Ruffle My Feathers (The Seven - Book 2)

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Ruffle My Feathers (The Seven - Book 2) Page 10

by Ciana Stone

  Gabriel wished it was his place to tell Nevaeh the truth about her father, but it wasn't. She had acted out of love for her father, trying to save him. Gabriel couldn't fault her for that.

  "You were trying to save your father. No one would fault you—"

  "Yes, but at what cost? What if Elysia and the people who follow her actually do get control of the doorways? What if I've made it possible for them to hurt or kill more people? Does that justify it or am I as bad as they are? I only thought about what I wanted."

  "Did you help her?"

  "Well, no, but I said I would."

  "So you lied."

  She didn't answer for a few seconds. "Yes. I lied."

  "Did you intend to help her?"

  "No. I don't know. I didn't want to. I guess I didn't think she could heal my father but after what happened … Gabriel why does he want to find this man Taighan?"

  "That's for him to say."

  "But you know?"

  "I know Taighan."

  "And you'll help me find him?"

  "Yes. I will find him."

  "He's – he's not going to hurt my dad, is he?"

  Gabriel considered the question and how to answer. "Tai is … he is an outcast of sorts among the Preternaturals. His mother was Fae. Dark Fae. And his father was a very powerful Daemon. They had a daughter. When she achieved adulthood, she met a man and fell in love with a man who was also of two tribes, Daemon and Wizard.

  "Tai and his wife were concerned when the Council forbid the union. Their daughter would not give in. She loved this man and nothing would stop her from marrying him.

  "So, the family banded together and went into hiding. They were successful for many years and saw their daughter give birth to a child. For years they were all happy. Then they were discovered. As punishment, Tai's daughter was killed. The child and her father were next in line, but Tai, his wife and the child's father used powerful magic to hide.

  "All three swore to never use their powers again, for fear of being discovered."

  "And that's who my Dad wants to see? Why?"

  "Again, it is not for me to say. I'm sure he'll tell you. You have no reason to mistrust him, do you?"

  "Of course not. My dad's the most honest person I've ever known. He'd never lie to me or do anything to hurt me."

  "Then let him tell you in his own time."

  "Okay. But you're going to find this Taighan, right?"

  "Yes. I will personally insure that he meets with your father. I am, however, going to want something in return."

  He could see from the expression on her face that his last sentence met with resistance. "You too? Great. What do you want?"

  "That after your father has met with Tai and you've gotten an explanation from him, you go with me to see Augustus and tell him everything. And together we warn Ellie and Eldric. If Elysia seeks to open the doorway, she'll be after them. They have a right to know."

  "Oh god, you're right. I should call her now and—"

  "She is safe for now. Not until you act on your bargain with Elysia will she try anything. She knows she doesn't have the power necessary."

  "Okay, but we have to make sure Ellie is safe. I can't let my screw-up put her or her family in danger."

  "It wasn't your screw-up Heaven. You were manipulated."

  "That makes me sound like a victim."

  "Which is what you are."

  "Then why do I feel like the villain in the play?"

  At that moment, Gabriel wanted to take her into his arms, comfort and love her. Her words demonstrated what was in her heart and it added weight to the feelings he had for her. If he didn't leave now, he might make a mistake of his own.

  "Then I will take you home and tomorrow-"

  "I don't want to go – yet. I don't have to be at work until nine."

  "Oh, all right. Would you like to go on the beach? Or take a swim in the pool? Are you hungry?"

  "No. No and yes."

  "You're hungry? What would you like?"

  Until that moment, she had not truly realized what she did want, but now she knew and while it might be one of the biggest mistakes of her life, she couldn't back down. "I want you."

  Surprise registered on his face for a split second and then was replaced by a sexy smile. "Right here?"


  His answer was to get to his feet and sweep her into his arms. He carried her inside, through the house and into a bedroom. Wind blew the gauzy white curtains at the windows and sunlight danced in lazy patterns.

  Gabriel set her on her feet beside the bed and cupped her face in both hands to kiss her. Nevaeh had been prepared for the onslaught of passion his touch evoked, but the tenderness and emotion conveyed in his kiss unhinged her.

  Nevaeh surrendered to it, falling under his spell. Time didn't stop, but it did slow. Lips and tongue caressed and explored, slow and gentle, breath mingling as the kiss lingered. She recognized longing in his kiss and echoed it, but felt no need to rush. This moment, this kiss, was all that mattered.

  When Gabriel's lips moved from hers, across her face and beneath her ear, her breath quickened. His mouth traveled down the length of her neck then paused. With deft fingers and economy of motion, he pulled her t-shirt up and over her head, letting it fall to the floor.

  His hands smoothed over the tops of her shoulders, down her arms and back up to circle around her and unfasten the clasp of her bra. Cool air whispered across her breasts as the bra fell to the floor.

  She worked his t-shirt up but paused as it reached his chest. "Will this – how do you get it off with your wings?"

  He smiled, grabbed the neckline in both hands, and ripped.

  It was the sexiest thing she'd ever seen in her life. Inch by inch his upper body was bared. Strong and firm, smooth hairless tanned skin over taut well-defined chest and abdominal muscles.

  Her eyes moved over his chest and torso and then down to his cargo pants that slung low on his hips. There was no need to rip, the button and zipper worked fine. She unzipped the pants and pushed them down over his lean hips and strong thighs.

  Gabriel stepped out of the pants and her eyes continued the downward track. He was a woman's wet dream come to life. "You're beautiful."

  "As are you."

  She looked up into his eyes. "No, I mean, perfection, Gabriel. You're the most beautiful being I've ever seen."

  "If you could see with my eyes, you'd know that's how I see you."

  "I wish I could see that."

  "You could. If you'd let me in." He traced one hand across the top of her breasts and then down the center of her body to the button of her shorts.

  "I didn't know I was barring you."

  While his fingers busied themselves divesting her of her shorts and underwear, his gaze locked with hers. "Your mind is among the few I cannot touch."


  "Because of who you are, Heaven. Take down the walls and let me in and then you will see what’s inside of me."



  "How do I do that?"

  He smiled and leaned down to kiss the side of her neck and follow its curve with his lips to the hollow of her throat. She sighed in pleasure as those magical lips trailed down her neck and chest to brush feather light over her breasts. His hands moved up, cupping her breasts as his lips toyed with them.

  Gabriel returned to her lips. This time the kiss was one of hunger, flame, and desire making it more demanding. Nevaeh felt like fire was spreading on her skin as his hands traced down her back to cup her ass.

  He pulled back from the kiss and trailed his lips over her chin and down her neck.

  "You're so beautiful."

  His lips were warm and soft as they traveled lower. She gasped as his tongue circled one nipple slowly. "Gabr—ahh… "

  "Let go, Heaven. Surrender. Just this once."

  Nev nearly went weak in the knees. She gripped the top of his shoulders for support as his lips traveled down her body. Wh
en he reached her sex, it wasn't just Nevaeh's knees that were affected. Her entire body was suddenly suffused with the most intense pleasure she'd ever experienced.

  Talk about being good at what you do. Gabriel was a master. In under a minute he had her fingers digging into the tops of his shoulders and her head thrown back in a moan as a climax ripped through her.

  Gabriel rose to face her. "May I make love to you, Heaven?"

  Make love? Nevaeh could see he was aroused, so it would not have surprised her for him to say he wanted her, that he wanted to fuck her or have her. But make love? What did that mean? And why did it make her heart race?

  "Yes, please."

  He smiled and kissed her, a slow and gentle kiss, the sweet taste of him filling her mouth. She breathed in his scent and her desire deepened as if the very smell of him triggered a primal need. Her teeth nipped at his tongue and then fastened more securely on his mouth to feed on his kiss.

  Nevaeh had never dreamed that a kiss could produce such an intense reaction. Heat flowed from her mouth to her breasts, through her belly to pool between her legs like liquid fire.

  Gabriel lowered her back on the bed. She reached between them, eager to guide him inside her but he stopped her. "We have time."

  She didn't care how much time they did or didn't have. She wanted him. Now. But he moved her hand away with ease, his strength far greater than his. "Lie back and let me love you, Heaven."

  Gabriel took his time, arousing her more with each touch or kiss. Her breasts felt heavy, the nipples sensitive under his tongue and teeth. He suckled her then laved the taut flesh into plump fullness, only to gather the responsive flesh into his mouth again.

  He worked his way down her body, his lips leaving a trail of heat in their wake. His tongue dipped into her navel then traveled lower. He positioned himself between her legs and lifted her so that her legs rested on his shoulders.

  When he lowered his head and lapped her sex in one slow stroke, she screamed with pleasure and need. His response was to take her clit in his mouth and suckle it as he had her breasts.

  She gasped at the riot of sensation, and then moaned in protest when he stopped. He elicited another gasp from her as his tongue flicked at the swollen nub and then gathered it into his mouth.

  Stars exploded in her head when two of his fingers eased inside her and began to stroke. She cried out as a shuddering orgasm started to claim her then moaned as he moved her legs and slid inside her.

  Nevaeh tumbled into an unending void of sensation and in that void she touched him. Touched his mind. She saw herself in his mind, knew his feelings. She saw his passion and his love for her.

  She knew it the moment it happened. Maybe it was wrong and maybe it wasn't supposed to happen but it did.

  She surrendered and fell.

  Fast, fully and forever. She was his.

  Chapter Ten

  I expected our lovemaking to be satisfying and it was. What I didn't expect was what would happen when she lowered her mental barriers. Our minds didn't simply touch. They collided. I felt her heart and mind. I know her fears and doubts, feel the strength of her devotion to her father and the guilt she feels at what she did to try to heal him. I feel her concern for her friends and I feel her love for me.

  It's unprecedented. That's not being melodramatic. I've never connected with anyone on this deep of a level. Perhaps it's because of her unique heritage. Heritage she is completely unware of.

  What will she feel when she discovers the truth? Will it change how she sees herself? Will it change how she feels about me? I hope not. I never intended it to happen and find it miraculous that it has, but for the first time in my existence, I am in love.

  To coin a human phrase – it scares the holy crap out of me.

  Gabriel watched her sleep. What was to come would be difficult for her. She was going to discover truths that would shake the foundations of her self-identity. And possibly shake the unquestioning trust she had in her father.

  Not to mention the fact that she might end up a pawn in a very dangerous game as factions aligned in their quest for power and dominance.

  He knew which side he stood on. Beside his friends. Beside Augustus. He might drink blood for survival, but was the most fair and moral leader Gabriel had ever known.

  Gabriel checked the time. He'd have to wake her before long if she was going to make it to her job on time. As if cued by his thought she opened her eyes.

  "So it was real."

  "Excuse me?"

  "Us. What happened."

  "Yeah, it was very real."

  "What time is it?"

  "Almost eight."

  "Oh shit! I have to get to work." She bolted up from the bed, scrambling around on the floor for her clothes. "I need to shower and change. I have to go."

  "No worries. I'll take you home."

  He got up, dressed, and as she finished buttoning her shorts, pulled her to him for a long kiss. "It was real."

  She looked at him and he felt the questions in her mind. Could she trust what she felt when their minds touched? Did he really care for her?

  "I do, Heaven. A lot."

  "Me too. But that won't pay my rent, so how about helping a gal out?"

  "Angel express at your service ma'am." He took her hand, led her outside and then lifted her into his arms and took to the air. When he set down behind her home, she gave him a soft kiss.

  "Will I see you soon?"

  "As soon as you get off work. I'll be waiting."

  "What are you going to do?"

  "Find Taighan."

  "Do you think you can?"


  "Okay, well, I better hit the shower and get ready. It's a bit of a walk and-"

  "Your keys are on your kitchen table along with the rest of your belongings."

  "They are? Did Layla ship—"

  "No, I brought them."

  "Oh thank you." She threw her arms around him. "It might be a POS but it'll be so nice to be able to drive to work."

  "Glad to help. Now, go. I'll meet you at the bar. What time do you close?"

  "I'll be done around 3am."

  "I'll be waiting."

  He gave her a lingering kiss then took to the air.

  Nevaeh watched him until he disappeared from view then hurried inside. She had no confidence that her mind would be on work. With all that was going on, she felt a bit like Alice in Wonderland. Only Alice hadn't lost her heart to a gorgeous Angel.


  Gabriel parked the car and turned off the engine. Taighan looked at the facility and then at Gabriel. "I never thought to see him again."

  "Yet here you are."


  "Look, I'm not going to crowd you. I know you need time with him, but I am going to remind you again that both of you need to think about Nevaeh. She had no say in this charade and it's not fair for her to operate blind. She needs to know the truth, Thelonious."


  "Yeah, I know that's what you're going by but it's not your name and we've known each other long enough that you can trust me with your real name."


  "So come on. I'll do my thing on the nurse in charge and hang out in the waiting room until you and Nathanial have spoken."

  Five minutes later Gabriel was opening the door to Nathanial's room. He was sitting in his chair, staring at the television screen. He didn't turn his head or acknowledge their presence until Thelonious spoke.


  That was when Nathanial reacted. He turned his head and the moment he saw Thelonious, tears welled in his eyes. "Grandfather."

  As Thelonious started toward Nathanial, Gabriel made his exit. He made his way to the waiting room and took a seat. He thought about Nevaeh and how she was going to feel when she learned the truth. She loved her father more than she loved anyone. Would she see him keeping the truth from her as protection or betrayal? He hoped it was the former.


  He l
ooked in the direction of the voice to see Thelonious at the door. "Could you join us?"

  "Sure." Gabriel followed him to Nathanial's room.

  "So, they did break the spell." Gabriel directed his comment at Nathanial.


  "And what do you plan to do now?"

  Nathanial looked at Thelonious. "My grandfather told me where you stand and I agree. Nevvie has to be told."

  "I'm glad you agree. She's already placed herself in a lot of danger. To proceed without knowing puts her at a huge disadvantage from those who would seek to manipulate her and use her abilities. Or use her to get to you."

  "I know and I won't have that. I will tell her, but not here. I need to leave this place. My enemies know where I am."

  "And just exactly who are your enemies?"

  "What do you know of our history?" Thelonious asked.

  "Severin gave me the highlights. You and your wife had a daughter who mated with a Wizard, Raj Ragnorok. They are Nathanial's parents. Your daughter was taken hostage to force Ragnorok into service for the Dark Fae. He refused and your daughter was killed.

  "Ragnorok and his followers stormed the stronghold of the Dark Fae and he was also killed, leaving you to raise Nathanial. You faked your own deaths, crossed into this realm and took different names to raise Nathanial.

  "He grew up, mated with an Angel, Gavreel, had Nevaeh and then Gavreel was killed."

  "In a nutshell, yes. What you were not told, and what our people here may not know is that my wife Zerena is of the house LaFoy."

  "And that is significant because?"

  "The mother of Eldric Whitehorse was of the house LaFoy. Her mate, Michael hid two of her children from her when she abandoned the Light path and resumed the ways of the Dark Fae. They had three children."

  "Yes, Eldric and his sister Ellie have been looking for their other sister." Gabriel picked up with what he knew of the tale. "Apparently the doorway between worlds got – I don't know, out of kilter, malfunctioned or something. Michael searched for the places on Earth that housed the doorways and found one in Florida. He spent years trying to open it. His daughter Ellie had the power to open it at least partially and Eldric, who was on the other side, added his power."


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