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Hard Rider (A Bad Boy Motorcycle Club Romance)

Page 118

by Wild, Nikki

  A smile crossed his face. “You cooked?”

  “I know how to whip up a couple of things. Original recipe was kinda weak, so I splashed it with extra zest. There’s some Tony’s in there, bit more pepper…”

  “You’re too good to me.”

  “You’re damn right I am.”

  I left his side and sat back down in the sofa, giving him a little wiggle in my tight panties. A grunt from his direction told me that he appreciated the view.

  After a few minutes in the kitchen, Grizz joined me in the living room, slumping down into the seat beside me with a bowl of steaming Louisiana rice.

  “Whatcha watching?”

  “Another one of the usual,” I answered. “Don’t remember what it’s called. Looks old.”

  “I know this one,” he pointed at the screen with a fork from beside me. “This is one of those older Bruce Willis flicks. I can’t remember what it’s called either.”

  “Die Hard?”

  “No, not one of those. It’ll come to me.”

  The action movie only had an hour left. By the time it was over, the empty bowl was on the end table by the sofa, long forgotten, and I was curled up against Grizz’s side.

  My ultimatum still stood.

  No fucking until I knew the truth.

  But I was finding it harder and harder to keep my hands off of him, and sooner or later I was going to give into the growing heat between my thighs…

  I knew that meant only one thing.

  It was time to confront him.

  “I need to know what happened, Grizz,” I finally told him. “I’m being patient, but it’s time you told me what the fuck went down.”

  Grizz turned his face away.

  “No,” I insisted, pulling him back by the chin. “Don’t run away from this. You’ve got to let me in sooner or later…”

  “I’m not sure that you’re ready to hear the truth,” he swallowed. His gaze was distant. “Or that I’m ready to give it to you.”

  “You can’t dodge it forever,” I persisted. “If you want me in your life again – if you really, truly do – then I can’t move forward until I know why you did it.”

  Grizz closed his eyes. I felt so much pain, oozing off of him… but it was time to rip the goddamn band-aid off.

  “Okay,” he finally sighed.

  “Good,” I nodded, pleased. “Just start from the top. Tell me everything.”

  “Not here.”

  I started to get annoyed.

  “The bedroom,” he clarified.

  “Fine. Get your thoughts together,” I impatiently replied. “I’ll be in there waiting. Don’t keep me waiting too long, okay?”

  He sighed. “Okay.”

  I left his side and undressed, leaving the panties on. The sounds of Grizz bringing plates into the kitchen, and running water, filled the air for a few minutes before he finally came into the room.

  Grizz looked amused at my mostly naked display on the bed.

  “Not the mood I was expecting.”

  “It’s your reward,” I smiled seductively. “If you fulfill your promise.”

  “Not a lot of rewards are paid upfront.”

  “This is just a little taste,” I waved down my bare chest. “The real reward comes after. We both need this.”

  He sank down to his knees on the edge of the bed, his hand running along my side.

  I swatted it away, teasingly.

  “Words first.”

  A great sigh left Grizz’s chest, and he kicked his boots off. Once he’d lain down on his back, I curled up against him again, my hand draped over his chest.

  “When I reenlisted for the war, it was to go straight back into combat duty. I was another pair of boots on the ground, same as before. I’d made my peace with that. I wasn’t the only one out of my old squad who rejoined. Half of us did, four in total. We all reported to the same team lead. The old crew was back together again, this time with some fresh faces.”

  I nodded, listening to his words. He continued to think back on days long gone.

  “Wasn’t a night that passed that I didn’t think about you. I wrote you letters. We came under some outbound supply breakdowns, so I held onto them all, just in case things changed.”

  “You did?” I was surprised.

  “Course I did. Whole stack of them, ready to go. Must have been dozens.”

  “What did you write about?”

  Grizz smiled, staring up at the ceiling.

  “I wrote to you about the stresses of war, about how much I loved and missed you. I wrote about the boring days, the exciting days, the terrifying days… I wrote about my dreams, my hopes for our future together… I must have wrote a million apologies for leaving you behind, no matter the reasons.”

  My heart swelled with love and pride, but I still hung onto every word out of him.

  His voice changed, growing darker. “And then shit went wrong. We were out there in the dark going building to building when I was hit. My squad wasn’t going to leave their brother to die…”

  “They tried to save you?”

  “I’m too damn big to carry or drag, and we were being quickly surrounded. The whole place was just one big trap and every single one of us was going to die there. I told them to leave me. I’d cover their asses from a window so they could get the fuck out. It was suicide, but I was going to raise a little hell before I was done.”

  He paused for a moment.

  “What happened then?”

  Grizz shuddered. “A bomb happened. Whole damn building was rigged to blow. The whole place was a trap.”

  “Holy shit,” I gasped. “I’m so sorry. Please tell me that–”

  “I was the only survivor…”

  The silence fell hard.

  “I was pulled out of the rubble two days later. I was dehydrated and fucking delirious, but I was alive…”

  “Oh thank God.”

  “No, you can thank the Devil for that one,” He grimaced gravely.

  “Why?” She insisted.

  His eyes locked darkly with mine. “You want to know why I didn’t come back? You want to know why I don’t want to talk about it?”

  I was suddenly beginning to question it.

  “I didn’t come back, because the demons that dragged me out of my makeshift tomb weren’t Americans.”

  “Oh God…”

  “I spent three years locked in a cage. Three years of torture and desperation.”

  “No… you weren’t… They would have told me if you were captured…”

  “They couldn’t tell you a thing, because they didn’t know you existed,” Grizz said gravely, his eyes dark with the weight of war. “They wanted ghosts for these missions… They wanted men without old ladies and kids back home. We were expendable. I wasn’t even in fucking Afghanistan…”

  My heart stopped in my chest.

  “We knew the stakes. The whole squad did. We were raiding compounds in Pakistan and we knew exactly who we were looking for. The brass made it clear if we were captured or killed out there, they’d deny we ever fucking existed. I couldn’t tell them about you Kate…”

  No, I whispered inside.

  No, not my Grizz…

  “How did you escape?” I finally asked.

  “I didn’t… Eight people were locked up in that hellhole with me. One of them must have been important enough to justify a rescue mission, because all I remember is one of the walls caving in and all hell breaking loose. Few hours later I was strapped into a cargo plane and shipped home.”

  Laying in bed with me, the world-weary biker watched my reaction quietly.

  “Why didn’t you tell me?” I finally asked him. “Why didn’t you try to contact me?”

  “Because it was six fucking years I was gone, Kate,” he replied calmly, trying to hold back his anger. “Six long, painful years that felt like centuries… I wasn’t the same man who left. I couldn’t let you see me like that…”

  “You didn’t even try?” she as

  “You were gone. No address, no contact information… I thought you’d gone to New York like we’d talked about. Hell, I hoped you’d gone there… gone on to live your life without me dragging you down.”

  I was deathly quiet now. I could feel his heartbeat thumping away rapidly against my chest.

  “Did you?” He finally asked.

  “Did I what?”

  “New York.”

  “Oh.” I let the syllable hang in the air. “I tried… By the time I finally gave up waiting on you, the opportunity was gone… It was long gone.”

  I hesitated for a moment.

  “I tried to stay in New York. Worked odd jobs, waited tables. You know, whatever kept a roof over my head. But my credit cards were running on fumes. I had to ditch town.”

  “And you wound up in Louisiana?”

  “Eventually, yeah,” I conceded. “Wanted to try to make it to New Orleans. Heard there was some work out here, something that paid pretty well.”

  “I guess it didn’t work out?

  “You could say that. I wound up in Baton Rouge for a while. After a few setbacks, I couldn’t afford to stick it out.”

  Grizz nodded. “So, you settled for Lafayette instead.”

  “Yeah, took some advice from a few new friends. Followed the trail to Lafayette, but it didn’t pan out. So I’ve been kind of trapped there, ever since.”

  “There are worse places.”

  “Don’t get me wrong,” I quickly clarified. “I liked Lafayette. It’s okay for a college town. But being constantly broke wasn’t exactly doing me any favors.”

  “We both got handed a raw deal,” Grizz finally noted. “I never should have left you behind.”

  The atmosphere in the room thickened with the weight of something bigger than us. It felt like this small bedroom was the only place in the entire world, and that the outside simply didn’t exist.

  “I’m sorry that I was so hard on you,” I whispered tenderly as I curled up harder against him.

  He answered, “You didn’t know.”

  “I know that. I tried to have faith…”

  His finger lifted my chin, and he gazed down into my trembling gaze. Grizz’s thumb brushed near my eye, wiping a tear away.

  “Don’t cry,” he whispered.

  “I can’t help it.”

  I tried to turn my gaze away, but Grizz held it fast, commanding that I stand my ground with him.

  “All that matters is that I have you back,” he tried to comfort me. “I’ve walked this world a long goddamn time, and I’ve learned to know a miracle when I see one. You coming back into my life? That’s a miracle.”

  “Think so?” I sniffed.

  “Damn right.”

  I tried to summon my confidence.

  “Don’t ever leave me again,” I told him.

  A smile crossed his lips. “You have my word.”

  With our informal vows exchanged, he pulled me on top of his heavy chest. His body was warm against me, and his lips were so inviting.

  I needed him.

  And I knew that he needed me.

  It took no effort at all to lift my face forward, pulling myself further up my body. I clutched close to the man I had loved, and he lifted his face.

  Electricity surged between our lips as we kissed. It was a magnetic power beyond reason, something stronger than either of us.

  It was a kiss born out of miracles.

  We would have never crossed paths again, and I would have never known the truth. Grizz would have never found me again, if not for a chance meeting in a Louisiana college town in the dead of night…

  Within a second’s passing, we were locked together by lips and embrace, and over a decade of crushing sexual tension finally melted away, like hot wax off of bare skin…


  As Grizz’s tender lips crashed against mine, I remembered every last, aching night that I’d moaned his name.

  “You taste so good,” he murmured.

  “So do you.”

  Grizz rolled me onto my back, letting the natural weight of his hard, rugged frame pin me down. I surrendered myself to his undying authority.

  I had no choice but to submit.

  Of course, I could say no at any moment, no matter what I’d said before. But even if I’d wanted to, there wasn’t an ounce of willpower left inside me to do it.

  Honestly, I could only give myself completely to him – handing the rough, hardy man I’d once called my lover the reins to my very soul.

  And I trusted him.

  Oh God, did I trust him.

  Grizz’s kisses were faster now, driven by an intense passion that commanded attention and respect. I met his lips with my own in a fury, our faces melding together with burning need.

  His lips left mine, crashing now against my exposed throat. Involuntarily, I gasped with desire.

  “Heh,” he chuckled into another kiss.

  “Oh, shut up,” I tried to tease, only to relinquish control even more when his large, rough hand graced my breast.

  “You don’t know how much I’ve missed these breasts.”

  “They’re yours,” I moaned as he pinched the perky nipple, twisting lightly between his worn fingers.

  “Probably look better on you,” he remarked, lowering his mouth down to suckle the pointed teat.

  “Yeah, guess so,” I cooed as his hot breath bathed my breast, his lips sucking the nipple between his teeth. “But I gotta say, I’d pay damn good money to see you in a pair of decent tits.”

  Grizz laughed, and I felt the thunderous boom down his torso as he lay against my mostly naked body.

  Almost startled, I sadly realized that I couldn’t remember the last time I’d seen this man laugh, even when we were younger. He’d always been so serious…

  “Can’t get that mental picture out of my head,” he chuckled, lifting his face to mine and planting a sweet kiss on my lips.

  “Killing the mood a little?” I pouted.

  “Nothing could kill this mood.”

  To prove the point, Grizz drifted down my body, his fingernails digging along my skin. I coiled and twisted under the touch, and he dug in harder, while tugging at my panties with his teeth.

  “Mmmf… that feels good…”

  “Then this’ll feel better.”

  My clit now exposed, his tongue brushed lovingly against the warm bead. I quivered with pleasure as he started to stroke it with the tip of his tongue, diving further down to tease my wet lips.

  “Mmm,” I moaned for him, my breasts heaving with satisfaction. “You weren’t kidding about that…”

  He whisked my panties down my thighs and off my ankles, tossing them aside. Now that I was completely naked and at his mercy, he pushed my knees aside and dove his face down between my warm thighs…

  “Fuck!” I groaned, clenching my winding fingers down into his hair, grabbing large tufts and riding his rugged face.

  My hips bucked against his lips, feeling how he carefully separated my folds with his mouth and burrowed his tongue inside.

  Warmth consumed me.

  It was hard to think about anything else as he expertly controlled my body, steering me straight towards intense pleasure with every few laps of his wet tongue.

  It’s been far too long since I’ve had a lover that could handle me like this, I realized. He always knew how to work me into a frenzy…

  “You feel so good,” I moaned, lifting a hand free to cover my gasping face as I blushed harder. “You could always work my body like a fiddle…”

  “Fiddles sing,” Grizz murmured, lifting his face from my slick pussy for a moment. A devious smile crossed his face. “I wonder, then, if I can make you sing.”

  Before I could understand what he meant, he hiked my thighs over his shoulders, clenching his fingers into the soft, flesh sides, and burrowed his face down into my wet folds.

  “Oh Jesus,” I gasped, trailing off into a string of hard moans as my head sank back into the pillow

  “That’s right, baby,” he groaned from between my thighs. “Do it just like that. Sing for me.”

  Releasing my other hand from his hair as his tongue planted itself against my clit, I moaned again, harder this time.

  His fingertips dug deeper into my thighs, and my lips quivered with moan after moan, my hands clenching into the bedding on either side.

  Just in time, I realized what was next.

  My hips began to shake against his face, my body trembling at his masterful touch, as the building pressure finally pushed me over the edge.

  Letting loose a chorus of moans, I grabbed his tufts of hair again and rode his face through the best, mind-numbing, spine-tingling fucking orgasms I’d had in almost a goddamn decade.

  After at least a good three or four, I finally dropped down to the bed again, letting loose my grip on him and panting with release.

  “You enjoyed that,” he murmured.

  “I don’t remember you being smug,” I gasped between breaths.

  “Always room for a little arrogance.”

  I exhaled deeply, releasing tension out of my chest as he rose from between my thighs. Grizz kicked off his jeans and ripped his shirt free, tossing the rest of his clothes into a forgotten heap on the floor.

  His cock was as huge as ever, springing free from its prison with a bounce. It was hard to imagine that thing fitting inside me, although I’d fucked him more than a few times in days long gone.

  “I swear you’re bigger.”

  “Maybe I am.”

  Grizz brushed my knees apart with his hands, shuffling forward to kneel between them – his hard body towering above me.

  “It’s been a long time since we’ve done this,” I said nervously.

  “It has. Want to back down?”

  “From a challenge? With you?” I shakily answered. “Never.”

  “Not a convincing answer.” His hand brushed against a knee, fingertips trailing up the shin. His large palm rested on my kneecap, fingers draped down the leg.

  “Do it,” I spurred him on.

  “Do what?”

  I leaned forward. “Fuck me.”

  “Still not convincing.” Although his face was stoic in the semi-darkness, his tone left the obvious challenge in the air.

  I wrapped one hand around his thick, throbbing cock. Grizz instantly stiffened his body, and I gave it a few good strokes before I reached down to caress his heavy balls.


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