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The Mountain Man's Reward

Page 3

by L. Nicole

  I’ve always loved his voice.

  “I’m Ophelia, by the way,” she announces, as the door shuts behind us. I grab the towel I’d used to dry my hair and begin rubbing Bogo down.

  “I’m Cora,” I reply.

  “Are you and Judd dating?” she asks.

  “No!” I deny, a little too loudly. “I mean, I don’t know if he is or not. But, um, he’s not dating me.”

  She looks me over, taking in his t-shirt and baggy sweatpants, my still wet curls, and lifts a brow.

  “I know it looks bad. It’s just that my car broke down…well, I had a little accident, really…and Judd helped me out. Obviously, the weather is just too bad for me to head home right now.”

  Slowly, she nods, a knowing smile spreading across her face.

  “Well, the night’s still young.”

  “That’s not what — I mean, no, I’m not — oh gosh,” I said, my words falling all over each other.

  She laughs. “It’s okay, but anyone can see the chemistry between the two of you. He barely took his eyes off of you out there.”

  “Not really,” I deny, doing my damnedest to stop the blush spreading across my face.



  As the girls go inside, Braden whistles and shakes his head.

  “Something you want to tell me?” I question, surprised that Braden is with a woman, but taking it as a good sign that maybe he’s finally healing.

  “I think that’s my line. What are you thinking man?” he demands.

  “Braden —.”

  “Cora? Have you got a death wish, Judd?”

  “Dammit, Braden, it’s not like that.”

  “It’s not? Then do you want to tell me what you’re doing, alone in your cabin with the Fire Chief’s daughter?”

  “I’d rather not get into it,” I growl, irritation flaring up inside me.

  “Same here,” he says. I stare him down, before laughing. “You’re playing with fire, Judd,” he finally responds, growing serious.

  “I could say the same thing about you,” I counter. Braden showing up at my cabin with a woman is not something he normally does. Hell, Braden was a loner. Whatever was going on between the two of them was serious if they were here together.

  “Chief is going to lose his mind when he finds out you’re sleeping with his daughter.”

  “We aren’t sleeping together!” I insist, the thought of it enough to make my dick ache.

  He lifts a brow to challenge me and I turn away, shaking my head.

  “Do you want to come in?” I ask.

  “Nah, we’ll be heading back now that I know your cabin is okay.”

  “Thanks for checking,” I said. “Chief let me out of my shift early tonight.”

  “I see,” he laughs. I ignore the smirk on his face and I’m grateful when I see Braden’s woman, Bogo and Cora coming back onto the porch.

  “Ready to head back?” Braden prompts.

  She nods in reply.

  “See you tomorrow?” I ask.

  “Not if I see you first,” Braden jokes. I hear the laughter in his voice, and I can’t look away even as his back turns and he walks away.

  “What’s going on with Braden?”

  “Beats me, but whatever it is, I hope he gets more of it. I think I actually saw Braden smile.”

  “Oh, that’s sweet. He deserves to be happy,” she says, smiling up at me.

  I nod and join her in smiling. “Yeah, he sure does.”

  “It’s cold out here. I think I’m ready to sit next to that roaring fire you made. Impressive fire making skills, by the way.”

  “And you thought I only knew how to put fires out,” I laugh.

  “Oh, no, Judd,” she replies, surprising me as she winks. “You definitely know how to start them, too.”

  She turns on her heel and walks back inside, leaving me standing on the porch with a twitching cock. Giving Cora whiskey might have been a mistake.

  I follow her in, my eyes glued to her swaying hips the whole time.

  It’s going to be one hell of a long night.



  “Are you hungry?” Judd asks, as he digs around in his fridge.

  The truth is, I’m starving, but I’m so full of anxiety that there’s no way food will be passing across my lips.

  “Not really,” I murmur, shaking my head. I take a seat on his couch, next to the fire, curling my feet underneath me and trying to slow my breathing. I’ve been a mess ever since the accident, and as I try to let my body relax a little, the reality of this entire debacle hits me all at once.

  Tears spring to my eyes, spilling onto my cheeks. Furiously, I wipe them away. The last thing I want is for Judd to feel sorry for me, even though he probably already does. Unfortunately, I’m not fast enough, because he catches me trying to wipe them away with the bottom of his t-shirt.

  “Are you crying?”

  “Nope,” I reply, my voice wavering.

  “Dammit, Cora, are you sure you aren’t hurt? I shouldn’t have taken your word for it. I’m going to have to examine you.”

  I look at him for a second, and then burst out laughing.

  “Examine me?”

  “I’m not just a firefighter, I’m an EMT, also — remember?”

  “Well, yeah, but…”

  “But what? You don’t have confidence in my skills?”

  I smirk. “I’m not familiar with your skills, to be honest.”

  “You can’t just flirt with me and change the subject. I’m examining you.”

  “I’m not flirting!” I protest.

  “Whatever. Stay right there,” he grumbles. Judd walks over by the door and returns with a small black bag. He opens it up and pulls out a small flashlight. Turning it on, he turns back to me and shines it in my eyes.

  “Be still,” he demands.

  I humor him, opening my eyes so he can check my pupils.

  “Looks good,” he mutters, turning off the light and pulling out a stethoscope. My brow furrows as he presses it to my heart and listens.

  “Strong and steady,” he nods with satisfaction.

  I look up at him, shaking my head.

  “I told you I was fine. Do you feel better, doctor?” I ask, smiling up at him teasingly. What the hell was I doing? I am most definitely flirting with him. I know it, but I can’t seem to help myself. At this point, I’m counting on him to have the willpower to keep us both honest.

  Or, maybe I’m hoping if I tease him enough, he will do something. Then it won’t be my fault, right? I wouldn’t be making the first move. I realize he’s staring down at me and I try to avoid his eyes, afraid he can read my mind.


  He takes a deep breath, his gaze steadily holding mine. “I just never noticed how green your eyes are.”

  “They get greener whenever I’m upset,” I shoot back.

  He studies me. “Are you upset now?”

  “Maybe,” I shrug. “Well, yeah, I am. I’m rattled. My car is all screwed up. And I’m stuck here with you.”

  “Right,” he mutters, turning away, but not before I saw the muscle in his jaw twitch.

  “Judd, I didn’t mean —”

  “It’s fine, Cora, I get it,” he responds, walking away to the kitchen. He grabs the bottle of whiskey and refills both of our cups.

  “You do?”

  “Of course,” he growls. “I mean, I don’t know what I ever did to you. In fact, I’ve tried my damnedest to stay as far out of your way as possible. But if it sucks that much to be in my company, just rest assured you won’t have to endure it much longer.”

  “Why?” I ask.

  “Why what?”

  “Why have you tried to avoid me?” The question feels heavy in my chest. I barely can breathe, but I truly want his answer.

  “Oh,” he said, running a hand through his hair. “Did I say that out loud?”

  “Yeah, you did,” I confirm, trying to hide the disappointment in my v

  “Honestly, Cora? Isn’t it obvious?”

  “Not to me.”

  He pauses, slowly shaking his head.

  I swallow hard, his deep blue eyes seeming to look right through me.

  “Cora, when’s the last time you looked in the mirror?”

  “A few minutes ago, in your bathroom.”

  “And what did you see?”

  “Basically, a wet rat.”

  He chuckles, shaking his head. “Do you know what I see when I look at you?”


  “I see the most beautiful woman I’ve ever laid eyes on. I see someone who’s confident, intelligent and driven. Someone who’s kind and loves her family.”

  “That’s very nice of you to say,” I manage to mumble, my entire body on fire from the heat of his gaze.

  “I’m not trying to be nice. I’m trying to explain myself. From all appearances, you’re absolutely fucking amazing. And even more than that you’re beautiful. But, it doesn’t matter that you’re amazing, or how many incredible qualities you have, there’s one thing that makes me avoid you at all costs.”

  He pauses again, slowly taking a deep breath as he rakes his eyes over my body again before looking into my eyes again.

  “What’s that?” I whisper, licking my lips.

  “You’re the Chief’s daughter.”


  “So?” he rumbles. “Damn, honey, I value my life. And no matter what I’d like to do to you,” he adds, reaching out and cupping my cheek. “You, Cora, are completely and utterly off limits.”

  My entire body shivers as he gives me that small endearment. I swallow down the funny feeling that begins in the pit of my stomach. Judd lets go of my face, stands up, grabs his coffee mug, and downs the whiskey, then turns around to fill his glass again.

  My breath is still caught in my throat, and I’m pretty sure my heart skips a few beats before I finally take a breath. I shake my head, the words pouring out before I can think about them.

  “I don’t care about any of that.”



  “It doesn’t matter if you don’t care,” I growl. “Would you like more whiskey?” I should stop drinking, but there’s a huge part of me hoping if I pass out it will keep me from doing something stupid.

  Like pushing her up against the wall and fucking her brains out.

  Cora holds her cup up in response and I pour it in, thinking my plan will work just as well if she’s the one to pass out. Cora drinks it silently, staring at me the entire time.

  What does she expect me to say? What does she expect me to do?

  “You and I can’t happen, Cora. I can’t just disregard my entire career and…and…and…”

  I stop, sitting down on the couch next to her. I’m drawn to her. I can’t seem to stay away. Fuck, she was so damned beautiful it almost hurts to look at her. It just isn’t fair. I’d been so fucking good. I’d done the right thing, at least up till now. Now, everything is different. Fuck, now I know what her damned nipples look like! I know what she looks like just out of the shower, even if the shower had come from the sky above.

  In spite of years of hard avoidance, the universe is still throwing her into my path and torturing me with her, dangling her in my face like a prize that I can never hope to have.

  And yet, here she is, sitting on my couch, looking more kissable than ever.

  My gaze drops to her lips, full, wet, pouting and practically begging me to taste them.

  “And what, Judd?”


  “You asked if you should disregard your career and…?” She looks over at me, her green eyes shining, a faint smile on her lips, inviting me, daring me…

  The whiskey was breaking down every fucking wall I’d built up and suddenly, I don’t care. I don’t care about my job, I don’t care about Cora’s father, I don’t care about my life…all I care about is finding out just how soft Cora’s lips are.

  “And this,” I growl, closing the space between us by slipping my hand behind her head and pulling her close, my lips landing on hers in a white-hot fury that puts the final nail in my coffin.

  And again, I don’t care.

  Apparently, she doesn’t either, because she kisses me back eagerly, her lips parting, welcoming me in as I slip my tongue past them to find hers. Our kiss deepens and I moan as our tongues move together, searching for the knowledge I think we’ve both craved for years.



  Now, I know.

  I know what Judd tastes like.

  I know what it feels like to have him touch me.

  I know what it feels like to have his breath caress my skin.

  I’ve dreamed about it for years, about how amazing it would probably feel. How it would affect me. I even thought about the way his fingertips would feel on my skin. I’d wondered if they would be rough or smooth, whether his touch would be firm or gentle or if he even knew how to properly kiss a woman.

  Kissing Judd is like all of my wildest fantasies come to life.

  He is everything delicious, all at once. His tongue glides against mine as if it were a part of him. He claims my mouth with the urgency of a starving man, his kiss hot, hungry and demanding.

  I melt under his touch, his palm firmly planted on the back of my neck, searing my skin. His other hand snakes around my waist, pulling me closer to his chest, until my breasts are pressed against his wildly pounding heart.

  My breath catches in my throat as I realize that all these years, he has wanted me just as much as I wanted him. I’d suspected that at times but have never been sure. His constant cold shoulder had a way of killing all hope.

  His interest is now very apparent.

  I moan into his mouth, moving deeper into his embrace.

  If I stop to think about how wrong all of this is, maybe I would move away. If I stop to think about my father, Judd’s career, hell—Judd’s life, even—I might call and end to everything.

  But I don’t do any of that. I don’t stop to think at all.

  Instead, I let myself feel.

  I let myself do what I’ve wanted to do since the first time I laid eyes on Judd Wellington.

  I reach down between Judd’s legs and curl my fingers around the very thing I’ve spent many, many nights envisioning, thankful he’s wearing sweats.

  With a sweet satisfied sigh, I exhale a breath of relief. The throbbing heat of his hard cock is the only encouragement I need.

  I break our kiss, smiling at him as I sink to my knees in front of him.



  No fucking way in hell is this happening.

  Not only had I kissed Cora, but she is smiling up at me, my cock in her hand, her eyes shining like she’d just won the damned lottery.

  “Cora,” I half-moan.

  I’m hard as a rock, throbbing against her hand, trying to clear my head.

  This was happening so fast and it feels like this train has already left the station. There’s no way I can turn back now. It’s much too late for that.

  Quickly, I help her get my pants down. My cock springs out, leaning toward Cora, begging for her touch once again. I’m so hard that it’s physically painful. The head of my cock is stretched tight, beads of pre-cum running over the surface. Cora wraps her hand back around my thick shaft, stroking it firmly. Her gaze glued to my cock. I watch as the tip of her tongue comes out to lick her lip and I’m lost.

  I growl, sinking my fingers in her copper curls, helping to guide her, as her lips slide down my shaft. “Cora, God!” I groan, my cock sinking deeper.

  My head falls back with the pleasure, but I force myself to look at her, not wanting to miss a second of her beautiful face as she brings me more pleasure than I’d ever felt in my life.

  She moans, her gaze connecting with mine and the sound of it vibrates against my cock and causes my balls to heat even more.

  Damn, her mouth is so hot, so very wet, so very fuc
king perfect…

  I kissed her. I started this. But I never thought she’d respond by giving me her mouth.

  “Fuck,” I moan, shuddering as her tongue twirls around me, soft as velvet. In and out, her mouth engulfs my cock, with an eagerness, that sends shockwaves of pleasure washing over me.

  “Babe,” I groan, the flames of desire threatening to explode. She moans, sounding tortured, as she quickens her pace. I watch as she eagerly sucks my cock into her mouth, then slowly releases me. Each time she takes me farther and farther back, until she’s nearly worked my entire length inside that heated heaven. Soon, her mouth and hand work together and there’s no way to hold back any longer.

  I’m left crashing over the edge. I growl, spasms rocking my entire body, my cum sliding down her mouth and Cora takes it all, swallowing it down.

  When Cora stops, my cock is released from her mouth with a wet popping noise that immediately has my cock wanting more.

  She looks up at me with desire in those beautiful green eyes, her lips wet and swollen.

  I grab her arms and gently pull her to her feet, swooping down and scooping her up into my arms. I carry her to my bed, my lips crashing onto hers as a resounding crack of thunder rips through the sky outside, vibrating through the cabin with a violent shudder.



  He lays me down on his bed, his kisses turn from hard and demanding to soft and gentle, confusing the hell out of me.

  Lying underneath him feels so delicious, and as his kisses growing more sensual, I can’t imagine ever coming up for air. I wrap my arms around his neck, our mouths moving together, our bodies pressing into each other, needing more.

  I want to feel every inch of him against me.

  The rest of our clothes fall away quickly, revealing his skin like a book of secret pleasures, telling stories that I know I will never tire of reading. My fingertips dance over his rippling muscles that flex under my touch.


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