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Flaming Hearts (Beyond Reality Book 2)

Page 10

by Stoker, Susan

  She sat very still, with her head down but had her eyes up, watching the little coyote. She held the small piece of meat in her hand, outstretched on the ground in front of her. And she waited. For ten minutes the coyote didn’t move. She didn’t move toward her, but she also didn’t run away either. Becky decided to be encouraged by that rather than discouraged. The other coyotes finished eating and, taking a wide berth around her, headed back toward the wood line, and still she and the coyote sat still, waiting each other out.

  Becky sat very still. Her legs were asleep, but she didn’t move. Finally, after what seemed an eternity, the small coyote took one step toward her and then sat again. That one step lifted Becky’s spirits immensely. She’d sit out there all day if that was what it took. Becky decided to start talking to the coyote. She spoke low and quietly. She crooned nonsense to her. She told her how pretty she was and how she didn’t blame her for not trusting people. She told the little coyote that it wasn’t her fault. That if she trusted these people they’d help her. That this was a safe place, one where she could heal and grow big and strong. She continued to murmur nonsense to the coyote in the hopes the animal would hear the lack of anger and encouragement in her voice.

  Dean’s family and friends watched silently from nearby. They were standing close enough that they could hear everything Becky was murmuring to the little coyote. They held their breaths. They wanted Becky to succeed just as much as she herself did. When the little coyote took another step toward her they were amazed.

  One employee whispered, “She’s gonna do it.” Everyone else just nodded in agreement and held their breaths. They all felt humbled watching Becky charm the little coyote and get her to trust again.

  Becky held her breath as well. This was it. The little coyote was only about four feet from her. Sweat ran down the side of Becky’s face, but she ignored it.

  “Okay, little one. I’m going to throw this meat toward you…don’t be scared, okay? Here it comes.” Becky gave the meat a light toss and it landed right in front of the coyote. At first the animal backed up, but suddenly she shot forward, snatched up the meat, and backed up about ten feet and stared at Becky.

  “Go ahead, it’s okay,” Becky soothed, her voice quivering with excitement. “It’s all yours. You just go ahead and eat it. These people are here to help you. They won’t hurt you. You have to trust them. They only want you to get better.”

  She watched as the little coyote gulped down the meat. Then instead of running off, the coyote sat there and stared at Becky expectantly.

  “I’m sorry, I don’t have any more,” Becky told the coyote sadly, holding her empty hands out.

  She held out her hand toward the coyote. “Come here,” she coaxed, not knowing what she was doing. Was she even supposed to be touching a wild coyote? Should she be trying to touch a wild animal that was abused? She figured probably not, but this coyote needed some sort of comforting touch. She’d probably never experienced such a thing before, not even from another of her kind.

  “Come on,” she said again, wiggling her fingers, half wondering if she’d lose them. Becky didn’t hear Sarah or anyone else complaining or freaking out, so she continued to try to coax the coyote toward her. As slowly as before, the coyote made her way toward Becky. Finally, when she was about two feet from her, she dropped to her haunches and crawled toward her outstretched hand.

  The first time her hand touched the top of the little coyote’s head, Becky fell in love. Her coat was rough and coarse. It was also matted and dirty, but the head under the fur was so tiny and delicate. Becky knew this coyote would be gorgeous once cleaned up and given some love.

  “Come on, come here,” she continued to coax. Slowly, ever so slowly, the little coyote crawled closer to Becky until her head was in Becky’s lap. Becky stroked her head and shoulders, murmuring the whole time what a good girl she was and how pretty she was.

  Dean looked over at his mom and saw tears streaming down her face.

  Bethany turned toward her son and said, “Do you know how many of us have tried to do what your woman has just done? We tried everything, but that little coyote wouldn’t come near us. We’re so fortunate she came by today and we’re so happy for you.”

  Dean beamed, but said with caution, “She doesn’t know she’s mine yet, mom. She has no idea how I feel or about our family history with the One and all that.”

  Bethany scolded him with her eyes. “Look at her, Dean, does that look like a woman who’ll freak out when you tell her?”

  Dean chuckled. “No, but I also don’t want to scare her away just yet.”

  “Take your time, son. She’s yours and you have plenty of time to get her used to the idea. Just don’t wait too long. It’s obvious this place needs her.”

  They looked back toward Becky just in time to see the little coyote stand up and push Becky over. Dean was about to burst into the pen and save Becky from a mauling when they heard her laugh. The little coyote was actually playing with her!

  Becky giggled as the coyote pushed her over. She was so happy she thought she’d bust. This moment would be forever etched in her memory as one of the best experiences of her life. She looked over toward the crowd of people standing by the barn and caught Dean’s eye. He was beaming at her and she felt tingles go down to the tips of her toes.

  “Ewwww…look! She rolled in crap!” Marissa screeched, pointing at Becky.

  Sure enough Becky had fallen backward when she’d been tackled by the coyote and had gotten some manure in her hair. She heard the men laughing along with Marissa. She couldn’t hear what they were saying, but she immediately felt embarrassed and humiliated.

  The little coyote had immediately jumped off of Becky at Marissa’s loud words and was walking backward, growling. The moment was broken. Once again Marissa had brought all the attention back to her and made Becky look like a fool.

  Becky watched sadly as the little coyote turned and bounded away toward the woods without looking back. She slowly stood up, painfully aware, now, of what she looked like. Her jeans were dirty, her hands and shirt smelled like something rotten from coming in contact with the filthy coyote, and she had poop in her hair. Great, just great. She could just imagine the camera angles on this one.

  Becky walked back toward Sarah and the barn with a fake smile on her face. Of course her humiliation had to be witnessed by not only Dean, but his friends, family, andthe cameras—and thus the world. She ducked her head. If only she could get away for a moment to compose herself. She wanted to cry.

  As soon as she got back to the gate where Sarah was waiting to let her out of the pen, the cameras were right there. Eddie had decided while she was in the pen with the little coyote that this would make a great backdrop for the next ceremony. He was also probably trying to show off to Dean and impress him so he’d decide to invest in him. He’d ordered the cameras to capture Becky in all her gloriousness while ordering another producer to head back to the house and gather the other contestants and Robert so they could join them at the refuge for a ceremony.

  Becky was horrified. Was he serious? As if it wasn’t bad enough she’d just been humiliated by Marissa on national television, now he wanted to bring all the other men here to witness it? Jesus. Eddie must hate her. Becky felt her face heat up. She held her head up and took a deep breath. Fine. So be it.

  She tried to ignore the camera as she went through the gate to the yard. She thought she saw Kina, if she remembered the camera operator’s name right, in an argument with Eddie off to the side, but turned away, knowing she had to watch where she was walking or else she’d fall on her face.

  She knew by Eddie deciding to have the ceremony immediately she wouldn’t be able to do anything about her appearance. He wanted her to look like she was, the jerk. She looked around and grabbed a piece of twine off the ground that was used to bale hay and tied her hair up with it. She might have crap in her hair, but at least she could tie it up so it wasn’t as obvious.

  Becky refuse
d to look at Dean or his family again. Sarah came over and touched her arm.

  “Hey Becky,” she said, “You did good, really good. I couldn’t believe it when she came over to you! That was amazing.”

  Becky smiled at the woman. It was amazing, and she was proud of herself, but she knew she’d have to get through the next hour or so before she could let herself think about it again. She’d have to be on her guard against the snide comments she was sure she’d receive.

  “Thanks Sarah,” she said in a tight voice and walked away, not looking back.

  Sarah growled under her breath and took a step toward Becky’s retreating back. Dean suddenly appeared at Sarah’s side, grabbing her elbow before she could take off after Becky.

  “Let her be,” he said intensely.

  Sarah shook her head. “Let me go, Dean, I’m going to go shove that other woman’s head in the dirt.”

  Dean gripped her arm harder, but not hurtfully, knowing the longtime employee and friend would do just that given half a chance.

  “That will humiliate Becky even more,” he said simply, somehow knowing it was true.

  It was the right thing to say. Dean could feel Sarah’s body relax.

  “Bitch!” she said about Marissa to no one in particular.

  Then she turned toward Dean again, “Oh my God, Dean, did you see that? She…was…awesome…that was awesome.”

  Dean smiled and nodded, gazing toward Becky. “She is awesome, Sarah. Awesome.”

  * * *

  Becky gritted her teeth throughout the next hour. She had to endure the comments and joking from the rest of the men once they’d arrived at the refuge. They hadn’t seen the miracle of the little coyote, they only saw her covered in dirt and smelling like shit, literally. She didn’t need them making sarcastic comments about the ‘smell in the air.’ Becky knew she smelled, she could smell herself.

  Marissa, of course, took the opportunity to tell everyone how Becky had rolled in crap in the yard and how funny she’d looked. She, of course, didn’t mention anything about the coyote and what had happened. Becky tried to tell one group of the men, but their attention was quickly diverted by Marissa’s wild laughter nearby. Their heads turned and Becky lost their attention. Becky gave up. She didn’t have an ally on the show. She figured at least Steve and Bethany were happy, but since they weren’t on the show it didn’t help her at the moment.

  The ceremony was the same as usual. Marissa and Becky had to choose the men who they wanted to stay and who they wanted to leave. Becky barely cared about any of them. They were all out to get fame and fortune by winning Marissa’s hand…and hers too if that was what they had to do. It wasn’t like they actually wanted to be picked by her, but they’d take it if it was the only option. They put on a good show during the ceremony, but generally she knew, as did everyone, that Marissa was the grand prize.

  Marissa chose the men she wanted to stay and Becky did the same. When it was all over, Ryan and Samuel were going home.

  “The choice has been made!” Becky couldn’t even smile at Robert’s theatrical antics anymore.

  There were only seven men left. The twins, Derek and David, Jose, Patrick, James, Dexter, and John. They were all good looking, but also extremely shallow and fake.

  Chapter Ten

  After watching Ryan and Samuel get into the limo that would take them away from the show for good, the day was finally over. Becky stood off to the side near the pen, looking out at the land, wondering if the coyotes were out there watching. She heard Marissa and some of the men complaining to Eddie about how she smelled and how they refused to ride in the same vehicle as her. She supposed she couldn’t blame them, she did smell gross. She gripped the fence tighter, wishing she was at home, wishing…oh she didn’t know anymore. She went from feeling great being around Dean, to feeling totally depressed after filming. She knew it wasn’t healthy, but wasn’t sure what do to about it either. A lone tear escaped before she could will it away. God, would this torture ever end? She’d never complain about her boring insurance job again.

  Finally, after getting control of her tears and wiping her face, she turned around to go back toward the vehicles and saw Steve talking with Eddie. Eddie shook his hand, looked relieved and turned toward Marissa, Robert, and the other men and motioned for them to board the van.

  Becky walked toward the group and took a deep breath, readying herself to bear the jokes and comments from the others with dignity, but was intercepted by Steve who took her firmly by the arm as she passed him.

  “We’re taking you home later, Becky,” he told her, steering her away from the production vans and toward the house.

  “But…” Becky said, craning her neck to look back at the van and the people loading themselves into it.

  “I just talked to Eddie, and he agreed it’d be best if you cleaned up here and we took you back in a bit.” Becky blushed a fiery red and looked down at her feet as he continued to guide them toward the house. Great. Just great. Now her humiliation was complete.

  Steve suddenly stopped walking, took Becky by the shoulders and turned her toward him. He put his knuckle under her chin and forced her head up to look at him.

  “Don’t let that asshole get you down, Becky,” he told her sternly. “Look around. Look at my friends and your friends now. Look how happy they are. You’ve done that. You have made us all very happy by doing something none of us were able to. We want to celebrate with you and we know if you go back now, you certainly won’t get to celebrate. Do you want to stay? I can tell Eddie that you want to go back now…” He let his voice trail off, letting her think about what she wanted.

  Becky did take a look around. The men and women that had been there today were all standing around talking to each other, smiling and laughing. They seemed happy. She was being selfish and conceited to think they were all looking at her and laughing.

  She nodded shyly at Steve. “Thank you, Steve. I’d love to stay.”

  Steve nodded and turned toward the house with her elbow in his hand.

  “Do you think, however,” she started to ask hesitantly, “that I might be able to clean up before we celebrate?”

  Steve laughed and nodded as he towed her toward the house.

  Dean grabbed Becky as soon as she stepped into the house, away from the eyes of the production crew and the other contestants. He hugged her to him as tight as he dared.

  Becky laughed and pushed frantically at Dean. “Let me go, Dean!” She laughed. “I smell horrible…you’ll get it on you.”

  Dean released his hold on Becky enough to put a bit of room between them, but didn’t let her go.

  “You’re amazing,” he told her with a smile on his face.

  “No, you mean I’m smelly.” She laughed back at him, deciding once and for all to shake herself out of the doldrums. “Seriously, let me go, I’m gonna get you all gross.”

  “You could never get me ‘all gross’,” he told her with a flare of heat in his eyes.

  Just as he was bending down toward her to kiss the daylights out of her, they were surrounded by many of the people that had watched the entire incident with the little coyote, all talking at once.

  “How did you do that?”

  “That was awesome.”

  “That made my day.”

  “What a bitch that other woman is.”

  The comments flowed over her and she stared into Dean’s gaze which had never left hers. She shut her eyes for a moment. It felt so good to finally be with people who were as thrilled with what had happened as she was.

  She opened her eyes again only to find Dean still staring at her. She broke eye contact and said to the group in general, “Wasn’t that cool?”

  Everyone laughed with her. “Now, can I please go and clean up?” Everyone broke into uncontrolled laugher again and Bethany had to forcefully break through the circle of people surrounding her son and his One.

  “Come on, Becky, I’m sure I can find you something to wear while we wash y
our clothes.”

  Becky smiled shyly at Dean’s mom and nodded. She glanced back at Dean before disappearing into the bowels of the house.

  Dean watched Becky walk away with his mom. His heart felt so big. Not only did Becky get along with his family, but she’d made a great impression on them as well. He’d wanted, like he had so many times before, to sweep her away from the set and protect her from the humiliation they were forcing on her, but he knew he couldn’t. All he could do was support her at night when they talked and give her some great experiences with his family and friends, like today. Time would have to take care of the rest. Once she was away from the show and living a normal life, things would settle down.

  When Becky came back down with Bethany she was wearing a pair of sweat pants and a T-shirt, probably one of Steve’s. She smelled fresh and clean as if she’d just taken a shower. Hell, of course she had. Her hair was wet and was down around her shoulders. Dean had to force himself not to rush over to her and kiss the hell out of her. This was not the time nor the place to start something they couldn’t finish.

  Becky smiled at Dean shyly. “I hope this is okay. It was what I was most comfortable in.”

  Dean smiled. “Of course, sweetheart. Whatever you want to wear is fine by me.” He met his mom’s eyes over Becky’s shoulder and they smiled at each other.

  All during dinner everyone re-hashed what happened that day. Becky learned more about what the little coyote had gone through before she’d gotten to the refuge and how indignant everyone was about it. They’d so wanted to help her and were losing hope that they could. Becky didn’t understand why she was the one who was able to break through the little coyote’s barrier, but she was so happy she had.


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