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Zero Sphere: A Space Opera Thriller

Page 10

by Jedaiah Ramnarine

  The EDF had me marked.

  I won’t sit here and blame my father. How irresponsible would that be? My dad didn’t purposely make contact over there. He was doing his job. Nothing more. Eyes were on me from everybody. I tried acting unbothered by it. I stayed smiling. My emotions never got the best of me. Then those whole thing with Heather, it’s just not the right time.’

  Josh was walking Heather home for about an hour and they didn’t have much conversation. Josh had been lost in thought while Heather, was just waiting for some kind of engagement.

  Mars didn’t have streets like Earth. There weren’t any cars to speak of, just transportation units that hovered airborne. There were stepping stones, similar to walkways that featured neatly cut lawn at their sides.

  Heather didn’t have much of a fancy for using the transports. She preferred to walk. Josh didn’t mind. He never did.

  “Are you going to tell me?” Heather broke the mold, eyes fixed on her feet making each careful step.

  Josh looked over to her, “Tell you what?”

  “Whatever it is you were going to say earlier.”

  “It’s nothing.”

  Heather remained silent in deep thought. Her home was on the horizon. It won’t be long before they reached it, so she tried again

  “Will you come over later?”

  “For what?”

  Heather felt her throat closing and emotions bubbling.

  Why was he acting so strange, so… cold?

  “Social Science? We have a test in three days. You said you’d come over later, don’t you remember?”

  “Oh…” Josh felt a slight sting for forgetting – “Oh, yeah. I don’t know.“

  Disappointment struck into Heather’s heart until she remembered all that Josh had been going through

  “No problem, don’t concern yourself with it.”

  “Heather…” Josh gently grabbed her arm so they stopped from going further. When their eyes made contact, she could see just how much he was hiding.

  “There’s a lot going on right now. Nick’s findings, EDF having my dad and I on watch, and then there’s you.”

  “Like I said, don’t concern… wait, what do you mean, me?”

  “Heather there’s so much I want to tell you. Let me figure it out, alright?”


  Suddenly the winds picked up and the trees moved. A small, EDF security ship descended soundlessly from the dusk sky, hovering over the young duo with bright spotlights.

  “You there!” A robotic sounding voice called out from the vessel.

  Josh could feel his heartbeat escalating

  “Identification: Joshua Star?”

  “Yes!” Josh shouted truthfully, more annoyed he was being followed than answering.

  The vessel descended to the ground slowly. Two tall, male robot humanoid figures got out – both covered from head to toe in standard EDF-grade armor. They briskly walked over to Josh in a forceful manner. Their height difference becoming more evident.

  “It is not safe for you to be out here. We need you to cease your current actions and come with us.” One of them spoke.

  A rebellious fire brewed in Josh

  “On who’s authority?”

  “By order of the EDF committee and the Martian Board of Negotiation, it is dangerous for you to be associated with other civilians.”

  Josh looked at a confused and scared Heather.

  He instantly lost all fear

  “Who approved of this ridiculous order?!”

  “Please come with us, this is a matter of planetary security.”

  “I’m not leaving Heather alone out here.”

  “Josh!” Heather interjected, fearful for their safety – “I’ll be fine, home’s right there. Just do as they ask!”

  Josh stared Heather down fiercely. He couldn’t stand EDF authority and she knew it. She knew it all too well.

  ‘Heather didn’t want anything bad to happen because she knew me. It’s alright. The robot goons pointed the way for me to follow, hop on board their aerial spacer.

  I refuse. This is it. My moment of ‘glory’. Everything I was going through, all the emotion, all the pain, the confusion, the wanting of more, her, them – all of it blew up right here. Right now.

  My hand slips into my pocket and I pull Nick’s sliced stun gun. I squeeze the trigger. The robot falls to the ground unconscious.

  Then I could hear Heather screaming.

  Sirens raising.

  So I ran like lightning.

  This isn’t order. This is control. They took my dad’s voice and now they wanted mine. That’s my freedom on the line!’

  Josh ran. He ran as far as he could. He ran till he realized it won’t be enough. It couldn’t, it never would. Barely a few minutes away when a red beam shoots out of the sky and grabs him. He freezes in place, locked in a reddish orange bubble that works as a stasis field. Five EDF vessels land nearby and the robots exit their vehicles to arrest him.

  ‘I could not have been more of an idiot. I lost my calm, went berserk and embarrassed myself, my friends and soon, my family. The combination of everything these past few months, I don’t know. It’s too much.

  Why can’t they just leave us alone?

  EDF didn’t talk to me on the way here. They kept me locked in stasis. This isn’t a correctional facility. Mars doesn’t have crime. This is the EDF Headquarters and to be more specific, I am sitting in an interrogation room with no interrogator. I’m not sure why they brought me here. No one’s said anything to me. I’m simply waiting.

  For what? I don’t know.

  All I know is that I screwed up and I’m sorry.’

  Josh bowed his head in meditation. Truly, it was the only thing left for him to do. After calming down, he forgave himself and thought about how he’d apologize to everyone else, starting with the man who opened the door and walked into the room. The man he knew none other than his own father.

  “Dad…” Josh’s voice crackled with a solemn sigh – “I’m sorry.”

  Colin momentarily paid close attention to his son. Josh turned out far more light skinned than Colin. He reminded him of his mother.

  “I just couldn’t take it anymore. Not that it’s an excuse for such poor behavior, I just – I, ugh, I’m sorry.”

  Colin remained silent as he observed his pleading son. The tone on his face, completely unmoved

  “You ready to go?” He asks neutrally.

  Josh peers up wondering. When a father speaks like that, almost emotionless, does it mean he’s angry? Does it mean he’s disappointed?

  “Yeah.” Josh humbly replies.

  The two enter Colin’s specialized transport unit, one heavily guarded by EDF personnel. Inside, Colin instructs the unit to take them home. There’s a silence between the father and son. Colin thinks carefully how he would correct him. Josh on the other hand, wonders what will happen.

  Colin reveals the sliced stun gun Josh used earlier. Josh immediately detects where this is about to go.

  “Where did you get this?” Colin’s tone remains the same as it was inside the EDF holding room. Josh holds back on speaking for a few seconds. He’s not going to lie, but he doesn’t want anything bad to happen to his friend.

  Defeated, he realizes there’s no other way

  “A friend, we worked on it together.”

  “Nick.” Colin distinguishes the truth

  Josh nods meekly.

  Colin’s eyes move away from him and unto the gun reflectively. A burdensome sigh releases out of him – “I know. I know it’s been rough on you.”

  Josh quickly grows a quizzed expression.

  He wasn’t expecting this.

  “But now it looks like they might be right.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “We’re not safe here anymore.”

  “How?” That curious rebel fire started sparking in Josh.

  “We’re moving.” Colin flatly stated

? Moving where?”


  “What?! Why? That’s the new colony outpost, isn’t it?”

  “That is of correctness.”

  “Dad, why? I know I’ve done wrong. A lot of it. I’m sorry, I just don’t agree with the way EDF is executing their authority on us Martians. It isn’t right! They’re fascists!”

  “Son.” Colin’s gaze alone was enough to shut him up – “I respect that you’re a fighter for the right thing. For justice, for freedom, for harmony, but Ausartungen is never the way.”

  “What!” Josh knew the meaning of that word was serious – “My good human nature didn’t get out of control. I know what I was doing was somehow the right thing. It may not…”

  “Don’t ever do it again.” Colin scolded him sternly.

  Josh couldn’t talk. His father’s presence emanated in power. It wasn’t just Colin’s naturally strong figure. His vocal tone, the way he presented himself – Colin was simply a figure of authority.

  “Only the act of self-defense or pre-emptive self-defense are you allowed to disable a foe, but never in the intent of hatred or violence. You understand me?”

  Josh nodded his head humbly. He felt his father’s strong grip on his shoulder. A caring face overtook Colin.

  “Josh, it’s two of us left. You’re my only son. I love you. You know that, don’t you?”

  Josh nodded his head once more, this time with more confidence. Colin’s grip tightened, then released in a massage-like fashion

  “We’ll make it through this together.”

  ‘Rain poured all night. I couldn’t sleep. No matter how much I tried, I couldn’t sleep. I was about to move and leave everything behind. Nick, Heather, my friends… but I just can’t do that. No, not at all.

  Something’s not right.

  I can’t leave them behind.’

  Josh rolled out of his bed and grabbed his communicator device. He slid his hands around the virtual interface, found Nick’s contact number and called him. A virtual video screen opened up and lit up Josh’s dark room. Nick answered, all groggy and sleepy.

  “Josh?” Nick was startled by the sudden interruption

  “Is this line safe?” Josh asked

  “Five seconds, I’ll make it.” Nick slid his fingers around – “Okay, we’re good. What’s up?”

  “Just tell me one thing Nick, with everything arranged - can we get in the Crimson Zone?”

  Nick peered left and right in paranoia then looked straight ahead at his best friend and nodded – “Yeah, you have my word.”

  “Then let’s do this. Meet you at your place in ten minutes.”

  Before Nick could respond, Josh ended the call.

  ‘This is it, all or nothing. One day dad, you’ll know I was right all along.’

  Solar Opus

  No matter how many episodes may spawn, truth will prevail. Although the actions of what had to be done could be felt, even today, truly this opus did not begin with what you will discover in your future. It started when a War Hero decided to put aside her old ways and strive for a better future. In order to learn what you’ve unraveled, we’ll have to take a step back to remember what we were.


  The Sons of Sphere

  2093, Colin Sphere – The Son of Mars

  “They’re active again. It’s only a matter of time before the operation catches the attention of the public.” Gabriel announced to Colin as the two looked over their mission briefing at the MDSU Headquarters. Colin remained dead silent. His mind, focused on the task at hand.

  “How long do you think?” He asks, staring blankly

  “Couple weeks, maybe. Who knows what will happen this time?”

  The briefing was a hologram. It showed details surrounding the rising activity in the Crimson Zone. From the time Colin and his crew bumped into the region, to now, activity has steadily been increasing. The thing is, none of this activity belonged to either Martian or Earth forces. Gabriel had his arms folded, thoughtfully processing what to do. Both Gabriel and Colin surely had their friendship test over the past few months, along with the entire discovery crew.

  EDF forces wanted to know more of the discovery while Martians kept them back as much as possible. Truth be told, the Martians didn’t even understand what was going on. No one could enter the Crimson Zone. Ships lost contact in the vicinity or they were booted out of the area by electromagnetic force, and here’s where it gets better. That force is a controlled force. EDF and MDSU have determined this through observation, which means – something or someone, doesn’t want anyone else entering there. Nobody really knows what this force may be.

  Except Colin.

  “How’s Josh?” Gabriel seemed unsure if to even ask

  “He’ll be alright.” Colin kept it brief

  “Things aren’t going to be the same. I think you know that better than anyone.”

  “I do. It doesn’t change what’s has to happen.” Colin stood up tall like a true alpha lion, squeezing his fists in determination – “Before the EDF actually had some respect for us. Now it’s a different time. It’s a civilized cold war. We can’t allow them to penetrate Crimson Zone before us. If that happens, Earth will continue its reign here. We’ll never achieve our true independence.”

  “You act like you know exactly what’s in the Crimson Zone.”

  Colin felt a flash of his father’s wisdom

  “I just might. I hope I’m wrong.”

  Colin points his gaze to another person in the room who had been there, all along, sitting in the dark.

  “What do you think?” He asks.

  A beautiful blonde, long-haired woman steps out of the shadows and smiles at him with shimmering green eyes.

  2093, Joshua Sphere – The Offspring

  ‘This is happening. This is really happening and there’s no turning back. Dad, I hope you can forgive me. Sometimes you just have to do things that the closest to us won’t understand just yet. He did it too, didn’t he? They both did, decades ago.

  They did it for the good of mankind and I’m doing the same.’

  Josh snuck out his home with the help of Nick’s sliced gadgetry to avoid the night patrols. Ironically, he wasn’t the only one that slipped out that night. Colin had already beat him to it earlier. Josh arrived right on time at Nick’s. It was interesting. Nick hadn’t seen him so pumped up in months. The whole ordeal with Colin’s great discovery really did hinder his charismatic friend.

  “You got everything?” Josh entered commander mode

  “Yeah…” Nick silently opened the front door to his garage. Inside laid two dormant hover bikes, the kind EDF used on Mars decades ago, along with some desert-breathing suits – “You sure about this? Once we cross…”

  “Nick.” Josh cut him off. His bold gaze spoke of the severity behind those determined eyes – “We’re doing this. Now, tell me how to operate this thing.”

  He may have been pushy, but truly that was the kind of encouragement Nick needed. Sure, he had second guesses of his own so when Josh came in with that alpha lion demeanor, he knew right away it meant business. Either hop on or get out the way.

  Nick showed Josh the various ways of operating the sleek, wheel-less v-rod looking vehicle, even the unnecessary tad bits of technical spectrums that really served no practical purpose. When Josh asked Nick what they called those things, he told him, ‘Ravens’.

  ‘Learning to ride the bike really wasn’t an issue. Where my mind’s at right now, that is the thing that matters. I am going out there and no one is stopping me. Not even…

  Hold on, who is that in the middle of the road?’

  Josh and Nick had been riding to the border for a while. They almost skidded off the road when they saw a figure standing right in the middle of it. They couldn’t identify the person right away. It could’ve been EDF. It could’ve been MDSU, either way, both would be bad news but Josh didn’t see his foes in that person.

  “Heather…” He blur
ted out stupidly. Josh got off his bike and ran over to her, despite Nick’s protesting in the background.

  ‘I needed to see what was wrong with her. Heather never just shows up like that, and in all likelihood, she probably used her psychic abilities to track us down here.’

  “Heather, what are you doing out here?” Josh was concerned

  “You’re not going out there without me.” She says.

  Josh turned back to see an annoyed Nick, growing endlessly more paranoid by the second. He glanced over Heather to make sure she was really certain about this

  “You know where we’re going, don’t you?”

  “I do.”

  “You’re not upset about earlier?”

  “No. It showed me that you need me. Now, more than ever. So let’s go.” Nick beeped the horn for them to get going – “Now…”

  Josh nodded to her request. His hand slipped into Heather’s and he gripped her firmly, pulling her with him toward his bike.

  “Oh, what’s this?” Nick saw Heather hopping on board behind Josh – “Heather, what are you doing?”

  “You guys need me out there. We’re in this together.”

  “I don’t know about that, we only have two desert-breathers.”

  “She’s coming with us Nick.” Josh spoke the bottom line – “We’ll go back and get another breather.”

  Jumbled up Nick didn’t really have much to say other than a simple ‘Roger that.’

  ‘Three of us rode together the way we used to. For the first time in months, no, years… before my mother died, I felt alive. No restraints. No burdens. The human curiosity in me had been lost, overcome and restricted by an overindulgence to duty and public ethics.

  Tonight all that changes. Tonight that curiosity is reborn.’

  The trio approached the border area, a place where civilization ends and the pure red desert begins. A risky adventure to go out there. Sandstorms, radiation spikes and other natural dangers laid in wait. Josh knew what was coming. They all did. They knew the risks and they chanced it anyway.


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