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Desired by the Alien

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by Sabrina Kade

  Desired by the Alien

  Rebels of Sidyth

  Book Five

  If he’s not careful, she’ll carry his secrets to her grave.

  Sabrina Kade

  Copyright ©2019 by Sabrina Kade

  ASIN: B07QD352CG

  Cover Illustration by Kasmit Covers

  Typography & formatting by Dark Wish Designs

  Editing services provided by Moonlight Proofreading

  All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, recording or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the copyright holder.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.















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  Twenty human women have their own reasons for selling their bodies to aliens for money, and none of their stories are the same. And it’s these twenty women who find themselves together on an assignment claiming to be different from the rest. Most alien races don’t bring twenty women at once. Most aliens don’t say they’re looking for a Chosen mate. And certainly, most aliens don’t promise human females that they can stay with them forever. More importantly, they’re no longer going to be seen as pets. And while plenty of the women are happy to carry the new title of equal, many believe their unique circumstances are too good to be true. After all, aliens aren’t kind to humans. And what little history they know of their new buyers – Sidyths –isn’t promising.

  Sidyths originate on Sidetha and are known throughout the galaxy for disrespecting women. They say they’re weak. They say they’re impulsive. And if the females on their homeworld don’t measure up, they’re thrown into something referred to as “the hunt”. There are a few who know about this, but their lips are sealed.

  Luckily, this isn’t their homeworld, and these Sidyths claim to be different from the rest.

  Exiled from home for refusing to follow Sidyth custom and sent to an out of the way world to fade into obscurity, their numbers are hard to guess, and their motivations are more opaque. And while some of these aliens claim they’re different, there are often homesick whisperings of the fatherland.

  The Sidyths are somewhat humanoid in appearance; only they’re also seven feet tall, pale, covered in scales, and continuously freezing without the constant presence of sun rayers or heat. They have a surprising amount of comfort considering their exile status, and the women have recently figured out that they have a former Sidyth royal, Prince Korben, to thank for that. Thanks to the mercy of the prince’s father, despite the rainy days and horrific creatures living in the forests, life isn’t terrible.

  But life as a space entertainer isn’t great yet either.

  Prince Korben didn’t order twenty human females to Hethdiss for fun. He’s looking for a mate. He wishes all his most trusted brothers to find mates as well. He longs to create a utopia where women are treated equally, and thanks to the research of one of his closest allies, they’ve found the most compatible species at a low cost. Most of Prince Korben’s brothers are thrilled at the idea of having a human female mate, but few of the human women are not that enthusiastic. Prince Korben promises that all the human women will be safe and welcome to stay if they’re happy on Hethdiss, but most of these women have been working too long to take the promise of an alien too seriously.

  Things are going well enough for the humans the past few months. Prince Korben has found a mate in Blythe, the busty, feisty de facto leader of the group who continually has doubts if anyone likes her anymore. And there are three more successful pairings – Azan and York and Hujun and Ellis, and most recently Layla and Dolan. There isn’t much to question at the moment – except everything. The women care for their mates, but there’s always a whisper of secrets. Because while things to be going well enough, life on Hethdiss is only a bubble. The Sidyths refuse to talk about the north, though several of the human females have gone there. And no one is saying a word about what’s happening in the south. The bubble of safety Prince Korben has created is nice, but some of the females think no one should have secrets.

  Sloane is most certainly one of these women, but it also has something to do with the moody, mysterious alien who seems to care for her, keeps disappearing for longer and longer periods of time. Her past isn’t as bleak as some of the others, so she thinks she’s the best candidate to learn the Sidyth’s secrets. This is where Desired by the Alien begins.



  “Seriously, Sloane. I love your hair so much.”

  I roll my eyes but endure as Layla rubs her nose into my hair. However, if she does this one more time I’m going to pop. I’d never hurt her for real, and she’s obsessed with scents lately, but I’m not proud of my hair. It’s not me. The deep crimson color is unnatural and ridiculous. I’d call it alien but not with several actual aliens within hearing range. She’s only too happy to press her face into the processed color one more time before her Chosen mate, Dolan, thankfully comes to my rescue.

  “You are too invasive with this female. Only a male should do that.”

  “No thanks,” I mutter. “Layla’s fine.”

  “I don’t know what it is!” Layla squeaks, so much happier than I’ve heard her in months. “She smells like strawberries. Isn’t that amazing? She fucking smells like strawberries!”

  “This term is not familiar to me,” Dolan replies in a low voice, staring hard at his mate. “Layla, please. The female is uncomfortable. Do you wish to smell my hair?”

  She huffs. “You smell like movie theater popcorn. If I smell you now, I’ll get sick.”

  Dolan stumbles back as though this statement deeply offends him. “You are not pleased with my scent?”

  “Not now! I’m in the first trimester. I need smells I like, not smells you’d like me to like.”

  Dolan makes a sound that starts from deep in his chest, but he pulls Layla away from my hair anyway. She’s still grinning, though, pressing her hand up against Dolan’s chest and while he smiles down at her like they’re living out a fairy tale. I hate to admit it, but my heart aches to find happiness as she has. I didn’t think anything would make Layla smile as much as she has lately, but low and behold, Dolan’s huge creepy grin and hulking arms have turned Layla into a person I barely recognize.

  A plus-sized princess with a prince at her side.

  It’s not a terrible thing.

  I’m lonely, I guess.

  “Where is your mate?” Dolan asks, shaking me from my fantasies. He pulls Layla by the waist, more firmly against his chest and she snickers.

  Not annoying. Not annoying. I
swear, they’re not annoying at all.

  “He’s not my mate, and I don’t know where he is.” I shake my head, hating that; one, I don’t know, and two, I care.

  “He should stay here,” Dolan notes, and I couldn’t agree more. “He has a female to take care of.”

  “I don’t need anyone to take care of me,” I grumble, but once Dolan’s on a chauvinist rant, there’s no stopping him. I try not to take it personally. He worships the ground Layla walks on, but it grates on my nerves because I want someone to look at me the way Dolan looks at Layla. Dolan’s always had a crush on Layla, but I never imagined it would grow so intense once they Chose each other as mates. I turn back to the two of them, wondering when I became the third wheel.

  “I’m sure he’ll be back soon enough. Most of the time he’s gone for only a few hours.”

  Layla turns serious. “It’s getting longer. He was gone for almost three days, and Prince Korben doesn’t say anything. Maybe he doesn’t know.”

  “Perhaps he is not concerned. Exer knows what he is doing.” Dolan shrugs. “Why take a mate if he has no plans to watch over her? I will watch over you for now, See-loan, while he is gone, but please, try to keep him around for longer periods so I may spend time with my mate.”

  I roll my eyes. “Whatever, Dolan.” I’m too tired to get in an argument with him.

  “Well…” Layla shifts uncomfortably back and forth on her feet. “We were going to take a walk or something. You, uh, want to join us?”

  I try not to furrow my dyed eyebrows at her. I love Layla. I do. She’s gone through a lot, and she always manages to power through, but Layla and Dolan are a bit much. And Dolan’s manly man speeches while Layla snuffles through my hair like a blind puppy? Insufferable. I’m relieved when they leave, lay on my back, and stare up at the ceiling in the Gathering Room. This place isn’t terrible, but almost all the girls here take care of their own business.

  Blythe has a baby now.

  York, Ellis, and Layla are all pregnant and are rarely left alone.

  Lacey hates everything having to do with aliens or males in general.

  The workout twins have each other.

  Celeste hangs out with that old alien in the man bun and Phoebe, if left to her own devices, would have two aliens worshipping her. I’m pretty sure which one she likes more out of the two but with the way she’s acting, I guess she likes the attention.

  Attention. That would be nice.

  It’s funny, everyone says Exer is my future mate, but I don’t think so. For one, I like him more as a friend. I’m not looking for a guy like him. Why? Because he’s not warm and engaging. He’s standoffish and reserved. I guess he’d listen to Drake or Nightwish back on Earth, and dress up in black hoodies, and talk about how life is meaningless. Which is fine. No judgement here, but I’d rather have that kind of guy as a friend. He’s not what I’m looking for in a mate.

  Besides, even if I did want Exer, he’s been more reserved than ever lately. He doesn’t exactly act like he wants me.

  He keeps disappearing. His ‘trips’ used to be for a few hours. Now, it’s like Layla says, he’s gone for days. And though he disappears for such a long time without a word, no one calls him out on it. He acts like everything’s fine when he comes back. Like I imagined he disappeared. A real Prince Charming would never make a lady feel that way, and that’s only one of the many reasons why I would never want Exer as a partner.

  I sigh loudly, placing my hands on my stomach. Layla’s pregnant with Dolan’s baby. An alien’s baby. The alien she’s Chosen for a mate worships her. He’s annoying, but he’s also good to Layla. My scalp itches with prickles of jealousy, but I ignore it. It’s not fair.

  “When you going to wash that shit out?” Lacey calls from the opposite side of the Gathering Room. When I turn, she points at her own, midnight black tresses. “The dye? When are you going to take it out?”

  I snarl. “I told you. It doesn’t wash out. It’s like, I don't know. Alien hair dye.”

  “Whatever. You should ask one of the assholes. They can probably help you.”

  “They’re not assholes, Lacey.”

  “They’re aliens who buy women off the black market. They can color themselves whatever they want, but they’re fuckers who buy people to satisfy their sexual needs. Nothing will change my mind but you? If you don’t care that you’re nothing but a sexual plaything for them, you should ask one of them to wash that shit out. It doesn’t look right on you. You’d be pretty if you could go back to your natural hair color.”

  “You’ve never seen my natural hair color,” I shoot back.

  “I can imagine.”

  I turn away from her and try to take a nap. If Exer isn’t going to come back today, there’s not much else for me to do. Doesn’t Lacey understand? Yes, of course, I want to wash this color out, but I’m terrified of going through the process. I hated having my hair dyed, and my skin primped. I hated everything about getting dolled up, but it’s not like Lacey knows anything about it. Why would she? I sure as Snickers don’t talk about my past.

  I’m a horrible person. Layla’s shared so much with me about her, and I’ve offered nothing.

  Layla sees me as some model-esque redhead. She always talks about how jealous she is of me. My smooth, dark-red hair. My pale, blemish-free skin. My body. Does she believe this is all natural? For years I was nothing but a guinea pig for an alien who liked to create beauty out of ugliness. My last owner was obsessed with creating beauty. He was convinced he could make aliens – even humans – pretty enough to purchase.

  I suppose I’m blessed in one way. My last alien owner never wanted pleasure from me. He never rented me out to other aliens who did want me to pleasure them. Nope. He was too worried about how they would ruin his precious model. His doll. His brydyla. Others here have had it much worse than me, and I get that. But being treated as something so non-sexual for years can’t be that much better than being anything but a sexual object.

  Ugh. Maybe I am nothing more than an ungrateful baby.

  I’m trying desperately not to be. I’m grateful to be on Hethdiss. I’m thankful to have Layla.

  I’m grateful to have Exer, despite him ignoring me lately.

  Sometimes I wish Exer was more present. No, that’s not what I mean. I wish he wouldn’t disappear so much, or if he did, he’d take me with him wherever he disappears to. Or he’d at least offer.

  But that’s not Exer’s way.

  I want someone to want me like Dolan always ached for Layla.

  I want someone to hover and watch over me like Hujun does for Ellis.

  The only thing that Exer aches for is wherever he’s been going to lately.

  I close my eyes for a brief reprieve from my frustration. In the darkness, I will always find the light. Just like I did as a child, and like I did during my years with Alino. In the dark, a fairy tale begins. In the dark, I can find a happy ending.

  In the dark, Prince Charming always comes to the light.

  Alino liked to keep me in a cage, but not in the erotic novel sense. There were four translucent walls and a locked door, but it wasn’t terrible. I had a bed with a blanket and a place I could use the bathroom with privacy. Alino was offbeat, even for an alien. His race was called Rinoscs, which I find pretty fitting considering Alino looked humanoid, except for a few key differences. He had a horn on top of his nose. But unlike the nose I would have seen on a rhinoceros, his was deep harsh red like the rest of his skin. The Rinoscs had red, molten skin similar to the texture of an elephant’s, and Rinoscs ambled on two legs. They had two eyes that were usually grey, though I had seen a few with shades closer to blue, and thin, barely visible lips. Their walking legs bent back much like the hind legs of a dog’s tipped with heavy hooves. Their hands were also hooves but through the cracks of those hooves were three fingers and a thumb.

  Considering the stories I’ve heard from the other girls, Alino wasn’t the most alien creature, and thankfully one of the only re
asons I truly feared him was on makeover day.

  On makeover day, he would sit me in the stiff, uncomfortable chair across from my bed and circle around several times. His hooves clicked on the hard floor, and I’d often grow shaky and cold under his appraising looks. His attention always made me squirm, but after a few months, I came to find out that Alino wasn’t interested in sex. He made it clear from the beginning that he found me most ugly but based on the research he made about human pets, he was also aware that I was attractive. And that attraction would be most profitable.

  And so, after clapping his hoof on the ground when he came up with an idea, he would lumber out of the room to gather the supplies needed. He never told me much about what we're doing. I assumed it would be modeling, either for a catalog or store, and I had to constantly remind myself that this wasn’t bad. Alino didn’t want me for sex. That was the last thing he wanted from me. Alino’s true love was credits. Space money. Whatever they called it, that’s what he wanted, and I was able to earn him plenty.

  A few minutes would pass before I’d hear the telltale sign of Alino returning to start his work. The creaking of the wheels. He was bringing the cart back with him, and right before he reentered my cage, the lights overhead would brighten considerably, nearly blinding me. Alino needed this much light so he could fill in all my impurities. I remember how I would keep staring ahead, watching him roll in that cart like something right out of an Eli Roth movie, and my hands would grow so slick with sweat that they’d slide on the armrests.

  Alino would grin then, that thin-lipped smile and park the cart next to my chair before locking the door to my cage behind him. I’d always look at the cart, hoping that something – anything – would give me an idea as to what his plans were. I was pretty used to most of it after only a few weeks, but I still hated the process to achieve his vision.


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