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Wild Hearts (Rock Goddess Reverse Harem Book 2)

Page 13

by Romy Lockhart

  “I’m in Eden’s house right now.” I wonder if it’s a good idea to stay. He might come back. It would kind of ruin the plan. Then again, I’ve changed the alarm code and there’s 24-7 security outside. Where would I conceivably be safer, really?

  “I think you should stay there. Put his bag back where you found it. Stay in a room that has a door that locks. Hopefully, he’ll be out of your hair in a day or so.”

  “Thanks, Eli.”

  “No problem.”

  The line disconnects, and I go back to the room with Logan’s bag. I stuff it back where it was. The house suddenly seems creepier than it was a second ago. Where the hell is he staying if he’s not coming back here? I go downstairs and raid Eden’s fridge for a less than healthy but quick dinner before I go to the back door and glance out into the darkness. I see one of the guards coming. I unset the alarm, unlock the door and lean outside to tell him I’m going to be staying the night. He seems unfazed, so his partner must have told him I was here. He nods and keeps going on his routine perimeter check. I lock the door and reset the alarm.

  I head upstairs. I pick the small bedroom next to the bar. The door locks. I shove a chest of drawers in front of it, just to be safe. If I had a gun, I might wait up all night, anticipating Logan’s return. Threatening him the way he threatened me. As it is, I check in the wardrobe, under the bed and behind the bathroom door, before I relax.

  It’s not until later, when I’m lying in bed staring up at the ceiling that Eli’s words start to prick at my conscience. If he thinks he killed you, and we’ve found the body, he’ll run. That’s one thing Eli never did. If he killed his girlfriend, he had to know she’d be found. Leaving her there like that in her shitty little apartment. Someone was going to find her. So, why didn’t he run?

  Chapter Thirty-Two


  The club is busy when we get there. Sky’s detours meant we ended up changing in the back of the car for arrival. The VIP line lets us straight in with Cain while Todd parks the car. Kira waves to us from just inside the doors, her pink hair instantly recognisable. Nick has extra bouncers for celebrity escort and two of them help us get inside and up to the bustling main floor.

  Sky’s wearing the green dress and she looks like a different person tonight. It’s strange. I know there’s some reason for it, but I have no idea what that reason is.

  She grabs my arm. “Let’s go dance!”

  The three of us are brought to the VIP party area, where there’s a bar, dance floor and separate DJ booth. There’s a group of hot up and coming actresses in one of the booths, and a couple of guys I think I recognise from some kind of reality dating show Sky was into the last time we were touring together.

  “Oh my God,” Sky stage-whispers over the pulsing beat of the music. “It’s Lawson Black.”

  She turns to Kira and they grab each other’s arms. My gaze lands on the man they seem to be going weak-kneed over. He’s all in black and kind of grungy for this place. He has a very Kurt Cobain look about him, though his hair is dark. I don’t usually like guy-liner, but it suits him. His eyes are so strikingly blue. As much as I’m admiring the view, my usual haze of lust doesn’t descend over him, even if he is outrageously attractive. I don’t think he’s going to be one of mine. It’s oddly reassuring. I have more than enough men to worry about. Right now.

  “Who’s Lawson Black?”

  Sky raises an eyebrow at me. “You seriously don’t know?”

  I shrug. He glances my way, takes a long look at me and leans over the bar to speak to the tender.

  “Is he a big deal or something?”

  She shakes her head at me. “I can’t believe you don’t know. Wait. You seriously haven’t checked the internet since you broke up with Hunter. Have you avoided reality altogether?” She shakes her head as she gets out her phone and shows me an image. It’s the hot guy looking sweaty with a Fender Strat. in his grasp. I have to admit this picture does cause a slight fluttering in my stomach, but it might just be the guitar.

  “What’s…” My gaze lifts to the headline. “Holy shit.”

  They’ve given him Hunter’s title. He’s the new God of Rock. I snort, I can’t help it. Sky grins at me.

  “See what you miss, when you’re not paying attention to the internet?”

  So maybe I missed something kind of funny, cutting myself off the way I did. It doesn’t make me want to jump back online. I’m sure I’ve avoided some seriously awful shit too.

  “So, are you going to be his Goddess?” Sky’s teasing, but I’m glad I don’t have to consider it seriously.

  “I don’t think so.”

  Kira reaches over and slaps my arm. “Are you crazy? Look at him.”

  “I’m spoken for,” I say, catching Sky’s eyeroll. I’m glad when she doesn’t back it up with a comment. I don’t need everyone knowing about my love life. Thankfully, Sky’s not drunk yet, but we did sink a few cocktails at dinner, which pretty much consisted of picking at nachos and burritos and waiting ages for a pitcher of each cocktail to be placed on the table.

  “You’re dating again?” It’s news to Kira, apparently, so Sky hasn’t let my big secret slip to her bandmates yet. I know if I asked her not to tell them she’d end up blurting it when she was wasted. Labelling anything secret tends to have that effect on her.

  Sky shrugs at me, devil in her gaze. “Well, I guess, if Eden’s not interested…”

  She makes a beeline for Lawson, strutting over to where he’s standing. Kira’s jaw drops. I glance at Cain. At this point, he’s not needed so he could relax a little, but he looks tense enough to break something without trying. His hands are balled into fists. His facial muscles are starting to twitch.

  I don’t know what to say to him. I want to reach out and soothe him with my touch, but I know it wouldn’t last if I did. This is between him and Sky. Until she decides to open up a little, their whole thing is doomed.

  “Ugh. I hope she isn’t going to blow us off tonight,” Kira says, sighing beside me. She glances at Cain. “Will you dance with me if she does?” She sounds so hopeful.

  “I’m sure she won’t,” I cut in quickly, though it does look like she’s getting on with Lawson like a house on fire. They’re laughing already, and she’s standing with a hand on her hip, code for ‘interested’ in Skyler’s world.

  Shit. Was this what her new look was for? Did she know he’d be here? Does it even matter who he is? I’m guessing no. He’s just the best option in the room. She’s trying to make Cain jealous, she doesn’t care who she uses to do that.

  “Let’s find a table and get some drinks ordered.”

  Kira nods at my suggestion and we make our way to an empty booth that has room for eight. All of the booths in the VIP party room do. Most celebrities have an entourage.

  I realise Cain’s waiting for our drinks order when he doesn’t sit down. I tug on his jacket sleeve, and he frowns at me. “Sit down, I’m ordering the drinks.”

  He takes a minute and scowls before he submits. I get up once I’m convinced he’s not going to go caveman on my flirtatious friend and her new crush. I look at Kira. “Unicorn Fuzz?”

  She shakes her head. “That stuff makes me sick. Can you get me a rum and coke?”

  I nod and head to the bar. I don’t ask Cain what he wants. I know what he drinks when Sky’s not pushing cocktails on him. Sky has a cocktail in her hand now, and she’s still talking to Lawson. I make my way over.

  I tap her arm and give her a tight smile. “Sky, can I see you for a second?”

  She turns to me, grins and grabs me closer. “Eden, this is Lawson Black. Lawson, this is…”

  “The infamous Goddess of Rock.” He looks me over and nods. “Worshipped and missed by everyone who’s anyone. It’s an honor.”

  He takes my hand and kisses it before I can process his sincerity. Heat blossoms through me as I take my hand back. Okay. He’s hot, and his voice is like dark, sweet honey. It doesn’t have to mean anything. I cross m
y arms.

  “I was just hearing all about you,” I tell him, as Sky frowns at me.

  “You were? Then I can’t have made as big an impression on the world as everyone keeps telling me.” He takes a sip of his drink and I remember those lips were just on my hand. “If the Goddess of Rock hasn’t heard about me until now, I must try harder.”

  I wish I hadn’t spoken to him. From afar, he was just an attractive guy. Being in close proximity is a whole other story. Did it just get hot in here? “I’m sure that’s not the problem. I’ve been avoiding the industry for a while.”

  “She’s been out of town,” Sky adds in, reminding me she’s here. This is the guy my friend is hitting on. He’s not an option for boyfriend number three, or four, or whatever. I strip my gaze away from his smouldering eyes and clear my throat.

  “I was headed to the bar.”

  “You were headed to the bar?” Sky frowns at me. “Where’s Cain?”

  “He’s with Kira.” I motion to where they’re sitting.

  She grabs Lawson’s hand. “Come sit with us for a while.”

  He shrugs as he lets her lead him to the table. He glances back at me and I look away. No, Eden, Bad Goddess. You can’t have him. Sky is interested in him. Besides, he’s L.A. people, and he’s probably exactly like Hunter. You don’t need another God of Rock. He may be gorgeous, but he’s bad news.

  I go to the bar and that’s when Nick arrives. I’m so glad to see him I let him pull me into his arms for a kiss. He smells good, and his soft, teasing kiss leaves me tingling all over.

  “You snuck up on me!” I exclaim when he lets me go.

  “I wouldn’t call it sneaking. I wasn’t interrupting anything.” He pulls back enough to get a good look at my dress. “Holy shit, Eden. Should you be wearing that in public? I don’t think I can let you out of my sight tonight.”

  He pulls me back to him and I realise he’s in a suit. I’m so used to seeing him in jeans and T-shirts. I raise my eyebrows.

  “What’s the occasion?”

  He looks down. “What, this old thing? I just wanted to look good for you tonight. Can’t be on the arm of the most stunning woman in the building looking like trash.”

  He kisses me again and it hits me that we’re out in public acting like a couple in love. Sky and Kira might not spill this kind of news to the tabloids, but who knew about some of the other celebrities in the room. All it would take is one tweet or Instagram post to put my love life back under the microscope. I freeze under his touch, suddenly freaked about everyone finding out.

  He breaks the kiss and there’s concern in his eyes when he looks at me again. “What’s wrong?”

  “It’s nothing. I just…” I blow out a breath. I need to let it go. It’s going to come out sometime. I can’t control that without putting restrictions on my life. I don’t want that. I want to be free to love whoever I choose to. “This is more public than I’m used to. That’s all.”

  He nods. “The top VIP room is ours when you want to get away from everyone else. Where are you sitting? I’ll put in an order for a round of drinks.”

  I point out where Sky is now sitting with Lawson, laughing and joking with Kira. Cain is there, but he doesn’t look like he wants to be. Poor guy. I wonder where Todd is. He hasn’t made it inside yet. Parking must be a nightmare.

  Nick puts the order in and takes my hand before we walk over to the booth.

  He tells Cain to move up. He gets closer to Kira. Sky’s gaze drifts to him but she’s quick to put it back on Lawson. I really hope this is just her trying to make Cain jealous. I really hope Lawson walks away soon. He had to come here with someone. The atmosphere is tense already. I can barely stand it.

  The drinks arrive. There are several bottles on the table and at least double the amount of glasses we actually need. I raise my eyebrows at Nick.

  Skyler frowns as she glances over the spread. “Hey, where’s the Unicorn Fuzz?”

  “Keep your pants on, it’s coming,” Nick tells her, picking up the vodka and pouring a glass. He passes it to Cain who downs it instantly. He starts pouring various drinks and passing them around. I take a Blue Lagoon, which he also makes for Sky who isn’t impressed by how long it’s taking for her favourite drink to arrive. Cain takes the vodka and Kira shuffles closer to him. She asks him something and he pours for her. She adds soda and starts to drink. He pours himself another few shots in a row. It isn’t like him, but I don’t blame him. Especially not when Sky gets more handsy with Lawson. Neither of them is drunk enough to start a make-out session, but I can see it’s where she’s heading with her flirty comments and touches.

  When the Unicorn Fuzz turns up, she downs a glass immediately and pours a second. Lawson asks to taste it. She grins wickedly, and I know she’s about to make a move. Shit. Cain is tanked and looking pissed as hell. Sky whispers something to Lawson before taking a sip of the drink and then kissing him. Damn. I knew she was going to go there. The kiss doesn’t just end seconds later. It keeps going, and I know he’s going to have flecks of glitter on those high cheekbones by the time they’re done.

  The table shakes as Cain gets to his feet. Oh, shit. Troubles coming. I get up, wishing Nick wasn’t sitting between me and Cain. One touch would calm him down. I know it. Nick gets up to let Cain pass, and something unexpected happens. Kira gets up and grabs Cain’s hand. He turns and frowns at her. She flushes before she gets onto her toes and whispers into his ear.

  He disappears into one of the photobooths across the room with her. Those things are rarely used for their true purpose. Nick put locking doors on them.

  “What the hell?” I ask, glancing at Sky and Lawson as they break apart. I have no idea what Kira whispered to Cain. I don’t know why they’d go in there together, besides the obvious.

  “I feel like I just missed half a movie,” Nick says as he sits back down.

  “Me too,” I tell him as Sky glances at us.

  I check Lawson’s face. He’s definitely wearing half of Sky’s glitter, and his lips are all shiny from her gloss. Still incredible looking, but I’m less interested now. My suspicions that he’s probably like Hunter feel validated.

  Sky’s gaze drifts and her eyes narrow. She doesn’t ask though. I wonder what she’ll think when he walks out of that booth with Kira.

  I lean in and whisper in Nick’s ear, “Does Kira know Sky and Cain were a thing?”

  I didn’t know until he told me, so maybe she doesn’t either.

  He pulls a face. “She sort of knows, but she thinks Sky was just jerking him around. Which is kind of true, I guess. I don’t think she gets how much Cain’s into Skyler.”

  “She likes him then?” That would be bad. What if he actually decided Sky wasn’t worth waiting around for? I don’t know what that would mean for her.

  Nick nods slowly, picking up his drink and taking a sip. “She has for a while. I didn’t think he’d ever act on it. This could get ugly.”

  Lawson gets up, says something to Sky and leaves.

  She finishes her drink and looks at me. “Dance?”

  “Maybe in a while.” Like, after Kira and Cain come out of that photobooth. I so don’t want to have to hold her down when that happens.

  “Where’d Kira go?”

  “Um…” I glance at Nick and he shrugs.

  “Kira and Cain went into one of the fucking chambers.” He points to the one with the closed door. “You might be waiting a while if you’re looking for either of them.”

  Skyler straightens in her seat, her jaw tensing. I can see the fire in her eyes.

  I shake my head at Nick. How could he just tell her like that?

  She gets up and stalks away to the ladies room. I sigh.

  “Did you have to tell her?”

  “Maybe Kira was right about Sky jerking Cain around. What was she doing kissing that guy? She brought this on herself, Eden.”

  He’s right, but I don’t have to like it. “She’s my best friend.”

  I know
Sky is screwed up, but I have to find a way to fix this. I get up and go over to the photobooth. The things are fairly sturdy, so I doubt they’d rock if anything was going on inside. I hesitate at the door, my hand raised to knock. Sky actually kissed another guy in front of Cain. If he wants to hook up with one of her band mates, who am I to stop him?

  Oh right, I’m a Goddess of Love. I knock the door. “Cain! Get out of there, this minute.”

  Ugh. I sound like his mother. I keep knocking until the door opens.

  Kira frowns at me. They’re standing close, there’s not enough room to stand apart, but nothing seems to be going on. She keeps her hand on the doorknob. “You’re kind of ruining this, you know that right?”

  “Ruining what, exactly?” They’re still fully clothed. I don’t see Kira’s lipstick on Cain’s anything.

  “Giving Sky a taste of her own medicine.” Kira’s smirk catches me by surprise.

  “You’re getting her back for making out with Lawson?”

  “Duh.” Kira glances past me. “Have they stopped yet?”

  “Um, yeah. Sky’s in the bathroom.”

  Kira smiles. “Then we’ll be out in ten.” She closes the door.

  I go back to the table and Nick eyes me expectantly. “I’m assuming they weren’t actually doing anything?”

  “Nope, just trying to piss Sky off.”

  I get up. I came here to spend time with Nick and I’m stuck sorting out other people’s problems. It’s messed up, but I know I have to do this. It’s part of me now. I can’t let it go.

  “I’m going to the bathroom. I need to speak to Sky.”

  “I’ll be right here mixing drinks,” he tells me, starting to pour.

  I take a deep breath before I go to find Sky. I get the feeling it’s going to be a long night.


  When I get to the bathroom I find her in front of the mirrors, fixing her face. She barely glances at me when I appear. I put my purse down next to hers.

  “I don’t know why you’re doing this.”


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