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The Trouble With Eden

Page 17

by Leslie Pike

  As we drive to San Francisco, Nicki fills me in on the guest list. As far as family goes, it’ll be Jack’s parents, two brothers and their spouses.

  One cousin and his spouse round out Jack’s family list.

  Nicki’s mother, aunt, a sister and her husband are attending. Two cousins and their spouses round out Nicki’s family list.

  As far as the movie cast and crew go, invitations will be sent to Finn, Albie, and Renee. That’s it. And there’s a few of Jack’s actor friends coming. Their names are, Roberts, Parker, Foxx, Stone and Downey. That’s Julia, Sarah Jessica, Jamie, Sharon and Robert. Mark Ruffalo and Idris Elba, Jack’s co-stars from his last film, are coming too. Each are bringing a plus one.

  The rest of the guests will include about twenty five close friends of the bride or groom. That brings the grand total to one hundred and fifty. What started as an intimate gathering, has grown. But for these two, one hundred and fifty is reigning it in.

  I’m absolutely positive one-hundred percent of those invited will attend. Being invited to the wedding of one of the most famous actors on the planet, doesn’t happen every day. And neither does free transportation and lodging.

  A private jet will fly Jack’s family, and the actors and their significant others, in from Los Angeles.

  Nicki’s are as close as San Francisco, so limousines will be at their disposal. Most family members are being housed at the Casa Palmero in Pebble Beach. Jack’s rented all twenty-four private rooms for his guests.

  The friends of both bride and groom are staying at the L’Auberge, and the Quail Lodge.

  The stars that are coming have each been offered a room at the Parker Estate, away from the prying eyes of the Paparazzi. Happily, Steven and I have been offered the same. The bride and groom will be occupying another wing entirely.

  “Have you thought of what you’ll say if someone asks if they’re invited, and they aren’t?” I say.

  “I have no problem with that. I’ll just say we’re keeping it really small. Just family and a few friends. What idiots are going to ask that, anyway?”

  “Oh I guarantee you’ll be asked. I’m thinking of KikiCoco, or the bitch.”

  “I’ll be able to handle KikiCoco, and I only wish Caprice would be stupid enough to ask. I’d tell her to fuck off.”

  We start to laugh, at the thought of Nicki saying that. My cell rings. I see its Renee calling.

  “Hello, Renee.”

  “Hi, Bliss. Is this a good time?”

  “Perfect. I’m with Nicki, and we’re on our way to San Francisco. So I’m all yours.”

  “Good. Because I’ve got some news that you’re going to want to be sitting down for.”

  “I’m intrigued. What is it?”

  “HBO is interested in your script. I should say interested in the story. They want to meet with you this week, to discuss possibly making it into a series.”

  I just sit there, stunned into silence.

  “Bliss? Are you there?”

  I snap out of it. “Yes, I’m here. OH MY GOD!”

  I scare Nicki and the driver both.

  “WHAT?” she says.

  “HBO is interested in my story!”

  We both start to scream in happiness. Then I realize I’m screaming in Renee’s ear. I put her on speaker.

  “Sorry Renee, it’s just so exciting!”

  She’s laughing.

  “I completely understand. Listen, my contact Scott Opperman is going to be calling you. He’ll give you the details of when you’ll be having your first meeting. This is huge Bliss. No bullshit. They don’t do this unless they’re very interested. And listen, before you sign anything I’d get yourself an agent. If HBO’s interested in your work, you won’t have any problem getting one.

  Talk with Jack about it. He’ll guide you. And, congratulations, Bliss.”

  “Thank you, thank you Renee! This is unbelievable. I don’t even know what to say.”

  “I didn’t do anything but pass your work along. I’m sure I’ll be seeing your work on the screen, big or little.”

  “If I have anything to do with it Renee, you’ll be the DP.”

  “You won’t have anything to do with that. But I thank you for the thought.”

  “See, I don’t even know that. I’m going to be out of my element in the meeting I’m sure.”

  “Don’t worry about it. All that matters is that they think you’re a good writer. You’ve already accomplished that, so you have nothing else to prove. They’ll be charmed by you, Bliss. Just enjoy it.”

  “Thank you again, Renee. I’m thrilled.”

  “Ok, dear. We’ll talk some more over the next few days.”

  “Ok, bye.”

  We disconnect and Nicki and I just sit frozen for a beat.

  “I’m going to have a stroke,” I say.

  “Well, don’t expect me to save you, because I’m going to have one too.”

  “Is this happening?”

  “It’s real, Bliss. You’re a screenwriter.”

  In the span of ten seconds, I picture myself accepting the Emmy. My name is called, and I act shocked. I snake through the crowd of actors, grasping the outstretched hands of Meryl Streep and Jimmy Fallon.

  Back to reality, it’s Nicki who reaches out, and squeezes my hand.

  “I’m so proud of you.”

  “Thank you, my friend.”

  “Um, I think you’re in a bit of a stupor. Don’t you want to call Steven?”

  “Oh God, yes.”

  I dial his number and the three second wait seems like an hour.

  “Hi,” he says.

  “You’re never going to believe what just happened.”

  Steven’s crazy happy for me, and he wants to celebrate. I told him discreetly how I want to mark the occasion. After all, Nicki’s sitting next to me. He gladly went along with the suggestion, and I can’t wait to be home with him tonight. He’ll know just what to do to make it special, and memorable. I’ll gladly accept his unique congratulations.

  Nicki interrupts my wandering mind, with a dose of reality.

  “You know, we need to talk about the future. Yours and mine, as far as your business goes. What’s your plan? Are you going to sell now that all this has happened? You had to be considering that.”

  “Of course I have. And with your engagement you had to be thinking of the same thing. Here’s what I think. I don’t really see a need to sell. I’ve built it up, and now it’s almost on autopilot. Why would I sell, when I can delegate? And what if I sell one script and never another?”

  She considers what I’ve said.

  “I’m torn. Because I love my job. But going forward I know I’m going to want to be with Jack. I’m going to want to be on his sets, and I’m going to want to travel. I don’t see how I’d be able to do both.”

  “I can understand that.”

  “My God, I sound like I’m from the 1950’s. My man comes along, and I just give it all up. Everything I’ve worked for. Is that pathetic?”

  “No. And you’re far from a 1950’s housewife. We have a choice now. They didn’t. The whole idea of feminism is that we self-direct. Any choice you make is just as valid as the next. If you wanted to stay at home and have six kids, then that would be valued and respected. So is this. You’re just making the choice to put being with him above your career. There’s absolutely nothing pathetic about that. Let’s face it, these are unusual circumstances. You’re choosing to travel the world, and meet some of the most interesting people in it. Pathetic? You’ve got to be kidding?”

  “Well, if you put it that way.”

  “I understand Nicki. I really do. Let’s just wait till you’re back from the honeymoon, and we’ll figure it out. If you decide to leave the company, you’ll go with my blessings, and gratitude for all you’ve meant to its success. But today’s not the time to talk business.

  Let’s go find your dress.”

  As if on cue, Bruno Mars, Nicki’s favorite singer, and her favorit
e song, comes on the radio. “Uptown Funk” takes us away from business to pleasure.

  It takes us three hours to pick a design, choose the fabric, and get measured for her dress and then mine.

  Her dress is stunning in its simplicity. It’s a pearl white column of satin backed crepe, with a high neckline, and a low back.

  It’s cut almost to the top of her ass. It looks unbelievably good on her. Jack’s going to be enchanted.

  Only a firm body could wear this fabric. The sleeves are narrow, and reach slightly below her wrists onto her hands. Three covered buttons are the only ornamentation.

  From top to bottom the dress caresses her curves beautifully. There’s no hint of skin showing in the front.

  But the way it falls, hints at veiled nudity, without revealing a thing. There’s no possible way she can wear any undergarments.

  It’s only when she turns, that her alabaster skin is revealed. The six foot train follows behind. No veil. She wants nothing to hide the back of the dress. Tastefully sexy.

  There’s no embellishments, no lace no bling. Her exotic beauty is enough. She’s going to wear a Manolo Blahnik high heel studded with Swarovski crystals. That will be the bling. That, and of course her ring, and diamond stud earrings. Her jet black hair is the perfect complement to the pale color of the dress. The yin to the yang.

  I’m going to be wearing an ink blue strapless long gown. It’s soft, and drapes beautifully. The bodice folds in tight pleats over itself, and meets at the banded waist. The skirt falls in gossamer layers to the floor. Shoes will be my next purchase. My jewelry will be kept simple, except for a sapphire bracelet I’ve had for years. It was my gift to myself, when I made my first big money.

  Nicki and I laugh about how different it is for the guys. Jack’s stylist will have different tuxedos sent to the cottage, so he can select the one he wants. Steven will most likely use that service for himself. Jack can’t wear a beautiful tux and Steven be dressed in a rental. And more than that, Steven loves clothes. He’ll be willing to buy something special for the occasion.

  We end our shopping trip with a hot chocolate in Ghirardelli Square. Two friends at the beginning of new chapters.

  By the time we make it back to the cottages it’s dark. She drops me off, with a kiss on the cheek. Sometimes everything in life lines up in perfect order.

  Tonight I feel as if I’m living in the dream I imagined when I was a little girl. This is happy. I’m a permanent resident of cloud nine.


  Sometimes in life, two weeks pass very slowly. Like when you’re waiting to get paid, when you’re about to get your driver’s license, or when you’re twenty-first birthday in Vegas is still fourteen days away. Under the right conditions a couple of weeks can seem like forever. Everything’s relative.

  These two weeks, on the other hand, flew by as if someone pressed the speed button. We’re in the last few weeks of filming, so each day is long. And then there’s the wedding plans. There was a list of things to get done, in a short amount of time. And that’s with a manager and a crew of helpers for every category, food, flowers, cars, you name it. Every day I’m happy I don’t have to organize this.

  Bliss managed to get the Porter Estate. Like she thought, the owners were glad to know Jack Alden wanted to be married there. Promises were made, backed up by a twelve-page contract, stating the property would be in the same condition after the wedding, as before.

  I can’t help but think about all the homes I’ve seen damaged by movie companies who assured owners there’d be no problems. But this isn’t going to be a wild party, and they’ll be no bullet hits to the walls. Here’s hoping.

  Bliss asked Jack if she could keep the key to the indoor pool room, until the wedding day. For a surprise, she and I are having the set decorator dress the room in the same style as Jack’s proposal. So when Nicki and Jack go to use it that night, or the next day, they’ll have a beautiful spot to go skinny dipping in. The pool will look like it’s a natural spring, in the middle of a magical flowering forest.

  For me, the best part of the planning was when Ralph Lauren provided custom tuxedos for both Jack and his best man. He sent a tailor to make sure everything fit as it should. We didn’t have to lift a finger, or spend a dime to be completely outfitted. And these are two fine looking tuxedos. I expected Jack to get a free tux, but it was a good bonus in my world.

  Tomorrow’s the day, and all the guests seem to have arrived. Last day details are being taken care of by everyone involved.

  Jack has lined up the music for both the ceremony, and the reception. But he won’t tell any of us what it is, only that it’s all arranged. Every time one of us asks, he mimes closing a lip zipper. Knowing him, it’s going to be mind-blowing.

  Tonight Bliss and I are going over the toast I’ve got to make. Having a writer as a girlfriend comes in handy. But her best suggestion was to make it from the heart. Sincere and meaningful were the words she used.

  “What do you think?”

  “I love it. It’s beautiful, Steven. I think they’re going to cry.”

  “Well, I’m not sure I want that to happen.”

  She laughs. “I mean in a good way. Happy tears.”

  “What time are we going tomorrow?”

  “The car is picking us up at three.”

  “For a six o’clock ceremony?”

  “We’re all going to dress there, and I’m having my hair and makeup done. And, we need to get our things in the room we’re going to be staying in.”

  “I hope the bed’s comfortable,” I say, with things other than comfort in mind.

  “Everything in that house is luxurious. Don’t you worry, love.”

  It’s sunny this morning. There’s no fog, or drizzle. Just crisp clear skies. Very unusual for November. It’s a good day for a wedding. Our cells have been ringing since seven o’clock. Nicki called Bliss first, then Bliss called Nicki. I called Jack, then he called me three times. It’s comical. I think he’s actually nervous. I didn’t expect that. Jack’s the most laid back person I know, comfortable in his skin, and in any situation.

  Every time Bliss and Nicki talk, I hear the lyrics to “Going To The Chapel.” Then they laugh. It’s a great big beautiful moment in time.

  The car picks us up at three sharp. Bliss and I are relaxed and enjoying the ride. Everything’s been done, and now we can just take it all in. I take her hand.

  “You look beautiful by the way.”

  “I’m not dressed yet! And I haven’t had my makeup done.”

  “I don’t care. I stand by my compliment. You look gorgeous today.” We kiss. As always, her kiss is an inspiration. I could fuck her right here. For me, that’s a totally romantic thought.

  When we pull through the estate gates, we’re greeted by a butler who stands under the opening of a small free standing structure. He has an iced bucket of champagne, and a tray of champagne flutes. The driver stops, and brings down our window. We’re handed two glasses, filled with what can only be the best champagne corked.

  “Compliments of the day, sir, miss.”

  “Thank you.”

  “Lovely,” Bliss says.

  We drive on, toward the front of the house. It looks spectacular. On any day it would. But today especially. The driveway is bordered by blossoming trees of white, in plant stands, made of cast brass. Nude brass figures hold up the deep bowl the trees sit in.

  “Oh look, Steven. Isn’t this beautiful?”


  As we walk up to the massive glass and metal double front doors, they’re opened by two uniformed butlers. We’re met by the most spectacular view. Inlaid ebony and marble highly polished floors, and an open high foyer with a huge glass chandelier, lead to the living room. Soaring floor to ceiling windows, have a 180-degree ocean vista.

  The glass has been telescoped back into the rare wood walls, so it looks like you can walk right out onto the sea.

  Somehow, the rooms seem the right temper
ature, although opened to the November day. How did they do that?

  And as we walk further into the room, we see there’s an infinity pool just outside the windows. They’ve used deep sapphire-blue as the color of the pool walls and bottom. It makes it hard to see where the pool ends and the sea begins. The edge seems to waterfall into the surf. Wow.

  There’s a theatrical quality to the rooms. I feel like I’m in a movie from the 1930’s. The large-sized furniture is lush leather, and solid rich-colored tufted velvet. The tables are highly polished. The lines are clean, and geometrical. And the artwork seems to have been created just for this house. I’m sure it wasn’t, but it suits the rooms so well, you’d swear each piece was commissioned.

  Nicki and Jack have kept things relatively simple and classic. The home itself and all its decor is so unique and exceptional they didn’t want to “gild the lily,” as Nicki said. So the only additions are flowers, artistically arranged. At least for all these rooms. I haven’t seen the ceremony room, or the reception area.

  “There they are!” We hear Jack’s voice.

  He enters the room, looking exactly like he always does. His hair is sticking up, and he’s wearing shorts and a T. He needs a shave.

  “Hey, aren’t you getting married today?” I say.

  “Yeah, but I still have three hours till I have to wear the monkey suit.”

  Bliss kisses him on the cheek.

  “I’m so excited. Where’s Nicki?”

  “Upstairs getting her makeup done. Her mom and sister are with her. She said to send you up. I’ll have them bring your things to your room. And someone will take you to Nicki. This place is a maze. We got lost in the hallways this morning,” Jack says

  “While you girls do your thing, Jack and I are going to have a drink before we get our tuxedos on.”

  “I’ll see you at five forty-five, Steven,” Bliss says.

  “Ok. We’re meeting in the room off the great room, right?”

  “Yes. Make sure he remembers the ring, Jack!”

  She’s off, before we respond.

  Two hours and two drinks later, we’re dressed, and I’m with Jack in the backyard. He looks good in his new tux. It fits him perfectly. His hair is as groomed as it’s ever going to be. I think he’d actually look strange with it too styled. This is Jack. It’s worked great for him all these years. Why change?


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