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Twisted Hearts

Page 13

by Keta Kendric

  A tasty meal and all the good sex you could stand—what more does a man need?

  When I pushed the kitchen door open, Megan was standing over a pot, stirring something I knew would be delicious. Her purple ear buds blasted tunes into her ears. Her bare feet glided across my kitchen floor, and all she wore was one of my white wife beaters. When she bent over the sink to place something inside, the shirt crept up and flashed a set of purple panties draped over the nicest, firmest ass I’d ever caressed.

  My mind was at ease again, seeing her return to her old self after she’d mentally shut down on me. I’d never seen anyone like that in my life.

  After I crept up behind her, my eager lips floated over her warm neck and my hand slid around her slim waist. She leaned her head back against my chest, keeping the ear buds in. I could hear the vocal crooning of Sia buzzing in her ears.

  My hand slinked down the T-shirt to fondle her curves. After lifting the tail end of the shirt, my hand slinked down into her cute little purple panties.

  She never stopped me when I took what I wanted, so I was free to let my hand slide lower until my fingers parted her lips. “Fuck!” fell from my mouth at the realization that she was already wet. I let my middle finger circle her clit a few times before dipping my finger into her wet opening. A cute whining whimper left her mouth before her body folded over my arm. I worked my finger in and out of her, making her slicker and slippery wet with every stroke.

  With my big hand planted in the center of her back, I readjusted our positions and bent her over the sink. I couldn’t wait until after dinner. I had to have some now. As far as I could recall, I’d ripped at least three pairs of her underwear. Since I liked the silky ones she wore now, I slipped them to the side after I freed my dick, which had been hard during my drive home while I was thinking about her.

  With the music continuing to blare in her ears, I used my feet, shoving them against the inside of hers to spread her legs wider. Her body fell further over the sink as my hand slipped back into the front of her panties. When my dick was lined up just right with her warm, sopping wet entry, I plunged into her with one long, hard stroke that didn’t stop until I couldn’t push any further.

  My finger circled her clit from the front while I started thrusting slowly from the back. My grunts competed with the blare of the ear buds in her ear as my harsh breaths swept through the air and picked up some of her fluffy curls.

  Each deep breath I took swept up my nose and mouth, raced down my chest, and filled my lungs with the floral fragrance emanating from her hair and soft skin. My anxious fingers gripped her shoulder and tilted her back to ensure she was arched just right.

  I drove my dick in harder while grinding the thrust once it was in all the way. My God, this woman had a treasure trove of pleasure hidden between her thighs. She had me so addicted to her sex that I’d become a fucking sex fiend, peeking around every corner looking for my next hit.

  My father had been right about one thing; I was whipped, but not in the way he assumed. It was not just her pussy that had taken me prisoner, it was her—the whole package. Both my heads were gone, and I feared I’d reached the point of no return.

  Eventually, I was going to have to let Megan get back to her life, but right now, I couldn’t. I couldn’t get enough. She wasn’t stingy with the sex either. If I fucked her five, six, seven times in a day, she’d still be ready. Her sexual appetite was as ferocious as mine.

  The ear buds continued to blast as long moans escaped her lips and mixed with the lively sound of the music.

  After only minutes, I was already starting to get that tingle all over my body. If I didn’t control myself, I was going to lose it, and I didn’t want this to end. I wanted it to last, so I slowed my pace, giving her those long dick strokes. Pulling all the way out so that the head was at her opening, and then sinking into her, my loud groans mixed with her moans.

  I was fading into a haze, losing it again when I heard her small hand slap against the counter before she yelled my name followed by a slew of elongated curse words and hisses. “Aaron!” She was close. Her body trembled against mine, fighting what was inevitable. When she started pushing her ass back against my dick, I knew she was on the brink of losing herself to the breathtaking rush of her orgasm.

  It never failed, if she came, the tightening of her silky walls around my dick was guaranteed to drive me over the edge too. God, she was so fucking wet and tight. Her shit was always snug no matter how hard or how often I fucked her.

  “Cum, Megan, please. I don’t know how much longer I can take it. Your pussy… Fuck! It’s so fucking good.”

  Then, like the good little vixen she was and without hearing me over the music, she came. She came hard, all over my dick. Her pussy massaged my dick into oblivion and drove me stark raving mad in the process. The sensation bowed my back as if I’d been struck by an unseen force of nature. Finally, I let go with a loud throat-scratching roar and fell against her back, still pumping into her.

  After some of that better-than-drugs kind of sex, it was dinner and a movie. I was not much for watching anything but sports, but if Megan wanted to watch a movie, I’d sit and pretend to watch it along with her.

  What I was doing was resting and storing up my energy for the next round. I’d seen enough of the beginning of the movie to remember who was starring in it, a little of the middle revealed who had gotten killed. Before the credits rolled, I’d watched the sappy ending.

  Taking hold of one of Megan’s feet, I started massaging it. “That was good,” I stated, referring to the movie and not doing a good job of sounding convincing. She smiled at my unenthusiastic comment but didn’t say anything.

  Her mind had drifted, and her eyes told the story she hadn’t yet revealed to me fully. There were times when her eyes would go empty like her body was with me but her mind had crept into the darkness and lingered there. I knew that darkness well enough to know that if you let it take you enough, there wouldn’t be much of you left.

  Although Megan appeared to be mentally drained after telling me the horror she’d lived through in her younger years, there was still something missing. Of all the information that I’d gathered from Megan’s past when I was tracking her, after talking to the cigarette-smoking tit flasher, her friends from her old neighborhood that she thought I’d killed, and after Megan told me her story herself, I sensed something was still off with her.

  “I’m going to go take a shower,” she announced before springing from the couch. It almost seemed she’d sensed what I was thinking.

  I’d fallen into deep thought, but it didn’t stop me from watching her ass while she walked away. This woman was going to be the death of me if I didn’t watch myself.

  Every time she uttered a word about leaving me, I’d make up any excuse to convince her to stay. “One more day. Your mind needs to rest,” I’d plead, and she’d give in, but I could tell that something was bothering her. She was still running from something, but what?

  What could have possibly been worse than a serial rapist and serial-killing foster father who’d not only raped her but had influenced her, an underage girl, to participate in his vicious slayings and had somehow convinced her that it was her fault? I needed to find out what other secrets Megan was running from. If there was more to the story of what had happened to her in Texas, it couldn’t have been good.

  I floated someplace between this world and the next. I could hear myself moan, but my senses hadn’t fully committed to being awake yet. My eyes snapped open, and the view of my bedroom ceiling filled my vision.

  When I dropped my gaze lower, the view of Megan’s hot wet mouth sliding over the swollen head of my dick made my body shiver, and my breath got caught in my throat.

  When her full, supple lips spread to accommodate my dick and allowed it to slide deeper into her warm mouth, I stopped my hissing breaths so that I could allow the pleasure to sink into me uninterrupted.

  What a fucking way to wake up. This woman… If
angels or demons decided to come and drag my soul to heaven or hell right now, I’d die a happy man.

  “Fuck. That’s it, baby,” I encouraged. The job she was doing on my dick was so good that I had to stop drool from drizzling out of my mouth. I chased every breath that rushed out of me and feared I’d lost control of my left leg.

  The leg dangled over the edge of the bed, and I was too overwhelmed to figure out if it had gone numb or if it was tingling under the influence of sex. I guess it was a good sign that there was still movement in it. My damn toes were pointed to the ceiling, and if I didn’t move them sometime soon, they’d probably end up stuck like that.

  The feeling of her fondling my balls as she jiggled them, while simultaneously sending my dick sliding to the back of her throat, amplified my high. I was losing my fucking mind. How she kept her mouth so wet with moisture, I had no idea. My eyes rolled to the top of my head, and like my stuck toes, I couldn’t bring them down.

  “Does that feel good?” Her warm breath vibrated over my dick. Her smooth voice was the only thing that brought me out of my trance. She had no idea that her question had likely saved me from becoming cross-eyed and saved my damn toes from breaking off.

  “Fuck, yes. It feels like fucking magic. Don’t stop,” I answered, my voice so heavy with lust, it didn’t sound like my own.

  Although my fingers sank into her curls, I didn’t nudge her head down on my dick like I’d done with so many other women. She was doing such a good job on her own, she didn’t need my assistance.

  At times, it seemed Megan knew my body better than I did. That first two weeks she’d spent with me when she was working for my MC, she’d told me that she was studying me because she wanted to remember me. It seemed like those lessons she’d given herself had paid off because she knew exactly how to ease my damn mind clean out of my head.

  My fingers tangled in her hair, giving me something to keep me tethered to this world. Megan had me. She had me so good, I didn’t give one good goddamn how far removed she’d taken me from the world as I knew it.

  I couldn’t talk. I couldn’t breathe. I couldn’t even fucking scream to save myself. When my body started to tingle, and my damn soul acted like it wanted to uproot itself from my body, I couldn’t do shit but moan and cry out.

  It was this overpowering stimulant that started my downward spiral straight into Megan’s world. She’d taken me and locked me down and didn’t even know it. I’d silently watched with a big-ass smile on my face as she threw away the fucking key so that I’d never escape.

  Even if Megan didn’t know it, I did. She was it for me. I was done. I was never going to fuck any other woman if it wasn’t her. I wasn’t going to want any other touching me. Hell, I didn’t even want them looking at me.

  When the smoke cleared, and I could wiggle my toes, open my eyes, and see straight again, it was her beautiful face smiling down at me.

  23 Megan

  “Megan!” Aaron called me from his living room. He sounded impatient as though he’d called for me several times before, but my mind had latched onto what I was doing.

  “Yes? I’m coming,” I called back to him as I reluctantly stepped away from his laptop that he rarely used. Since he’d snatched me from my condo without my laptop or iPad, I used his when my brain became oversaturated with random ideas that I needed to dispel through writing.

  We were heading to the store to pick up a few supplies after I’d let Aaron talk me into staying with him throughout the weekend. I’d lied to him. I didn’t want to lie, but I’d told him that I would come back to him willingly if he let me go long enough to relocate and settle into my new place. When he’d tracked me to my condo a few weeks ago, I’d been a few days from moving.

  This move was going to be the most drastic I’d undertaken. I’d finally decided to leave the country altogether. I’d made plans to move to the Dominican Republic since hopping my way across the United States didn’t feel as safe as it once had.

  If I left Aaron this time, I had to ensure he never found me again. I couldn’t return to him no matter how badly every cell in my body ached for him. I couldn’t let my past catch up with me and get Aaron caught in a firestorm that was meant for me.

  If I didn’t leave Florida and soon, it would be too late to protect Aaron from some shit that I had stirred. He lived a dangerous life, but I embraced danger too. Although I was only twenty-four, I’d flirted with and lived with danger for more than a decade.

  Aaron wasn’t stupid. He knew something was off with me. He’d always known it. He knew that I hadn’t told him everything, so he continued to subtly ask me questions, trying to figure out what else I was hiding from him.

  “You’re quieter than usual. You okay?” he asked, as I sat slumped across from him with my head leaning against the headrest. The vibration of the speeding truck along the smooth path of the road relaxed me.

  “I’m okay. Just thinking,” I answered absently.

  “What are you thinking about?” He asked. His tone was filled with patience and calm that didn’t match his personality. The tolerance and care he’d taken with me during my breakdown had been a blessing. He’d proven that he truly cared for me. He’d cast aside his anger, his ego, and irritation to take care of me. His actions made me love him even more than I already did.

  I couldn’t tell him that I was thinking about leaving him and never returning. For some crazy-ass reason I had yet to figure out how I seemed to make the man happy. I failed to understand how two people who outwardly appeared to be polar opposites, could be so compatible and so much alike. He understood me, and if I were willing to let him, he’d likely enter the gates of hell with me because hell was where I was destined to go. A storm was coming for me. I could sense it like old folks sensed rain, and I wanted to be as far away from Aaron as I could get when it hit.

  When I took too long to answer, he asked, “My MC wasn’t the only group you’ve infiltrated, was it?”

  I shook my head and swallowed hard, not wanting to go where his question might lead.

  “How many others have there been? How many other groups have you manipulated?”

  “Four.” My hoarse tone barely carried over the hum of the truck. I was ashamed for being this way, but I didn’t know any other way.

  “Fuck, Megan! Are you trying to get yourself killed? You have to stop this shit. It’s only a matter of time before you get yourself into a situation you can’t get out of.”

  I was already in a situation I couldn’t get out of and I didn’t want him to be dragged into it. He shook his head as his fists tightened around the stirring wheel.

  “Is this the reason you’re anxious to move away from Florida? Because four dangerous groups of people may be after you at any given moment?”

  “Well, I faked my death a couple of times, so only two groups of dangerous people may be after me.”

  I could tell that my lack of emotion about what I’d done bothered Aaron. He sighed and rubbed his forehead. He seemed to not know what to say to me after my comment.

  The facts that I’d participated in violence with his MC and that Aaron seemed to have a weakness for me were likely the only reasons I remained breathing. That being said, I couldn’t let anything happen to Aaron because of me. I’d finally accepted the cold hard truth—I loved him.

  It had taken no more than thirty minutes to shop for the groceries and personal items we needed. Aaron loaded the bags into the bed of his truck and shut the metal bed cover over the items. As soon as I climbed into his truck and shut the passenger’s door, Aaron’s frantic shout pierced my ears.

  “Megan, get down!”

  Aaron’s booming voice scared the piss out of me. I craned my neck, twisting it from left to right with sharp jerks as I sought to figure out what the hell was going on. My fingers dug into the headrest as I peeked around it, but nothing behind the truck that justified Aaron’s shouts came into view.

  All I heard next was a quick angry burst of Bam! Bam! Bam! Pop! Pop
! Pop!

  The passenger’s side mirror exploded into pieces, encouraging me to finally get my ass down like Aaron had ordered me to. My frantic wide eyes saw nothing but the ceiling and leather seat back of the truck interior as my body failed to catch the breaths that tore harshly from my panicked body.

  My neck jerked in Aaron’s direction when he snatched the driver’s side door open and hopped in. He jammed the keys in the ignition and threw the truck into reverse after it roared to life.

  I didn’t know where he’d gotten a gun from, but one sat wobbling across his lap as he slammed his foot down on the accelerator, sending the truck flying backward.

  In my low crouch on the floor, my body slammed into the glove box, but I was more concerned about what was happening outside than being tossed around inside the truck. Aaron half ducked while twisting his neck to glance back to see where he was directing the truck.

  A loud clap rattled the back window, cracking it but not breaking it. Instinctively, I closed my eyes when pieces of glass rained down on me from someplace inside the truck. A powerful whack brought the truck to a sudden stop, sending me plowing into the seat bottom.

  The engine released a loud scream as Aaron seemingly attempted to drive the accelerator through the floor to get us moving again. An elongated scratch of metal against metal filled my ears followed by a loud knocking sound that made the truck rear up. We’d run over something that was meant to keep us immobile. We may have even hit a person.

  Just as fast as Aaron had put the truck in reverse, he threw it into drive and stomped on the accelerator again. All while, what I assumed were bullets, pelted the outside of the truck’s body. I cringed and drew my body into a tighter ball with each thump, but my desperate eyes remained wide as my brain conjured up answers.


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