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Play-Mate_A Taboo Stepbrother Romance

Page 5

by Jenny Rose

  “Thank you, so much.” Squeezing him with all my might, he returned my embrace and lifted me off the floor, slightly swinging me a bit. “I don’t know how to ever thank you.” He sat me down and I was reluctant to release my hold on him, finding that he was much harder than he looked. It seemed almost as if I was hugging a tree or a large statue and I didn’t want to let him go but I slowly released my grip as my toes hit the floor.

  “I may have something that you can do for me.” He looked at me with a grin and raised his left eyebrow.

  “Oh no. Don’t do the eyebrow thing. When you do that it means you know I’m not going to like what you’re going to say and you just want to butter me up with your charm.” He gave a feigned look of shock and disappointment and said,

  “I’m glad you think I’m charming but I need you to go to this business dinner thing with me in a few hours. Fancy schmancy but with an island vibe. I hear they like sandals and sundresses like back home so you’ll fit right in, I’m sure. Do you think you can turn into a proper lady in such short notice?” I slapped him on the arm and with an exaggerated gasp I said,

  “I’ll show you proper, buster. I just so happen to have the perfect thing.” He turned to walk from the room and looked over his shoulder to me, saying,

  “Be ready at seven.”

  I grabbed the long garment bag from the Bay Breeze Boutique and removed it from the hanger to reveal a green, knee-length dress with a plunging neckline that would be perfect with the strappy flats that I’d gotten to go with it. Checking my watch, I decided to shower and wash my hair so that I could put it up easier with less risk of fly-away and strays. It was such a mess right now that any attempt to do anything with it would surely result in extra steps and maintenance just to make it stay down so washing was the simplest solution.

  Checking my reflection for a final approval before leaving my room, I decided that the green, gladiator style shoes were the absolute best choice that I could have made and my auburn locks, though pulled up from my neck, were secured to the back of my head and I curled a few strands so that I had tendrils falling down the back. I opened the door to find Lance leaning over the bar, looking at the television from across the room with a smile on his face.

  “Porn? Really, Lance? What are you, twelve?” He turned his head to look at me and his smile of sexual entertainment turned to a sincere look of awe.

  “Damn, Rayne. You look beautiful.” He must have meant it because he never called me Rayne unless it was important and he wanted to make sure I was paying attention. I twirled around in my dress the same way I did as a child so that I could watch the skirt spin and replied,

  “I know!” With a smile he called me a brat then offered me his elbow so that he could escort me out the door.

  “You ready to go?” I nodded and took his arm with a goofy smile and gripped my new clutch as we walked to the car that was waiting outside. I knew we were getting a car but I never expected a stretch limo to pick us up from the White Sands Resort.

  We rode to a nice restaurant nestled into a cove near the beach and were ushered to the table farthest from the entrance but closest to the beach. I loved how everything seemed to be open and airy, so free and invigorating while managing to keep a classy vibe. There was a live band playing calypso music and we met two of Lance’s business associates and their dates at the large, round table. I met everyone and smiled as I was supposed to but couldn’t help but notice how Frank and Jena looked more like father and daughter and William’s date, Gretchen resembled a chicken. This made me giggle on the inside every time I looked at her pointy, beak-like nose and tiny eyes but somehow I managed to contain my laughter and not burst into a giggle fit right there at the table.

  Frank was the owner and CEO of Marktime Technologies, the company that was buying Lance’s software and come to find out, this was to be a celebration dinner in honor of the finalization of the deal. He hadn’t mentioned a thing on the way over and I was caught completely off guard by the news and my face couldn’t rid itself of the wide smile for the rest of the night. I was so proud of him and his accomplishments and couldn’t help but show it all over my face. The conversation was light and fun thanks to the many bottles of wine that seemed to pour freely throughout dinner and the news of the success of the deal going through was feeding the group with a natural kind of high that only happiness can bring.

  I found that Gretchen’s resemblance to everyone’s favorite fowl seemed to fade the more I was around her but I could still see it somewhat and almost felt guilty for thinking such thoughts about such a nice woman. The night came to a close but instead of going to a car and heading back to the resort, Lance suggested a walk to clear our heads and walk off some of the delicious seafood that we’ just ingested and I couldn’t agree more with such a splendid idea. Slipping off my sandals, I held them by the straps as we walked through the sand with our feet being splashed by the rising tide and Lance slid his arm around my shoulders with a proud grin.

  “You know, Ray. I don’t think I’ve ever been more pleased with myself in my whole life. I’m pretty happy right about now, girl.” He squeezed me to him and I slid my arm around his waist, lying my head into his chest as I imagined for a moment that I wasn’t his stepsister. I closed my eyes and inhaled the fragrant aroma of his cologne as the wind kissed my cheek. He released his tight grip and looked down to me and I tilted my face to look at him under the romantic, Aruba moonlight. Smiling, he gave me a final squeeze and released his hold on me, stepping forward along the beach, leaving me wanting more than I could have and knowing that it could never be, so I walked alongside my stepbrother in one of the most romantic locations on the planet and talked of how his life would never be the same after this night. As luck would have it, the short walk east drove us directly to the rear of the White Sands Resort and we walked up the flower lined pathway towards the small gazebo between the beach and the hotel.

  Not wanting to call it a night just yet, I walked to the gazebo and sat down, placed my shoes beside me and stared into the night sky for a minute. When I looked up, Lance was looking at me with a smile on his face but I told myself it was because of the finalization of the deal but if I’d only known what was really on his mind, I may have done things a bit differently that night.

  Chapter Nine

  Lance and I sat for a while and then retreated to our room, where he then changed clothes and went out for a night on the town with some of the younger associates from his meeting earlier in the day, leaving me with nothing but the night to entertain myself. It was a bit of a surprise that he would still feel like going out but it was actually still pretty early and I decided to throw on some shorts on top of a bikini and see what I could find to get into with my newfound time. The beach directly behind the resort was rather quiet but I could see what looked to be a party off to my left but decided to just sit under the gazebo where Lance and I had rested after our walk. Staring out at the night sky and trying to determine where it ended and the sea began was the perfect way to take my mind off of the thoughts that had started to gather in the front of my mind the last time I sat on this bench. I was beginning to develop a small infatuation with Lance and it bothered me somewhat because he was my stepbrother and any kind of improper relationship between us would surely devastate our parents, especially Hannah. She loved him as she would her own son and I’m almost positive that she would see it as tawdry or taboo. I had to tell myself that he was off limits and was pretty good about keeping my hands to myself until he does things like put his arm around me or hug me longer than usual. Besides, he saw me as “Ray; former tomboy, current semi-feminist, stepsister” when all I wanted him to see was, “Rayne; beautiful woman and object of desire” but there was no way that was going to happen, especially now that he’s discovered the undying power of money and seduction and knew that I was impervious to both evils.

  If he only knew that I was not impervious to that smile, he wouldn’t flash it to me so much but every time he raised t
he corners of his mouth and stared at me with those blue eyes, seemingly looking into my soul and finding the desire I held for him and using it to his full advantage but since he didn’t know of my recent wish to bone his brains out, there’s no way he could be looking at me like that. Bringing me to Aruba with him was just an act of kindness and apparently it was also an act of desperation since he wanted me to be his date at the celebratory dinner. The fact that he then came back and left me at home shows me that he was still the same old Lance at heart because that is definitely one of his signature moves. Many times in high school, he’d ditch me but it wasn’t for hanging with the guys but more like he’d skip out on plans we’d make so he could hang out in his room and write lines of code and algorithms or whatever the nerdy types do in their spare time. Deciding that maybe the night wasn’t exactly what I wanted, I went back inside and went to my room to watch television. It was some time in the middle of the night when I heard Lance and female giggles coming from the living area of the suite. Grunting in frustration of being woken up during my peaceful, oceanic snooze, I walked to the door and opened it to reveal two scantily clad women and Lance dancing to the music of the loudly blaring television. I cleared my throat and they didn’t seem to notice me and since I hadn’t shed one dime of the funds for the trip, I didn’t feel it was my place to cause a scene so I simply walked to the mini-fridge and grabbed a bottle of water.

  “Ray! Join us!” Lance was quite inebriated and from the looks of the women, I would say that he’d also shared his latest news with them because if two women ever wanted in a man’s pockets, it was these two. Everything about them was fake and I wondered to myself which of them paid the most for their boobs, tans, hair, nails and lip injections. I had to estimate that each woman had at least ten thousand dollars of work done and I was completely disgusted by his choice in company. If this was the type of woman that drew his attention, then it was probably best for us that we kept things exactly the way they were all along without changing anything.

  “No, thanks. I’m just going to head back to bed and try and get some sleep.” I tossed the water bottle into the door of the miniature refrigerator and slammed it shut as I looked at Lance with a forced smile. “Good night.” I returned to my room and closed the door with a hint of frustration but reminded myself that he was not my boyfriend and I wasn’t footing the bill for this trip; I was merely a tag-along and I needed to just go to bed and try to sleep. The women’s laughter was very boisterous and even though I turned on the wall mounted television, I could still hear them over the sounds of late night game shows. I hated the fact that I enjoyed the sounds of his lovemaking and often allowed my thoughts to wander to places where he and I shouldn’t go together but since we both returned home for the summer, I couldn’t help but look at him differently. With the assistance of the colorful and exuberant game show, I managed to drift back off to sleep only to be awakened around three in the morning to the sounds of Lance’s company leaving. As I heard him bid them farewell, I reached for the remote control and pointed it at the television, turning it off and enjoyed the early morning silence. It was then that I heard him switch off the music in the living room and turn the knob to my room and whisper my name. When I rolled over to see what he wanted, he was already crossing the room to my bed, wrapped me in his arms and covered my mouth with his, kissing me with more lust and passion than I’d ever felt in my entire life.

  I wrapped my arms around his strong shoulders and moaned into our kiss, completely caught up in a whirl of emotions and confusion as I felt the intense ache between my thighs and my mind telling myself to stop. This was wrong, not only because he tasted of alcohol and smelled of other women’s perfume but because he was my stepbrother, Lance; the golden boy of my family.

  “Lance, wait. We can’t.” I said as I gasped for air while slightly pushing him away when all I wanted to do was wrap my legs around him and fuck him like he was the only man on earth. My body craved his touch but the moral compass within myself was slightly off kilter as I tried to make sense of the situation.

  “I can tell you want me too, Rayne. Don’t lie to me and say it’s one sided.” He pressed his lips against mine and I fell back into the pillow as his body covered mine.

  “No, it’s not one sided.” I pulled his head back down so that I could devour his mouth in another passionate kiss as we moaned and writhed with extreme desire and I tried to pull the covers back so that he could join me between the sheets. He raised up and took off his shirt, revealing his perfect body to me in the glow of the moonlight that shone in from the open windows and as he shucked out of his pants, I also removed my own clothing and tossed it into the floor before he once again fell into my arms. His warm skin against mine seemed to set me ablaze with desire and I moaned as my fingertips traced his back and along his sides. He gripped the flesh of my hips as he nibbled at my neck, sending shivers up and down my spine in a rush of ecstasy. I sighed as my head rolled back on the pillow in response to his warm mouth on my skin. Lance raised up to look at me and said,

  “I’ve wanted you for so long.” He kissed me and I moaned, melting into his arms as I mumbled the reply of,

  “I want you so badly” through our jumbled kissing. Grabbing my hair, he pulled my head back to fully expose my throat to him so that he could gently rake his fingertips from my chin to my breasts, followed by his tongue, which followed the same path laid by the fingers. I gasped as he nibbled my left nipple while pinching the right simultaneously as he released his hold on my hair so that he could wrap his arm around me. Kissing from one nipple and back to the other again, his hand roamed farther down my stomach to find my aching femininity dripping with anticipation and eager for his touch. Lance raised himself to look into my eyes as his fingers slowly began to explore my nether regions and as his fingers hovered over my mound, he said,

  “There’s no going back from here. What do you say, sis?” I raised my mouth to his and thrust my pelvis forward, shoving my hot pussy right into his hand, causing the middle finger to slide right into me. He kissed me with such ferocity and fever that I fought the urge to come simply from his touch. He once again looked into my eyes and said,

  “I’ve wanted to know how you taste for years,” then he pulled his finger from me and ran it over my throbbing clit and I couldn’t help but arch my back in response to my hot juices being manipulated to give me such pleasure. His tongue and finger then found themselves taking turns rubbing, stroking, flicking and licking my clit as he expertly played my pussy like a violin. Within seconds, he’d brought forth a powerful orgasm and I knew then what all the yelling and screaming was about all those sleepless nights.

  As I was still throbbing from the oral treat I’d just received, he got on his knees and placed himself between my legs and stared down at me with a smile on his face. Lance bit his bottom lip and ran his hands down my sides to my hips, where his they rested for a moment.

  “Once you fuck your brother, there’s no going back. I can always go back to my room if you want.” I reached up and slapped him on the arm.

  “You aren’t my fucking brother, asshole.” He raised my left knee and rolled me so that my buttocks was exposed, then he slapped it.

  “That hurts my feelings.” He lowered his mouth back to my still-quivering mound, gave me a long, tantalizing lick from the moist opening up to the clit, where he sucked a tad too hard. “I’ve always considered you a sister.” He slid a finger into me as he licked my throbbing pearl in short, rapid strokes, teasing me to the brink of insanity before once again pulling himself to his knees to face me. I looked into his crystal blue eyes and replied,

  “That’s just weird.” He gave me an evil grin and said,

  “Oh, you didn’t say you wanted weird. I can definitely deliver that.”

  Chapter Ten

  I was glad that he wasn’t lying next to me when I woke up because I wasn’t really sure how I was supposed to act around him since our wild night. It was nearly noon before I was rou
sed from my slumber by the increasing heat coming in from the open double doors to the balcony and even though I was naked and covered only in a sheet, I still became quite warm due to the island heat. I showered and dressed, fixed my hair and even applied new polish to my finger and toe nails before I finally decided to be brave and open the door to the main area of the suite to find that there was no sign of Lance. He’d mentioned that he had a few things to take care of during the week so I assumed that he was off doing some of them so I found a few things of my own to do with my newfound time. Just as I was getting ready to leave, I heard his voice in the hallway and looked up to see him walking through the door followed by his father, my stepfather, Jason. My heart stopped dead in my chest because I just knew that he had some sort of paternal monitoring device that would somehow alert him every time I had sex and with whom and other various details but, no. He simply said,

  “Fancy meeting you here. When Lance told me that he was flying down he didn’t mention that he was bringing my little girl.” He held his arms out to me and I leaned in for a hug, looking over his shoulder to Lance, who was trying not to crack up while I looked completely mortified in the arms of my stepfather. Pulling my wide mouthed, “Oh, my god” stare into a tight and bright smile, I wiped the shoulder of his loosely hanging t shirt and said,

  “You look so casual. Check you out.” Jason was usually always in a suit or at least a shirt and tie and it was a welcome change from his signature look.

  “Yeah, princess. I felt like spicing things up a bit, you know? Um…” He began and I could tell that he wanted to say something so I just looked at him with an expectant look on my face, as if I was patiently awaiting every word that came out of his mouth. He fished into his pocket and pulled out a large wad of cash and began to go count some out but then simply took his money clip and handed me the entire stack. “I need to talk to your brother for a while, sweetie. I really didn’t know you were here and I don’t mean to intrude but there are a few things that we need to discuss.”


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