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Love, Never-Ending_Flash Me Photos Portfolio 1

Page 22

by Michele Notaro

  “I know. I don’t really know what to do either. Like, I feel sorta awkward inserting myself in the middle of it. It’s really between the two of you, so I don’t think I have the right.”

  I glanced at Symon and frowned. He was staring out his window. “What do you mean you don’t have the right? You have every right. You’re in this relationship, too.”

  He looked at me and shot me a half-smile before I looked back at the road, then he sighed. “Obviously, I know that, it’s just… that happened before I even knew either of you, and I don’t think it’s my place to just… get in the middle. It’s something the two of you need to work out, not me.”

  I considered his words for a moment. “I get where you’re coming from, and I agree to an extent. But this whole thing affects you, too, so whether you were there or not, I think you need to be there when I finally get him to discuss it. I don’t really want to hash it out with him without you there, even if you’re just watching or listening or whatever. But… is that okay with you?”

  Symon waved me off. “I don’t mind being there, I just don’t want either of you to try to pull me into it. I refuse to take sides.”

  “I would never do that to you.”


  We rode in silence for a minute before I blew out a loud breath. “I’m not trying to get you to take sides, but can I ask you a question about it?”

  Symon hesitated for a moment. “Sure.”

  “Are you mad at me for what I did?”

  Sy turned in his seat and reached over to grab my hand for a moment. “Of course not, teddy bear. I would never hold something like that against you. If I had a problem, I’d come to you to talk about it. I’m not happy with what you did to him, obviously, but I know you had your reasons. I’ve only ever judged you for the way you treat me and Jax now since I’ve known you.”

  I blew out the breath I’d been holding. “Thank you, angel.”

  He gave my hand another squeeze before letting go and facing forward again. “Where do you want to go for lunch?” He pulled out his phone. “I think we can swing by and pick Jax up. Want me to text him?”

  I smiled, grateful for his easy acceptance of me and happy for the subject change. “Sure. I was already heading that way, I just didn’t say anything out loud.”

  Symon snorted. “Yeah, I noticed.” He typed on his phone, then looked out the window again before his phone pinged. “Our guy said he can take his lunch break when we get there.”

  “That’s great.”

  “Yeah, you want to take him to that diner around the corner from him?”

  “Sure.” I pulled in front of Flash Me Photos a few minutes later, and the two of us got out of our rig and walked in. A new guy I’d never seen before was standing at the front desk. He looked really young—maybe early twenties at most—with brown hair and striking blue eyes.

  “Welcome to Flash Me Photos, my name is Kade. How can I help you today?” the kid said.

  I grinned at him. “We’re here for Jax.”

  He pressed a few keys on the computer. “Okay, awesome. Do you have an appointment?”

  Symon glanced at me while I said, “No, we’re his boyfriends.”

  The kid’s fingers froze on the keyboard, and he slowly looked up at me with wide eyes. “Boyfriends?”

  I tapped my fingers on my leg. “Yes, boyfriends. Is Jax with a client right now? We can just wait until he’s finished.”


  “Oh hey, guys,” Trent said as he came out of one of the back rooms with a sandwich in his hand. “Jax is finishing up, but he should be done in about ten minutes.” He looked at the kid—Kade—eyeing him. “What’s wrong with you?”

  “I think I scared him when I said we were both Jax’s boyfriends.”

  Trent snorted, then pushed Kade’s shoulder. “Dude, you seriously need to chill out. You’re lucky they aren’t customers.”

  Kade sighed and muttered, “Will you please lay off me while we’re here?”

  Trent lifted his hands up in defeat. “I made you a sandwich. Why don’t you go take a break?”

  The kid sighed and walked away into the room Trent had come from.

  Trent looked at us with a little smile. “He’s my brother-in-law, or whatever. That’s what he says even though Declan and I aren’t married. He’s a good kid. I hope he didn’t offend you.”

  I waved him off. “No worries. He just looked confused.”

  Trent snorted and shook his head at that. “You guys can have a seat over there, or you can go in the breakroom if you want while you wait.”

  I looked at Symon, but he was busy biting his bottom lip, so I looked back at Trent. “We’ll just wait out here, but thank you.”

  He nodded and took a bite of his sandwich.

  I led Sy over to the waiting area to sit down. “You okay?”

  “Yep, I’m good.” He sent me a little smile and grabbed my hand, lacing our fingers together. The small gesture made my stomach flutter and my chest warm. I was still getting used to him doing things like that in public. I squeezed his hand and smiled back.

  Jax walked out a few minutes later with a family in front of him—obviously his customers. He sent us a smile, then finished talking to his clients before Trent took over with them. Jax walked over and I stood up without letting go of Sy’s hand.

  Jax grinned at me. “Hey,” he muttered before giving me a quick peck on the lips. He leaned over and kissed Symon quickly, too. “Hey, pumpkin.” I couldn’t help but grin every time I heard Jax call our guy that. Jax stood up. “Can you guys come back here for a minute?”

  I lifted a brow in question, but Sy stood up, pulling me with him, and we followed Jax to what I was guessing was the breakroom. As soon as we walked through the door, Jax turned and cupped Symon’s face, then pulled him in for a long, deep kiss that made my cock twitch in appreciation. Symon let go of my hand to wrap his arms around Jax’s waist. I heard Jax whisper, “I wanted to give you a proper hello.” Then he reached over and grabbed my arm, pulling me to him. When Symon started to move away, Jax held him to his chest with one arm until I came up behind Sy, pressing my front to Sy’s back. Jax smiled at me, then cupped my cheek with one hand and pulled me in to kiss him over Sy’s shoulder.

  Symon tucked his face against Jax’s neck while Jax kissed me slowly. I wrapped my arms around both of them. Jax kept his one hand on my cheek and grabbed my hip with his other. When the two of us finally came up for air, Jax rested his forehead against mine and rubbed his thumb over my cheek. He removed his other hand from my hip and ran his fingers up and down Symon’s upper arm. I kept my arms around both of my men.

  A throat cleared across the room, and Jax stood straight up and looked over his shoulder. I looked, too, then grimaced when I saw that Kade kid standing there. The kid was staring at us with wide eyes. He muttered, “I’m sorry. I couldn’t get through because you’re blocking the doorway.”

  Jax laughed a little. “Sorry, man. Um, did you meet my boyfriends?”

  The kid swallowed and nodded. I bit back a chuckle at his shocked face.

  Jax held onto Sy and me and scooted us over a little. “You don’t have to leave, Kade. We’re about to go to lunch, anyway.”

  “Okay.” Kade sounded unsure, but made no attempt to move.

  Jax looked back at me and Sy. “Do you guys still have enough time on your lunch break to go out?”

  Sy leaned up and kissed Jax’s cheek. “Yeah, we didn’t call in our break until we got here, so we’re fine.” Sy looked over his shoulder at me, seeking out a kiss, so I easily obliged. “Still want to take him to that diner?”

  “Yeah, that’s fine with me,” I replied. “You good with that, Jax?”

  Jax smiled. “Sure.” He stepped back from us. “Lead the way, doll face.”

  I snorted at that random pet name, then kissed Symon’s cheek and headed toward the door. “Nice to meet you, Kade.”

  “Uh, you too.”

  I heard Jax s
nickering behind me as we made our way out of the photography studio.

  Chapter Eighteen


  I couldn’t believe all the shit Tanner had been through. I’d been thinking about it a lot since he’d told us about it, and I just wanted to wrap him up and keep him safe for all of eternity. He was such a good man, such a sweet person, he didn’t deserve to suffer anymore.

  We were sitting on the couch and supposed to be watching a movie, but we ended up ignoring the TV and talking instead. I’d been tracing his scars for the better half of an hour since he had on sleep clothes and was wearing a tank for once. Well, he wore short sleeves and tanks at home with us, but if we left the house, he always wore long sleeves.

  “Does it still hurt?” I asked as I rubbed one of the scars on his right arm.

  “Just a few spots. It mostly feels weird when you touch it.”

  “Do you want me to stop?”

  “No, I like it.” He smiled at me.

  “So you’ll tell me if I hurt you?”

  He snorted. “I’m pretty sure you could never hurt me.”

  “You know what I mean.” I pushed his shoulder.

  He smiled down at me. “I know. And didn’t you already make me promise that?”


  “Then you have nothing to worry about.” He kissed the side of my head, then sighed. “So… I miss Jax.”

  I half-smiled at that. “I do too. Do you want to see if he’ll come over after he gets off work tonight?”

  “Yes. I don’t even care if it’s late and all he gets to do is sleep in bed with us. I just want to hold him.”

  “Same here. I’ll text him.” I pulled out my phone and typed in our group message.

  Me: Romeo, come over after work. Even if it’s just to sleep in bed with us. We miss you.

  I hit send, then looked at Tanner as his phone pinged with my text. “I hate that two of his coworkers have had the flu all week. They need to hire more people or something. Jax has been working too much.”

  Tanner grabbed me and kissed my temple. “Agreed.”

  Both of our phones pinged, so I pulled mine out to check.

  Jax: Okay, but I’m exhausted, so I really need some sleep.

  Tanner: That’s fine. You can sleep between us.

  Jax: Okay

  He didn’t write anything more after that and I sighed. He was probably really busy. He’d been complaining a little about his feet, so they were probably hurting him since he’d been on them constantly lately. I sat up. “Hey, we should get some massage oils and stuff, and when he finally has a day off, we can treat him to a spa day at home.”

  Tanner chuckled. “I like that idea.”

  I nudged him. “I really meant a spa day, not a sex day, but we can totally do both.”

  Tanner gently gripped my chin and pulled me into a kiss. “That sounds perfect.” He kissed me again and ran his hand into my hair, pulling me into a deeper kiss. He scooped me up, setting me on his lap, and I ground against his growing hard-on. He grabbed my ass and kneaded the muscles. I broke the kiss and breathlessly asked, “Is it okay for us to have sex?”

  Tanner leaned back to look at me with a furrowed brow. “What do you mean?”

  “Without Jax. Is that okay?”

  Tanner pecked my lips. “Yeah, he said it was fine, but if you’re uncomfortable, we don’t have to.”

  “No, it’s not that, I just wanted to make sure.”

  Tanner pecked my lips again, then grabbed his phone, and I watched him type out a message.

  Tanner: Sy needs some RELEASE, you good if I take care of him? I wanna make him scream.

  “Oh my god, Tan, don’t send that!” I yelled, making a grab for his phone.

  Tanner moved his much-longer arm out as far as he could and wrapped his other arm around my waist, trying to keep me back. He laughed and I watched in horror as he hit the send button. He dropped his phone on the couch with a laugh. “Too late.”

  I put my hands over my eyes and grumbled, “You’re an ass.” I dropped my forehead to his shoulder and groaned.

  He laughed a little when his phone pinged, and we both looked at it when he opened up the message.

  Jax: You don’t need to ask, but I would love some pictures.

  I groaned again and buried my face in Tanner’s neck as he laughed and typed back a response. When he dropped his phone and wrapped his arms back around me, I muttered, “What did you say?”

  “I told him that I’d try, but my hands might be too busy.”

  I couldn’t help but laugh and groan at the same time at that. “Neither of you has a filter.”

  “Just the way you like us,” he murmured before pulling my chin up to kiss me and stop any response I had to that.

  He ran his hand up my shirt and his other hand down my pants while I ran my fingers over his abs. Tanner kissed down my jaw and neck, then gripped the hem of my shirt and pulled it off, throwing it on the floor. I did the same to his shirt, and I savored the feel of his skin against mine. He nibbled on my earlobe, pulling it with his teeth and sending shivers down my spine. He suddenly grabbed my arm, holding my hand and kissing it. I was confused for a moment by his actions, but then he started kissing and licking his way up my wrist, forearm, biceps, and by the time he got to my neck again, I was panting and so hard my jeans were hurting me.

  “Your skin taste so good,” Tanner whispered against my neck. “I could lick you for hours and never tire of it.”

  I moaned in response and bucked against him, seeking out any kind of friction. He shoved a hand down the back of my pants and ran a finger over my hole while his mouth found my nipple. I could barely keep myself upright, let alone do anything to him other than dig my fingertips into his shoulders. I rutted against him and felt him smile against my nipple.

  He looked up at me. “Where’s the lube?”

  I groaned, trying to think straight. “There’s… there’s some in the drawer.” I pointed at the end table beside the couch.

  “Perfect.” He let go of me and leaned over, grabbing the lube and dropping it on the couch.

  With his hands busy on something else, I took advantage and unbuttoned his pants. I was going to try going slow, but damn, it’d been nearly two weeks because of all three of our busy, conflicting schedules, so I was fucking desperate for him. I stood up and grabbed his jeans and boxers, pulling on them until he lifted his hips so I could get them all the way off. Tanner laughed a little at my eagerness, but I didn’t care. I was so turned on I’d probably explode as soon as he entered me. I pulled my own pants and boxer briefs off, then climbed back on his lap.

  “Damn, angel, you’re so fucking beautiful.”

  I never knew what to say to him or Jax when they said things like that. I could tell that they both meant it, which was crazy. I felt like I’d spent my whole life having people make fun of me because I was small or because I had freckles or whatever. I’d had a few boyfriends, sure, but it wasn’t like any of them had been so… nice and kind with their words.

  I moved my mouth close to his and whispered, “Thank you,” for lack of anything better to say.

  Tanner smiled against my lips, then pulled me into a scorching kiss as he pushed my body flat against his. We both rutted against each other and Tanner inserted a lubed-up finger into my entrance. I moaned loudly into his mouth when he entered me and started fucking my ass with his finger. God, it felt so good.

  “More,” I begged against his mouth. Luckily, he obliged and added a second finger. After a minute, I begged again, “More.”

  Tanner added a third finger, then started kissing down my neck again. I leaned back a little and enjoyed his mouth, tongue, and teeth on me.

  Suddenly I had an idea I wanted to try. I breathed out, “Hold on a second.” Then I stood up completely.

  “What are you doing?” he asked with an adorably confused expression on his face.

  I smiled at him, then turned around, climbing onto the couch with my back to
him. I kneeled over his lap and said, “Can we try it like this?”

  Tanner wrapped his arms around me and whispered, “We can do whatever you want.”

  I shivered. “I want you inside me.”

  He nodded and kissed between my shoulder blades, then grabbed the lube and condom. After he was ready, he lined his cock up with my hole, and I slowly lowered myself onto him. I paused to adjust, and Tanner ran his hands over my back and arms so gently, like he was cherishing every inch of me. I smiled over my shoulder at him, then slowly lifted up and back down, eliciting a deep moan from him. I moved again, and we both moaned as I threw my head back. I continued the slow, torturous movements until I suddenly heard the sound of a camera shuttering.

  I froze and looked back at Tanner, who had a guilty look on his face. “What did you just do?”

  He sucked his lips in for a few seconds before finally saying, “Took a picture.”

  My eyes widened. “You did not!”

  He closed one eye and jerked back, almost looking like he was expecting a punch. “Um… I… did?”

  Despite myself, I laughed and scowled at the same time. “Let me see.”

  He held up the phone, showing me the picture of me naked with my head thrown back, sitting on Tanner’s lap with one of his arms around my chest. It wasn’t… that bad, because you couldn’t really see anything. I shook my head. “You’re lucky that I’m so turned-on right now I don’t care you just did that.”

  He dropped the phone and leaned up to kiss my shoulder and run his hands over my chest, tweaking my nipples. “I wanted Jax to see how beautiful you looked on top of me.”

  “Mmhmm.” I rolled my eyes with a smile, shook my head and started moving, making us both moan again.

  Tanner began running his hands all over me as I slowly increased my speed. He sat up higher and wrapped one hand around my stomach to pull me against him. The other hand slid over my shoulder and around my neck until he lightly held my throat. He pushed his hand up a little so I had to tilt my head back. I shifted a bit and his cock hit my prostate, so I pounded down on him harder and harder. Tanner kept his hand on my throat, lightly applying pressure—he wasn’t choking me, but it made me feel vulnerable in a way that shot lust straight to my groin.


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