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Wild Hearts (Rock Goddess Reverse Harem Book 2)

Page 18

by Romy Lockhart

  “I have something to talk to you both about,” I tell them, as Asher sets the alarm.

  I’m glad he’s still here. I wasn’t sure if he’d hang around once he realised Nick would be staying. I suppose I’d told him there was something I needed to talk about. He does look a little apprehensive.

  “Um, I have something too,” Asher tells us.

  My heart starts to sink. Shit. Don’t tell me he’s decided this is too weird after all.

  Nick makes himself at home pretty much right away, getting comfy on one of the couches. I perch down on the opposite couch and Asher seems to debate for a moment before sitting on the same side as Nick. I don’t know if that’s a good sign. Maybe he doesn’t want to sit too close to me.

  “You first,” I tell him quickly.

  He runs a hand through his hair and glances at Nick before he speaks. “Logan broke in. His bag is upstairs under one of the guest room beds. He should be gone from Rapture now, but I changed the alarm code.”

  “Um, what?” Logan had broken in? Okay, yeah, I could see it. Especially since he’d tried to kill Asher.

  “I called Eli and got him to scare Logan off.” He shrugs. “He’s not afraid of me, so...”

  “He’s the one who burned the book.” The realisation hits me. Logan knows the code I use for everything. Asher was smart to change it. “How did you... You moved one of the beds.”

  He nods. “That was when I found it.”

  “Wait. What did you mean Logan should be gone now?”

  “He might think he killed me. Eli said he would likely skip town if he questioned him about my murder.” He shrugs.

  I suddenly feel horrible about leaving him here to go to L.A. He’s hiding it well, but I can tell everything that’s happened while I’ve been gone has taken a toll. I want to just hold him right now, let my light bleed into him, heal the emotional wounds he’s endured.

  “Oh, Asher.” I get up and go sit close to him, taking his hand.

  “I’m okay,” he tells me, clearing his throat before his midnight blue eyes meet mine. “You had something to tell me? Or us, I think?” He glances at Nick.

  Right. The whole third boyfriend thing. I look at them both and wonder how greedy this is going to sound. Then I shove that stupid thought straight out of my head. I’m a Goddess of Love. I need more men than most women. I have more love to give. I’m not going to let myself be locked into a mortal way of thinking. I swallow before I start.

  “I met someone I might be developing feelings for. It’s not definite, not yet, but I didn’t think it was fair to not tell you.” I take a deep breath. “I’m also going to need to make a statement to the press sometime soon about my love life, to set the record straight. I can hold off for a while, but I wanted to talk to you both about that before it comes out. If I make a statement I can control how it comes out. Otherwise it might be worse.”

  I can see in Asher’s eyes that he understands. It’s the same dilemma he had over my autobiography. He did something he didn’t necessarily want to do to retain some semblance of control.

  “Is that all?” The tension drains from Asher’s body. “I was worried for a second.”

  I can’t let him think that’s all there is. It wouldn’t be fair. I bite on my lip before I speak.

  “The other guy is Eli.” I watch Asher’s face carefully.

  I see shock, and then understanding as he nods. “He’s a good guy.”

  My jaw drops and he smiles. I smack his arm. “Asher. I thought you said he killed someone?”

  “I might have been wrong about that.” He pulls me in close, stroking my face. “I’m fine with him, Eden, and I don’t care if you need to take a dozen lovers. I’ll always be here.”

  His lips press against mine, once, twice and the third time he doesn’t move away, he works his mouth against mine intently, opening my mouth and stroking my tongue with his. Sparks of heat burst through my body as he pulls me onto his lap. I’m vaguely aware that Nick is close by. I wonder if Asher even cares.

  I feel his dick harden under me, straining against his pants and rubbing against the lace of my panties. I’m suddenly very glad I wore a skirt today. His hands slip under the lace to squeeze my ass. He breaks away and I see the flush in his cheeks and the darkening of his eyes and I wish he would just slip his dick out of his pants and thrust it into me.

  I gasp as one of his hands comes around to slide inside my panties. He probes my slick pussy with his fingers. “Have you been with Nick today?”

  His voice is husky and for a second I’m afraid to answer. It’s not the kind of question I’d expect him to ask. I feel my face reddening.

  “I had her on the flight over.” Nick isn’t the slightest bit shy about chiming in when I freeze.

  I glance at him. He’s rubbing the front of his jeans slowly and watching us intently.

  Asher doesn’t glance his way; he just asks me the question, “On the flight?”

  I nod slowly. Nick had suggested it and I’d sat on his lap, facing away from him and rocking to climax. I’d cleaned up after, but I probably still smelled like sex. It had happened less than a couple of hours ago. Asher grabs hold of my underwear and rips the lace, throwing the ruined panties away as he unzips his pants. Holy hell! Is this really happening?

  “Asher!” I can’t believe he’s doing this. I’m throbbing for his cock already, but I don’t know what’s gotten into him.

  He smiles slyly as his hand moves over his impressive shaft. I’m desperate to feel it inside me, and glancing at Nick stroking his own hard-on only makes me hungrier for it.

  Asher glances at Nick. “You can watch, and that’s it.”

  “No complaints,” Nick murmurs.

  I hear him unzip as Asher turns my face back to his. “You’re soaking wet already, Eden. Sit on my cock.”

  I impale myself on his erection and start to move. He pulls at my top until I take it off, then he pushes my bra out of the way. He stops me from rocking to pull me in tight and suck on my nipples. It’s such sweet torture to only have half of his dick inside me while his mouth creates waves of pleasure that flow down to my core.

  I peek at Nick. He has his cock in his hand and the rapturous look on his face nearly pushes me over the brink. I don’t think I could feel any happier than I do right now. Then Asher sucks a little harder. I’m practically seeing stars. He lets go of my nipple and licks at his lips as he pushes me back down to take the full length of his shaft inside. He leans back and gazes at me ravenously.

  “Take it slow,” he instructs, watching me intently as I move. “I want you to feel every inch.”

  Even ordering me around, he makes me feel like a goddess. I can feel tension building in him as I move, enjoying the sweet torture of our slow screw, but he does little more than squirm beneath me. He’s trying not to take control and fuck me hard. The way he wants it.

  He closes his eyes. He’s trying to hold off. I glance at Nick and I just love Asher so much for doing this. It’s intense to ride him like this right next to my other lover. I know he’s not ready for Nick to join in, but this is enough. It’s more than enough. Asher’s telling me he accepts our arrangement, he’s showing me he means it.

  I gasp as my climax hits. I ride the wave of ecstasy that follows, and Asher opens his eyes to watch. He comes a few seconds later as my movements become more frenzied. I collapse on him and he wraps his arms around me. I see Nick shoving his dick back inside his pants. I don’t know if he finished, but I know I can’t untangle myself from Asher. Not right now.

  “Everything’s going to be fine,” he whispers to me, hands stroking my naked back.

  I believe him. We’re bathed in a fine shimmer of my goddess light now. I feel incredible.

  And, of course, that’s when something messed up has to happen. The loud knocking on the door makes me jump. Damn. Those sound like angry knocks.

  Nick gets to his feet as he sorts his jeans. There’s a wet patch. He came from watching me with Asher
then. He covers it with his T-shirt and gives me a lazy grin. He didn’t even need to make any suggestions to Asher to make something happen. I know he’s as pleased as I am about what just happened.

  I get to my feet shakily, fix my tangled bra and put my top back on. I sigh at my ruined panties. I’ll have to order more. Asher has a habit of ripping them. I’d tell him off if it wasn’t so incredibly sexy.

  The knocking hasn’t stopped. It’s starting to feel ominous. Do I really want to answer? More to the point, am I going to get any choice in the matter? I don’t think I am. Whoever it is, they don’t seem to want to leave.

  Asher stands and comes with me, Nick trailing behind us. I unset the alarm and unlock the door.

  My stomach twists on sight of Logan. I look for a gun, and glance back to make sure myself and Asher are in front of Nick. “What are you doing here, Logan?”

  He glowers at my lovers before he winces. “I need your help.”

  “Um, what?” I don’t think I’ve ever heard Logan utter those words. It makes me wary of his intent, as if I wasn’t already. He killed Asher. He tried to, anyway. Twice now. I’m not helping him. No freaking way. “Logan, you need to leave. Now.”

  “Diana told me everything. I know what you are. You have to help me.”

  I stare at him. What the fuck? I’m about to close the door in his face, but my curiosity wins out. What happens if she did tell him everything? Maybe I could see for myself. Figure out what the risk is if Asher finds out what I am.

  “Well, you might as well tell them now,” Cupid’s voice hits my ears, making me jump. I turn and he’s standing next to Asher, who’s staring at him open-mouthed.

  “Where the hell did he come from?” Asher is seriously freaked.

  “What’s going on?” Nick sounds bemused.

  “Tell her,” Logan says, staring at Cupid. He drops to his knees, and I see his face contort. In spite of everything I don’t like to see him like this, in pain. There’s still love for him in my heart, even if I’ll never be with him again.

  “Tell me?” I raise an eyebrow at my dark glasses wearing not-so-imaginary friend.

  He sighs. “This is what it’s like to be tied to a Dark Forces Goddess. He’s in pain unless he’s near her. Even then, she can make it hurt. There’s not much he can do about it.”

  “So, why is he here?” I kneel and touch Logan’s hand when no-one answers my question.

  He’s in agony, but, worse than the physical pain, I discover he has feelings for Diana. She got angry when he tried to tell her. She didn’t want to hear it. I think she’s causing the physical pain he’s in, somehow. She pushed him away because she has feelings for hi m too. Their connection is real. I move back, considering what to do.

  “He’ll never be able to leave Rapture.” Cupid crosses his arms.

  Asher pokes at his shoulder, gasping that he appears to be solid. “Who is this guy?”

  “Let’s not get into that right now,” I cut in before Cupid can make things worse. “I call him Fred.”

  I’m going to have to do something before Logan passes out on my doorstep. I look to Cupid. “Is Diana even capable of love?” I know there’s something between her and Logan, but I can’t help wondering if the emotions are strong enough for my intervention.

  He nods slowly. “She thrives on destruction, so she’s never known love. It doesn’t mean she’s not capable of it. She’s probably more susceptible than most humans. She’s been deprived of it her whole life.”

  “Can you help?” I ask him, wondering if what I’m contemplating has any chance of working. If it does, just maybe all of my problems with Diana will be gone. I put my hand on Logan’s shoulder and my light travels into him. I can command him to be honest with her. It will heal him if she loves him back. The pain will go away. That’s the easy part. I need help with the harder part.

  “What do you mean help?” Cupid sounds hesitant.

  I frown at him. “You know who you are. Are you saying you can’t do something?” If he really can’t, I’ll have to pay her a visit myself. That would be thoroughly unpleasant, but at this point I don’t care. It would remove at least one major problem. My lovers would finally be safe.

  Cupid is frowning at me, but he doesn’t just leave like he’s so prone to doing. It takes him a second to start speaking, shaking his head before he opens his mouth. “She’ll take off if she senses you coming. She knows what you are.” He grumbles something under his breath before he nods. “Fine. I’ll go.” He sighs loudly before he disappears, making Nick jump.

  “What the... Okay, what the hell just happened?” Nick sounds one part curious and two parts confused. “I feel like I’m on drugs.”

  “I’ll tell you later,” I say, “both of you.”

  I focus on Logan and tell him what he needs to do. “You have to tell her... No, wait. You have to show her how you feel, Logan. It’s the only way to get rid of the pain you’re lost in. Go and show her she’s loved. Show her she has someone she’ll never have to doubt. She loves you back. You just need to make her admit it.”

  I know somehow that every word I just said is true and I want to sigh in relief as soon as I realise it. This is going to work! Diana actually loves him. He loves her.

  Something happened to break his obsession with me. He got close enough to her to develop strong feelings. I’m thankful for that, but I’ll be even more thankful once I don’t have to worry about Diana’s diabolical bullshit anymore.

  “Logan loves Diana?” Asher asks.

  I turn to him as I get up. “It would seem so.”

  The astonishment in his gaze doesn’t fade. His hand is glowing with my goddess light as he places it on my shoulder. “What is this light?”

  “I’d never lie to you, Asher. You don’t need to use it on me. It’s mine. I’m a Goddess of Love.” I watch his face and his frown slowly recedes.


  I shake my head. “It’s more of a descendants of goddesses kind of thing.” I so need to ask Cupid who I’ve actually descended from. Why didn’t I think of it before?

  “A Goddess. I knew it,” Nick says with a smile.

  “You’re too incredible to be a mere mortal,” Asher says with a dazed smile. “It makes sense. Wait. Why can I use the light?”

  A harder question, but the time for total honesty is now.

  “Logan shot you. I brought you back. You’re immortal like me now.”

  His stunned expression comes and goes. “That’s why... He did actually shoot me... again, I suppose. I did actually die. I just came back after.”

  Logan gets up and I turn to give him one last command. “Go to her now.”

  He lumbers away, seeming kind of unsteady on his feet. I look outside, to check my security is still there. He hasn’t knocked anyone unconscious. Maybe the guards knew who he was.

  I close the door and lock it.

  Cupid appears back in the room, a smug smile on his face. “It’s done. She’s been hit with an arrow, so to speak.”

  “It was that easy, was it?” I frown at him. Why do I get the feeling he’s been holding stuff back that he could help me with? I narrow my eyes.

  “It was anything but easy, Eden. That woman is extremely suspicious. If she didn’t already half believe he loved her already there would be no chance.” He’s pouting now.

  “So there’s a chance?” I want some sort of confirmation.

  “I’d say so. You might have actually taken her down with that move.”

  “Taken her down?”

  “If she falls in love, she’ll give up being a goddess. I’m not supposed to intervene in these things, but seeing her feelings were real swayed me. It’s still frowned upon, but I can see nothing bad coming from this. It was all done with the best of intent.”

  “Which Goddess is Eden a descendent of?” Asher asks.

  Cupid pulls a face. “How am I supposed to know? No-one knows anymore. There are only certain types. We can’t tell which god or goddess
spread their seed into which humans.”

  “Then what are the types?” He sounds eager to learn.

  I have to smile. I like that he can see Cupid. That he’s asking questions.

  Apparently Cupid doesn’t. He scowls. “I’m here for Eden’s guidance. Not her lovers.”

  He blinks out of existence. Nick raises an eyebrow at me. “Who’s the ghost, or whatever the hell that was?”

  Shit. Nick saw him too? How the hell was that possible?

  “Get back here, Fred,” I call out, crossing my arms.

  He doesn’t come. I blow out a breath. Nick and Asher are looking at me as I wait. Both of them, here with me. My heart does a little flip. I shake my head. “He’s my guide, or whatever. Supposedly.”

  “Oh. Cool,” Nick says.

  “This is pretty insane.” Asher is shaking his head. I can tell he’s filling up with questions.

  “Does anyone want lunch?” I’m starving now. They both nod, glance at each other before they follow me into the kitchen.

  “So, you died?” Nick asks Asher, glancing him over. “And regenerated? That’s so fucking cool.”

  I see Asher smile in a dazed kind of way. “Yeah. Thought it was a dream for a while.”

  I make food for my men and they stick around, talking about the craziness that just spilled out at the front door. I start to hum as I work, feeling the new song coming sharper than ever. The best part? I don’t need to rush to get it written down. I’ve got it now. It’s not going away.

  Chapter Forty-Six


  I’m vaguely aware that Eden did something to me. Something similar to what Diana had the first time we met. Only this felt different, less hazy. I could hear Eden’s words in my head. I couldn’t deny the truth any longer. As crazy as the fucking bitch is, I love her. She needs to know that. She wasn’t lying about not knowing how to love. She doesn’t know. But she will.

  The headache that felt like it was pulling me apart recedes as I walk to her house. By the time I get there, it’s gone. I feel a little more sane as I pull at the handle of the locked door. “Open up, Diana.”

  I can hear her heels in the hallway. She’s pacing. I knock, slowly, softly, repetitively.


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