order to give our army time to neutralize the threat."

  "You're talking about war."


  Gabriel put his hands to his face and then ran them back through his hair. "War is an ugly business."

  "Sometimes to save a hand it is necessary to sacrifice a finger. What would you see Gabriel? Millions of innocents die for the ambition of a few who mean only ill, or the imprisonment of those war mongers so that bloodshed can be averted?"

  "Hold on, imprisonment? Just how do you think you're going to accomplish that?"

  "With Nevaeh's help. She can suspend time, Gabriel. For a few or for many."

  "Ah, I get it. They could be frozen in time, held suspended."

  "Yes. In a secure location, of course."

  Gabriel nodded. "Thank you for being honest with me, Severin."

  "Why would I be anything but, Gabriel?"

  Gabriel smiled. "You know, it still bugs me that your kind is labeled as Daemon."

  "It is only a word, Gabriel, not a definition. There are among my kind who lust for a dark path, just as there are among the other tribes. Good and evil, light and dark, neither can exist without the other. It is what balances the Universe."

  "You're a wise man, Severin. I'm sorry I haven't gotten to know you better but I do consider you a friend."

  "There is still time, Gabriel and I am honored to call you friend."

  "And I, you."Gabriel offered his hand.

  Severin clasped it. "Thank you. And as a friend, I now beg your help. We must locate Nevaeh before the Dark Fae warp her mind and turn her to their path."

  "I've tried. So has Augustus. We can't find her."

  "Then you look in the wrong place."

  "Oh, well what's the right place?"

  "She will go where her heart leads."

  Gabriel's eyes widened. "Of course. Her father. I have to see Augustus. Do you – is it okay if I tell him what you told me."

  "Of course, in fact, I will accompany you. There must be full disclosure between us if there is to be trust."

  "Lucien's going to be fit to be tied, you know."

"Lucien believes he is the only among us with moral fiber strong enough to deal with such situations."

  "He does have a high opinion of himself."

  "Warranted, but at times an encumbrance."

  Gabriel laughed. "Well said. So, you want a lift to the estate?"

  Severin smiled. "I have my own means. See you there."

  When he vanished, Gabriel chuckled. He'd just learned that an old earth saying was true. Never judge a book by its cover. He'd known Severin for nine centuries and not until today had he gotten a glimpse of who the man behind the stoic façade really was.

  Chapter Eight

  War. That's about the ugliest word ever invented. I don't hate much and certainly not easily but that is something I hate with great passion. I've seen my share of war and I don't want to see more.

  Is there a chance we can avoid or avert war? The optimist inside says yes. If only that optimistic side could come up with a way of doing that. But strategy is not my strong suit. That's better left to people like Augustus.

  Nevaeh was in knots by the time they reached the care facility where her father was staying. Despite her resolve, the things Elysia told her had doubt creeping into her mind. There was no reason for Gabriel to have been attracted to her. She was just a human and he was an Angel. Not to mention so gorgeous he could have any woman he wanted.

  Nor did it make sense that Layla would offer to pay her father's medical expenses. Who did that after knowing a person for a day? And Augustus did insist on them sharing blood.

  She didn't want to believe that they'd set out to deceive her but what did she really know about them? And Elysia really seemed forthright.

  Still, she was going to reserve final judgment until she saw if Elysia could prove what she claimed. The idea that her dad could be cured was her biggest dream. Could it really be possible?

  They were about to find out.

  Nevaeh checked in at the front desk. "Hey Darla. How're you doing?"

  "Nev! Hey, honey. How was your trip?"

  "Interesting. How's Dad?"

  "No change but he's been in good humor. I think he's awake, so go on it."

  "Okay, thanks."

  Nevaeh led the way to her father's room. He was sitting in a chair in front of the window, staring through the glass.

  "Hey there, Nate. How're you doing today?" Nevaeh had learned not to address him as Dad. Every time she did, he got agitated.

  "Oh, hey … uh, sorry, do I know you?"

  "It's me, Nate. Nev. You remember? I was here a few days ago and we had ice-cream outside and played checkers?"

  "Pistachio. I like pistachio ice cream."

  "Yes. And maybe we can get some later. I want to introduce you to my friend, Elysia. Elysia this is Nate."

  Elysia walked around to stand in front of Nate. She leaned down so that her eyes were even with his. "It's such an honor to meet you Nate."

  He smiled uncertainly. "It is? Why?"

  "Why because you're you."

  He smiled again and offered his hand. Elysia took his hand in both of hers. Nate gasped and tried to pull his hand away but she was too strong. She pinned her gaze with his and started chanting words Nevaeh could not understand.

  Whatever the words were, they must have frightened her father. He went white as a sheet and started to shake. "Elysia, stop." Nevaeh tried to pry Elysia's hands off her father but her grip held fast.

  "Please. Elysia, stop."

  Elysia did not pause. She continued her chant. Nevaeh watched her father. His breath was fast. Too fast. And his body was shaking as if he were having a seizure. When his eyes rolled back in his head and he went limp, she threw herself on Elysia, knocking her back against the window.

  "What the hell are you doing to him? You're supposed to help him, not kill—"

  Her sentence ended abruptly at the sound of her father's voice. "Nevie?"

  Nevaeh whirled around. Her father gazed up at her. Her father. Not a man who'd lost his memory, but her dad.


  "Nevie, honey, what have you done?"

  Nevaeh was stunned. She didn't know what to say or do. She looked up at Elysia to see her smiling. "Uh, would you mind if I had some time alone with my dad?"

  "Sure. I'll be outside. But, remember you don't have long."

  "I know. I'll meet you outside."

  The moment Elysia left the room, Nevaeh dropped down in a crouch in front of her father. "Dad?"

  "Nevie, oh honey, what did you do?"

  "I can't explain, Dad. I just – I just had to see you and talk to you. I need you Dad. Elysia brought you back and she said she could do it permanently. I need you Dad. I need you."

  "Nevie." He leaned over and gathered her in his arms. "I love you, honey. More than anything. You have to listen to me, honey and do as I say. Okay?"


  She waited for him to speak again and when he did not, she pulled back. Her dad was gone. In his place was a man who looked uncomfortable and confused. She released him and stood. "Is there anything I can get for you Nate?"

  "No. No. I'll just sit here and watch the birds. Thanks young lady."

  Nevaeh nearly lost it. "You have a good day, Nate. I'll see you soon."

  "Yeah, soon."

  Nevaeh ran. From the room and through the facility and didn't stop until she was outside. Then she lost it. She sat down on the step and sobbed until her throat felt raw and there were no more tears left.

  She felt a hand on her shoulder and looked up. Elysia sat on the step behind her. "You don't have to put yourself through this Nev. I can make him well. With help."

  "I…I don't…I…I have to think. I just need to think."

  "Take all the time you need. I'll drop you home and then check into a hotel."

  Nevaeh nodded and got to her feet as Elysia stood, then followed Elysia to the car. They climbed into the back seat and Nevaeh directed the driver to take them to Nevaeh's.

  Nevaeh was silent the entire drive. When they pulled up in front of her duplex, she opened the door. Elysia reached out and took her arm. "I'll come by in the morning and we'll talk."

  Nevaeh nodded and got out. She watched the car drive away and then turned toward the door of her duplex. It was then she realized she didn't have a key.


  Gabriel stood staring at the still figure of the man in the chair. Nevaeh's father stared blankly at the window, not blinking, not moving one muscle.

  It was a sad sight and made sadder by the knowledge that he'd done this to himself to protect Nevaeh. Something was fundamentally wrong with his people and humans that people had to go to such extremes.

  He put his hand on Nathanial's shoulder and closed his eyes. Angels rarely spoke of their powers but he did possess the ability to reach into Nathanial's mind and communicate what he'd learned from Severin.

  Gabriel felt tension in the muscles beneath his hand and knew he'd managed to weave his way through the fog that clouded Nathanial's mind.

  "We have to help her." His voice was a soft whisper. "We have to stop them. I need you to understand."

  When he was blasted with memories of Nevaeh and another woman being there, he struggled to take in the facts and dismiss the distortions caused by the spell on Nathanial's mind.

  They will come again, Nathanial. And when they do you have to convince her that she's not safe, that she can't trust them. I know you don't know me and so you don't know if you can trust me. But there must be someone among our people you can trust. Whoever that is, you have to ask for them, get word to them.

  Abruptly the link was severed. Gabriel felt Nathanial's body go slack. He didn't have to look to know the man was unconscious. He turned to leave, casting a look back as he reached the door.

  Whoever had taken Nevaeh had known to bring her here, to her father. That meant they were going to play on Nevaeh's love for her father. But what did they want? And would Nevaeh end up being the one to get hurt?

  That was the question that concerned h
im the most.


  Nevaeh walked outside and took a deep breath of the humid air. This was one of those few times she wished she had a landline. With her purse, phone, laptop, and even her Kindle still at Asha's estate, she couldn't place a call, send an email or even buy a cup of coffee.

  She was screwed. She's had to break a window in her duplex to get in yesterday after Elysia dropped her off and the only thing she had to cover the window was her shower curtain and thumbtacks.

  So, what to do? She'd dug around and found enough change to use a pay phone but she had no clue where to find one. Where was the last place she'd even seen a pay phone?

  Just then, her neighbor, Debbie Grant stepped outside.

  "Debbie! Thank god. Can I ask a favor?"

  "Hey Nev. I'm late. Can we talk later?"

  "I just need to borrow your phone for one minute. I lost my phone and car keys and I have to call my boss or I'm going to get fired."

  "Fine." Debbie dug out her phone and handed it to Nevaeh.

  Nevaeh accessed the keyboard and hesitated. She didn't remember her boss's number or any of the people she worked with. Those were all programmed into her phone. She stared at the keyboard for a few seconds then blew out her breath and

  "I thought –"

  "Can't remember the number."

  "Tell me about it. My fucking life's in my phone. I lose it and I'm fucked."

  "Yeah, don't I know."

  "Okay, I gotta go. See ya."

  "Yeah, see ya."

  Nevaeh watched Debbie get into her car, then turned, and went back inside the duplex. She had to figure out a way to get in touch with Layla and see about getting her belongings sent to her.

  The question was how to contact someone without a phone.

  It came to her in a flash. The connection with Augustus.

  Hello? Augustus? Are you there?


  She tried to concentrate, imagining his face. Augustus?

  Still nothing.


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