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The #1 Bestsellers Collection 2011

Page 20

by Catherine Mann

  She drew in a sharp breath. “I can’t believe you just said that.”

  “You don’t like to hear the truth?” The air held tight with tension. “I’m suddenly married to a treacherous beauty who not only stole money from my family, but who stole almost a year of my daughter’s life from me. I think I have fifty thousand and one reasons to be pretty damn angry right now, don’t you?”

  Her chin angled. “You may think that, and that’s your choice, but you’ve also got one very good reason for at least showing me some respect as your wife. And she’s in that bedroom back there.”


  Reluctant admiration fought his animosity, and lost. “Admit you stole the money. That’ll make me respect you more.”

  “I can’t confess to something I didn’t do.”

  Frustration clawed through him. “Stop lying, Lana. Just … stop the lying.”

  She jumped off the stool. “I hope you choke on your food, Matthew Valente,” she muttered, and raced out of the room.

  Matt watched her leave, his appetite deserting him. He felt bad, but dammit, he’d done the right thing.

  He had to remember—and keep on remembering—that his new wife might look like an angel, but beneath that sweet facade she was as devious as they come.


  After the way Matt had verbally attacked her last night, Lana hadn’t expected to sleep soundly, but when she awoke the next morning she felt much more able to cope with being married.

  And cope with Matt’s attitude toward her, she decided, determinedly propelling herself out of bed. She had to get on with what life had dished out.

  Megan was still asleep when Lana opened the connecting door. Lana’s heart softened as she looked down at her child. Matt could think bad of her all he liked, and he could give her a hard time for the next year, but as long as Megan was safe, healthy and happy, she could withstand anything.

  Even a charismatic womanizer like Matt Valente.

  Pleased to have the time to shower without getting Megan sorted first, Lana returned ten minutes later dressed in tan slacks and a dark brown knit top, and found her daughter sitting up in her crib making noises and playing with her toys.

  “There’s Mummy’s little darling.” Giving her little girl a big kiss, she changed her diaper, then carried her to the kitchen to prepare her breakfast. She wasn’t sure what was on the agenda today, if anything.

  “You must be Mrs. Valente,” a middle-aged woman said, coming forward to shake her hand as soon as they stepped into the large, airy kitchen.

  Lana blinked at the name, then smiled. “Please call me Lana.”

  “Lana, then. I’m Ruth, your new housekeeper.” She looked at Megan. “And this must be Megan. My, isn’t she like her father?”

  “I hope that’s a good thing, Ruth,” Matt said, coming into the kitchen and turning on the charm. He promptly leaned over and kissed Megan on the head.

  Lana almost gasped. For a moment she thought he was going to kiss her. There was a knowing look in Matt’s eyes as he moved away.

  “Of course it is, Mr. Valente,” Ruth said, pulling Lana back to the moment. “Now, breakfast will be served in the sunroom. What would the little one like?”

  Lana told her, then watched in surprise as Matt took Megan from her arms and headed for the sunroom. She followed them, annoyed at his sheer arrogance.

  “Excuse me,” she hissed. “But do you have to do that?”

  His brow rose. “What?”

  “Take Megan off me like that. She’s not a parcel, you know.”

  He slipped Megan into her high chair. “I thought I was helping. She’s heavy.”

  “Yes, and I’ve managed to carry her around longer than you,” she said pointedly.

  His eyes hardened. “And whose fault is that?” he snapped, turning back to do up the strap. He fiddled with it, then muttered something under his breath. “How do you do this thing up?”

  She shot him a look that said she was pleased he didn’t know everything. “Like this. See.”

  He watched her show him. “You make it look so easy.”

  “That’s because it’s childproof.”

  One corner of his mouth twisted upward. “Are you trying to tell me something? No, don’t answer that,” he mocked, sitting down and reaching for the coffeepot. “So, what do you think of Ruth?”

  She frowned while he poured her a coffee without asking. “She seems very pleasant and efficient.”

  “She comes highly recommended. She also has a degree in first aid and child care and has agreed to look after Megan while you’re at work.”

  Lana stiffened. “You mean she’d be her nanny?”

  He poured himself a coffee. “Yes.”

  “But Megan goes to day care already.” She’d informed them it would only be for three days a week now instead of five, and Lana planned on spending those two other days with her daughter.

  “I’m afraid that’s not suitable anymore.”

  This set Lana’s teeth on edge. “So I just move her because you snap your fingers?”

  He put the coffeepot back, his mouth tightening. “This isn’t about me. It’s about our daughter.”

  She counted to five and then expelled a slow breath. “Look, don’t you think with everything else new in her life it might be a good idea to keep some things the same?”

  “Things can’t stay the same, I’m afraid. Megan’s a Valente now. Remember the press trying to take a picture of her after our wedding? Do you really want her at risk like that at the day care center? Or worse?”

  Lana’s heart jumped with fright. “Don’t.”

  “This is only temporary. Once things settle down we’ll try and find a day care center close by where we know she’ll be safe, okay?”

  She nodded, not sure she wanted to let her baby out of her sight ever again. She was just overreacting, of course, but she wanted Megan to have a normal life. Now that her daughter was recognized as a Valente, that would be impossible.

  Just them, Ruth came into the room with a bowl of baby cereal. Lana thanked her then concentrated on feeding Megan, aware of Matt watching her.

  “By the way,” he said as she placed a spoonful of mush in Megan’s mouth. “My mother has offered to look after Megan at any time, especially if we need to go out for an evening.”

  “That’s good of her but I can’t see it being necessary.”

  “There may be some events we can’t avoid.”

  The spoon stopped midair. “Our marriage was to give your name to Megan. That’s it.” He’d made that more than clear, and she was more than happy with that.

  “I don’t like it either, but there are particular obligations that go along with being a Valente. Would you prefer I take another woman as my partner?”

  The thought of him with other women had always made her feel sick to the stomach, but only because she’d wanted him so much herself. She’d hated being one of many.

  And yet surprisingly she’d let him make love to her without a condom. She may have been slightly drunk, but somehow deep down she’d trusted him. It was crazy that she still trusted him in that respect.

  She managed to school her features. “For Megan’s sake, I wouldn’t want you out and about with another woman, but that’s your choice.”

  He swore softly. “Of course I’m not going to take another woman, but I wanted you to see how ridiculous the situation is. If I need someone to accompany me anywhere, then you’re it, Lana. For Megan’s sake,” he reminded her.

  The little girl in question started to babble and reach for the spoon in Lana’s hand. “Sorry, pumpkin,” she said, continuing to feed her.

  When she turned back to look at Matt, he was pouring some muesli into a bowl and adding milk. She let his comment pass. Fine, so there were some things she would have to do as Matt’s wife.

  A few minutes later he pushed his empty bowl to the side. “There’s a park around the corner. We should take Megan.”

  “A park? Today
?” It was Saturday, but it was the last thing she expected he’d suggest the day after their wedding.

  “Why not? The weather’s supposed to be nice and the fresh air will do her good.”

  So he’d checked out the park as well as bought a new house? He’d been busy. If only he wasn’t so involved … no, that was an idiotic thought.

  “She would enjoy that,” she said, and received a mocking look from him that she wouldn’t.

  Half an hour later, Lana gave Matt a quick lesson in changing diapers and dressing Megan in a playsuit, then she placed Megan in her stroller.

  “I’ll push it,” Matt said, coming up behind her.

  She was used to doing it herself. “No, that’s okay.”

  “I don’t mind.”

  She could see he wanted to do it, so she relented.

  It was a funny feeling walking to the park with him. Never in a million years would she imagine her and Matt Valente together like this.



  Not lovers.

  Once there, Matt looked like any proud father, pushing Megan on the swing, taking her down the slide, taking her on the small merry-go-round where he insisted Lana join them. A couple of times, she had to give herself a mental shake to stop believing this was real.

  It was only real for him and Megan.

  It wasn’t real for them as a family.

  A few yards along the small lake a man started tossing pieces of bread at the swans, who quickly began snapping it up. Suddenly Megan started to giggle.

  Matt darted an amused glance at Lana. The man threw more bread and the swans ate it and Megan giggled louder. Her laughter was infectious and love rose in Lana’s throat, not only for her little girl, but that she could share this moment with Matt.

  It was a moment to treasure.

  Suddenly Matt looked down at his daughter in his arms. “Oh God, she’s gorgeous!” he said in awe, sending an odd tenderness through Lana.

  “Yes, she is.”

  Their gazes touched for a brief moment before Megan began squirming in his arms and Matt turned away. “Come on,” he said. “It’s time to go.”

  Their morning was over.

  Once back inside the house, Matt lifted Megan out of the stroller and handed her to Lana without looking at her. “I’m going into the office. I have some work to catch up on. You and Megan will be fine here.”

  He left them to it and that smarted.

  Clearly he had no idea she had her own workload to consider. She’d put in her resignation and now she had one week to tie up as many loose ends as she could. There was a ton of work to be done this weekend. Work she’d planned on doing whenever she got a spare moment.

  Unlike Matt, who could just walk out the door and forget his obligations for a time.

  She looked at Megan. “Well, pumpkin. It’s just you and me again. Would you like the house tour?”

  Megan stared at her.

  “Right. The house tour it is,” Lana said, refusing to let her irritation with Matt spoil the rest of her and Megan’s day.

  The one-level house was spacious and exuded elegance and style, encompassing every possible luxury. There were four bedrooms, one of which was Matt’s, tempting her to peek inside but she decided not to.

  There was a formal dining room she probably wouldn’t use in their short married life, certain Matt would be careful about inviting anyone for dinner.

  And she really loved the informal living room that allowed her to look out a wall of windows over a swimming pool and feature garden. She was especially pleased to see the pool was surrounded by the legally required child resistant fence.

  It was a beautiful house, far different from the one she’d been raised in. Her parents’ house had been moderate, but those four walls had shaken with yelling and abuse more often than not.

  Shuddering, Lana put that to the side. This house was one she would be proud to own if her marriage had been a true one. As it was, she’d try to enjoy being here without letting herself get too attached to it.

  Just as she wouldn’t let herself get too attached to the Valentes.

  For lunch, Ruth suggested Lana take Megan out on the patio in the sunshine. Megan played happily in the playpen they had set up beside the table, while Lana took the opportunity to unwind away from Matt’s presence.

  Half an hour later, Megan started getting cranky and Lana put her to bed. Thankfully she went straight to sleep.

  Now it was work time for herself.

  Quietly closing the connecting door between them, she kicked off her shoes and spread the paperwork out around her on the bed. No doubt Matt would want to use the study, and while she could, too, she’d be able to concentrate better in her own space.

  Sunlight streamed through the window, making her sleepy. She continued to work until the warmth made her too tired to think. Perhaps she could take a quick power nap….

  She shook herself awake. No, she needed to get this monthly report done. She couldn’t let herself fall asleep. She needed this time while Megan was asleep or she’d have to stay up half the night working.

  But that sunlight was so warm … so …

  Something touched her shoulder and her eyes flew open to see Matt standing beside the bed. The sunlight had waned and shadows now darkened the room.

  “Lana, it’s almost dinnertime.”

  She sat up in a rush. “What? How?”

  “Don’t ask me questions I can’t answer,” he drawled.

  She ignored that.

  Good grief, had she really slept the afternoon away? “Where’s Megan?”

  “Ruth and I have been looking after her for the last couple of hours.”

  She ran her fingers through her hair. “Hours? I can’t believe I didn’t hear her crying.”

  “She was fine. I came home and she was playing happily in her crib. We’ve been in the living room getting to know each other. Then Ruth helped me bathe her and give her dinner. She’ll be ready for bed soon.”

  Lana had the feeling that she was rapidly becoming “surplus to requirements” where her daughter was concerned.

  “You’ve been working?” Matt asked abruptly, his gaze on the various papers and files.

  She swung her legs over the edge of the bed and grimaced, more at herself than not. “I was supposed to be working, but I fell asleep before I got much of anything done.”

  His dark brows knitted together. “Why are you working on a weekend in the first place?”

  Her lips tightened. Was it okay for him to work on a weekend and not her?

  “I put my resignation in, remember? I’ve got a load of work to do before I leave.”

  “Surely they could get someone else to take over?”

  “Eventually, but I don’t like leaving them in the lurch.” She pushed to her feet and smoothed her knit top down over her slacks. “At least after that sleep I’ll be able to work late tonight.”


  She’d been about to step into her shoes, but the comment snapped her head up. “What did you say?”

  “I said no. You’ve had a busy week. I don’t want you working through the night.”

  Her growing anger cooled a little at his concern.

  “And Megan needs a mother who’s fit and healthy, not exhausted,” he added, undoing the momentary good feeling she’d had toward him.

  So this was about Megan again, not her. She didn’t mind him being right about Megan needing a fit mother; he just wasn’t right about her.

  “You seem to have forgotten that you went into work today and you’re Megan’s father. Should I be questioning your fitness?”

  His eyes reflected a glimmer of surprise; then he frowned. “How much work have you got?”

  She glanced at the files on the bed. “A lot.”

  He remained quiet for a lengthy pause. “Okay, here’s the deal. I’ll look after Megan tomorrow if you take it easy tonight.”

  Her eyes widened. “You’ll look after her?”
br />   “I’ll take her to my parents’ place for a few hours, and then Ruth can help me when I get back. Deal?”

  She thought about Matt sharing the responsibility for Megan’s well-being. She’d been so used to doing everything herself that it took a second to rethink it.

  All at once it hit her how much change this marriage would make to her life. When it had been just her and Megan, she’d been fully occupied with being responsible for every aspect of her daughter’s life and juggling it with her own. Now she had no cooking, no cleaning, no food shopping, and nothing much to do each night at all. She certainly wouldn’t have to sit down and work out the bills. In fact, she’d have plenty of time to spare.

  And she’d have to learn to share her daughter. Coming to terms with that would take some time.

  She looked up at Matt. “I’d appreciate all that, but I’ll still need to work tonight to catch up.” Their conversation at the breakfast table came to mind. “Unless you have other plans for us tonight?” As soon as the words left her mouth she felt herself blush. “I mean, we’re not expected to go out or anything, are we?”

  Derision entered his eyes. “No, we’re not expected anywhere. I’ll be going out myself after dinner anyway.”

  “Oh.” Not wanting him to read her expression, she concentrated on putting on her shoes. “Then there should be no problem with me working tonight once she’s down.”

  There was a moment’s silence.

  “Not one,” he muttered, and left the room without waiting for her.

  For a moment she sat back down on the bed, her heart constricting. Was he going to see another woman tonight? He’d said he wouldn’t have any affairs for Megan’s sake, but would he stick to that promise?

  Could he?


  “Peekaboo!” Cesare said to the little girl sitting on his lap, and Megan giggled.

  Matt watched his father in amusement. “You’re such a pushover for a pretty face, Dad.”

  “How can I not be a pushover? She is so beautiful.”

  Matt felt himself swell with pride. He’d never been conscious of wanting his father’s approval before, but it was a nice feeling knowing he had it now.


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