Ruffle My Feathers (The Seven - Book 2)

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Ruffle My Feathers (The Seven - Book 2) Page 11

by Ciana Stone

  Thelonious nodded. "Yes. And it was assumed that only Eldric crossed over."

  "And that wasn't true?"

  Thelonious looked at Nathanial for a moment before answering. "The other Whitehorse child is Elysia."

  Gabriel didn't often feel a strong sense of alarm, but those words sent something akin to a pain lancing through him. "The woman who took Nevaeh is Elysia Whitehorse?"

  "Yes. She is formidable. The oldest of the Whitehorse tribe, she has spent her life being schooled by her mother's house in the arts of the Dark Fae. Her mother's blood is strong, but her father's even stronger."

  "Augustus needs to know this."

  "Yes, he does. Nathanial and I would appreciate the chance to meet with him in person. To that end, we must find safe haven. Zerena and I must leave our homes. It will not take Elysia and her people long to come for us now."

  "But where can we find safety?" Nathanial asked.

  "I can take care of that." Gabriel put his hand on Nathanial's shoulder. "I have a home in Florida. It is protected but I believe that with the help of some friends, we can shield it."

  "What friends?"

  "Andre, Severin and Eldric."

  "And they are?"

  "Andre is Wizard, Severin is Daemon and Eldric – well you know who he is. If you leave now, you can be there before morning. I'll get in touch with my friends and we'll meet you there tomorrow morning."

  Nathanial looked at Thelonious. "Can Grandmother leave now?"

  "I don't think it will take any convincing. But we need to get you out of here without raising an alarm."

  "I think I can take of that, too." Gabriel pulled out his phone. "Let me make one call."

  He dialed Augustus. "Hey, I need a favor…"


  Nevaeh checked the time on her phone for the fourth time in an hour. It was finally closing time and she was eager to get out of there. It concerned her that Gabriel had not returned as promised, but she told herself to focus on the tasks at hand and trust that he would be there when she finished.

  She wished there was a way to sneak into the care facility so she could go see her dad. She knew it would bring unwanted attention to him if she did that so she'd wait until morning. And hope that damn Elysia didn't show up before then.

  It took a little over an hour to finish what she needed to do. She cashed out her credit card tips and walked outside.

  Gabriel was leaning against her car in the parking lot. She felt the smile rise on her face when she saw him. The smile he gave in return had her spirits lifting. She hurried over to him and went eagerly into his arms.

  His kiss woke passion despite the lateness of the hour and the worries on her mind. When the kiss ended she pulled back and looked up at him. "You're way too good at that."

  "Is there such as thing as being too good of a kisser?"

  "Good point. So, you want a ride, handsome?"

  "Yes, I think I do."

  "Then get in."

  He had to scoot the passenger seat back as far as it would go to accommodate his long legs.

  "The air isn’t working. Sorry."

  "No problem. You have windows." He started to roll down the window. It lowered three inches and stopped. "Well, sort of."

  Nevaeh felt a little embarrassed. "Sorry."

  "For what?"

  "My less than adequate car."

  "It gets you where you need to go, so it's perfectly adequate."

  "You're sweet."

  "Yes. I am."

  She chuckled and pulled out onto the street. "So, tell me. Did you find Taighan?"

  "I did."


  "And I took him to see your father."


  "And your father will explain everything when you see him tomorrow."

  "Why can't you just tell me?"

  "I did not intrude on their conversation."

  "Oh, well, I guess I'll just have to wait. But my dad's okay, right? And safe?"

  "Yes. He is safe. You do not have to fear tonight, Heaven."

  She cut a look at him. "Are you ever going to use my real name?"

  "Do you want me to?"



  The rest of the drive was passed in silence. When they arrived at Nevaeh's place, she unlocked the back door, tossed her things on the kitchen table, and got two cold beers from the refrigerator. She opened them and handed one to Gabriel.

  "If I asked you something would you be completely honest with me?"


  "Okay, then who is this Taighan and why did my dad want to see him so badly?"

  Gabriel almost regretted saying yes. How could he answer and not usurp her father's right to reveal the truth to her?

  "I want to tell you, Nevaeh, but it's not my place. Your father asked that I say nothing other than to let you know he is safe, and to allow him the opportunity to explain. I promised that I would. So, which promise do I break? The one I made to him or the one you ask of me now?"

  She was quiet for a bit, her expression troubled. "Fine. I can wait for him to tell me. Just tell me this … he's safe. I mean safe."

  "Yes. No harm will come to him and you will see him tomorrow."

  "Okay. You want another beer?"

  He held up the half-full one. "I'm good."

  "You want to go outside?"


  "Watch television?"


  "Then what?"

  "I want you to pause time."


  "Stop it. Just for a little while."


  "Why? Nev, it's an incredible chance – a chance to have a moment in time that's just for us. We won't take anything from anyone, or put anyone in danger or have any impact on any other lives. We can just …be."

  His words struck home. Maybe it was crazy, and maybe even selfish, but he was right. It would not hurt anyone. And having him all too herself was too tempting to pass up.

  She set down her beer and offered him her hand. He took it and followed her into the bedroom. Nevaeh took her time undressing him, touching and caressing as she did. When he was nude, she removed her own clothes.

  Without a word spoken between them, he pulled her down onto the bed, spooning his body around hers. He moved her hair to one side to kiss her shoulder as his hand stroked up her thigh and along the curve of her hip.


  His whisper was a caress in itself. Nevaeh wasn't sure she could do it but she tried, concentrating on how much she wanted to prolong the moment. His lips touched her shoulder again, lingering and then slowly moving down her arm.

  Nevaeh rolled over to face him. "I want this but I'm scared it's a mistake."


  "Because … because I have feelings for you, Gabriel and I'm scared this is just going to make them deeper and – and I don't want to have my heart broken."

  He stared into her eyes for a long time, so long that she started to feel uncomfortable. She'd said totally the wrong thing, revealed too much. Now he was trying to figure a way to wiggle out of the situation.

  She started to roll away, intent on getting off the bed. His hand clamped on her arm, stopping her. His fingers loosened on her arm. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you. I just…"

  "Just what?"

  "I'm not quite sure how to do this."

  That did it. She was positive he was trying to find the words to tell her that he didn't feel the same way. Humiliation at revealing her feelings overwhelmed her. She rolled away and sat up. "Just spit it out. You don't feel the same way. The sex was great but that's all it was. We can be friends. I like you but –"

  "That's not—"

  "It's fine." She jumped off the bed. "Really. I get it. You don't have to—"

  "Will you listen—"

  "No. I don't need to hear it." She circled around the foot of the bed to the opposite side for her discarded clothes. "Seriously. I understand. You—"

  "No, you d

  "Yes, I do!" She pulled her t-shirt over her head and suddenly was lifted up off her feet and plunked onto her back on the bed.

  "No you don't understand." Gabriel straddled her body on his knees, his wings flared. "I'm trying to tell you that I love you, Neveah."

  "You… you—love me?"

  "Yes. I love you."

  "But you can't."

  "Why not?"

  "Well, because you're – you're you. You're Gabriel. An Angel."

  "And you're Heaven-spelled-backwards and you have no idea what and who you really are."

  "What does that mean?"

  "It means we're all more than we imagine. And it doesn't matter what we are or aren't. What matters is what's in here." He placed his hand over his heart. "I'm not practiced at this, Neveah. Not at all. But I know that I've fallen in love with you and I hope you feel the same because this is … this is amazing and I'd really like to enjoy it."

  Amazing was a word that definitely fit. She looked up at him and felt the full punch of what she felt for him slam home. She loved him and maybe it was a love that was doomed because of who they were, but it was still love.

  And she wanted to enjoy every single moment of the time she had with him.

  "I love you, Gabriel."

  He smiled and lowered himself down on her, capturing her lips in a kiss. Nevaeh surrendered to it. Maybe it was okay to give in to the feelings, to indulge in this moment. Morning would come soon enough and she'd face whatever had to be faced. But until then, she'd give herself to something she'd never experienced before. Being in the arms of a man she loved.

  Chapter Eleven

  I never understood the expression "life is strange" until now. A month ago, I thought the shape of my life was working as many jobs as I could find to pay for Dad's care and watch him slowly disappear until I was totally alone.

  Now I've met beings I thought were myth, been abducted, had my Dad restored to me and fallen in love. With an Angel. I wonder if this is all real or some dream I'm going to wake up from.

  There are parts I'd like to forget. All those people being shot and dying, all that fear and chaos. And that woman Elysia. But other parts, I'd really like to be real. Gabriel, especially. He says he loves me. That's beyond amazing.

  Please don't let that be just a dream when I open my eyes.

  Nevaeh opened her eyes, rolled over, and for a moment panicked. Gabriel wasn't there. Had it not been for the slip of paper on the pillow she might have thought it had been just an elaborate dream.

  He'd written her a note on the back of a grocery store receipt. I didn't want to wake you. I'll be back at noon to take you to Ellie's. I love you, Nevaeh, but I'm still going to call you Heaven because that's where I feel like I am when I'm with you. Gabriel

  Nevaeh smoothed the crinkled paper, turned it over and smiled. It was the receipt for the beer she'd bought at the grocery store. Her first love letter and it was on the back of a receipt for beer. Cheap beer no less.

  And the most precious thing she'd ever been given. She got up and tucked it into the small wooden box that had been her mothers. Inside were her treasures. A necklace she'd worn as a child, sand dollars he and her dad had collected and a photo of her, her mom and dad. She put the note in the box with her treasures then went into the bathroom.

  After brushing her teeth and showering, she dressed, grabbed an almost too ripe banana from a small bowl on the kitchen counter along with a bottle of water, her keys and phone. She had plenty of time to go see her dad before Gabriel returned.

  Nevaeh was relieved that she'd had no calls from Elysia and there was no sign of her at the care facility. She greeted the nurse on duty and started toward her dad's room when the nurse called her name and hurried down the hall to her.

  "Are you here to collect your father's things?"


  "His things. We packed everything for you. It's at the main station."

  "What're you talking about? Where's my dad?"

  "What do you mean where is he? He was transferred."

  "Transferred? To where? By who? Where's my dad?"

  "Calm down, Nevaeh. We—"

  "Don't tell me to calm down. Where's my dad?"

  A doctor hurried down the hall to them. "You need to lower your voice. You're upsetting-"

  "Where's my dad? Where?"

  The doctor took her arm but she jerked away. "What've you done with my dad?"

  "He was transferred, Ms. Rockwell. The paperwork was logged in last night."

  "No. That's impossible. I have power of attorney and I didn't authorize any transfer. Where was he taken? Who—"

  "Come with me. Please." The doctor took her arm and she let him lead her to the administration office. He rifled through a stack of papers on one of the desks. "Yes, here it is. He was released to Dr. T. Foss and here's your signature."

  Nevaeh suddenly felt dizzy and reached out to grab the desk for support. This couldn't be happening. Someone had abducted her father.

  "Are you all right, Ms. Rockwell?"

  "No, I'm not. I didn't sign those papers and I don't know any Dr. Foss. But I want a copy of those right now. You let someone take my dad and I'm going to go to the police if I have to. I want my dad found and I want him found now."

  The next fifteen minutes were a flurry of activity, with the doctor and two of the nurses trying to piece together what had happened and where Nate had been taken. In the end, no one knew any more than what was on the paperwork.

  Nevaeh left with a copy of it in her hand. Her heart was pounding as if she'd just run a race when she left the building. Had Elysia taken her father? She felt like she was going to throw up. She pulled out her phone and called Gabriel.

  "He's gone. Someone took him. My dad's gone."

  "Where are you?"

  "At the care facility. He's gone Gabriel. I – I don't know what to do."

  "Go home. I'll meet you there."

  "Okay. Okay, I'm leaving now."

  She jammed her phone in her pocket and got into her car. It wasn't until she was in the driver's seat that she realized there was someone sitting beside her. She yelped and clamored out of the car as he tried to get a hold on her.

  Nevaeh took off running. She saw a dark sedan three slots down. The front doors opened. A man got out of one side and Elysia got out of the other. "Nevaeh, stop!"

  There was no way Nevaeh was going to stop. She was scared out of her mind. The man with Elysia closed in on her. She looked over her shoulder and saw him reaching for her.

  Nevaeh leapt to one side and stopped, throwing out her hands. "No. Stop!"

  He did. In mid-stride. As did Elysia. Nevaeh nearly wept in relief. She pivoted and took off running as fast as she could in the direction of home. The pounding of her feet on the pavement sounded loud in the absence of silence.

  She ran through traffic that was stopped dead, around people on sidewalks who were frozen in mid-stride. She ran until her chest heaved and her legs felt like they were going to give out.

  She made it halfway home and suddenly time resumed. The sudden blast of sound from traffic and life sent a jolt through her. She slowed and looked behind her. There was no sign of Elysia or the man. Maybe she'd lost them. Thankful for a breather, she slowed to a brisk walk.

  The sound of screeching tires and car horns gave her a jolt of alarm. She looked over her shoulder just in time to see the dark sedan jump the curb, barreling straight at her.

  Nevaeh cut across the front of an apartment complex, weaving in and out of the parked cars and skirting around the side of a building to the back of the complex. As luck would have it, there was a fence around the perimeter of the property. She thought about doubling back when the sedan slid around the corner, swerved one car, clipped another, and then came at her.

  The fence was of chain link and fortunately not topped with wire, which made it possible for her to climb. She was twenty feet on the other side of the fence when the sedan barreled through it.
br />   Nevaeh cut through a neighborhood, certain the sedan would not follow through someone's yard. She thought wrong. She weaved through yards, changing directions to put her more in line with her own small place.

  Still the car pursued, heedless of the number of cars it rammed into it, clipped or sideswiped. Surely, someone would call the cops. Nevaeh kept waiting for the sound of sirens but as she emerged from a thick stand of palmettos that bordered the property housing her duplex, there was nothing to indicate the police had been alerted.

  She raced for the front door and was halfway across the small yard when the sedan roared toward the building. She was out of time. They'd run her down before she made it inside.

  The car screeched to a halt. Two men got out of the front and ran toward her. Elysia climbed out of the back.

  Fear inspired desperate measures. Nevaeh raised both hands. If she could stop time she could get away.

  She yelped in surprise at a blur of motion. Gabriel swooped down, snatching one of the men off the ground. He ascended like a rocket, disappearing into the clouds. The other man looked up fearfully.

  "Get her, you idiot!"

  The scream from Elysia had him back in motion, headed toward Nevaeh. She pivoted and ran for the front door. She reached it and fumbled with the keys and felt herself being jerked back, her hair held tight.

  She screamed and thrashed, digging at the hand that was tangled in her hair, trying to break the man's grip.

  "You bitch!" He slugged her in the side of the head as her nails broke the skin on his hand.

  Lights danced in Nevaeh's vision, but she wasn't about to give up. She kicked at the man, thrashing and twisting her body and beating at him with her fists. He was struggling to keep a grip on her.

  When he was suddenly ripped away from her, he took a nice handful of her hair with him. She yelled, more in shock than pain.

  Gabriel had grabbed the man by the back of the neck and was holding him dangling off the ground. Nevaeh had seen a lot of expressions on Gabriel's face, but never this.

  Rage had his mouth drawn back in a snarl, his eyes narrowed and flashing. His wings were outspread and seemed to quiver in time with the tension of the muscles of his chest and arms.


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