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Play-Mate_A Taboo Stepbrother Romance

Page 7

by Jenny Rose

  He began walking and had I even bothered to open my eyes instead of keeping them closed while kissing him while he groped my petite frame while effortlessly carrying me along the shoreline, I would have noticed that he was headed back to the resort and once we were close enough to the entrance for beach access, he put me down and we took the elevator to the penthouse where my stepbrother and I did things to each other that would make our parents cry and we didn’t stop for hours.

  Chapter Thirteen

  “If you had access to a private plane, why did we fly in on a commercial jet?” I asked as I stretched out in the plush chair on the luxurious aircraft as we prepared to head back to the states. Lance and I were the only people on the plane other than the pilots and three flight attendants. “This is so much better.”

  “I don’t know how else I can make it clear to you that this trip was mostly about you and spoiling the shit out of you. I knew that you’d never flown first class, so I figured I’d give you that experience before I let you see what it’s like to fly like royalty.” He flashed me that gorgeous smile and I once again found myself lost in his face, trying to memorize every line. I couldn’t help but think that he was full of shit because if he’d been so worried about me or seducing me or whatever this little trip was about, he wouldn’t have been so eager to bring home random women almost every night since we got home for the summer. If he was so worried about getting me into the sack, it would have been me in his bed instead of Lassie, the Great Howler and the Houston stripper.

  “You are so full of it but I’m not going to argue with you. I do believe I’m in heaven at the moment.” I heard him laugh and he said,

  “You aren’t yet but wait until we get a mile high, I’ll show you heaven, baby sister.” I looked at him and said,

  “Okay, first of all, if you are going to continue to put your thing in me, you can’t call me baby sister anymore. Secondly, why wait until we are a mile high? Why not get started now and see if we can’t just go until we land?” He fastened his seatbelt and looked to me,

  “Safety first, Ray. The captain has turned on the “no fucking yet” sign and says that if you’re a good girl, he’ll let us do it in the cockpit.” I felt the vessel begin to taxi down the runway and within a few minutes time, we were airborne and Lance and I had found ourselves in one another’s arms as soon as the jet leveled off and it was safe to get out of our seats. We didn’t even bother going to the bathroom like they do in the movies, only told the staff to give us some privacy and as I looked out into the clouds, I rode my stepbrother in a large, plush leather seat with the sounds of the engines drowned out by the beating of my own raging heart.

  He brought me to new heights in more than one day and even though I knew that I wasn’t supposed to be doing these things with this one particular man, I couldn’t help but let that little fact help feed the fire of lust because the basic fun of doing anything is the thrill of possibly being caught. I didn’t actually want to be caught sleeping with my stepbrother but I knew that Hannah and Jason weren’t going to find out unless one of us told them so I was fairly sure that Thanksgivings would still continue without any undue stress or discomfort. As I moaned his name while biting his shoulder, he and I climaxed together and the world below was none the wiser of the taboo acts that had occurred right above their heads and even though we would have to keep our affair a secret once we reached the ground, for the moment I enjoyed the feeling of having him all to myself.

  The plane landed and Lance had arranged for his car to be brought around so that it would be there when we arrived so we could step right from the plane into the Jaguar. We left the airport and headed north but not back towards the beach house. I sat silently as I wasn’t going to question him since every time I did, I ended up regretting it in the long run but I was sort of in a hurry to get home and get into my own bed because not only had I spent too much time on a plane, I was also exhausted from the physical activity that I’d participated in during the last few hours. He looked over his shoulder and used the turn indicator before switching into the far right lane and taking the nearest exit, which took us to a car dealer that only had the nicest of vehicles in its inventory.

  Approaching the front door, we were met before he could even kill the engine by a man in a blue suit who obviously worked on commission and had excelled in the art of ass-kissery. He told me to stay put and he would be right back as he got out of the car and let the door slam behind himself. I watched as he spoke with the salesman and looked over his shoulder with a smile as he saw a glossy black Aston Martin being driven to the front door. He held up his finger to me to let me know that he was going inside for a minute and I played with the station on the radio. Within moments, he reappeared from the interior of the dealership and walked to the car.

  “Scoot over and follow me” was all he said before he shut the door and walked to the new vehicle that he’d just purchased.

  “Did you just buy that?” I asked as I got out of the car and headed to the driver’s seat.

  “Of course I did, now get in your Jag and follow me, if you can.” He just said “my” Jag. He called it mine. My heart raced as I got behind the wheel and reached for the seat adjustment lever and pulled the seat almost to the most forward position to allow my short legs to reach the pedals and I revved the engine before slipping the clutch in and following my stepbrother through Houston traffic and back to the interstate that led home. I wanted to catch and pass him but there was no way that the Jag could hang with the Martin. Every time I went to make my move, he would jump out ahead of me and leave me in his dust which was impressive since I was travelling in speeds in excess of a hundred miles per hour. The traffic was light and the police in this area weren’t too bad so I felt fairly confident that we could make it home without dying or going to jail. The jaguar drove like a dream and I couldn’t remember ever having a better time behind the wheel of a car and surely he must have meant mine as in mine to drive home, not mine to keep. Surely he didn’t mean he was giving me the Jaguar. Did he mean he was giving me the Jaguar? I guess I’d find out soon enough because we were entering Galveston and within minutes, we would be pulling into the driveway of the summer home nestled in the cove. I pressed the button to lower the window so that I could smell the air rolling in off the gulf and smiled as I recognized the aroma of home. Lance turned right and I followed, slowing down as he applied the brake in the curve before the driveway to the summer house and I parked behind the rusty Nissan.

  “That’s an amazing car, man! No wonder you love it so much.” I said as I tossed him the keys. He looked at me and tossed them back to me without missing a beat and said,

  “I loved it. You go and love it now.” Still unable to fully comprehend or maybe I just needed to hear him say it so I could validate it in my mind, I asked,

  “Lance, are you giving me the fucking Jaguar?” He stopped halfway up the stairs and turned to me, tilted his head and said,

  “Nothing gets past you, buddy.” He took his fist and softly tapped me on the shoulder with a meek smile and I would normally slap him on the arm but I was holding the keys to a beautiful, luxury car that he had just given me so I would let him get away with this one dig at me and his little hint that I was somehow mentally deficient. Lance unlocked the door and walked in and I followed, shutting it behind me and as soon as it was closed, he took me into his arms and kissed me passionately as he moaned lightly while holding me close to his body. Setting my feet on the floor, he looked into my eyes and brushed a strand of hair from my face as I still clutched the keys to the Jag, trying to make myself believe that what he said was true. I shouldn’t be so surprised because he was genuinely a good man at heart and always did what he could to help those he cared about and we both knew that the rusty Nissan was on its last leg.

  “I ordered the Martin last week and already knew that the Jag would be yours so that’s why I kind of pushed it on the way to the airport. Kind of a last goodbye, you know? The title is in th
e console and all you have to do is sign it then bam. New Jag. No strings attached even though if you want to screw me again, I won’t object.” I wrapped my arms around his neck and he hoisted me up to his waist and as he walked toward the bedroom, I happened to open my eyes and notice luggage sitting on the floor beside the couch.

  “Put me down” I harshly whispered as I started slapping his shoulders. “Put me down, shit. Someone’s here, put me down.” As my feet hit the floor, I took several steps away from him and scanned the place for signs of life once I realized that I was looking at my mother’s suitcases.

  “Hannah?” Lance called out to her but was met with no answer so I checked out the back window and spotted her frolicking in the water just a few feet from shore.

  “Found her.” I nodded towards the beach and he stood behind me to assure that we’d not been spotted and his hand found its way to my ass. I swiped it away and stepped to the side. “Stop it. We can’t do anything like that; not now.” I walked out the back door and waved my arm above my head as I called to my mother. She spotted me and waved back as she began to walk toward me.

  “Raynie! Look at you, my darling girl.” Her arms were stretched out wide to the sides and I met her at the water’s edge in a dripping wet embrace. “I heard that you and your brother went to Aruba. How was it?” She placed her arm around my shoulders and we walked toward the house where she had a towel hung at the bottom of the railing. Grabbing it, she dabbed her hair with it and quickly ran it across her shoulders and back before tossing it back onto the rail. We sat on the deck in two of the loungers and I told her what I could of our trip without going into too much detail and she asked how his little meeting went.

  “I’m not sure about any of his business, mom. I spent most of my time shopping.” I wasn’t sure just how much he had let them know about his financial status and it wasn’t my place to talk about his personal affairs, anyway. Just then, he opened the door and Hannah got up and hugged him the same way she’d just hugged me. She hugged him like her child that she’d missed and loved, like her own child. She hugged him just like he was my brother because in her eyes that’s exactly who he was and it would break her heart in two if she found out that her daughter would love nothing more than to take her son inside and screw his brains out all over her bed with the new Egyptian cotton sheets.

  “My boy, look how the west coast has treated you! How handsome you are!” Her hands went to his face and she smiled with pride as if he’d come from her very womb and I felt a pang of guilt for riding him like a wild stallion only a few short hours ago. “I think you’ve gained fifty pounds of muscle since I saw you last.” She admired his physique but not in the same manner in which I’d admired it; not by a long shot.

  “Sixty, actually.” He smiled and tried not to look boastful while giving the most prideful stance I’d ever seen, with his hands on his hips and his face tilted toward the sun as if it were there just to provide him the perfect lighting for this moment. “All muscle.”

  Chapter Fourteen

  Lance treated mother and I to dinner that night and he informed her of his recent business move and told her that she was dining that night with a billionaire, to which she just smiled proudly and placed her hand on top of his as she told him that she always knew that he’d succeed and how proud she was that he’d followed his dreams to the top. Her attention turned to the opposite side of the table as she asked me,

  “So, are you still learning how to cook?” She had always wanted me to do more with my life than become a chef but with the immense amount of training I had at this point, I could pick any type of cuisine and prepare it at a moments’ notice and that included pastries and desserts. I could make a four course meal with nothing but flour and water that would make the pickiest of palates ask for seconds but she still saw me as a glorified housewife. The fact that Jason provided a very good life for her with his cooking was a different story in itself, in her opinion. She once told me that women fought so hard to get out of the kitchen and she couldn’t figure out why I was fighting my way back into one. I could never make her understand how much I loved cooking or how I could spend hours in the kitchen trying to come up with new recipes or ideas just how she could spend hours dabbling on a canvas and somehow turn it into something beautiful. She just saw cooking as a chore and thought I might as well be mopping or sweeping floors for a living.

  “Yes, mom. I’m still learning to cook and if they’d had me in the kitchen tonight, your medium rare would be just that instead of medium.” I took a sip of my wine and she just turned her attention back to Lance and I couldn’t be more pleased because as she was looking at him, so was I and when he’d glance at me, we would lock eyes and he’d nudge my foot under the table or bite his lip in such a subtle way that only I could see it and he was making me ache for his touch and I didn’t seem to mind that my mother was inches to my right. The heat between the two of us was palpable and I had to excuse myself to the restroom to use the cool water to help remove some of the blush from my cheeks because it was far too much to blame on one glass of wine. I looked like a ravenous bitch in heat and deep inside, that’s exactly how I felt. I not only wanted to be in Lance’s arms again but needed to be in his bed as if I had an itch so deep that only he could reach to scratch it. Never before had I had the urge to screw someone as much as I wanted Lance and it seemed as if the more of him I got, the more I had to have and I was becoming insatiable. A small part of me knew that the only reason I wanted him so badly is because I wasn’t supposed to have him and basic human nature states that I would desire Lance above all others because he’s the one person I couldn’t have. Human nature, lust, desire or pure horniness aside, I’d never wanted my mother to be somewhere else so much in my life. I had to laugh when I thought to myself that my mother was cock blocking me from my brother and realized that we were a daytime television show waiting to happen. Smoothing my hair and dabbing a bit of cold water on my cheeks with my fingertips, I toweled the moisture from my face with a disposable towel from the dispenser and let the cold water run over my hands for a moment. The flush on my cheeks refused to leave its post so I turned off the water and returned to my seat to find that Hannah had decided to forego dessert and that Lance had gone to pay the check, which was more than fine by me. I grabbed my purse and as Hannah finished the last few sips of her wine, I stood closely by and waited patiently for her to gather her things before we walked to the car waiting outside. Lance was still waiting for the valet so we all stood together, dressed in our finest garb, under the awning of one of Houston’s finest restaurants and all I wanted to do was grab my stepbrother and throw him against the wall so I could sate my own desires. He must have felt the vibe I was sending directly to him because he stepped behind Hannah so that she couldn’t see his hand reach behind my back and cup my ass before quickly removing his hand as if he’d done nothing.

  “I was thinking, Hannah. Why don’t you just take the car home and Rayne and I can hit this new club I heard about from some friends?” I felt as if I would explode with anticipation and tried my best to stifle the growing smile on my face as my mother looked to him and said,

  “Lance, you’ve barely had it twelve hours. Are you sure you want me driving it before you’ve even worn the new off of it yet?” Don’t do this, mother. Take the keys and go home so I can do things with your stepson that would make most people turn their eyes and gasp. Get in the car and drive away, mother.

  “It’s just a car. Besides, I figured that since you would have the house all to yourself, you might want to do some of that midnight skinny dipping that you love so much.” My mother did have a passion for being natural in nature and would often swim naked by the light of the moon whenever she could get away with it.

  “You’ve twisted my arm.” The car drove up and as the valet walked from the driver’s seat, my mother went to replace him as operator of the vehicle and called over her shoulder, “You kids have fun” and I just waved and said,

“We will.”

  Lance had already arranged for a car to pick us up and it arrived shortly after Hannah had left us standing alone on the curb, waving with one hand while the other was playing grab ass behind our backs. As soon as she rounded the corner and drove out of sight, he turned to me and took my chin in his hands, tilted my face to his, looked into my eyes and said,


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