Desired by the Alien

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Desired by the Alien Page 17

by Sabrina Kade

  Then something wet and slick slimes across my face. I scream and scramble back into the hole, wiping away the stinky gunk from my eyes and nose. It burns, so I’m in a panic trying to wipe it away. I don’t notice the massive creature filling the open space of my hole and the horrible gurgle belches that accompany the foul breath.

  Wait. Gurgles? Belches?

  I shoot my head up and break into a huge smile. “Hinda!” I squeak, rising to my knees so I can look at the creature right in the eyes. She’s panting like an overly hot pig, her breath stinks, and slime drool coats her bulldog-like maw, but I don’t give a flying frick!

  “You wonderful, glorious, slimy, stinky beast!” I squeal, wrapping my arms around her thick, leathery neck. She keeps panting and puffing all over me and slime from her mouth drips down my back, but nothing could pull me away from her now. “Oh, Hinda. You saved me. I thought you didn’t like me…” I start sobbing like an idiot as reality comes pounding over like ocean waves.

  Hinda saved me. When Exer didn’t, this amazing alien bulldog lumbered in and saved the day, err, night. Whichever. I’m alive. I’m not fauder chow, and this realization fills me with such joy that I start blubbering. I squeeze her neck harder.

  “Oh Hinda, thank you. Thank you so much. I’ve made so many mistakes. I yelled at Exer. I called him silly. He said some things too, but I was the worst. I became obsessed with knowing everything about him when he probably shared too much already. There’s nothing wrong with keeping secrets, is there, girl?” I nuzzle her smushy, slobbery face, tears skimming down my cheeks. “There’s nothing wrong with having some secrets, so long as we’re happy and safe. If it’s something I need to know, he’ll tell me, right?”

  Hinda slobbers across my face as her answer.

  I want to hug and kiss this reptilian bulldog for hours as a thank you, but of course, my luck decides to run out and more rustling becomes audible behind us. I lift my head, and sure enough, three or four giant fluffy white puffs hang back in the distance.

  Not all the fauders left. Hinda scared them off for a little while, but there’s always going to be more. And Hinda, as wonderful as she is, is only one animal. She can’t possibly fight off a bunch of these things. And even if she did try to stick around to save me, why should she? Who am I?

  Why do I deserve to be saved when I keep making mistakes over and over again?

  “I shouldn’t have left,” I whisper, eyes widening when I see a few more white fuzz balls crawling behind the others. That’s about six of them now. Maybe more are coming.

  Hinda lazily glances over her shoulder, and a low growl escapes when she catches a glimpse of the crowding fauders. She moves away from the trunk of the tree and thumps down heavily on all six feet. I still forget how big she is despite looking like a docile dog, but there’s no possible way. She can’t fight them off. Worst of all? I can’t let her do this alone. Despite having nothing to fight off the fauders, I crawl out from the tree and stand next to Hinda. I brace my hand on her neck as she gurgle barks as the fauders loom in closer.

  I could run, but there’s no way I’ll be able to escape.

  Plus, I want to stay here with Hinda. She reminds me of Exer. Kind, reliable Exer who had some secrets that I couldn’t let go.

  And because of being impulsive and having my luck run out, I’m most likely going to die today. There’s probably going to be a commotion. Someone will probably come across my body in the next day or two, and Lacey will scream that Exer probably had something to do with it. And it’s not a wrong conclusion to reach. After all, I made Exer out to be the bad one. I didn’t talk to Lacey about what was bothering me. Then I disappeared.

  My lucky streak had to run out eventually, but I didn’t think it would mean I would have to die. There’s still so much I want to do. I want to tell Exer I’m sorry. I want him to know I Choose him as a mate, and I hope he will still Choose me.

  I want to give him a family and create a life on Hethdiss.

  I’ll never be a princess, but Exer’s always been my prince.

  And now, I’ll never get to tell him that.

  I scratch Hinda’s leathery ear as a few fauders leave the shelter of the trees to crawl closer.

  “Well, girl. I guess this is it. No one’s going to say Sloane died without a fight. If you want to go, though, Hinda, you can.” My lower lip trembles, but it’s the right thing to do. “They’re not after you, Hinda. You saved me. I already made a fool of myself in front of Exer. I’m not about to get his pet killed, too.”

  Hinda tilts her head up but remains still.

  “Stupid lizard dog, go! Don’t you hear me? You don’t have to stay. Make sure Exer finds my body or something. I don’t know how suicide missions work.” I sniff hard and pinch my eyes shut when a few more fauders draw closer. There’s six of them, all with bodies at least as big as basketballs and limbs that could stretch to be as tall as I am on two legs. They’re terrifying to behold, but I’m not going to run. If Hinda’s going to stand her ground, so am I.

  The trees rustle more loudly.

  Great. More fauders.

  This is how I’ll die on Hethdiss.



  “There!” I point ahead, and Glykoran, Dolan, and Drazal are right on my heels.

  There’s a cluster of white in the distance, and in my heart and soul, I know this is where my Chosen is. I heard her scream only once, and that’s all I needed to keep my legs pumping. My brothers are slower than me, but they are here, and when I stop behind the group of fauders, they are right on my heels.

  My brothers.

  I did not have to ask them twice to help me. I told them I worried my mate was doing something stupid, and they came without further questioning.

  Dolan came because how much my mate means to his mate. Glykoran came because he felt it was partially his fault that she escaped. Drazal came because Drazal has always been an honorable male.

  And now, before us is a scene I never wanted to face.

  I see a splash of red hair ahead, right in my grasp and yet so far away. Six fauders divide us, and they are the bravest because no fauder would want to face Hinda alone. And there she is, my great idekeiss protecting the female I’ve become frustrated with at times yes but have also fallen for.

  My two favorite females stand strong together.

  They will not die today. Not when there is something I can do.

  I charge ahead, releasing a roar that would frighten even the largest of dareks, and the fauders lazily turn from their prey to see what is making such a fuss behind them. My heart aches with what I’m about to do, but I realize now, there is something more important than not killing animals.

  That’s saving Sloane.

  Her blue eyes widen in the moonlight when she sees me running toward the pack with one brother at each of my flanks, and one at the rear. I roar and the fauders reel back toward Hinda and Sloane. They’re hoping to steal a taste before they meet their end, but my brothers and I are quicker. We draw our weapons and begin to eliminate the problem.

  Slice. Never again will a fauder frighten Sloane.

  Slice. Never again will I say hurtful words that make my Chosen doubt her existence.

  Slice. Never again will I protect an animal over the life my mate.

  My sword easily cuts through the fauders thin legs and they scramble to get away from the three of us. And Hinda, my dear sweet female, feeling that she no longer has to protect Sloane, joins in and starts snapping at the fauders bulbous bodies. A horrible squelching sound fills the air with each crunch, but relief washes over me as well. Their legs grow back, but if Hinda snaps their body, they are as good as dead.

  I hate killing these magnificent creatures.

  But I hate the idea of losing Sloane so much more.

  Four of the six fauders are dead between blinks, and the other two scrambles to save their lives. They never imagined the pale, two-legged predators would attack them. We Sidyths are a peaceful ra
ce, but not if it means putting our brothers in danger. Or our females. We may only eat plants, but our teeth still carry our predatorial history. Drazal and Glykoran chase away the last two fauders with Hinda nipping playfully at their heels as though this is a game, and I can’t help smirking.

  The danger is over. My mate is safe.

  Sloane stares at me, almost as though she is afraid to approach, and I fall to my knees. I am ashamed of my behavior. I called her violent when she has never shown any signs of this since coming to Hethdiss. Even if she were, that is her people. My people are no better in a lot of ways. We are made by the company we keep, and if Sloane is truly cruel and violent, she has undoubtedly done an excellent job at hiding it. My skin crawls at the memory of calling her primitive. My Sloane is many things, but she is not primitive.

  I am trembling now because Sloane still does not approach me.

  I do not blame her. I am a horrible male for calling her the names I have. I am as arrogant as Dolan to think Sloane would ever consider Choosing me as a mate now—

  Then there’s a flash of red and white.

  Sloane. My beautiful human female is sprinting toward me as fast as her long, pale legs can carry her. She is running to me. She flings herself into my arms and wraps her legs around my waist. I hoist her up as her warm presence washes over my chilled skin. She is here, in my arms. She has forgiven me. I never want to let her go.

  She is mine.

  “I’m sorry,” she mutters, crying against my skin. “I’m sorry I said those things. Keep your secrets. Keep all the secrets you want. Please, forgive me.”

  I squeeze her tightly, and she releases a puff of air into the scales on the back of my neck. “You have nothing to apologize for. It is I who must apologize to you. You are right. I should not keep secrets. Anything you need to know, anything at all, I want you to ask me. Do you want to know about the south? I will tell you. Do you want to know about the north? I will tell you that as well.”

  “No, no… you can keep those your secrets—”

  “Then at least let me tell you one thing, Sloane. Please. Look at me.” I gently pry her away from my neck, and though I fear Dolan and Drazal are returning, I only stare at my sweet, impulsive human female. “I learned something today. Do you wish to know what I learned?” She sniffs, nodding so demurely that my sack tightens. I groan, trying to remain focused. “I learned that I do hate murdering animals.” She winces, but I continue. “Do you know what I hate more?”

  “What?” she asks softly.

  I boost her into my arms until our noses touch. “The idea of losing you.”

  She breaks into a toothy grin, and I’m unable to resist her. I press my lips against hers in a passionate kiss, dancing my tongue with hers. She writhes and moans between kisses, and it’s only when we both hear someone clearing their throat that we stop and turn.

  “Are we heading back?” Dolan asks. “I’d like to do some of that with my mate if you don’t mind, Exer.”

  His words should annoy me. But the air is still clear. I don’t smell anything that makes me hot and itchy. The desperation on my brother’s skin no longer fills my nostrils until I can barely breathe.

  Is it because I have a Chosen mate of my own? Here? In my arms? Does my brother’s desperation no longer matter because I have found happiness? It certainly feels that way.

  I boost Sloane higher into my arms as we all turn to walk back to the lairs and Hinda lumbers out from between some trees, her maw covered in blood and detached legs. Her vast mouth opens when she sees me carrying Sloane, and she bounds around the two of us, nudging my knees as though she wants some attention of her own.

  “Oh my gosh, she’s so much like a dog,” Sloane says, shaking her head. “Hey, Exer. You can put me down now. My legs work just fine.”

  “I am sure they do. But I enjoy carrying my mate.”

  Her eyes widen. “Did… did you say, mate?” I nod. “Does this mean… you…”

  “I Choose you, Sloane. If you’ll have me.” My heart stops as she seems to think this over. Have I asked her too quickly? Glykoran, Dolan and Drazal pick up the pace as though sensing this awkwardness. Despite saving her, Sloane has no obligation to accept me as her mate. I have failed her on many occasions.

  But I love her. I think she loves me.

  “I know I have not—”

  The words die in my throat as Sloane slams her lips against mine. Her arms tighten around my neck, and there is nothing better than the sharp pain. She acts this way because of her passionate nature. Yes. My Sloane is a passionate one. She is also impulsive. I have a feeling this will not be the last time she works herself into a mess.

  But I will always be there for her. I will always love her.

  I will always be hers.

  I kiss her deeply, finding that beautiful ‘dancing’ between our tongues. She is so light I can continue walking back to the lairs with her in my arms, and her lips against mine. It has been too long since I touched or tasted her.

  I’m relieved when so few of my brothers approach us. Sloane and I must be quite the scene to behold. I am carrying around a human female while our lips are locked together. Few of my brothers have seen any passion from me, and now I’m barely in control of myself. I am sure that if I could smell desperation in the past, then Glykoran, Drazal and Dolan must scent mine.

  I must claim her.

  The dark-hued one who hangs around Glykoran notices us return, and her eyes widen.

  “Everything all right here?”

  “Everything’s fine!” Sloane chirps. “I… Chose him. We Chose each other.”

  Warmth blossoms in my chest. I love hearing these words from Sloane’s lips. I grunt that I am taking her to my room. I have to give her pleasure. I must claim her as mine.

  We move quickly through the dark halls, and I can’t pay attention to anything other than Sloane writhing in my grasp. I quickly pull the curtain to my private lair aside and move her to the bed without words. I remove her top, and she removes her pants as I peel off all the layers I wore to chase after her.

  I am such a lucky male. Gazing down into Sloane’s light blue eyes, my sack tightens. I have made it this far, and now I am going to claim this human female as mine. I never thought anyone could care for me after what happened with Lavig. I never thought I could want anyone after what happened with Lavig. Sloane has always intrigued me, but I truly believed we would only be friends as she requested. I could become lost in my animals. I care about them, yes, but I realize now that it would never compare to the way I feel about Sloane.

  I care about animals, but I love Sloane.

  I hate hurting animals, but I hate the idea of losing Sloane so much more.

  I almost lost her today because of my silly beliefs.

  It is not as though I plan on injuring animals for sport. Of course not. But from now on, Sloane will always come first. Including right now.

  Sloane smiles up at me, bare and exposed and my heart explodes in my chest. She has always intrigued me, but she has never looked so attractive as she does spread upon my sheets. “Thank you so much, Exer. You have this amazing habit of saving my life.”

  I lower my head to kiss her, already addicted to the dancing of tongues and she responds immediately.

  “I will always save you, my Chosen,” I hiss softly before pressing my lips to her neck several times.

  “You’re like my Prince Charming.”

  I pull away. “You see me as a prince?”

  She snickers. “How could I not? You’re always saving my life and looking dang hot while doing it. I always wanted someone who would come and save me. Someone who would want me so badly that they couldn’t contain themselves. I’ll be honest, I didn’t think you could be that guy.”

  “This is why you only wanted to be friends, yes?”

  She blushes, looking away. With a simple movement, I pull her face so it’s back to facing mine. My Chosen mate is beautiful. My cock already stands at full mast simply from the
trip back and having her naked before me. Still, I must know what Sloane wants. If she wants me to be this prince, I will do everything to be this being for her. I cannot remember if Prince Charming is a ruler of her homeworld, but I suppose that it doesn’t matter.

  Prince Charming will never have her. She’s mine now. She will be forever.

  “Even if I did, Exer. I don’t think it matters anymore. You proved me wrong. There’s no one more like Prince Charming than you.”

  “Ahh,” I say softly, “You are complimenting me.”

  “I always knew you were a quick one.” Something playful flickers in her eyes, and she pulls my face closer to hers. “But that’s enough chat. We’re safe, and right now the only thing I want to do is kiss my alien.”

  A small groan escapes my lips. Sloane is the alien, but hearing her call me hers, unleashes a monster inside of me. I crawl further up her body, taking in the scent of her bloody-red hair and the softness of the skin covering her collarbone. She always smells divine, and I trace my tongue across her bared skin, wanting to taste her everywhere.

  She is mine. I will be able to do this all day, every day if I should so desire.

  We continue kissing, and I enjoy everything about it. I enjoy seeing the lusty look in her eyes between kisses, and the way our bodies glide against the others. She is soft and smooth and lacking scales. Her body reminds me so much of my own, and yet, she is still so alien.

  I reach out and cup one of her breasts, finding them small, but delightfully plush. I squeeze the little pink bud at the tip, and Sloane arches her back, pushing her breasts more fully into my hand. I enjoy this reaction from her and repeat the act several times, growing harder and more excited with each bursting scent of her arousal.

  My hand snakes lower, enjoying the softness of her stomach and the hair covering her cunt. I brush my hands across the light brown curls, smiling when my mate grows more and more needy.

  “Exer, please,” she pants. “Please. Put it inside of me.”


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